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  1. Jobo 2509N reel problem
  2. Safely Dispose of Used Clearing Bath
  3. Is 4 z Step ULF Prints REAL ULF
  4. First time dryplates development stripes
  5. How to cut a 500’ roll of bulk film? Anyone with experience?
  6. Carbon Transfer Print: Monte Lake Fire
  7. How to create a replenisher?
  8. Seeking Grainy Paper Negative Developer
  9. life of photo flo
  10. Question about film development and contrast
  11. Pigment Grinding
  12. Stain Free Brush Toning Cyanotypes with Tannic Acid
  13. DD23 capacity question
  14. How to develop half plate film in a Jobo CPE2 plus
  15. 4x5 TXP missing edge markings
  16. Platinum/Palladium prints...varnished
  17. DEV IT down?
  18. Pyrocat for "Seriously" Outdated Film?
  19. Aviphot vs. "Svema" vs. green x-ray vs. mammography ?
  20. Printmaker's Friend Over Kallitype
  21. Shipping film
  22. Using TF2 as my main fixer while traveling.
  23. salt print toning
  24. indicator stop bath
  25. Help with TF4 / TF5 vs ilford rapid fixer - pros & cons
  26. C-41 Processing: Searching for Opinions of Chemistry Brands
  27. Arista sheet film
  28. Adox new color film
  29. Age fog
  30. Film Problem with HP5 ?
  31. My experience with expired dry plates
  32. 4x5 Developing tank
  33. Shooting expired Tri-x 6years old ?
  34. Kodak-branded chemicals available (Photo Systems Inc.)
  35. Fomapan filter factors ?
  36. Paper switching
  37. Old Kodak film stock by emulsion #
  38. Scovill Printing Frame format?
  39. Selecting Paper
  40. Negative Intensification (KRST)
  41. Push and Pull
  42. DIY photobook?
  43. Selenium Intensifying A Negative
  44. PyrocatHD no tan (?)
  45. Trying Out EMA
  46. Fstop timing
  47. enlarger conversions
  48. 8x10 Colour sheet film
  49. simple universal development tank, 2x3, 4x5, 5x7, 8x10
  50. Ouch! This hurts!
  51. Dry plate development
  52. Why TF-5 Fixer??
  53. acros II 4x5
  54. Mortensen's Glycin Variant Film Developer
  55. Need some advice regarding a project I'm working on
  56. What's your go-to when you want pronounced grain on BW sheet film?
  57. Black Spots on Scanned 4x5 Negatives. Arista Ultra EDU 100 ISO
  58. 8x10 shooters, can HP5 come close to Tri-X 320?
  59. Rodinal and Stearman 4x5 tank
  60. Adox CMS 20 II & Mortensen's Glycin Variant
  61. Gold Toning
  62. X Ray fixer question
  63. Just bought a box of expired TMAX400 25 sheet 8x10
  64. Arista EDU Ultra 400 (8x10) With Rodinal. Any thoughts on dilution and speed?
  65. Fomapan 200 pink : fixer change
  66. New Jobo Chemistry Announcement
  67. 1930s Notch code ID
  68. Rebuilding my Zone VI water tempering system
  69. Need Help with Platinum/Palladium Print
  70. Expired TMAX 4x5 Readyloads - Worth the time?
  71. Unexposed strip at bottom of 8x10 negatives
  72. Photographers' Formulary BW-65 vs. Bromophen
  73. oxide or sulfide
  74. Bellini Photo
  75. How to store impressed sheets
  76. 15 Month Old PC-512 Still Working!
  77. Help! Mouse Pee On Negatives!
  78. Reel for rotating development in Paterson three reel tank?
  79. Ilford ULF order for 2024
  80. Adox CMS 20 II & TD-3 Two-Part Developer
  81. lupex users - prefered paper developer?
  82. Bellini?
  83. Anybody using WD2H+?
  84. Salted Prints Where Have You Been All My Life?!
  85. Rollei IR in 510-Pyro
  86. Why BLACK & White PRINTS!
  87. used film developper for paper
  88. Pyrocat M stain issue
  89. First time opening a sheet film box (Shanghai Film): looking for warnings and advice
  90. Short Dated Foma Fomapan100 in 9x12cm and 400 in 5x7 at Freestyle online
  91. Adox CMS 20 II: 35mm VS 4x5
  92. Problems developing Fomapan in a B&W King 5x7 developing tank
  93. Another Stearman Tank Question
  94. Pre-Exposing Adox CMS 20 II
  95. Zebra Tinplate
  96. Jobo print question
  97. Is My Expired Cachet Photo Paper Still Usable?
  98. Correct orientation of LF film in hangers
  99. How Critical is Wash Temperature?
  100. When to use a hardener when processing B&W film
  101. De Vere 5108
  102. Prepping to try Zebra Dry Tintypes - safe processing?
  103. Starting points for processing expired Tri-X 320 ??
  104. Old Powdered Fixer Vacuum Sealed Still Good?
  105. 11x14 DIY Enlarger - Re-Thinking Light Source
  106. Development Failure
  107. Understanding Push/Pull vs extended/reduced development
  108. Found some IR film...
  109. Howard glass, best
  110. Looking for feedback on my new darkroom build.
  111. fomabrom variant 111 safelight?
  112. Black Salt Print
  113. Anybody Here Using Ortho Litho Film with Prebath?
  114. Agfa/Ansco 48 -- anyone using this or similar "old" formula?