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  1. New Darkroom Videos
  2. Film Washer and Deep Tanks from PVC - video
  3. Pre-wash/soak and development time (B&W neg), or don't assume
  4. Shelf life of Kodak hardener
  5. Ilford Warmtone Fiber Paper Silver Halides?
  6. Weston Nudes and the Friends of Photography
  7. What Product(s) Are People Using to Spot Their Prints?
  8. My Old Notebook from the Yosemite Workshop
  9. Huge Book 3000 pages Processing Bible Gasser
  10. E6 Troublshooting (weird splotch on 5x7 transparency)
  11. Error in divided development yields surprising effect
  12. Printing Ilford MG Classic and Cooltone with a Zone VI VC enlarger
  13. Graphic Film Packs
  14. Playing Around With PC-512 Borax B&W Film Developer
  15. Amidol trouble shooting
  16. Jobo ATL 2 Plus vs ATL1500 for B&W Sheet Film Development
  17. Brief observation on compensating development with D23
  18. Curled ILFORD paper
  19. VIDEO: LED Conversion UPDATE - and test prints
  20. Heiland TRD-2 - calibration
  21. Making pure Triethanolamine out of 85% water solution
  22. Foma 200?
  23. Contact Printing 11x14 film - paper and chemicals
  24. Getting a scale for Metolian consistency
  25. Rollo Pyro Questions
  26. Help with QL45 reel uneven development
  27. Film sheet 4x5 color
  28. Has anybody tried Simmard Drum rotator (shaker) for film development
  29. Safelight Test - video
  30. Kodak price increase
  31. Can a ground glass substitute for Anti-Newton-Ring Glass?
  32. Depth of Field for Enlarging Lens
  33. D-23 stock shelf life
  34. F-6 fixer without hardener
  35. High contrast film for double exposure?
  36. Exposing and developing negatives for Lodima G3
  37. simple sepia toner formula?
  38. Heico Perma-Wash vs. Ilford Wash-Aid Logistics?
  39. Old Darkroom Paper - Testing, Developing, Light Sensitivity Q's
  40. Why is this Happening?
  41. 1963 Expired Panatomic-X 4x5 Film!
  42. Valley Litho Supply Perfection film developer
  43. Starting Over
  44. Ortho film
  45. 1963 Panatomic-X & TMX 100 Comparison
  46. How To Improve The Archival Qualities of a C-Print?
  47. The Mysterious 14x17 XRAY Film Double-Exposure!
  48. Cyanotype on fabric
  49. D23 Replenishing
  50. Question for the chemists
  51. Hot drying prints - matte or glossy
  52. Jobo Ro-Tank 4323
  53. Friends of Photography, Portfolio 1 from 1969
  54. Frustrated with current printing paper surfaces....
  55. F/stop printing chart
  56. printing cyanotypes on hahnemuhle platinum rag (challenges)
  57. Red Sensitive Film?
  58. Red Safe
  59. How can I find a copy of Gordon Hutching's Book of Pyro ? Is there a PDF of it?
  60. BLIX difference between RA4 and C41
  61. Flat Prints
  62. What are Master Printers using for enlarging paper?
  63. Report-back on mixing D-23
  64. Are slower films more contrasty or less contrasty than faster ASA films ?
  65. Struggling with Xtol. Subjects are looking a little soft.
  66. Intrepid Enlarging Video
  67. How many sheets of paper does it take you to get your first keeper-print?
  68. Mystery lines across top and bottom of neg and print
  69. Pyrocat-HD Edge Effects Via Stand/Semi-Stand
  70. Original Kodak ReadyLoad release date
  71. Has anyone had any experience with raising the film speed through latensification?
  72. 45% Humidity and Ilford FB Still Won't Dry Flat
  73. Panchromatic B/W contact paper ???
  74. 10 x 12 film actual size
  75. 1990's Kodak Marketing Material - E6 Image Examples
  76. Ancient dry plates.
  77. What 4x5 slide film stock was this? Was "Safety Film" a distinct brand?
  78. Carbon Transfer With A Low DR Negative
  79. Your experience with Polaroid Originals 8x10 with Calumet processor
  80. ?increased grain when using glass negative carriers?
  81. D-23 Developing times
  82. Film from China?
  83. Carbon Transfer Print: A Larger Version
  84. Anti-halation stripes from developing reel
  85. large artifacts on black and white.
  86. Dry Mount Tissue
  87. What Dilution HC-110 Do You Recommend for 4x5 HP5 Portraits? What's The Capacity?
  88. Omega D2V users: printing max size question / baseboard
  89. Is tray development the best way to avoid scratches? What DON'T you like about it?
  90. Bulk Chemicals
  91. XRAY Film & Thornton's 2-Bath
  92. Does anyone know of any Albumen, Carbon, Platinum Palladium printing services in NYC?
  93. Floorplan or design for a darkroom
  94. Help with Fujifilm HR-T30 X-ray Film?
  95. 16 Days in the Tray
  96. Record Keeping - Processing Film
  97. How reliable is the Jobo 3063 drum for processing multiple prints?
  98. Ajax, as a hypo cleaner last wash??
  99. ADOX CHS II 100 14x17 Bad Experience
  100. Ilford multigrade filters / size help / Omega D2 users
  101. 8x10 contact prints compared to 4x5 enlargements?
  102. Ilford Printing Paper Costs Blowout.
  103. Where to buy thin glass for dry plates in Europe?
  104. Pyrocat-HD, Various Dilutions & Continuous Agitation
  105. ‧ ‧ ‧ - - - ‧ ‧ ‧
  106. Pyrocat-HD 2-Bath Using BTZS Tubes
  107. Pre-wash of film - good or bad???
  108. Is Kodak Chemistry Going Away?
  109. Yet another BTZS film testing/PSP/Effective film speed question
  110. Mysterious 4x5 sheet development problem. Am I inverting too hard?
  111. Practical or foolish risk? Using untested expired film (refrigerated) for a shoot.
  112. C-41 in Stearman Press 8x10...need advice!
  113. 20x24 color film?
  114. Does blix pop the Stearman Press SP-445 and SP-8x10 tank lids?
  115. Ilford 2023 ULF Film Campaign
  116. Rollei black magic #2
  117. Dust particles
  118. Printing on concrete
  119. Carl Zeiss Super Enlarger 9x9" High Resolution B&W large format
  120. Physical paper developer
  121. Zone VI Cold Light
  122. I am looking for a good book, article or PDF on Masking.
  123. Stacking 2x Mod45 in Paterson Tank?
  124. Help Needed: Persistent Edge Issue in Cyanotype Traditional Printing
  125. 510 Pyro and n-1 Development Ilford D-100
  126. Has anyone used the Legacy Pro Mic X Film Developer? (Microdol X Alternative)
  127. Obsidian Aqua
  128. "Kodak 4 Safety Film" -- Is this nitrate based?
  129. testing for film speed (again)
  130. MOD54 Mk27, B's 4x5 developing reel Mk2, Stearman Press SP-445 compared with HP5+
  131. What Is ?This Film: 'Kodak Scientific Imaging Film, Cat 864 6770 8
  132. Fujichrome Provia 100F
  133. D-23 problem
  134. Film and developer for in camera negs for pt/pd
  135. "Dark box" idea for adaptation to changing bag?
  136. Revere Platinum For The First Time
  137. Opinions of 4x5 Developing Reels
  138. Carbon Prints (pigments) from enlarged positives
  139. Color analyzer for Durst M601 enlarger
  140. Ultra deep relief pigment prints from enlarged positives.
  141. Fairly recently Expired Tmax 400 in Pyrocat
  142. Best Film for Beginner Doing Tray Development
  143. Kodak Tri x 320 What is your opinion ?
  144. AZO Post Cards
  145. Jobo expert drum and fiber based print
  146. Different Exposure Requirements for 4x5 vs 8x10?
  147. Ethol LPD dilutions and results
  148. Ilford Rapid Fix
  149. Is Pyrocat HD a waist of time if you only have access to multigrade papers?
  150. Kodak Chemistry
  151. Spots on my negatives!
  152. Small clear spots on film
  153. Where do you get your chemicals? Here's what I do.
  154. How are you Spotting Ilford MGFB paper
  155. Why do I have to mix chemicals in order and yet prepackaged chemicals come in 1 pack?
  156. Use of color head for VC printing
  157. 3M Rapid Access Negative - Orthochromatic
  158. Benzotriazole Questions
  159. Hc-110
  160. Did Edward Weston tone his prints?
  161. DD-23, FP4 Is N++ possible and what about a concentrate
  162. My Last Two Sheets Of 8x10 Efke 25
  163. Sustainability of 8x10 film given the pricing situation
  164. JOBO SilverBase
  165. Jobo Development and Drums
  166. ADOX takes step on D-76 production
  167. Sheet film not square
  168. Fuji FUJIFILM EC-RA P1S Developer Starter
  169. Mark Ruwedel – Paper Used?
  170. Frederick Sommer's Technique And Technical Choices
  171. Technique for Nikor 4x5 Developing Tank
  172. Reviving Platinum Solution #3
  173. Rodinal Come Back
  174. Retropan 320 with Rodinal?
  175. Ektachrome e100 development spots
  176. Photographer's Formulary Kallitype
  177. 510 Pyro Question
  178. Kodak contact printing paper Type IX.
  179. CD4-LC Low Contrast Developer For Adox CMS 20 II
  180. Finally got to developing my film from 4 years ago chemicals and film still good.
  181. Do you know what film this is? It's unexposed so I felt the notches in the dark.
  182. FB Printing Papers and Curling
  183. Local Photo supply store told me Kodak has discontinued all development chemicals
  184. Magenta cast on slide film
  185. Nikor 4x5 Tank developing issue
  186. Expired TMAX 100 getting light pink negative no image
  187. Getting ready to do E6 processing with a Jobo expert drum...
  188. Bunch of old Ilford paper from auction - Help!
  189. Dry spots on Fiber Based Print
  190. Paper curves and contrast, an observation
  191. C41 negative masking
  192. Effect of increasing sodium sulfite in D-23?
  193. Color Printing with Kodak Viewing filters
  194. Agitating time for 1+7 id11 developer
  195. bathroom darkroom plumbing question
  196. Today I threw away all my outdated film !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  197. Dektol staining of resin paper???
  198. Foma classic 131 VC FB matte - Print color
  199. Compensating Developers
  200. 10 year old film usability
  201. 40 or 42 inch rolls of silver fibre paper
  202. Formula for Citric Acid Stop Bath?
  203. Kodak Rapid Fixer
  204. 7 Stops
  205. Any advice on my retesting DD23?
  206. Kodak Chemicals coming back under Photo Systems inc.
  207. Problems in Processed 4x5 Film
  208. Developing issues with SP 445 tank
  209. help identify this lensboard?
  210. Architecture w/o People - reciprocity/development corrections
  211. Mixing My Own Chemistry
  212. Defective negatives
  213. Is Arista EDU Ultra 400 ISO 8x10 any good?
  214. HC110 Question
  215. Distilled water, how many of you distill your own?
  216. Cyanotypes on rice paper
  217. Period correct 8 x 10 print techniques and help
  218. ultrafine multigrade filter set
  219. arista paper
  220. ilford paper
  221. stearman press sp8x10 light leak???
  222. What is "14x36 Tri-Fold Fuji HR-U Green X-ray Film"?
  223. Ilfotec LC29 or Ilfosol 3?
  224. SP-810 question, just got it
  225. Clearance Sale on 8x10 Foma Retropan 320 at Freestyle
  226. film rinse/paper rinse
  227. paper development process and contrast impact
  228. Kodak E100 two years old
  229. My Plans for Combiplan Developing Tanks
  230. JOBO 2509N reel question
  231. Adox CHS II vs Ilford FP4+?
  232. 5x7 TMY - Great Holiday Deal at B+H!
  233. rabbit hole of F stop printing
  234. Taking that first jump, and wanting some reasoning behind this video
  235. test strip methods
  236. BW Film Developers for Jobo & Film Scanning Workflow
  237. Moving from Dektol to Ilford Multigrade Developer
  238. Alternate processes - problem with Arches Platine Roll paper
  239. Next Step in Developing Journey
  240. 11x14 image. What frame size?
  241. Drymount Substrate
  242. Let's talk 8x10 B&W Film brands and musings.
  243. Traveling with chemicals on a long trip? Can I get some advice on what to bring?
  244. Playing Around With Flic Film Black/White & Green and Gainer's PC-TEA developers
  245. Need Advice for beginner Platinum and Palladium Printing
  246. Quartz Lens/UV LED's for POP Projection Printing?
  247. Do you recommend a water filter ?
  248. Jobo 2509N reel problem
  249. Safely Dispose of Used Clearing Bath
  250. Is 4 z Step ULF Prints REAL ULF