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  1. 510 Pyro 1 Hour Stand
  2. X-Ray film use question
  3. E. Weston Dilution ABC Pyro / E. Weston development time compared to adviced time
  4. Low Agitation With Super-Dilute HC-110
  5. Video: Testing Old Polaroid Type 55
  6. 8x10 Vertical Tank Development Issues
  7. Moving to Ilford from Kodak, begrudgingly…
  8. Film developing stuff I learned today
  9. H&D Curves with 510-Pyro?
  10. Progress on Film Drying Cabinet
  11. Question for chemistry--especially D-23--experts
  12. Kodak Ectachrome E100 in Bellini E6
  13. Color separation negatives - CMYK no digital?
  14. New HC-110?
  15. Film and winter temperature swings going on location
  16. BTZS Tubes in daylight
  17. BTZS / TMAX / XTOL 1:1 Film Density Test Question
  18. Modifications to Kodak 8x10 hangers for even development of double-sided X-Ray film
  19. Rodinal spots on Fuji HR-U
  20. DIY Gas Burst Agitation for 1 gallon vertical tanks
  21. Accidental Kodak Ektar development in Ilford DD-X
  22. Butane for developer preservation
  23. Jobo 2520 Processing
  24. Questions after my first DIY E6 processing
  25. Fujichrome Velvia 50 ISO
  26. Price of Film Going Up
  27. Fuji HR-U X-Ray Film Developer Test: 510 Pyro, Rodinal, PaRodinal, D-23
  28. Mylar sheets for alt process printing
  29. Printer Robin Bell interview and at work in the darkroom
  30. strange white deposit in fixer tray
  31. Outdated Film and Paper
  32. Red/purple staining on PyrocatHD developed negatives
  33. Printing-Out Paper?
  34. X Ray positives?
  35. color film for 4x5 advice
  36. Vericolor Print
  37. Ilford Annual ULF film order for 2022?
  38. What can be the solution?
  39. B&W Pencil/Dye Retouching Tutoring?
  40. Alternatives to Nova clips and holders
  41. Film development according to Kodak
  42. Developer Formulas for C-41 film?
  43. How have you addressed this problem with the 20th Century Camera 4x5 Film Reel?
  44. Drying Spots
  45. Color ULF: Ektachrome reportedly in 11x14
  46. Portra film ISO rating?
  47. adox cms 20 ii
  48. Using mesh with BTZS tubes
  49. Fomatone Classic (warmtone) fiber and safelights/contrast
  50. endless Bergger paper backorder...
  51. Any film restoration experts here that can confirm if E6 is more archival than C-41?
  52. Experiences/opinions sought re: ordering odd-size sheet film
  53. Where to buy raw chemicals in Europe?
  54. Mido cut film holders - IR safe?
  55. Contact Printing
  56. Using up all my film, paper and chemicals----------not me
  57. Ilford Promo Video for 8x10 Film
  58. Beeranol Results
  59. Pre-Exposure Fun!
  60. Machine-cut mask?
  61. Manufacturer of "Century Box" still in business? Alternatives?
  62. Optical Printing??
  63. Is it worth buying 8x10 to cut to 4x5?
  64. RA4 paper question
  65. ARISTA 4X5 is Made by Whom?
  66. Will I live to regret this? Film holder zip locked in the fridge
  67. Heiland LED coldlight and contact exposing film for BTZS densitometry testing
  68. What to use for cheap fixer in tank processing
  69. Dry mount pressed prints and wrinkles
  70. Is fiber paper worth the additional cost for selling prints compared to rc paper?
  71. Malde/Ware Palladium print crystal formation
  72. Jobo drum for 10 4x5 negatives: how does it load?
  73. Using Kodak Rapid Fixer for Film/Paper?
  74. How Many Are Truly Traditional or Latest Film Followers
  75. Photogram using Direct Positive Paper - Is Ilford Confused in this Video?
  76. How do I get a warmer tone when developing BW film?
  77. E-6 capacity / min volume
  78. Anyone use A and I lab?
  79. Occasional overlap damage when processing 5x7 in Jobo 3006 drum
  80. Densitometer Reading Question
  81. replacement for tetenal neofinBlue
  82. Show me your darkroom!
  83. Processing and Printing
  84. Life after E6 and large format transparencies
  85. Fixer: What does the dissolving?
  86. Katherine Hepburn negatives - which film?
  87. Trouble finding 4X5 Kodak Portra and E100
  88. I accidentally got (PPD), I want a concentrated recipe
  89. Keeping or tossing prints?
  90. Quick question: print contrast and step-wedge
  91. Dark spots of film
  92. HP Combi-Plan 4x5 tank and agitation
  93. Freezing HP5...how long before fog/speed loss...
  94. Film ASA differences
  95. Massive Dev Chart with Rotary?
  96. Ilford vs Kodak enlarger gels ???
  97. Looking for Info for a Dark box/bag
  98. Brief overview of the daguerreotype process and an interview with Mike Robinson
  99. Recommended B&W Developers for Niitrogen Gas 4X5 Tanks
  100. B&W Film Completely Blank After Processing
  101. Is it possible/practical to make digital negative for use in an enlarger?
  102. Pushing HP5
  103. Do you agree that I got a bad batch of Ilford MGV RC Paper?
  104. CMS 20 II Update
  105. TF-3 Precipitate problems
  106. silver magnets please read
  107. Developing HP5+ in PMK, sheets vs. 35mm roll film routine
  108. Source(s) for single archival 12x20 storage box?
  109. B&W Reversal trouble-shooting (bleaching in particular)
  110. Tray development vs rotary development of black and white film
  111. Doran Enterprises TC-750 temperature control
  112. How to learn a type of film?
  113. Getting Back To PMK - Want To Try Pre-Mixed But Is It Good?
  114. What are these streaks on my neg - never seen before.
  115. E100 Color Problems
  116. FPP super c-41 kit missing fixer
  117. 305 G-Claron As W.A. 11x14 Enlarger Lens?
  118. Pyrocat HDC
  119. float frames for alt prints?
  120. JOBO pre-wash with C-41?
  121. Photographers Formulary, ABC Pyro and Weston Dilution Report Question
  122. ABC Pyro in sun hit balcony and Mask for powder water mixing
  123. E6 film in C41 chemistry?
  124. Is this because of light leaking? Or overdevelopment?
  125. Mixing C-41 rolls during development?
  126. Chromira Print Color Degradation
  127. Ilford 98 ft X 20" Paper Rolls
  128. 510 Pyro in a Stearman Press tank
  129. Shanghai 4x5 availability
  130. would flashing help me in this situation?
  131. Which paper is closest to graded Brilliant (Guillemot version).
  132. replacement for Moersch Finisher Blue?
  133. The New HP Combi-Plan 4x5 tank with agitation
  134. Potassium Ferricyanide question
  135. Developing Litho film with lower contrast
  136. Anyone have experience using Na2 Pt/Pd and regular Pt/Pd ?
  137. Bergger pancro 400 in bergspeed: Unseen base fog
  138. Just in case you, also, are looking for zip-lock bags large enough
  139. FP4+ in Pyrocat HD
  140. CMS 20 II 4x5 Developer Test
  141. 2022 Ilford special order period for ULF and odd sizes
  142. Ilford Film Airports
  143. The Amazing Disappearing Spot
  144. Ilford Photo 2022 Film Photographers Survey
  145. Duck & Cover
  146. Will pull help me with this image
  147. Processing 510 Pyro & 100TMX with Jobo CPP-2
  148. Negative Dark Patches
  149. Stearman developing Issue
  150. Troubleshot: Dark patches on Positives
  151. Grayish whites and other problems in my new darkroom
  152. How To Create Dense & Contrasty Film Negs For Alt Prints?
  153. Film base for use with rotating cameras (eg Cirkut, Roundshot)
  154. Rodinal 1+25, 1+50, 1+100 & 1+200 test on Ilford FP4+
  155. Pushing Processing Pre-Exposed Film
  156. ordered film in a bulk from KODAK directly?
  157. FP4 or HP5 in PMK Pyro For Making Platinum/Palladium Prints?
  158. 510 Pyro - First Impressions
  159. Washaid: effective differnce between bisulfite and metabisulfite
  160. What film to use for first test shots
  161. After coating Kallitype and Platinum...
  162. Kodak copy film 4125?
  163. Cleaning Blix container?
  164. Three stops overexposed FP4+
  165. Carbon transfer reticulation
  166. Pigments
  167. Velvia 50 replacement
  168. Help Identifying These Sheet Film Notches
  169. How to finish, wash and dry fibre paper prints for exhibition and sale
  170. 4x5 Plus-X Aerographic 2402
  171. Kodak chemicals -- now what??
  172. How to imitate the contrast of wet plate
  173. Advice On Uneven Development On Film Edges
  174. Wow, I just saw a price of my (budget film that I get), and is now $50 more!!
  175. Some pages from "The Book of Pyro" about developing with Pyro.
  176. Subbing silicon coated mylar for carbon tissue
  177. First exposure with Frankenstein 200
  178. Film Question
  179. Printing color slides on Harman Direct Positive paper
  180. Treatment of Ektachrome E100 ?
  181. TF-4 User For Years...Want To Try TF-5
  182. Assessing film speed and development time without a darkroom.
  183. 8x10 Du Pont Newspaper film information/background
  184. Silver plated out of fixer onto jug
  185. Palldium or Platinum ?
  186. How much conc of Ilfotec HC is needed for each film?
  187. First 8x10 Exposures with Toyo Field
  188. field processing and contact printing wet negs?
  189. Brownish Eco Pro B&W paper developer.
  190. Carestream X-Ray Film
  191. Keeping borders square when trimming photos
  192. a tin type processing question
  193. Repair Porcelain Trays?
  194. What's With the Rodinal? Can't Find Any
  195. 24cm X 76 meters of Agfa Aviphot 200 has arrived
  196. Old Distilled Water in Half Empty Bottle...Acidic?
  197. Polaroid 8x10 available again
  198. Photography is a Top Driver in Silver Demand, Showing Film’s Resurgence
  199. Unidentified Problem - Need Help!
  200. X-ray film 10 x12
  201. Dry Plate Availability
  202. Kodak Fixer vs Kodafix
  203. Photo Flo In Presoak OK for PMK?
  204. Longevity of stock TF-5 Archival Rapid Fix?
  205. Paper developer question
  206. 5X7 Glass Plate
  207. Is Jack's photo chemistry site still
  208. Status of Kodak RA4 Paper in 2022
  209. Probable Goof
  210. Push/Pull processing if Scanning Negative
  211. Enlarged negatives - duping, etc
  212. How to clean mould/fungus off a Cibachrome print
  213. contact printing ??
  214. HP5+ Processing and EI
  215. 5x7/13x18 daylight processing
  216. Contact printing slide film onto color negative
  217. Info request: Expose and Develope 10 year old FP 4
  218. Contrast control with Adox Lupex
  219. Kodak D 23
  220. B/W printing paper surface different
  221. instructions for 4x5 Film pack?
  222. Fomapan 100 Base + Fog?
  223. 510-Pyro Adventures Have Begun!
  224. Paper size standards
  225. Anyone want to diagnose this negative?
  226. Spoon measure needed, please
  227. Help - 4x5 Negative Developing Issue - Looking for Ideas
  228. Best Fast (high output) Film Development Method?
  229. NOS KODAK Lantern Slides unexposed
  230. Antique 4x5 camera creates 20 micron photolithography
  231. The World of Master Printers - An ILFORD Inspires Film
  232. ROBA APPOSTA black and white reversal kit for film and paper
  233. Efke Aura, Rollei IR, Zomei 720 & Urth 720 Filters
  234. What photo paper grade means?
  235. More 510-Pyro Adventures!
  236. Best choice portrait BW film
  237. Ilford Rapid Fix considerations
  238. Large format copy negative from print
  239. Darkroom vs Scanning
  240. Agitation and highlight density
  241. Chemical age -- metol
  242. Plus-X Aerographic Film #2402 B+F
  243. Identifying cause of streaks on BW negatives
  244. Oriental Paper
  245. Change of density at film hanging clips on dip-dunk processing
  246. Holes in 8x10 film after processing
  247. I was considering down sizing my chemistry jugs, when this happened---
  248. CatLABS 80 II 4x5 Film Testing Fun Has Begun...Part One!
  249. Over exposed Tmax 100
  250. Flying with Film: How to Handle X-ray Checkpoints as a Photographer