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  1. Color Processing
  2. Stearman Press 810 & Temperature Film Reticulation
  3. Bottle cap liner replacement?
  4. Resolution Comparison Between Films?
  5. Bromoil... what kind of paper and brushes
  6. Eliot Porter's darkroom with Jim Bones
  7. Ektachrome 64 Colour Cast
  8. Freezing Silver Gelatin Paper?
  9. Cinestillfilm C41
  10. Hypo clear?
  11. How To Use Stouffer Step Tablet?
  12. Fiber based paper thoughts
  13. Foma Fomapan 100 in rodinal : exposing and developing
  14. Arista EDU 100 (Fomapan 100) in HC-110?
  15. Pyro
  16. Hint for Dry Mounting Oversized Work
  17. Old paper rescue?
  18. PMK and open sky blotchiness
  19. Dektol Issue
  20. Light Leak: what went wrong?
  21. Clothes iron as tacking iron?
  22. How to maximize shelf life of Fuji E-6 kit?
  23. Is Chrome Alum and Potassium Alum The Same?
  24. Source for String-Wound Filter Replacements?
  25. Anyone Made RA-4 Color Prints From Ektar Negatives?
  26. SP445 film holder marks on negatives ( how to do this intentionally )
  27. Question about JOBO expert drums
  28. How much detail is lost enlarging a 4x5 negative to 8X10
  29. Daylight processing tank for x-ray film
  30. Moon lit scene with Txp 320
  31. Many paper developers back-ordered or special order with long delivery lead
  32. Liquid Orthazite formula
  33. Portra 160 x 400 (4X5) mixed up (ay caramba)
  34. Carbon printing vs Gum dichromate
  35. Dry mounting and the “orange peel” effect
  36. Developing 5x7 in 12x16 paper drum
  37. Help with developing results good and bad
  38. Tried out Cinestill's new CS6 kit, or how I learned I'm exposing slide wrong (maybe?
  39. ARTIFACT on my negative - what kind of light leak is this?
  40. Jobo Expert Sheet Drum OR Mod54 Large Format Film Processor?
  41. Making Adox Poly Warmtone
  42. Carbon Printing Video
  43. Bad chems -> Blix
  44. What can cause TINY TINY white spots on a neg?
  45. Temperature management
  46. Storing Ansco 130
  47. Ilford Ortho help
  48. Mounting 4x5 film on 8x10 drum ( Kodak LVT 1010 )
  49. Color contact printing
  50. monobath developing for B&W sheet film for students processing at home?
  51. Eco-Pro paper developer -- some observations
  52. What is the current tech in alt printing light sources?
  53. Mammography film
  54. New to me printing issue
  55. C41 Accidentally added too much water to the Blix mixing
  56. New HC110 Liquid Same as Old HC110 Syrup?
  57. Develop -N2
  58. Portra 160 or 400 for portraits ? Opinions and experiences
  59. B's 4x5 reel, experiences?
  60. Berger 400 developed in Clayton F76+(Arista Premium)
  61. Adox Fotoimpex Glassine Negative Sleeves (8 x 10", 100-Pack)
  62. New 5x4 Film type Holder Works in Paterson Tank.
  63. old film
  64. PYROCAT-MC in GLYCOL user info appreciated.
  65. Long narrow printing trays, where to get them?
  66. BR/A or X-ray reciprocity?
  67. Tetenal Colortec C-41 Developing Kit
  68. Stearman Press leaking like crazy
  69. Expired FP4+
  70. quick review on Shanghai 8x10 film (processed as negative and positive)
  71. Scratch on negative, how to remove defect from print?
  72. Identify Film Notch Code
  73. Kodak Alaris sells off paper and chemical businesses
  74. Has Diafine been discontinued?
  75. RA=4 Reversal Processing
  76. Did I damage my emulsion?
  77. No notch Film identification
  78. Recent results: warm-tone paper and developer, selenium toning
  79. Retouching Dope
  80. Issues with faint splotches on negatives when home-developing
  81. Loading 5x7 film in Jobo 3006
  82. Pyrocat HD Stain & Base Fog
  83. Ilford PQ Universal alternatives?
  84. Film from Aero roll film
  85. Taking a class and now totally baffled
  86. Oriental VC-CLS enlarger head
  87. Split grade printing weirdness
  88. Long life opened liquid paper developer
  89. Beginner-friendly developer for 8x10 HP5 and Tri-X in 8x10"
  90. Exposure, Light Leak or Darkroom Issues?
  91. Neophyte x-ray film development problems
  92. What's these strange marks on 4X5 film? They come sometimes.
  93. Crud on negatives
  94. Beseler 11x14 color unidrum
  95. Dark patches on negatives; SP 445
  96. Please share your darkroom prints from B&W slides
  97. Low reciprocity Sheet Film?
  98. Alternative for Sizing and Salting the Paper for Ziatype
  99. Where to buy mat board these days?
  100. Printing J Lane Dry Plates
  101. Development failure
  102. Spots like a dark sun - Rollei RXP 25
  103. Is Oriental Seagull paper gone too?
  104. Rollei RPX25 extended red sensitivity example
  105. Light leak: Camera technique or development technique?
  106. Shelf Life TMAX 100
  107. Benzotriazole Shelf Life?
  108. Ilford Japan Platinum printing supplies
  109. Yellow Staining on Negatives, Please Help
  110. Tri-X Reciprocity Failure
  111. Southern California incinerator source for black-and-white negatives?
  112. B&W Paper Reversal New Method?
  113. Re-using BW Chemicals
  114. how to cut film in the dark?
  115. Contact Print from iPad
  116. Mystery Notch Codes
  117. instant film for 4x5?
  118. Mat Size vs. Mount Size
  119. old Kodak chemistry
  120. B's 4x5 Reel and FPP x-ray film
  121. Glass plate negative storage
  122. Invisible Marks on Negatives
  123. Glass plate, recognise emulsion side
  124. Keeping the film rebate for contact prints
  125. Chemistry (again) use after time
  126. Washing Anti-Halation Backing on HP5
  127. 4 x 5 Contact Printing Question
  128. Need densitometer reading
  129. 5x4 processing marks. Wetting agent?
  130. Pyrocat-HD Part A precipitate
  131. Selenium Toner for Archivability
  132. Kodak D76 Recall
  133. C-41 Recommendations?
  134. Old HP5 Film
  135. XTOL not mixing well and not working any more!
  136. Print Washing
  137. 20th Century Camera Developing reels
  138. Dry Mountings vs Hinging and other aspects of presentation
  139. E-6 labs in Utah or Colorado?
  140. Making separation negatives from color positive sheet film
  141. Excited to embark on Covid PT/PD testing...trails....newbie.....NEED TIPS!
  142. Film curves and density range in reversal development
  143. Dilution problem of sodium sulphite in water
  144. Photographing Darkroom Prints To Be Shown Online
  145. film holders vs film hangers vs film carriers vs ... ?
  146. Lupex Paper
  147. Is this Bromide Drag? Help!
  148. Marks and spots on my almost dry negatives
  149. Mystery paper: Supre-Print ultra-rapid process stabilization paper
  150. Spotting
  151. Massive Dev app
  152. RH Designs Zone Master II With MG V Paper
  153. Clayton P20 Plus paper developer
  154. what went wrong -- LIGHT LEAK !
  155. Brown glare on negatives
  156. What is the right formula for Hypercat?
  157. Vitamin C developer for paper
  158. Dev problem or light leak?
  159. Removing sheet film from rotary tubes question
  160. Tiny Black Specs on Arista EDU Ultra 100
  161. Super Chromega D Lamphouse Dichroic grade filter questions
  162. The Variable Contrast Printing Manual by Anchell, Steve
  163. Freezing FIlm - Provia 100, Tmax 100 & 400, Ektachrome E100, Velvia 50
  164. Tim Hall, videos on darkroom materials.
  165. Some Darkroom questions, mostly on enlargers
  166. nuarc xeon printer, front shield?
  167. Uneven Development -- 5X7's in Stearman Press 8X10 Tray
  168. Test Targets for Dialing in B&W Development
  169. Pyrocat-HD Process times at other dilutions
  170. Strange marks on re-washed negative that won’t come out?
  171. Ancient Dry Plates
  172. ?? Gummy residue on Bregger film??
  173. What went wrong with the development of this sheet?
  174. Chromium reverse
  175. Recommendations for labs that process C-41 (color neg) 4x5 in the US.
  176. 8x10 film processing setup
  177. Developed Negatives - GreenCast
  178. Developed Film - Vignette ?
  179. HELP - Crop Printing..
  180. Beseler and Unicolor Daylight Print Tubes
  181. Yuletide Gift: When asked... do you list anything photography related?
  182. Storage device for 8x10 unexposed film
  183. How do sellers handle paper age?
  184. Black and white stabilizer with Tetenal E6
  185. Developer in powder - Color and B&W
  186. Looking for a LF film processing lab In Houston Texas
  187. Fuji HR-U X-ray Film, 510 Pyro & Albumen Printing
  188. Albumen Print Toning Color Shift Examples
  189. tank for 5x12
  190. Developing Shanghai GP3 8x10 Film?
  191. Fujifilm Full Speed Blue (RX-N) X-Ray Film
  192. RA4 - how to get things right?
  193. Loading Washi film W
  194. Masking 8x10 negatives question
  195. KRST as Fixer? Yeah...Why Not?
  196. use expired developer
  197. A 'rona boredom question.
  198. Black and white reversal - experimentation with different developers
  199. Lookikng For Dry Plate Developing Lab . . .Anywhere
  200. What are these annoying blemishes?
  201. Who Has 16x20 film for sale now?
  202. Light tent film developing with monobath
  203. Old stock of Kodak D-19 developer and Zone VI fixer
  204. developing with x-tol - agitation and Films
  205. Light Straw Colored D-76 Powder
  206. J Lane Dry Plates In Studio?
  207. Large Print Process - Long Post! (w/pix!)
  208. Any tips for home brew developers for the TMax films?
  209. Merry Christmas to All!
  210. Tube size for Pyrocat with Extreme Minimal Agitation
  211. C-41 Question
  212. My new Jobo/Tmax 100 consistency problems solved
  213. Unsharp Masking…Would I/Could I/Should I?
  214. Help with Cibachrome-A Print System DY-Drum 8x10in
  215. old xtol
  216. Large Carbon Prints from small negative
  217. Developing old films
  218. B&H unable to ship PQ Universal (again)
  219. The search of the golden bullet - Ilford FP4+/Hp5+ in ID-11 / D+76 (minimum amounts)
  220. the thread for Kodak XTOL quality control issues
  221. Semi-Auto-Calculating Exposure Chart for Paper Contrast Change
  222. How to avoid splotches on edges of negatives from drying
  223. Homebrewed Film Developer Formulas
  224. Antihalation layer not clearing with Bergger Pancro 400
  225. Is it possible to pre wash photo paper?
  226. Kodak industrial x-ray film
  227. Notes on Fomapan 100 development with various developers
  228. Kodak Kodabromide G2 VS F2
  229. Diagnosing over exposed band through the middle of negative
  230. xtol alternative
  231. Boosting contrast with extended development, your choice of film.
  232. Ilford Ilfosol 3
  233. Gunk on Negatives
  234. SP-445 agitation test results challenging
  235. Added H&D curves to my Film Log webapp, though I'd share
  236. Jobo 2550 Tank + "Color by Beseler" Motor Base
  237. Trying out Chromium intensifier
  238. scrolling paper development - advice
  239. Need Help With Sistan (AdoStab II)
  240. Fomabrom Variant 111
  241. OLD film OLD paper Solutions
  242. Stop bath with TF-5 fixer
  243. Cibachrome printing
  244. Pyrocat HD part B adding dry chemistry to distilled water + part A
  245. New Ilford MG RC Portfolio
  246. Platinum Solution #3: Does it go bad?
  247. Favorite Current 8x10 B&W Film?
  248. T-Grain Developers
  249. Chemical storage question
  250. Dry Glass Plate Hanger Usage