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  1. Kodacolor Introduction Party 1928
  2. Shelf life of J Lane Dry Plates
  3. Making retouch ink less glossy
  4. Btzs tubes: 8x10 issues
  5. Gum Bichromate Printing
  6. Does Xtol expire
  7. Unsharp Masks - When Not Worth the Effort
  8. Kodak Rapid Selenium Toner - new version?
  9. Getting the best out of Gold Toner
  10. Mat conservation for a vintage Laura Gilpin print ??
  11. Ferrania chemicals
  12. How to Develop Characteristic Curves in Large Format...Cheaply
  13. Have you found exotic developers worth it for 8x10?
  14. Darkroom Printing: CAST, a powerful method for advanced curve control
  15. Identifying film coating faults vs. handling / process problems.
  16. Professional Home film processing 4x5 neg
  17. The new Tri-X 8x10 film
  18. Question regarding the Unicolor Uniroller 352
  19. Water Spots Observation
  20. Ilford multigrade contrast differences?
  21. Minimal chem for 8x10 dev
  22. Hydroquinone & Metol Paper Developers?
  23. kodak Tmax RS developer formula
  24. Removing film from Jobo Expert Drum 3005
  25. Rinsing
  26. Once again: streaks when developing *some* fiber based paper in Jobo 3063
  27. Harman direct positive
  28. If anyones gone enjoy this video
  29. Water Quality for c41?
  30. Rating stored tmax
  31. Data sheets for the new-generation Ilford Multigrade RC Deluxe are up
  32. My first packs of film will be Arista EDU 100 - Which were yours?
  33. HC110 B with HP5+ @ 100
  34. E6 - What are my options for developing at home
  35. Do new airport carry-on scanners fog film?
  36. Mural Printing: Suggestions for large volume chemistry please!
  37. Citric and acetic acid as stop (bath)
  38. Paper similar to Hahnemühle Photo Rag
  39. any proxy for Cibachrome P-30 chemicals
  40. Anyone use rainwater in the darkroom?
  41. RE: Box of paper dated 1952, what to do with it?
  42. Seeking Ideas For Simple 8x10 Contact Printing Solution
  43. C-41 Developer Failure
  44. PQ Universal for HP5+ and/or Pan F+
  45. Anyone use 5x7 x-ray film
  46. gas bubbles on negative mystery
  47. HC-110 new formula? Any comments on performance?
  48. Jobo CPP-3 - failure to reach temperature - error code 6
  49. Anyone Tried LED UV Black Blacks For Platinum Printing?
  50. Bleach bypass for C41 and/or RA4
  51. HC110 1:63 mushy flat negatives dilution H
  52. Oriental paper scarcity
  53. Keeping Time tray developing film
  54. Nitrogen Processing
  55. LED Light Table?
  56. Reputable place to buy C-41 kit
  57. portra 400 for autumn
  58. Recycling Silver Gelatin Paper
  59. BTZS user question
  60. IR 760 filter - rating film speed
  61. Alert about a possible problem batch of Xtol
  62. 20th Century Camera reels
  63. Travelers: New X-ray machines WILL ruin your film
  64. 8x10 film processing
  65. arista ortho litho film 3
  66. 8x10 tray processing
  67. Using TXP 320
  68. E6/Positive LF film?
  69. A Little Bird Told Me... (Kodak E100 news)
  70. Retrobrom 151 / 152 - Newly released paper from FOMA
  71. Cold Temp Paper Washing
  72. 5 x 7 Ektar 100 available
  73. Replacements for Edwal FG-7 & Neofin Blue
  74. Omega D2 Questions
  75. Differences Between Tri-X 400 and Tri-X 320
  76. Anyone Use Shanghai GP3 Film in 4x5 and 8x10
  77. Questions about 4x5 film developed by local lab
  78. How to do tray processing - both regular and stand?
  79. New Ilford darkroom survey, December 2019
  80. Gear stolen - Los Angeles
  81. Using Pyrocat HD in a CPP3/BW Process Questions
  82. Useful LED digital light table
  83. How Many Ways to Process ANY Film: List Them
  84. Print contrast issue
  85. How do you store / organize your negs?
  86. FB Enlarging paper availability at B&H
  87. Ansco 130 - 1:1 or 1:2?
  88. Analyser Pro + LPL VCCE Head Questions
  89. opinions on the mod54 drying rack
  90. Technical Pan
  91. Shanghai 8x10 100 Film Test
  92. Advice on how to get correct E6/C41 temperature on Jobo CPP3?
  93. Keeping paper (exposure sheets, notes) with negatives - bad for archiving?
  94. I'm trying Fiber papers for the first time.
  95. Best B&W Film/Developer combo - for big enlargements via DSLR scanning
  96. Pre-soak for manual 4x5 B&W development in a Jobo tank?
  97. Kodak Kodalith MP ortho film 2557, know anything?
  98. Scanner, enlarger, or contact printer? Which one and why???
  99. Efke PL25 vs PL50
  100. Happy New Year from Kodak via Michael Raso...Kodak Price Increase
  101. First 4x5 sheets and first failures :-( Need Help on one sheet
  102. Starting 4x5 - Which film?
  103. Film Development and Contact Printing Equipment and Materials List
  104. Ektaskan br/a x-ray film reciprocity characteristics
  105. Water marks
  106. The new Ektachrome E100, Tetenal E6 and Jobo
  107. Contrast control with Delta 100 and Rodinal
  108. Starting my own development ?
  109. Please suggest a good in stamp for collector FB prints.
  110. CatLABS X film, from Freestyle - any user information?
  111. Chemistry Query: grain enalrgement from potassium ferricyanide or bromide?
  112. contact prints
  113. New Reversal Product - Roba Apposta??
  114. New Xtol
  115. SP445 tank processing Delta100 and Pyrocat HD help please
  116. Another SP-445 Question (Re: C-41 and "Blix Burp")
  117. Seeking Large Format B&W Negative Repair Tips
  118. Methods For Hardening Film Emulsion?
  119. How to take apart a film pack to use as single sheets
  120. 4x5 Exposed Film Archiving
  121. Archival Rating of The New Gen 5 Ilford RC Multigrade Deluxe Papers?
  122. Checking dev time for Tmax 400 / TMY2 in PMK
  123. wet plate fixer question
  124. Vintage Kodak P1200 plates
  125. Negative negatives - using SP445 Tank
  126. Source for ULF X-Ray film
  127. Spur acurol-n
  128. LF Lab Processing in Houston? In Texas?
  129. Enlarged Film Negatives Process?
  130. How to tell if metol (in powder form) has gone bad
  131. Harman Direct Positive Paper Question
  132. Processing Troubles
  133. Ilford FP4 Plus 125 developing help
  134. My first print
  135. Dektol for Lane Speed Plates? D-76?
  136. HP5+ and Pyrocat HD in a Jobo CPP3
  137. Push 400 to 800 in HC110
  138. Which paper finish for landscape
  139. Extending capacity of Unicolor C41 kit
  140. A D-76 observation---any guesses?
  141. Any Clayton chemical customers here?
  142. Vitamin C developer question
  143. Rollei Ortho plus 25 - reciprocity
  144. Agfatone P 330 p any idea?
  145. Polaroid Instant - Retain B&W (Prevent Sepia)
  146. Vacuum sealing film?
  147. Xtol - Distilled vs Filtered water
  148. print number 2
  149. I have a question about dry plate frilling.....
  150. C41 stand
  151. Question about using gelatine for salt printing
  152. Ilford MG filters... are there 2 different sets?
  153. Exact Full Plate Image Dimensions?
  154. New Ilford film came unsealed
  155. Proper Formula for Sodium Chloropalladite?
  156. Light leaks and possible film processing problems
  157. Hypo Clearing Agent = Ilford Washaid? I am confused!
  158. Salted Paper Prints - Technical Question
  159. PN55 neg degradation
  160. Paths to Super Clean Sheet Film?
  161. Developing color film and slides
  162. C and G Phototherm
  163. Can it be a solution for avoiding newton rings
  164. Adox CHS100II Yay or Nay?
  165. Obsidian Aqua - mixin sodiums and potassiums
  166. 4x5 Kodak HSI: any special considerations?
  167. Processing HP5+ in PMK developer for salt prints.
  168. New Dektol Mixes Dark Brown
  169. Developing Time the cause or somethings else....
  170. Pushing TXP320 4x5... Dev Times?
  171. Change of fixer
  172. Ilford Darkroom Printing Survey 2019 Results
  173. Lock 'n Load (practical)
  174. Kodak Portra 400 (Green)
  175. Film availability in India?
  176. Portriga Rapid for Lith printing
  177. Ektachrome E100G and new E100 the same film?
  178. Kodak Technical Pan and PMK Pyro?
  179. Arista EDU Ultra 100 vs 200?
  180. My Set Up for Film Holder Labels
  181. B&W negative looks normal when projected onto mirror.
  182. Urgent need help to develop my film
  183. Easy alternative processes?
  184. Out of Stop, switch to water?
  185. Pyrocat-HD ?precipitate
  186. 38 year old Polaroid pull-apart film advice
  187. I'm curious: HP5 Neg came out in color
  188. Artcraft still taking orders these days ( its the Cusp of Spring 2020 )
  189. Mixing Paper dev help needed
  190. Back to basics - newbie developing help
  191. Ektascan B/RA Sources?
  192. TRI-X Pan TXP 518 4x5 16 Sheet Pack Film advice/TIPS?
  193. Mailing exposed 4x5 film to lab for developing
  194. "contamination" between b/w and C41 chemistry?
  195. Troubleshooting enlarger won’t focus
  196. Disinfecting Film, Cameras and other Photographic Equipment from Viruses
  197. New to 4x5. Please help me troubleshoot what I'm doing wrong.
  198. Color print film C-41 kit (mixing question)
  199. Time to get Serious about DIY
  200. Covid-19: Ilford factory in Mobberley shutting down for now
  201. Best practice for storing exposed color film awaiting processing?
  202. New Bergger Print Film Question?
  203. Rodinol to D 23
  204. Shooting Ilford Delta and developed as iso 400
  205. Quarantine -> (mixed) chems
  206. Light leak - driving me mad for weeks
  207. C-41 / E-6 tank inversion or wand for agitation?
  208. Sidekick processing, trying to work out the bugs
  209. Testing unknown films
  210. Iron Blue Toner
  211. How does this negative look?
  212. Disinfecting developed film from lab due to Coronavirus
  213. Ilford FP4 expired in 2004 but frozen, what to do? Shoot it?
  214. Regarding purchasing Automatic film processor
  215. Serious question...how to print (from film or digital file)
  216. Dektol
  217. Negative spotting?
  218. Starting Dev Time For New Bergger Print Film?
  219. SLIMT notes for those interested
  220. Chromium intensifier vs Silver intensifier
  221. Looking for the book: "The mediobrome process"
  222. Yellow filter for cold light question
  223. SLIMT: For those who read my recent post
  224. Split grade printing question
  225. Polaroid Processor
  226. Pens for marking or numbering film negatives - HABS & HAER guidance 2020.
  227. Flashing still used with Multi-Contrast papers ??
  228. 8x10 film dev - what do you use as a process?
  229. Color Crossover?
  230. Film & Developer combo for Salt Prints
  231. Stearman Press SP-810 Daylight Tray and Pyrocat HD
  232. Using Benzotriazole
  233. D76 Issue
  234. Using "clips" in JOBO pro processing drum for processing film
  235. On Adox HR-50 and SPUR TRX2000 developers.
  236. Fixer- sediment layer on bottom?
  237. A question for our resident sensitometry experts
  238. Darkroom set up question.
  239. Strange anomaly with film
  240. Ilford ULF annual film order 2020
  241. Will a fire alarm light fog film?
  242. SP-445 and Cinestill DF96 monobath - beginner experience
  243. Fotospeed Chromium Intensifier
  244. What color negative/transparency would you recommend for night photography?
  245. Darkroom setup for contact printing
  246. Cutting Roll Paper - Using Large Format Inkjet Printer? Or Any Other Devices?
  247. Misadventures in Jobo-land
  248. Developer Question
  249. How do you remove silver nitrate stains?
  250. Adox paper unavailable?