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  1. New darkroom calibration software.
  2. alternative for lavender oil???
  3. Carestream READYMATIC Fixer and Developer, replenisher
  4. development flaws on 8x10 portra
  5. "True film speed" vs just developing the film more?
  6. An E100 sheet film tease
  7. Tips for Contact Printing?
  8. So I'm looking at film prices....
  9. Color Film for my Wista 45DX
  10. Shelf live Fixer stock
  11. Using polaroid 665 and 55 outdated
  12. What do you do with your LF transparencies???
  13. Deciding on paper development time
  14. Current availability of Lith printing papers in 2019?
  15. Praus Productions or Harmon Lab for 5x7 B&W processing?
  16. Need help identifying what went wrong here:
  17. UV Contact Printers on **ay
  18. Sizing Glass Plate with Chromium Potassium Sulfate (Chromealum)
  19. Processing--I Did It!
  20. Tetenal to be closed - what next?
  21. Fomapan 200
  22. Advice required for selenium toning Ilford Warmtone
  23. Scratches
  24. Best approach for repro work where size reduction is required?
  25. Processing Dry Plates
  26. Reducing the size of a negative?
  27. HP5+ in Xtol and HC-110: can you see a difference?
  28. Just measured total dissolved solids
  29. RE: current Edwal FG-7 developer
  30. Ph level of water from faucet and RO system
  31. Dealing with old paper?
  32. Just bought the first component for eliminating dust on scanned negatives
  33. I need to order more chemicals, so....?
  34. Pyro question
  35. Your experience adjusting development times for different stock and darkroom temps
  36. Kodak Rapid Fixer + Hardening
  37. What format is 8.2cm x 11.8cm
  38. Help needed in ID'ing film
  39. Removing residual marks on fibre prints.
  40. Mystery blob on Tmax 400 sheet
  41. SOS light leak
  42. Currently available 4x5 B&W emulsions?
  43. Ansco 130, cold tone?
  44. Do you use the Stouffer TX Exposure Guide?
  45. Mystery line on negatives
  46. help developing problems 8x10 - WITH PICTURES.
  47. C41 Respiratory Protection ?
  48. Is this reticulation or grain? - Tri-X 320 4x5 development
  49. C-41 powders and E-6 liquid
  50. Just bought large quantities of powder to make PyrocatHD
  51. 4x5 X-Ray film
  52. TF5 for film?
  53. Arista Premium liquid film developer
  54. Apple Watch Warning
  55. Do they still make B&W 4x5 transparency/slide film?
  56. Lane Plate Processing
  57. A list of contemporary films
  58. Find dev time without enlarger
  59. Pyrocat HD update from PF
  60. Ektar 100 notch code?
  61. How to control film/paper during 'taco' processing
  62. Of Rotaries, XTOL Replenished, and Foam
  63. E6 developing problem!!
  64. Red Cast Across Whole E6 Sheets
  65. 4x5 sheet film problem / diagonal dark line / Fomapan 100
  66. Experiences re: Calumet Archival Print Washer
  67. Wet Plate Preferences
  68. Pre-soak and final wash in Jobo expert drums
  69. Please help "Sodium Metaborate" alternative
  70. Ancient 4x5 film has odd dimensions
  71. Pyrocat-HD vs MC Vs. Rollo Pyro / ABC+ for use in Jobo
  72. CC40Y Filter Use?
  73. (newbie) Why do these negatives look odd?
  74. Contact Printing Using the Sun?
  75. Website for 2 bath pyrocat write up suspended (back up now!)
  76. Bergger Pancro 400 in Pyrocat-HD?
  77. SP-445 - What Went Wrong
  78. Burning Precise Areas
  79. C41 first timer!
  80. Common paper and film thicknesses please
  81. any of you do your own darkroom color printing?
  82. The BTZS Paper Test, Do I compensate for Ilford filters?
  83. Old PMK Pyro film developer
  84. Mystery Fog
  85. 2019 Ilford Special Order period now open
  86. Ilford 4x5 film packaging
  87. Current 8 x10 colour negative film and C41 process kits
  88. Beginning Wet Plate (part 1)
  89. Citric acid for 1-shot stop bath
  90. How to avoid dribble/drooling from glass bottles?
  91. Portra 160 4x5 nowhere to be found
  92. Developing film drunk
  93. Developing time difference betwen HP5+ and TriX320 in D76 (Massive dev Charts)
  94. J. Lane Dry Plates, Web Home Page?
  95. LF beginner Film
  96. Tips on loading 4x5 film into the holders - Help needed
  97. Having the most fun...
  98. Strains on films
  99. Dark corner on bottom left of the negative
  100. Desk installation has begun
  101. Stains on c41 film
  102. Yet another Pyrocat-HD question...
  103. Errors on Development
  104. Washing issues and a bunch of questions
  105. New FREE paper on SLIMT contrast reduction for B&W and COLOR, film, paper, everything
  106. Wanting to try ADOX MCC 110 - any advice?
  107. Dry plate processing lab?
  108. Pulling Slide Film to Increase Its Dynamic Range
  109. Density Readings from FP4 negatives in Pyrocat-HD using a spotmeter
  110. Rollei 400 pro
  111. Black spots on negatives
  112. Best Practices for Archival Silver Printing?
  113. Developing Etkar 8x10
  114. bad batch of Tmax 100?
  115. Lane Dry Plates
  116. Question regarding varnishing of wet plates
  117. Stermans or Beseller 8x10 tank for developing 4x5
  118. Making a copy negative, a video
  119. Wash Aid?
  120. Lane Plate Processing Success (sort of)
  121. Jobo CPP3 instructions useless, help needed!
  122. Pushing and Pulling Transparency Film
  123. New to LF: Need help troubleshooting these negatives
  124. Headache from Fixer Fumes?
  125. Glossy Fiber Based Paper Choice
  126. How-to video: Split-toning Sepia Selenium
  127. Tetenal E6 processing time with Fuji films
  128. What’s the trick to unloading film holders?
  129. Chemistry expires?!?
  130. Ilford FP4+ Developer Inquiry
  131. Going to try Techpan
  132. Semi Stand and EMA Development Question
  133. Kodak introduces new x-ray film
  134. Ilfochrome chemicals
  135. Washing Lane Plates
  136. Selenium Toner question
  137. 14x17 X Ray film dimensions?
  138. Glass Plate Storage Suggestions?
  139. Developing for shadows
  140. Question on using Inert gas to protect unused Developer
  141. Develop for sharpness and fine grain with FP4+
  142. Your preferred STOP+FIX+Hypo+Wash for FB paper (for toning and drying and flatten)
  143. quantities of powder to make PyrocatHD
  144. Continuous Processing with Dektol or PolyMax RT???
  145. What are "portrait" films
  146. B&W Film Recommendations for Architecture
  147. Dust problems Graflex Pacemaker on 4x5 negative
  148. Silver Tank, Holder
  149. Fp4 film
  150. Who’s using PMK for rotary / jobo processing?
  151. Uneven rendering of B&W negative
  152. WD2D & TMax 400
  153. Polaroid Originals (was Impossible Project) 8x10 film ?
  154. Ilford FP4+ Emulsion Damage
  155. Plumbing for jobo cpp3
  156. new ambro type maker
  157. Dark shade on negative
  158. Plate--What went wrong?
  159. I keep having this "line" on my shots
  160. Quick Question Tray Processing
  161. Poll: Stop Bath
  162. Unexplicable exposure problem with paper negatives
  163. Double Black Suns
  164. Pyrocat-HD: How long a dev time before using 2 baths?
  165. experience with expired C41 chemicals ?
  166. Creative Fogging
  167. Fotopan F
  168. Getting rid of tiny white spots
  169. replacement pad for Seal masterpiece 500 Dry Mount Press?
  170. Any good?
  171. Long Term "Archival" Storage of Negatives & Transparencies
  172. Corner fogging and air bubbles on BW 4x5
  173. Replacement pad for a Seal Masterpiece 360
  174. Dark Clouds on Negative Development
  175. Phorogravure Group ---- NOT FACEBOOK
  176. Pyro restaining?
  177. Printing TMAX 100 W/UV bulb?
  178. Retain highlights with Tmax 100
  179. Results: Two papers, two developers, one toner
  180. Streaks on 8x10 / E6 processing
  181. Proof to Print: the contrast difference
  182. Perfecta-D Print Developer
  183. Thick lines and patches on negative
  184. Do you use 100% of a LF negative?
  185. Does any Jobo tank work with the MOD54?
  186. what is the best way of developing 5x4 with a Jobo CPE?
  187. Why Crop?
  188. Negative vs. Transparency - Pros and Cons | What's Your Favorite Type?
  189. Developer CAPACITY question
  190. Current state of instant film?
  191. What have I done this time?
  192. Fastest film for 8x10 other than TMY
  193. Texture Screens for LF
  194. Developing Issue
  195. Spotpen replacement ?
  196. Is my film correct exposed ?
  197. Development compensation for Foma 200 reciprocity?
  198. Bergger PMK Roto Additive
  199. newb question - residue on hands after loading film
  200. Behind the Film - Inside the ILFORD factory
  201. Following Ilford's Lead, KODAK Response
  202. Trial with the new B's 4x5 Developing reel
  203. Bergger releasing new film soon
  204. Kodak Tech Pan 4415
  205. Looking for some 4X5 Empty Film Boxes
  206. Fast X-Ray Film Processing
  207. Did Kodak color neg lose sharpness when it was reformulated to improve scanning?
  208. FYI, those getting Arista EDU 400 8x10, not Triple Boxed
  209. Negative reduction woe
  210. Polaroid 8 x 10 back in stock at Polaroid Originals
  211. Viewing light brightness
  212. Contact printing “how-to” but as a final product, not a proof.
  213. J Lane Dry Plate ASA 2 Characteristic Curve - latest batch
  214. Strange Dark line in Negative
  215. 8x10 Film Choice Paralysis
  216. Advice re tmax film developer for 45
  217. Is this a leak in the film holder?
  218. Lane Speed Plate--Think I Screwed Up
  219. New Kodak Formulas
  220. C-41 Development - First time
  221. Dust Cleaning for Negatives
  222. Problem with Pyrocat HD from PF
  223. What's causing this fogging in my film?
  224. Getting ready for bw development which developer?
  225. Experiences on ADOX CHS ii speeds (4x5)?
  226. Any idea what's causing these light streaks
  227. Pyrocat-HD Sudden Death!
  228. Film test setup
  229. Handling xray film
  230. Question on exposure, development and scanning
  231. What size paper do you print the most? What's the biggest print you've made?
  232. Film developer
  233. Checklist for first attempt at developing sheet film (SP-445)
  234. Making Ferric Oxalate for Kallitype
  235. 35mm color enlarger for 4x5 b&w contact printing?
  236. Pyrocat-MC / Defective Product
  237. 8x10 Development in tray - How to know the time
  238. Aerosol varnishing?
  239. Does it matter if do one water rinse
  240. I take back every bad word I have said about Kodak...
  241. Initial Results of testing Tmax100
  242. XTOL Replenished Facts vs Fables
  243. What's going on with B&H & Foma?
  244. Edwal Hypo Check - Shelf Life or Interaction Issue
  245. TMAX 400 on Clearance at Adorama
  246. Is it possible to change contrast of final print?
  247. Perma Wash ratio for small batches
  248. Using ADOX Lupex paper
  249. Pouring without spilling?
  250. How was a Kodak Colorama made?