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  1. Contact printing glass plates...?
  2. Tetenal E6 on Jobo CPA2
  3. Identifying a Problem With C-41 Film
  4. 15 year old b&w negatives bronzing?
  5. Protective measures for Pyrocat HD?
  6. What kind of freezer you are using to freeze your film?
  7. Rollei IR 400: my sheets are slightly larger than 4" x 5"?
  8. Open tray b&w develop process help.
  9. Availability of LF transparency film
  10. My thoughts on AZO vs. Ilford Galerie and Warmtone papers
  11. Liquidol first impression
  12. Developing Labs in 2018
  13. Pyrocat HD source?
  14. ilford ilfotec lc-29
  15. Rollei vs Tetenal C-41 Processing Kit
  16. B&W Developing - Large dark areas on all negatives
  17. Formulary Polysulfide toner misbehaving?
  18. Fujinon lenses - grain difference
  19. Highly Dilute KRST Capacity - Published Specs?
  20. Looking for a source of empty film boxes
  21. First 4x10 development - more uneven development
  22. TF-4 vs. TF-5 for FP4+ Developed in Pyrocat HD?
  23. Using Tmax developer at 1:1
  24. Experiment - Developer + selenium
  25. Single sheet tray processing (8x10") with PMK
  26. Some passing thoughts on chemical cleanliness
  27. Jobo Autolab cleanliness regime
  28. B/W large wet print handling methods during devopment to prevent contamination
  29. pushing TMY one stop with HC110
  30. Glue to Repair Torn Print Emulsion?
  31. Developing E6 Colortec + Jobo CPE2
  32. 4x5 sheets of unexposed film stuck together
  33. Dry Plates at Night?
  34. How to rate this expired film?
  35. Development help with HP5 8x10 under exposed
  36. Ilford DDX Failure???
  37. Ilford HP5 11x14 expiry date
  38. Portra 400 4x5 packaging
  39. Paper Chemicals for Mural Printing?
  40. Test of Stearman SP-445 and Ilford chemistry
  41. Agfa NewsFilm iso and developing
  42. Best process for drying negatives after development?
  43. Need Help - Getting Developer Streaks on Silver Gelatin Prints?
  44. Anyone use photoflo with paper prints?
  45. Technical Question About Selenium Toning & Washing
  46. Sepia/selenium toner primer
  47. 4X5 Tri-X film pack questions
  48. Mystery notch code
  49. Kodak XTOL Replenished - Small Tanks - Ilford FP4
  50. Alternatives To Grain Focusing Loupe?
  51. Gum Oil Printing
  52. slim boxes for print proof storage
  53. Advice for marks on film after processing
  54. DIY Darkroom Trays/Sink?
  55. Black Specs In Negative But Not On Prints?
  56. Has MY PyrocatHD Part (A) Died ?
  57. Jobo ATL2+ won’t start pre rinse
  58. Question on prewash of color neg and slide film
  59. C-41 Unicolor Powder
  60. Kodak Website for Processing???
  61. Basic question on development troubleshooting
  62. Oriental Seagull black and white paper (grade 2,3,4)
  63. Agfa Rapidoline ortho F071p
  64. neg with dark borders
  65. PLEASE HELP ---------- NEWBIE ----- 8x10 coming out Black in tray developing Rodinal.
  66. PLEASE HELP ----- 8x10 tray developing, pictures coming out Black, in Rodinal -----
  67. Ilford Warmtone: Box to Box Variation
  68. Determining Base Exposure for Cyanotype
  69. Materials from the past
  70. Using Dry Plates in Hot Weather
  71. Drying and REWETTING a Print During a Print Session
  72. B/W Film Testing Question
  73. Semi-Gloss or Semi-Matt Paper?
  74. Anything wrong with Readyload single sheets?
  75. Just developed 16 color neg...
  76. Vertical Lines on Prints / Scans - Please Help!
  77. Drying Large Images
  78. Dark Spots on Negative
  79. Bergger NB VC Glossy and PF130
  80. Fomapan 100 Half Plate size?
  81. Surface & Internal Image theory
  82. Print Washer Hose Connection
  83. Agitation: Intermittent inversions VS continuous rotary
  84. Slavich Photo Paper Buyers Group
  85. Checking FP4+ and PMK dev times...
  86. Request for Spare 4x5 Film Boxes
  87. New HP5 Plus data sheet
  88. When Good Pyrocat goes Bad
  89. Supersaturated Potassium Oxalate?
  90. How many 8x10 sheets per 1 Liter of PMK can I do?
  91. What happened?!? White base paper...became warm/yellow base paper!
  92. When does Photo-Flo go bad?
  93. Wanting to try the 2 bath Pyrocat developing
  94. Anyone used Foma 320 for portraits?
  95. Ilford semi-matte and matte
  96. Developing Bracketed Shots Then Developing Together or Individually
  97. Glyoxal use
  98. Kodak technical data sheets for Pro Copy (4125) & Commercial (4127) film
  99. Kodak technical data sheets for Verichrome Pan (VP) & High Speed Infrared (HIE) film
  100. Kodak technical data sheets for Tech Pan (TP 2415) film
  101. Thoughts on a good "multipurpose" developer
  102. Sam Hiser is still working on the New55 technology
  103. Dilute Pyrocat times at high temps?
  104. DeVere 5108 workflow suggestions
  105. Beginner Darkroom Printing Question
  106. Dry Plates Screw Up
  107. Processing Color Transparency film as Color Negative
  108. Prints are important
  109. Would a magenta filter work for increasing contrast...
  110. Beseler rotary drum and base
  111. Kodalith Ortho Type 3 2556 Film Question
  112. Photographers Formulary PMK, Pyrocat HD, TF4 & TF5 fixers available in UK
  113. Pinholes on TMax 400
  114. Color fillm negatives developing for highlights
  115. 5x12" format popularity and film availability.
  116. Who has tried SLIMT?
  117. How much water do you use in your darkroom?
  118. C-41 processed in bw chemicals
  119. water conditioning
  120. ULF Any color film ? (also scanning question)
  121. New Adox Film release for black and white
  122. My LF-prints less crisp compared to my MF
  123. Light Leak Theories
  124. Quick question on 2 bath pyrocat
  125. My processing lab till I build dark room
  126. Troubleshooting devopment
  127. Kodak Publication AJ-12 Making a Photographic Emulsion?
  128. Ilford fiber matte surface with varnish
  129. Want to pick up LF again: Film suggestion for 4x5" and/or suitable developer for HP5
  130. Using 2-bath Pyrocat
  131. E6 in Tetenal 3 baths. I got stains...
  132. Pyro and Hypam fix?
  133. Basic Photographic Sensitometry Workbook by Eastman Kodak
  134. Where do you purchase raw photo chemicals
  135. Fomatone 532 II Nature experience?
  136. Wet Scanning negatives
  137. Age of Rogers Dry Plates?
  138. Figuring out exposure when the meter ISO setting doesn't go low enough
  139. Looking for a film that can be shot at low asa ( 1 or 2 )
  140. IR viewing device saves the day again
  141. Developing slide film
  142. Selenium toner as negative intensifier
  143. How do you know exposure time for paper when making print
  144. Large Format B&W Film Characteristics?
  145. Lodima paper on sale through end of October
  146. WD2D+ & Tanks/Hangers
  147. How does pre flashing film work with 2-bath pyro and slimt?
  148. Quick PMK handling question
  149. Use of inert gases
  150. Polaroid Backs and Film
  151. The Curse of Condensation
  152. Calvin Grier makes a print on gold leaf
  153. Using 2-bath Pyrocat at 1:1:100 or 1:1:200 vs 1:1:10 or 20
  154. Possible Uneven Processing with BTZS tubes
  155. Filter EV change
  156. Print Restoration
  157. A Good Cool Tone Developer?
  158. 8 frames of extar/portra160 drying
  159. X-Ray using and developing
  160. Using an enlarger to make an 8x10 or 16x20 negative for contact printing from 4x5
  161. Where to get C-41 chemicals in the SF Bay Area?
  162. Is total darkness required for tray developing film?
  163. 80" Durst Lambda printing
  164. Ilford Art 300 Paper And The RH Designs Analyser Pro or Zone Master
  165. Nanopowder Coctail with Alcohol for Church Glass Autochrome Filter
  166. Where to get citric acid in Ontario, Canada ?
  167. Just ordered chemicals to use for SLIMT
  168. Question about Ammonium thiosulfate 60% solution
  169. What's your EI for HP5 and PMK?
  170. Resource For Making Copy/Enlarged Large Format Negatives?
  171. Dektol dilution recommendation for overexposed negs? (16x20 prints)
  172. Developed paper yellow
  173. film separation for printing Experience Workers
  174. Final working solution for SLIMT chemicals
  175. question about long exposure increased contrast
  176. Toning Ilford Warmtone fiber, selenium and ?
  177. My Polaroid Adventure!
  178. My evil laboratory...
  179. Processing sheet film
  180. Agitation Technique with Tanks/Hangers
  181. Is there an alternative kallitype contrast control not dichromate?
  182. Any guidance on substituting 85% TEA solution for pure TEA in pyro formula?
  183. 4x5 sheets totally clear
  184. Btzs Testing Questions
  185. Fixer F24 - help
  186. Quality Papers
  187. Regarding the composition of VC papers
  188. Green casts on LF negatives?
  189. Aerial oxidation
  190. How hard can it be to use an SP445?
  191. D-23
  192. 8x10 processing options
  193. So much for FX-39 - what's with the price increase?
  194. Expired Kodak Photoflow, Kodak Hypo Clearing Agent, Ilford Rapid Fixer > still ok to
  195. Galerie FB grade 2 has indeed been discontinued
  196. Kodak F-24 Fixer dilution?
  197. Determining PRINT fixing time.
  198. Has anyone done stand or semi-stand development using the SP445?
  199. 4x5 Contact Print Presentation
  200. Re-using Film Developer with Sheet Film
  201. Using Tetenal Ultrafin Film Developer with/in a JOBO?
  202. List of Current Papers for Pt/Pd and Kallitype
  203. Where’s a good visual resource to explore fibre based papers?
  204. Is selenium toning the only option?
  205. Artifex beta 8x10 daylight tank
  206. What to Buy for Film Processing
  207. Basic question on minimal agitation, stand, & semi-stand development.
  208. Tetenal Neofin Blue has different chemicals from Beutler formula ?
  209. HC-110 help or opinions
  210. Shanghai B&W films.
  211. 8x10" C-41, which lab?
  212. Delivery of film (8x10 and 4x5) and archival sleeves covered in Hypo-Clear powder. Fi
  213. PMK Pyro N-1, N-2 dev times
  214. Need direction with older HC-110
  215. Edwal LPN and Kodak Photo-Flo
  216. Drying fibre prints with a dry mount press
  217. Zone System Negative Design needs an Update
  218. Hair brained idea(s) for home developing color film
  219. TMY in PMK = spots/mottling?
  220. TriX and HP5+ time difference in processing time with D76
  221. Removing stain from pyrocat negatives
  222. EMA--initial agitation technique?
  223. Shopping for fillm.. Illford Delta Core-Shell Crystal Technology? Burger duel emul?
  224. Looks like Adox CHS 100 II sheet film is back...
  225. Dry Mount Press Best Practices
  226. Using ND gels to reduce exposure time?
  227. Characteristic curves for J Lane Dry Plates
  228. N+1 and N-1 Developing Process
  229. "Wiping" (aka Stupid Tray Processing question)
  230. Ilford FP4+ reciprocity correction?
  231. Developing contact prints without a Dark Room. Is that possible?
  232. Slowing down Ilford DD-X (going more dilute than 1+9?)
  233. Going large once again
  234. amazing all in one process?
  235. Recommended E6 chemistry
  236. Developed 4 sheets of HP5-400 had issues with pinholes
  237. New Edwal EZ E6 Developer kit
  238. Processing: What About Water?
  239. BW reversal fail x2
  240. Share a tip?
  241. How do E6 3-bath kits work without reversal bath, etc
  242. ABC Pyro staining issue
  243. Labs in Virginia (Richmond) Area
  244. Actual formula for Pyrocat HD A and B solutions
  245. Shooing dust- compressor for the new darkroom?
  246. mixing my own developer supplies
  247. Anyone hear of a new Ilford paper possibility?
  248. Film/Developer choices
  249. Shipping chemicals
  250. Unopened Kodak B/W Chemicals - How long do they last?