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  1. Anyone use Bellinifoto E-6 chemistry?
  2. Fomopan 100/R09 disaster
  3. Need actual measurement of 8x10 sheet film...
  4. Jobo 3063 tank. How best to use it for processing 240 x 300 (91/2 x 12") film please?
  5. C41 development. White sparkles form after negative dries.
  6. How many of you are self-taught (in LF)?
  7. HELP! Very Strange Black Lines
  8. Berrger Pancro 400 - Experiences and thoughts?
  9. Always Learning!
  10. Which enlarger lens to keep or which to unload?
  11. Paper negatives Questions
  12. C41 and SP-445
  13. 5 x 12 film
  14. Is this where New55 went wrong?
  15. What sizes of Kodak hard rubber tanks were made?
  16. Foma paper questions
  17. Forumlary "B" PMK and TF-4 fixer bottle labels look exactly the same
  18. 8x10 to enlarge or to scan
  19. Contact printing question
  20. Where to get 4x5 sheet film in the UK for a reasonable price
  21. Another lab bites the dust
  22. What paper to get for contact printing?
  23. This is the neatest IKEA gadget. (chem mixing)
  24. QC problems with TMAX 400II
  25. JOBO ATL 1000 Temperature probe - any cheap alternative?
  26. old dry plate glass in camera?
  27. RE: Stark SST4 Universal Film & paper Processor
  28. Old Polaroid 52
  29. Favorite contact printing paper?
  30. Divided Pyrocat and Ilford Delta 100
  31. Longest expired transparency film you have used successfully?
  32. Stand development and pushing / pulling? I don't quite get it.
  33. Film vs digital for long exposures
  34. Developer Speed And ISO Question For 4x5
  35. 11x14 Negative Storage
  36. Does Bleach type matter for toning?
  37. Fujifilm Super RX-N and HR-U safelight info
  38. Strange green streaks on C41 8x10 negatives
  39. FOMABROM Variant IV 123 BO
  40. Filter Question for b/w film
  41. How To Understand Densitometer Readings
  42. 5x7 matt for a 4x5 print
  43. Contact printing: Practicing with RC paper, making final print with Fiber
  44. B&S Pyrocat-HD Developer...
  45. Development times? FP4+, Shot at ISO 80, Rodinal, Continuous Agitation
  46. need source for 5x7 green x-ray film
  47. Competition Printing
  48. Unsticking stuck RC prints
  49. Development times for rotary processing.
  50. Pur water filtration instead of Distilled water?
  51. Expiration dates of film supplied under Ilford ULF program
  52. Flattening Paper Cut From Rolls?
  53. HC-110 color
  54. What speed 4x5 film for newbie?
  55. Contract printing for a complete novice: a good information source?
  56. Lost a part for my Seal 550
  57. What exactly have I got here?
  58. Divided D-23 Question
  59. Development to exhaustion, HC 110
  60. Ansco film pack help
  61. Using MOD54 tank for devoloping 4x5 colour negs (First timer)
  62. 4x5 Ilford Paper vs Ilford Film. Scanning differences?
  63. New poll -- presoaking
  64. Is Lund Photographics still in business.
  66. Whole Plate Film
  67. Developer capacity, D-23, and dilution
  68. Large format, overexposure and dynamic range
  69. Reciprocity of Fomapan or Arista Ultra
  70. keeping the paper flat....
  71. Ilford 2017 Special order delivery date?
  72. Ilford Galerie Fiber dev'd w/ Ansco 130, Neutol WA, or Dektol, thoughts?
  73. Paper For Contact Printing
  74. ULF film stock
  75. Adox CMS II 20 ISO High Resolution Film
  76. VARYCON VC filters use
  77. Darkness conditions for hand-cutting BW, C41, E6
  78. Lines on the side of the holder flap.
  79. Paper Developer Question
  80. Darkroom Temperature
  81. Divided D23
  82. cleaning old negatives
  83. Do You Suffer With Bad Marks On Bottom Of Negative With SP445
  84. Fixer Concentrate Go Bad?
  85. How to develop B&W film (HP4 100) with No Thermometer
  86. Developing B&W sheet film at home for a total beginner!
  87. BW negative developement problem (lot of transparent spots)
  88. New to Black and White developing...........
  89. Adox / Bergger / Ilford FB paper tone
  90. Has anyone here taken the Katherine Gillis "Fearless Retouching" course?
  91. Jobo 2840 for B&W prints
  92. 4x5 Extended Red Films... Rollei RPX 25, RPX 400... Any 100 ASA ??
  93. Is the film scanned when importing from US to Europe?
  94. 5x7 Printing Options (Contact Print? Scan and electronically print?)
  95. Reverse Rolling/Flattening From Long Roll Cuts?
  96. Switching back to condensor head, 45MCRX, from cold light
  97. AtomicX/shanghai developing time
  98. SP445 Development Tank Wobbly Lid
  99. Pyrocat HD in Glycol Shelf life
  100. Problems with film developed with SP-445 tanks
  101. Salt Prints on Vellum or Gampi
  102. Microdol-X processing question With X-Ray Film
  103. video on Sydney wet plate photographer
  104. F-Stop timer test strip problem
  105. Yellow Spots/Blotches on E6 4x5 film
  106. Chemical Question - proportion
  107. Filmomat anyone?
  108. Converting room to a darkroom.
  109. Getting into Wet Plate - UV Photographics Kit Any Good?
  110. Type 55 longevity???
  111. Minimal Agitation Negative versus Tray Processed Negative
  112. 45MCRX LED light source with condensers vs diffusion cold light.
  113. Processing 20x24 color film
  114. Beat place to buy SP-445 4x5 Tank?
  115. Harman Direct Positive Paper didn't fit in my film holder ...
  116. Silly question about vinegar-based silicone interacting with film, and light leaks.
  117. using unopened boxes of 100+ year old glass plates
  118. I miss Freestyle...
  119. I need FIX Hardner: ALUM?
  120. Anyone try developing Rollei RPX25 with RPX-D?
  121. TMY to TMY-2... when?
  122. Extra water in color developer (E6 process)
  123. Need help evaluating condition of Jobo 3005
  124. Marshall's retouching fluid - how stable?
  125. Any Tips On Loading Film Into SP445 In Darkroom
  126. Uranium Nitrate
  127. Are E6 and C41 Bleach/fixer the same? (or close enough to do the trick?)
  128. Unsharp masking
  129. Purple on the edges of color film
  130. need advice... streaks on my negatives
  131. Graphic examples of Extreme Minimal Agitation
  132. Kachel's SLIMT technique with HP5 and D23?
  133. Noob questions about development
  134. Stanley Dry Plates
  135. Help: How to convert a negative to positive to print as a "negative print"
  136. C41 mistake mixing , trying to figure out development time
  137. Developing times HC110 (B), TMY2, SP 445 tank, Patterson 2 reel tank
  138. Adox CMS 20 4x5 Anyone tried it?
  139. Large Print - Presoak? Brush Dev?
  140. Bergger Pancro 400 in sheets
  141. Print Artifacts from Paper Pre-Soak?
  142. Remove lift from CPE2 Plus for shipping?
  143. Robert Taylor negative print how-to follow up
  144. In old developer formulas, how do you know the concentration of reagent called for?
  145. ISO on Kodak 6121 duplicating film. Anyone know maybe 4?
  146. PF130 Paper Developer test/review
  147. Streaks, streaks, streaks... 8x10
  148. Eastman Kodak 5x7 plate film tri-x panchromatic type B
  149. Using Jobo 2500 Tank on an Ilford spindle motor base
  150. do some films retard UV light?
  151. Historic paper--Luminos Charcoal R Fiber Base
  152. Where to process 8x10 color negative film in the USA?
  153. Beseler- 16 Auto Print Processor
  154. tetenal ultrafin t-plus with Fuji across 100 pushed at 400 iso
  155. Can you do wet plate collodion on copper plates?
  156. cleaning glass plate negativs?
  157. problem identifying the source of the scratches
  158. UV compact fluorescent party lights for Kallitypes
  159. I need help figuring out fogging problems with wet plate
  160. Hp5 vs TMY400
  161. 5x7 Delta "In Stock" - So Why a Minimum Order?
  162. How powerful are Multi-Contrast papers
  163. 11x14" sheet film
  164. For those interested: D23, HP5+, and SLIMT
  165. Formulary TF-5 fixer for paper
  166. Development problem, had been the fixer outdated or too little?
  167. Print Dev. Dilution Limits/Time Adjustments?
  168. Film size and long-exposures.
  169. About the PMK Pyro developing process
  170. Large Print Dev. Dilution - Again.
  171. Portra-Like B&W Film?
  172. 590nm IR-Pass Filter and Colour Film
  173. Develop 5x7 in a changing bag.
  174. Evaluating negatives
  175. Kodak Polydol Question Resolution
  176. HP5+ in HC-110: Is 5 min too short?
  177. E6 processing with Tetenal on Jobo CPA2 and Expert Drum
  178. Jobo 2840 for 5x7 film developing?
  179. When did selenium toning become popular?
  180. Jobo CPE3 + Tetenal C41 2.5L yields
  181. Re-using film developer
  182. Safe light material in rolls?
  183. CPA2/CPP2 lift + Expert Drums
  184. Empty 4x5 Film Box
  185. Paterson Thermo-Drum 1216 for 8x10" film processing?
  186. Working in a warm (very warm) darkroom
  187. Is it possible to heat mount fibre prints onto aluminium?
  188. Looking for great process and scan lab for C41 or thoughts on switching to E6
  189. Adox Film
  190. Thin plate glass - $1 at at bargain store
  191. Bergger BPF 200 / D76?
  192. Pyro development using JOBO 3062 drums.
  193. Results with long expired transparency film + America's 60th national park
  194. Dear Heloise: Quick Drying Prints
  195. 4x5 sheet color film transparency vs. negative
  196. films to by 4x5
  197. Anyone currently using Fomapan 100 in 10” x 8”?
  198. Problem with stains on negatives
  199. hake brushes
  200. Color head with multi grade paper
  201. Film Pricing I don't understand
  202. Replenishing HC 110
  203. Shanghai Film Available from ecbuyonline2008
  204. Kodak price jump for 8x10 320TXP
  205. why are my sensitized cyanotype papers doing this?
  206. wet plate collodion - cool toned chemistry
  207. Portriga Rapid
  208. Ilford Price Increase
  209. Need some help with my Nikkor steel 4x5 tank
  210. 5X7 Delta 100
  211. ID mystery Agfa film?
  212. arista edu sheet film price increase
  213. Film Price Increases
  214. SP-445 Just Arrived
  215. Developing X-Ray film by inspection
  216. Using Lithium chloride as a toner for salt prints
  217. Printing contrast/exposure filters on an inkjet?
  218. Mottled skies
  219. Ilford ULF program is on for 2018
  220. Help Diagnosing 2 Different Problems
  221. Poilot pl810 8x10 sheet film processing reel large format for jobo dev tank
  222. Platinum print edition
  223. Temperature-Drift Musings...
  224. Holders for and Handling of Infrared film - Newbie Questions
  225. Questions regarding a sealed box of glass plate negatives
  226. Archival Slipsheets?
  227. flashing paper
  228. Emulsion peeling off glass negatives 1920's
  229. Unopened HC-110 developer, 2 1/2 years old - toss or use?
  230. Your Thoughts on Pre Soaking Sheet Film Prior To Development
  231. Jobo 4x5 Reel Compatibility - Other tanks?
  232. Storing Processed Negs in Film Boxes
  233. Salt Printing
  234. Small Hole Film Punch
  235. What are the options for the ultra large format color photography?
  236. Different than expected results with FP4 @ 125 in XTOL 1:1
  237. Waxing Alternative Prints?
  238. FP4 backward in the holder
  239. Zone System Development For Scanning
  240. Dark Spots on Negatives
  241. Fuji Velvia or Provia for portraits?
  242. Viewing wet prints in the darkroom
  243. Identifying a Darkroom Error?
  244. Cutting 8x10 to 4x10 sheet film - best method?
  245. Variotone Paper and what are you printing on today (May 2018)?
  246. Printing large
  247. Uneven Development? Dirty?
  248. Film for ULF
  249. What 400 speed film to push a stop or two?
  250. t-max 100 alternative