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  1. Carbon Printing Continuous Tone Highlights
  2. Using the Zone System with X-Ray film?
  3. SP-457 film development tank for 5x7"!
  4. 11x14 FB VC Adorama Paper - no more
  5. Jobo AutoLab ATL 1000 C41 temperature problem
  6. Troubleshooting Ideas
  7. Imago Direct latent image retention
  8. HC-110 in Jobo
  9. 5X7 Tmax 400
  10. Stop bath after selenium toning?
  11. Newbie Needs help on B&W film developing...
  12. Printing color 4x5 negatives: options?
  13. Online Darkroom Gone????
  14. B&H No Longer Shipping Chemistry
  15. Color lab recommendations
  16. sourcing chemicals in Canada
  17. help with low volume C41 processing
  18. Long story of the second try.
  19. Help Identifying Problem in C-41 Process Run
  20. Fuji X-ray film test
  21. ABC Pyro versus PyroCat HD for contact printing
  22. times for 320 TXP in D-23?
  23. Color Developing Tempered Bath Heater
  24. Alternate process cleaning, and safety help
  25. Polysulphide Toner Questions - T-8 vs. Kodak Brown Toner
  26. Using Platinum/Palladium for Glass Plate Negatives?
  27. Fomapan 4x5 sheet film and Xtol
  28. Low Reciprocity Failure Film
  29. At what level of Ag g/L should I replace fix?
  30. Semi Stand Development - What Could Have Gone Wrong...
  31. E-6 volume dilemma
  32. Collodion darkroom on a bike
  33. Perceptol in Jobo
  34. Kodak/Ilford Film Charts - Wall Posters
  35. Fuji Acros 100 5x4 Sheet Film UK Supplier ?
  36. Enlarger Settings for b&w Paper
  37. Round Marks on Negatives
  38. Are there any Print Out Papers (POP) left?
  39. Uneven Development
  40. Tray development and Pyrocat
  41. infrared viewers - any suggestions?
  42. Printing big, saving money?
  43. Acros 4x5 - hole in corner of sheet
  44. Missing Tmax RS part B, What to do?
  45. Acros ...is it harder to get consistent results vs fp4
  46. What film to use with Pyrocat MC?
  47. Van Dyke brown: informal paper trial (example)
  48. How do I unload a single sheet from a film pack?
  49. Is Berger Prestige a good Bromoil Paper?
  50. Kodak 4X5 B&W to be packaged in 10 sheet boxes (only)?
  51. Is non-cold-stored expired Ektar 100 from 2014 OK to use?
  52. "Old" Photo Paper Test Results
  53. Using a densitometer on a pyro developed negative
  54. Any special way to load 5x7 sheet film in a JOBO 3010 drum
  55. Where to Purchase Drum Dryer Apron (belt)
  56. Old 11x14 Super XX - Specific Experience?
  57. Pushing 8x10 sheet film?
  58. Kodak HC-110 Higher Dilution and Increased Time
  59. Highest Quality Silver Papers today
  60. Film Development Issues - White Stripes on Negative
  61. Ilford Ortho Plus film
  62. Assessing negatives
  63. Rodinal Dilution for 4x5 film
  64. BTZS and Ilfosol 3
  65. Red Velvia: Help!!
  66. grain focusing problem
  67. Pyro HD dev times in 4x5 tank
  68. Kodak T-Max 100 Sheet Film Long Exposure
  69. Zone VI Brilliant Paper
  70. Films and developers
  71. X Ray Film Supplier in UK/EU Asomerville
  72. Freckles on B+W film
  73. Processing flaws on Portra 160 (8x10)
  74. Please Clarify My Poor Maths For Developer Dilutions
  75. Heat Press Troubleshooting
  76. Dilute HC110 1:30 from Stock Question
  77. Periscope Image
  78. Shanghai 100 5x7 cut too small too fit into holders
  79. Portra 400 - what EI are people using?
  80. Shelf Life - Rodinal & Other Chemicals
  81. Processing 11x14 Film
  82. Dimensions of 13X18 film and 5X7 film
  83. How much stock solution do you mix?
  84. Promoting Pyro Stain on HP5
  85. F-24
  86. Is my color negative ruined???
  87. Durst Laborator S-45 Special first use
  88. How many water changes to wash film?
  89. Slavich Embossed Glossy - texture?
  90. Uneven Pyrocat development - insufficient agitaton?
  91. Flattening Curly Film
  92. Negative ion generator
  93. Identify 11x14 film?
  94. Expiration time for Ilford photo paper
  95. Processing Defect-Bubbles?
  96. Where has all the Ilford Ortho Plus 4x5 gone?
  97. Need advice for engaging dry plate.
  98. Extending C-41 Dev Capacity
  99. Rodinal - is anyone happy with their results?
  100. Reversal processing
  101. Ektachrome
  102. flexicolor shelf life
  103. Sekonic metering for slide film and grad filters
  104. enlarging / printing - am I missing out?
  105. Best use for Matte paper
  106. Dektol question
  107. Delta 100 vs TMX technical differences
  108. Present state of Lith printing, what are you using?
  109. Agitation Question
  110. anyone hear of using alcohol instead of photoflow as a drying agent
  111. Hahnemuhle for Cyanotypes
  112. Strange pink spots/blotches on LF film
  113. Photographic chemical disposal
  114. Flexible funnel for Jobo Expert Drum + Beseler Motor Base?
  115. Kodak HC110 Semi Stand For Scanning
  116. Help me interpert my film developing test results
  117. gremlins...
  118. Re fixing an Albumen print
  119. 8 hour printing session made into a 2 minute time lapse video :)
  120. First time toning
  121. New to color sheet film - which should I choose for my trip?
  122. Instant Mytol, anybody using this film developer?
  123. Developing Film Captured On Pinhole Question
  124. C-41 processing: bubbles on negatives
  125. Ilford ULF program for 2017 now open
  126. Ilford Ortho Plus now on special order, with short deadline
  127. How do you process Fiber base or Barite double weight enlarging paper ?
  128. Relationship between Contrast Ratio and Dynamic Range
  129. Hahnemühle Platinum Rag for Pt/Pd to replace Crane cover 90?
  130. Have I Killed My XTOL Developer
  131. FomaPan 320 Retro Sheet Film
  132. Bottle cap size?
  133. Handling IR Films
  134. How Do I Extrapolate Reciprocity Times From Manufacturers Data Sheets
  135. Film for learning
  136. Color Film Choices 4x5
  137. Damage to film box - film compromised?
  138. A source for reliable developer processing times and ratios?
  139. 2017 Ilford ULF program questions
  140. platinum palladium print colour examples
  141. More depth and and dimension
  142. Getting started developing 8x10 (and 4x5)
  143. Film Developer and a confused old fool.
  144. reversible mounting to aluminum for multiple exposures
  145. Is it hot in here? Or is it just me? (or my thermometer)
  146. Helioprint
  147. Stearman SP-445 developing tank caps - UK query
  148. Pyro Processing Errors
  149. 12X16 developing trays
  150. D-23 & Pyrocat HD
  151. Dichroic spots ?
  152. Black Spot
  153. Pyrocat question...
  154. Question about testing for film speed...
  155. How do you flatten your glossy fibrebase or Baryta darkroom prints after air drying ?
  156. Film Type Advise
  157. How to clean up dried fixer?
  158. Official Fujifilm Japan announcement of end of Acros sheet film
  159. A few questions on how to develop 8x10 film in trays
  160. Alkali vs Acid Fixers
  161. First time developing , Delta 100 and advice
  162. Notch code has me stumped
  163. Instant Mytol users help
  164. wash film with warm/cold water?
  165. Tmax 100 in D76 +/- development
  166. Pyrocat HD + SP-445 Compact 4x5 Film Processing System
  167. Shooting Unknown Film in Holders
  168. Pt/pd Printing - Making a test strip
  169. Is TRIX320 98% better than Ilford HP5 Plus ??
  170. Making your own Collodion
  171. High speed film for 4x5
  172. Jobo processing issue with 5x7 film
  173. My first Contact print
  174. Ilford Warmtone vs Classic FB Speed
  175. Best easy to use tank for developing 4x5 sheets
  176. Black and White Duplicate Negative
  177. FomaPan Sheet Film Question
  178. anyone shoot tmax400 at 100 speed?
  179. Shortening black and white film washing time?
  180. Printing Soft-Focus Negatives
  181. Masking 4x5 in Omega D2 coldlight
  182. Semi Stand Question For Those With Experience
  183. Processing 4X5
  184. Color internegs
  185. Phenidone for Metol, especially with WD2H+
  186. how to develop lighthouse printfilm?
  187. 8x10 negative storage ?
  188. fogged fiber paper and potassium bromide
  189. Tanol Staining Developer Question For 4x5 Film
  190. Processing 70-Year Old Undeveloped Film
  191. Rollo Pyro development problem
  192. Drkroom rental in portland oregon
  193. digital scale recommendations?
  194. Combi Plan vs SP-445
  195. How to use roll drums for devoloping 8x10 and 4x5 negs
  196. Exposing a gray scale for Zone System calibration
  197. PyroCat HD Quantity Question
  198. line across the negative scanned
  199. The last boxes of New55
  200. Polaroid 8x10 - still going strong?
  201. Specification Sheets for Arista EDU Ultra?
  202. PyroCat HD Starting Development Times 20° C
  203. Canham 5x7 Tmax 400 order will arrive soon
  204. Has anyone used a Jobo for Pt/Pd
  205. PyroCat HD Yahoo Group
  206. Help Reading A Negative Please
  207. TMX-100- developer choice
  208. Efke IR820 Sheet Film (4x5) in Pyrocat HD
  209. What happened when I mixed ID-11 (calling on ID-11 users)
  210. Problems with vintage Polaroid Material
  211. Printing Out Paper
  212. sticky sheets
  213. Looking for C41 tips!
  214. Wasn't there a guy who builds 8x10 daylight tanks?
  215. Metol in the UK
  216. Happy MOD54 users?
  217. A bit of a flyer...
  218. Is this a development problem or light leak?
  219. Projects to aid 50" panoramic prints and darkroom nic nacs
  220. Efke film peculiarity
  221. Black and a White emulsion error that I'd love to duplicated
  222. Convenient Dry Plate coating table
  223. PyroCat HD Adjacency Effect & Minimal Agitation Question
  224. Ektar 100 INDOORS
  225. C-41 Problem—Lab or Me?
  226. Return of Kodachrome?
  227. 10x8 Instant from Impossible
  228. sous vide precision cooker For Black and White Developing
  229. Never Give Up - darkroom near-disaster
  230. tone question for the chemists - brown tone developer.
  231. Uranotype video
  232. Tmax 100 development and Scanning issue ( Silverfast )
  233. SP-445 Just Arrived
  234. Not enough exposure time
  235. Exposure time for Ilford RC pearl used as a paper negative
  236. SP-445 C-41 experiences?
  237. please advise.. 4x5 or 8x10 for big prints on handmade paper?
  238. Have You Tried Steve Sherman's EMA Process With Kodak TMAX 100 or TMAX 400
  239. Recommendations for B&W negative intensifier needed.
  240. Developing time for Ilford HP5+ D76 1+1
  241. Negatives with unwanted brown stain
  242. Is Tri-X in 8x10 less popular?
  243. Rolling a Paterson MOD54 tank
  244. Ilford - new reciprocity failure compensation factors
  245. enlarge for contact printing
  246. Kallitype and toning
  247. Help a noob understand the exposure conundrum
  248. Help working with (and identifying) old papers
  249. How big of enlargements are you making?
  250. Chemical Residue and Neutralising unwanted leftovers in Darkroom??