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  1. x-ray film question
  2. Streaks on negatives
  3. Dassonville D-1 Paper Dev.
  4. Cutting film from a 9.5inch x 250 foot roll
  5. Hahnnemule Platinum Paper any experience?
  6. Film Batch Issue?
  7. Stand Development Issue 4x5" HP5Plus 400
  8. Pyrocat with BTZS Tubes - Dilution Question
  9. Best use for a 10x15 camera / film material
  10. Correct Printing side for Bergger COT320
  11. 4X5 Film for portrait...wich one ?
  12. Rod Coating Platinum Printing
  13. Will a Jobo 2521 work on a Beseler roller base?
  14. T2 Automatic X-Ray fixer dilution for Ilford film?
  15. anyone print 4x5 negatives with a black border?
  16. About RA-4 process
  17. 9X12 E-6 Processing?
  18. Adox Art Baryta
  19. Jobo ATL - few questions for owners
  20. Negative Versus Paper Contrast in Zone System B&W Calibrations
  21. T-MAX 100 and Tetenal Ultrafin*?
  22. Expired Kodak 4-X 5224 Negative Film - speed and any good?
  23. shelf-life of x-ray film
  24. field development
  25. Pre-mixed Platinum/Palladium kit vrs mixing own chemistry.
  26. Lith question
  27. What is your favorite paper developer and why?
  28. On the effect of shutter speed on image contrast for R5 Monobath film-development
  29. How to test the lpi of cyanotype printing?
  30. Variable contrast papers and Zone VI cold light head.
  31. New Contact Printing Paper
  32. Beseler roller base (one direction) and Jobo 3005 Expert Drum?
  33. Orwo Technical Film FO1 - tipps needed
  34. 4 x 5 Acros pricing
  35. AGFA AVITONE P3p: Does anyone have experience with this film?
  36. Start with a Contact Print
  37. 5x7 Processing
  38. Different film development times for different papers
  39. Orange specks on negatives
  40. Fomapan sheet films - which one to chose
  41. What are you useing for Tech Pan Dev.
  42. Dichromate-Waste-Treatment
  43. Wtd advice on LED UV Lightbox
  44. Kallitype issues
  45. Capacity of PC-TEA
  46. Effects of B&W Rinse Waters into Septic/Drainfield Systems?
  47. question to chemist on unopened Agfa Neutol WA shelf life
  48. Film Labs in Dubai?
  49. What films are they?
  50. What to do with spent C-41 and E-6 chemicals?
  51. Atomic X film - a brief review
  52. Expired Film....where to Start?
  53. Half tone screens and half tone negative reproduction
  54. Ilford ULF sheet film special order period for 2016 now open
  55. The Darkroom Cookbook 4th Edition Print & eBook Review
  56. Available Chrome Film
  57. Polaroid type 55 with Diafine or HC110
  58. Is velvia discontinued?
  59. What's making my negatives all blotchy like this?
  60. Pq universal developer and fomapan 100
  61. flashing impossible 8x10 2.0
  62. TMax RS developer
  63. Ilfosol 3 Diluted at 1+14
  64. selenium toner: the fool's gold toner
  65. Sheet film cut: best practices inquire
  66. Scratches on negs developed in Jobo 3005 Drum
  67. Is there any paper similar to Labaphot Silver
  68. Out of Date E6 Exposure & Developing
  69. Help with troubleshooting C41 development issue
  70. Loading paper negatives in quickload/readyload envelopes?
  71. Kodak T-9 Uranium Toner
  72. Velvia 100 vs Velvia 50
  73. Brain seizure: Pyrocat stock mixing
  74. Polaroid Type 55 found in closet
  75. Developing sheet film in patterson orbital processor
  76. Washing larger prints than 24"x20"
  77. Decrease exposure, increase dilution or decrease development.
  78. Salt printing with Rodinal as a developer
  79. Bergger Pancro 400 - 5x7 film
  80. Adox CMS 20 II ???
  81. Infos about 8x10 in. Carestream x-ray film
  82. Kodak Rapid Access (RA) C-41 Chemistry for Home use, Less than case quantities
  83. ULF 7x17 Film Processing
  84. How to deal with high contrast negatives?
  85. Kodak X-Omat Duplicating film for LF?
  86. Please help identify strange marks on processed sheet film
  87. Problem with 8x10 Impossible Project B&W Gen2 film (Contains nudity)
  88. Regent Royal Hard-Dot film
  89. Portra 160 @ f10 vs 400 @ f16 (4x5)
  90. Edge effects on film
  91. TMX 100 packaged as Delta 100?
  92. Which Fuji hunt package?
  93. Doesnt blow the highlights
  94. Masking and the use of scanners
  95. silver plated print
  96. Why use divided development?
  97. Using a old 4x5 box camera with film & vintage glass plates.
  98. Fuji Astia 100f - Need Advice
  99. 4x5 Bergger Pancro400 will not fit into 4x5 Toyo film holders??
  100. Confused with results of film testing
  101. SLIMT (Selective Latent Image Manipulation Techniques) dilution percentages
  102. Spirit sensitizing prblems, streaking
  103. How to print large - 6 foot possible
  104. Platinum Palladium from scratch
  105. Hot film edges
  106. B&W 4x5 film for indoor sports?
  107. Best practices for frozen sheet film
  108. How can I improve this expired film?
  109. next box of film: Arista 100 or?
  110. Stand development in the fridge
  111. Efke 25
  112. E-6 Processing in New York City [LTI Ceases E-6 Line :(]
  113. Was wondering who is still using the Zone System?
  114. Hello from Bucharest Romania, and need help troubleshooting a problem negative
  115. Fogging of paper
  116. Information on Archival Methods Open end envelopes
  117. the status of Shanghai film
  118. Wet plate "starter kits" question
  119. expiered chemicals
  120. old ektachrome single sheet ready loads expired
  121. Can anyone tell me what went wrong with this film?
  122. D-72 paper Developer
  123. Wrong ISO
  124. Film 4x5
  125. Negative scratches
  126. Blotchy pattern on 4x5 negatives
  127. How often should rotary agitation reverse?
  128. GraLab glow
  129. JOBO tank chemical volumes for LF & ULF films?
  130. 4x5 bad processing/old film?
  131. A question about the matt board and dry mounting tissue
  132. Paper for color prints from slides
  133. Favorite "analogue" paper & why.
  134. Summer water is warmer! What temp is yours now?
  135. Does Provia nearly always require an 81A?
  136. Developing 4x5 in the Kitchen?
  137. 4x5 Fuji Acros no longer sold in the US? (UPDATE: False alarm from Freestyle)
  138. Hypo Clearing Agent and Pyro
  139. I don't understand Rodinol...
  140. 8x10 Emulsion Lift to Wood
  141. First time developing 4x5 film: Basic Questions
  142. Enlarged negatives with ortho film
  143. How to effectively dry large format film?
  144. what is universal hypo-wash?
  145. How do you load hangers
  146. Factory Defect Sheet?
  147. Identify a 4x5 film holder for developing
  148. Testing film? Using a densitometer?
  149. Postponing Development
  150. Alpha film developer formula
  151. How to bring 4x5 and 6x17 slides on to 6x4,5 film
  152. Would it be incredibly difficult for an existing company to make Efke PL25M?
  153. Dense Negative
  154. What Replenisher Rate (Tetenal RA-4 BX-VR SP) on Colenta Machine 56 RA 50?
  155. Adox CMS 20 Slides, what bleaching chem ???
  156. TMY film and Xtol developer
  157. Adox CMS 20 developement
  158. Developing film no darkroom access
  159. TMX 4x5 in XTOL - Revisiting my process and optimizing for scanning
  160. How do you determine the exposure for contact printing a step wedge to film?
  161. Jobo 3005 tank and Beseler Motor Base
  162. Does anyone know who still makes densitometer cal targets?
  163. Using a grow tent as a full fledged darkroom
  164. Timer for Aristo coldlight
  165. Fujicolor Pro 160NS being discontinued
  166. Processing C41
  167. Ilford FP4+ 5x7 notches missing
  168. Beseler 45MCRX questions
  169. Wilhelm book on Preservation
  170. How to get very dense negatives for Salt printing
  171. processes for kids
  172. a cool website for identifying alternative processes
  173. use developer dilution to tame high water temps?
  174. Grain and development temperature
  175. Gold-thiourea toner getting muddy
  176. paper for bromoil
  177. Can deionised water be used instead of distilled?
  178. New to LF: pyro/processing/jobo questions
  179. Developing Negs N+ / N-
  180. Timing Jobo Step
  181. Water chiller options?
  182. Help needed on developing sharp negatives for carbon printing
  183. Re: Fujifilm Neopan 100 Acros 4 x 5" B&W Film (Discontinued) ???
  184. Paper for Alternative Printing Processes
  185. Using different "Variable Contrast" filters for the same single contact print.
  186. Choice Film mammography or xray
  187. How do you transport wet prints?
  188. Focusing on the grain when printing on wall
  189. Silver Nitrate grades, value, storage, source and DEA questions
  190. Easily processing single sheets of LF & ULF film with lights on
  191. Fomapan 100 Classic 4x5
  192. What 5x7 fibre (fiber) based paper?
  193. Spooky Freezer Failure
  194. Can You Identify This Item?
  195. Washi Whole Plate format film available!
  196. Dry Mounting Problems
  197. Questions on E6 kits
  198. Subjective film advice
  199. Toning Van Dyke brown prints with thiourea
  200. STP - developer
  201. Pyrocat HD in a Jobo 1530 tank with 4 rolls of 120.
  202. What is this? wooden Ansco developing / printing contact frame box? how use?
  203. using screen printing equipment for a vacuum contact frame
  204. Oriental Panchromatic RP F
  205. Need help to identfiy whre the problem occurred
  206. scratched negatives
  207. RPX 25 - thin base?
  208. What fibre-base paper has the highest black density?
  209. Pushing Ilford Delta 100 4x5
  210. What developer produces the deepest blacks on fiber-based paper
  211. Ilford Direct Positive 4x5: Thoughts?
  212. No more Kentmere graded ?
  213. Tetenal E6 three baths
  214. Wet Plate Collodion - Alcohol
  215. Plumbing a Mixing Valve
  216. Low-Contrast Paper Developer/non-metol
  217. Is this a light leak?
  218. Ilford FP4+ or Delta 100: "moon crater" pattern on skies after a long exposure
  219. How to address shadows compression... Using Film toe or Paper shoulder
  220. Rollei RPX 25 in Rodinal ? (real Rodinal, not the R09 stuff)
  221. Current Lith Paper Availability
  222. Why Kodak Redyloads failed?
  223. flare problems
  224. Processing TXP320 VS HP5 differences in pyro?
  225. A question on cleaning plastic reels
  226. Shelf Life of Cyanotype Stock?
  227. Build your own UV light box?
  228. Has anyone successfully used reducer on T-Max negatives?
  229. Using expired paper, where to start
  230. An easy way for flattening prints
  231. Ilford opens film processing lab in California
  232. New55 pos/neg instant 4x5 film - chemical processing alternatives
  233. MOD54 vs. Jobo 2509n minimum developer for 6-sheet inversion processing
  234. Scan and print or Optical enlarging?
  235. Devices for developing 4x5 with little chemistry???
  236. my first home processed 4x5 sheets- definitely an issue- would love feedback
  237. Can I leave film in stop bath for 7 minutes?
  238. First time shoot and processing 4x5..what would cause this issue
  239. Galaxy paper, intro and a return to darkroom
  240. FomaPan 100 4x5 Sheet Film & Kodak HC-110 Question
  241. Orwo (Agfa East Germany) NP 27 characteristics
  242. Ilford HP5+ 11X14 shortage?
  243. Weight of Jobo CPP2 with lift?
  244. Power out
  245. Filtering Water With Coffee Paper Filter Before Adding To Developer
  246. GSD-10 glycin film developer
  247. Currently (2016) available papers for Bromoil printing.
  248. Two Minute Water Bath before Developer, Good Idea, Waste of Time, or Bad Idea
  249. Mottling/ in automated 4x5 and 5x7 film processing-
  250. X-ray film from Z&Z Medical