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  1. Darkroom Scales
  2. X TOL : How many 8x10 sheet for one liter ?
  3. Enlarger Contact Printing is Good Bad ugly?
  4. Paper negatives - which paper to use?
  5. Super interesting find – "Photo-Lab Index" from 1953
  6. developer for 4x5 Tmax 100 in tank?
  7. Defective film or what...?
  8. Duplicating a color slide to BW neg
  9. Basic Intro/Info for Pyrocat HD?
  10. US-Made HC-110 vs European-made HC-110
  11. After bleach, but before FSA toner: re-expose ?
  12. Probably an absurd thought, but is it do-able?
  13. Rolling paper with emulsion inside or outside
  14. Jobo 2509N 4x5 Reels and Uneven Development
  15. Print Map Template.
  16. About to try developing color. Do I have the right chemicals?
  17. Clear spots on film
  18. Developing Portra - what chemistry do you use?
  19. Problem With Print edges on Durst L1200
  20. Scratches on my 8x10 sheet film
  21. Ilford whole plate film availability
  22. For Commercial and Industrial Use Only
  23. Help with cyanotype paper
  24. Color film ( C-41/ E6 ) chemistry sources
  25. What exactly is AZO paper?
  26. Mixing Film w/Food in a Freezer
  27. Arista Ortho Litho ISO?
  28. Poor Outcomes Developing E6 At Home - Need A Little Help
  29. How to contact print without showing the rebate?
  30. Ilford DD-X and HP-5...
  31. Another FujiFilm Price increase + Film Discontinuations
  32. HP+ and DD-X 4x5 processing for newbie
  33. Expired Velvia & Provia
  34. minimalist dip and dunk
  35. 10 x 8 Polaroid land film holder locked
  36. Kodak Update
  37. Looking for older thread on how to cut xray film to 4x5
  38. Jobo 3025 vs Catlabs CL81 vs whatever else is out there for 8x10 daylight dev
  39. How test if chemical are good?
  40. hypo and sodium sulfite fixer issue
  41. Why am I getting unexposed area on 4x5 sheet film?
  42. I need N+2 in the shadows and N-2 in the highlights
  43. What would happen if I left test strips in the fixer.....
  44. R3 monobath questions
  45. Museum Vs Conservation Mat Board
  46. 13x15 Storage options
  47. Choosing contact printing paper size
  48. BLIX contaminated with Stabilizer - usable?
  49. First impressions fomapan 100
  50. B&W PAPER processing machines
  51. Thoughts and questions on processing 8X10 X-ray film
  52. Brush on light sensative solution?
  53. Processing Delta 100 and HP5+ together possible?
  54. Jobo 3005 questions
  55. ATN Viper Night Vision and C41 or E6 film?
  56. Kodak Flexicolor LORR+LU mixing
  57. carbon transfer tissue question?
  58. Glassine Envelopes & Storing Negatives
  59. Beginner mistakes
  60. Un-even dev, only by lack of agitation?
  61. Possibly another Uneven Developing question. Jobo and Obsidian Aqua
  62. Necessary to fix between sepia and gold?
  63. Using Foma paper w/ Kodak Chem's
  64. Rollei RPX400
  65. Dynamic range developer for color
  66. Platinum/Palladium question
  67. Filter w/Impossible 8x10?
  68. Q. about brown tint on developed 70mm Aero Plus-X film
  69. Grey Silver Nitrate Crystals
  70. Jobo 3004 expert tank for 4x5 using CPE2 plus processor?
  71. How to Load the Jobo 2509N Reel
  72. New Packaging from Kodak
  73. Cutting down film to 4x10
  74. Velvia storage question
  75. Cleaning JOBO Expert Drums
  76. Processing xray film using BTZS tubes
  77. A few silver reclaiming questions
  78. Questions on technique and the Zone System
  79. Seeking info on these 1939 Eastman Kodak, Wratten & Wainwright Tricolor Dry Plates
  80. Pyrocat HD in Canada
  81. Used x-ray film for making carbon transfer tissue
  82. Big Prints??
  83. Fred Picker Videos?
  84. Ilford MGR.1M RC Rapid paper, any info?
  85. 24X36" photo paper?
  86. Successfully developed a monochrome positive at home - modified E-6
  87. Print washing while I sleep
  88. dektol
  89. Development methods for 4x5
  90. online resources for learning to print
  91. Experience Using New55 Film?
  92. Some Advice Needed on Negative Problems
  93. Help-Need empty 4x5 film boxes.
  94. Of the color neg films now available what is best for autumn portraits?
  95. GAS BURST Agitation System DIY
  96. preflashing Direct Positive paper without an enlarger?
  97. Pyrocat HD question: Solid precipitate in Solution B?
  98. Gas Burst Chemistry Oxidation Questions
  99. Good Lab for color film developing
  100. Fuji HR-T X-Ray film: Sprint 1:9 (D76) or Rodinal?
  101. Website full of Darkroom Movies
  102. RC print permanence update
  103. non Jobo drum Epiphany ???
  104. C41 Problems
  105. push/pull times for Acros in Rodinal?
  106. Who is making/distributiing B&W sheet film?
  107. flashing impossible 8x10 2.0
  108. Unexplainable light leak??
  109. Adhesive for cold mounting fiber prints
  110. Evaluation and questions from first contact print (Retropan 320, Fomalux)
  111. Rollei Digibase c41 bleach problem
  112. Reversal Processing with D-11
  113. Darkroom printing for other photographers
  114. paper tips for use in a vc 7700. LPL Saunder
  115. Fuji FP-3000b45 availability (4x5)
  116. New colour film from The Impossible Project
  117. Bostick & Sullivan Carbon Tissue
  118. Cheapest way to make a paper developer DIY
  119. Caffenol-C and Fomapan
  120. Is your film flat? Or do you make it not flat.
  121. Packaging for Fuji Slide Film
  122. when shooting x ray film....
  123. Revised Edition of The Darkroom Cookbook
  124. Cutting film---left overs question
  125. Pyrocat HD dilution
  126. Jobo 2509 Reel modified for 5x7?
  127. 400 TMAX 11X14 delivered today!
  128. Bergger VCCB Recent Results
  129. How can contact prints be out of focus?
  130. Washing film in Jobo Expert drums?
  131. Jobo 2551 vs. 2553 tank for 4x5 using CPE2+
  132. UV densitometer - which one?
  133. an 8x10 btzs tube question
  134. Help With E6 film??
  135. Btzs tube film scratching
  136. Jobo 2509n reels: reading about surge marks; is there a solution?
  137. Proper Agitation for Dip and Dunk hangers
  138. Print washer
  139. Chemistry question
  140. Jobo Duolab w/2509n, The Littlest Jobo!
  141. Uneven development of FP4 in XTOL in JOBO 3010
  142. E6 partial color cast
  143. New to Pt/Pd question about the UV Lightsource
  144. Encaustic Photography
  145. Pyrocat safety/cleanup
  146. easy to prepare paper developer
  147. email from Keith Canham about Kodak 5x7 orders
  148. Big print
  149. Carbon Printing Query
  150. Velvia 100 Film w/Strobes?
  151. Q. How much working developer per sq inch is too much?
  152. Cutting (lots of) film
  153. Developer Suggestions - Ilford Direct Positive Paper- Urgent
  154. GraphicLine Premium HD negative film info needed.
  155. White spots on paper.
  156. Your favorite Go To film?
  157. A job for Ortho?
  158. Dark Spots on film
  159. Ansco Triple S Pan Development Ideas
  160. Rollei RPX 400 sheet film
  161. Anyone Using Their Nikon 120 AM ED Lens as Enlarger Lens?
  162. Carbon print background mottling
  163. Printing an image in negative/inverted
  164. How to expose Adox CHS 100 II film
  165. learning vs how to improve
  166. Negative sleeve pages, Print file alternatives in Europe
  167. ABC Pyro, DBI, and Tray Development
  168. Anyone have manual for an Eseco 5045 T-85CD (or similar)
  169. Freezer full of LF slide film, time capsule
  170. Info on UV light boxes wanted
  171. A warning about SPUR HRX developer and defective bottles/bottling
  172. CL81 for B&W rc 5 sheets at a time
  173. "New" Oriental Seagull Graded RC?? Recent experiences?
  174. Anyone used Hydrogen Peroxide to prevent fungus in carbon printing?
  175. Focusing issues. 8x10 negs
  176. 4x5 Sheet film availability and its future
  177. Pre Flashing Film - Anyone Do It?
  178. New Kodak Portra 400 boxes?
  179. New55 instant film instructions
  180. Need help printing Carestream EB/RA
  181. Developing 4x5 slide film livestream LIVE NOW
  182. Help with Neg defect
  183. Zone VIII testring on variable contrast paper.
  184. Where did 13x19 come from?
  185. Paper in Freezer Got Wet, Useable?
  186. C-41 Separate Bleach and Fixer any kit options?
  187. Idea For Processing Large Prints
  188. Looking for a lab to process C-41
  189. Developing 5x7 B&W+ and need some direction...
  190. Tannic Acid Toner
  191. Diffusion transfer processor : Useful for Alt processes ?
  192. Contact printing , wiring of Olec Olite AL9 and Olix AI 131,
  193. What is "microcontrast"?
  194. Experience with Atomic-X (sheet film used for the negative in New55)?
  195. Strange lines on negatives
  196. Where to buy glassine sheets/envelopes in the UK.
  197. Archival print storage tissue.
  198. Freezing 4X5 film: bag the box, or just freeze it?
  199. stacking trays
  200. What is ruining my Tri-X 320?
  201. Calculating low ISO
  202. Defects in acrylic face-mounting with Fujiflex Crystal Archive backed with Dibond
  203. Where to begin?
  204. Which film for architecture and interior photography?
  205. Ilford's 2016 ULF campaign and 122 roll film
  206. X-ray aside, where can I get high volume orders of 4x5 or 8x10 sheets? (Canada)
  207. B&W Developer Advice: Branching From My Norms
  208. Bad Pyro!
  209. Identifying sheet film
  210. Burning and dodging for Carbon Printing?? Or other UV contact printing.
  211. ? Developer for negatives to be scanned
  212. Is contrast in two-bath developers controlled by the developer or the alkali?
  213. Fuji chrome and Fuji Hunt 6x 5 liter kits
  214. Rollei RPX 400 Reciproicty
  215. Galaxy Paper
  216. Troubleshooting Carbon Printing Failures
  217. 8x10 Kodalith Fine Art sheet film; No notches
  218. Printing the AN pattern
  219. Retropan 320
  220. Lead and Mercury?
  221. Ilford Galerie Digital Silver paper
  222. Light leak help
  223. Exposure times for color paper and troubleshoting
  224. RC advocates please chime in
  225. Kodak Dry Plates 3.25x5.5" still sealed.
  226. Using diafine and have questions.
  227. Duplicating Azo at Home?
  228. Fuji fp-100c45 question
  229. X-Ray Film for photography Advice needed.
  230. 8x10 slide stock onto LED panel
  231. Rodinal lasts forever, right?
  232. When to pull the film out of the developer?
  233. wet plate: format vs. costs pre image
  234. What is Azo?
  235. Diffusion filters - contact printing?
  236. easiest alt process
  237. How much developer is needed? HC-110, Rodinal
  238. How many people Replenish developers vs. One Shot
  239. Developing Harman Direct Positive Using Diafine
  240. Tetenal e6/c41 kits in 1L and 5L size discontinued
  241. Lumachrome for facemounting - advantages, difficulties and characteristics
  242. Shuffling 8x10 in trays
  243. xtol with photoflo
  244. Digital versus Enlarger print sharpness opinions
  245. How Much are you budgeting for 8x10 these days?
  246. Red compact fluorescent bulb as a red safelight.
  247. Film and Airport Security
  248. Glossiness of Albumen Prints
  249. Vinny Developing Tanks
  250. Odd marks on film?