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  1. Zone VI Compensating Enlarging Timer with Beseler MX45 ?
  2. Carbon printing and bubbles
  3. Does silver plate out of your fixer onto the bottle?
  4. Iphone as proofing tool
  5. N00b Film Handling question...
  6. Foma 200 in 8x10?
  7. Currently Available Paper?
  8. Darkroom cook book
  9. A collection of darkroom tips and tricks that don't need a whole thread to themselves
  10. Fuji 50 4x5 from japan?
  11. Bwaahaaahaaa! Paper from the very bowels of a frozen hell....
  12. Olld chemicals
  13. Scan and process then print v's print from negative
  14. Gadget for use of steel tank with 4x5 film
  15. LF Negative restoration needed
  16. Best film/developer approach for high contrast -- pushed -- processing
  17. Fomalux SP111
  18. Rinse temperature for C41 and E6
  19. Strange Patterns on negative
  20. Question about Ilford liquid rapid fixer?
  21. X-Ray film emulsion removal video tutorial
  22. How does "staning" developers like Pyrocat HD or others effect printing?
  23. plastic daylight development tanks/staining developers/color processing
  24. New and need help!
  25. Effects of developer ratios and developing time
  26. Are there any rental or community darkrooms in the Atlanta, Georgia USA area?
  27. Single-weight B/W paper
  28. Greg Hindy, the USA Walker needs a slosher DESIGNED
  29. Photographic Processing Chemistry Book by Mason, which edition?
  30. Pyrocat HD in Glycol shelf life
  31. Price of Paper
  32. Getting the correct temperature while developing at home?
  33. fumed silica
  34. Whats wrong with my negatives?
  35. Tmax 400 shot one stop under?
  36. Palladium Printing from a Digital File?
  37. Fomapan/Arista EDU 400 for general use
  38. Question regarding Selenium
  39. Kodak Retouching Fluid replacement. Ideas?
  40. What caused my Jobo to flood?
  41. Doran developing tank
  42. Heartening News
  43. is Adox CHS 100 II worth the price?
  44. Some help to understand how to ready images to be used with Duratrans.
  45. Some advice needed on Kallitype and Van Dyke chemistry
  46. Blank Processing Super Sleuths
  47. False Economy, the worst film I ever tried to use.
  48. Expired Tri-X and Ektachrome
  49. Kodak TXP320 and Ilford Perceptol
  50. $110 per box of 10 sheets 8x10 TMY2?
  51. Reclaiming negatives on Polaroid 809?
  52. Cheap Arista EDU Ultra 100 in PMK Pyro
  53. Anyone Tried Wallpaper Troughs for Large Prints?
  54. How is TF5 working for you?
  55. Recommend alternative to Photo Flo?
  56. Other's Experiences With Paper Rolls vs Sheets
  57. Magenta Dye accumulating in TF-3 Fixer: please suggest a remedy
  58. DIY fixers-compare characteristics
  59. HIE notch code help - found film in holders
  60. A shop to buy darkroom chemicals in Los Angeles ?
  61. 5x7 film dimensions in mm (and relationship with GG)
  62. Matte paper diminished tonal range?
  63. BTZS expodev question
  64. FUJI NEOPAN 100 14X20 ACROS film?
  65. Negative damage using the Taco method
  66. Me and my big mouth. watch this EBay sale going crazy. Live now.
  67. Is there a good video about enlarging???
  68. Tray Processing Problems
  69. Any DR5 users out there?
  70. Underdevelopment through Stand development possible?
  71. Kodak LVT 1010 Film Recorder
  72. Storing (mostly expired film) whilst backpacking in South America
  73. Any density plots for pyrocat-HD on VC paper?
  74. Protecting valuable photographs from the sun
  75. Tech Pan and Technidol in Nikor Tank?
  76. Re-purpose a Kodak Rapid Color Processor Model 11
  77. Alfred Hitchcock - incredible reference for deep deep blacks
  78. The Case of the Banded Negatives
  79. 5 X 7 TMAX 400 special order
  80. Repleninishing Dektol
  81. 2015 Ilford ULF/custom film run approved... and delivered!
  82. Zone III meter or print down.
  83. Edge fogging on large prints.
  84. HP5+ in D-76 ...starting over with 4x5 -- where to start w/ JOBO
  85. Noisy Pump on Jobo CPA2
  86. New film from Begger! BERGGER Pancro 400
  87. Is Fomabrom Variant 111 Worth the Price?
  88. Adox CHS 25 in 8x10 - pyrocat HD development
  89. Stop watch vs timer
  90. film packaging
  91. c41 dip'n'dunk overdeveloped corners
  92. Tiny Impossible Project enlarger?
  93. best glue for stainless steel.
  94. Ansco 120 + RC paper = ???
  95. Glossiest / Smoothest fiber paper ?
  96. Marrutt CP450 - How to do a test strip ?
  97. Berg acttivater +green dye toner clarifacation
  98. Old Paper
  99. Polaroid type 55 with Diafine or HC110
  100. Very bad fingerprinting on film base
  101. Jobo prices...ridiculous
  102. Looking for 8x10 film hangers or DIY solution
  103. Semi-Stand Development w/ Mod 54 Help
  104. Getting that result on a tintype
  105. fomapan 200 8x10
  106. Dark stripes and mottles across 4x5 B&W negative film
  107. Dropped frozen film
  108. Paper neg...positive...?
  109. What happened?
  110. PMK - how does it work?
  111. Biginners questions on developing, what do I really need
  112. T-Max 100 w/T-Max RS Developer
  113. Ektalure X surface EX 1975
  114. Ilford recommendation of stock xtol for fp4+
  115. Hand Development of 4x5 using JOBO 2521 in PMK Pyro?
  116. Strange shadow
  117. Developer Test: D-76, Rodinal and FD10 Head to Head
  118. CEA OGA green sensitive x-ray film
  119. Lith prints with measles
  120. New to LF Questions
  121. anyone using Rollei RPX 400 ????
  122. IR UV X-Ray film exposure and usage question
  123. Paper "whites"
  124. What Happened here? Film Developing Help Please
  125. Storage for Printfile 4x5 sleeves
  126. Drum rollers / processors in Europe
  127. BTZS Tubes/Pyrocat Quantity Question
  128. NEW55 Monobath Developer? What?
  129. Thin Gage Aluminum Supplier
  130. Lead pipes and processing film/paper
  131. ADAMS Retouching Machine Co Denver CO #39798
  132. Lith printing with Agfa Brovira BEH
  133. platinum palladium processing chemistry in europe
  134. Availability of direct positive paper?
  135. 10x8 Paper size vs 10x8 film size
  136. Wet Plate Collodion Kit
  137. Shelf life of chemicals
  138. Printing 8x10 vs 16x20
  139. Developing WP film
  140. Need advice about heat-damaged negatives
  141. Marshall's Spot-All for Color
  142. Portra 160 vs 400
  143. Open Tubes in Trays, Covered by Solution, OK for Minimal Agitation/Semi-Stand?
  144. Black and White reversal paper from Russia
  145. direct positive liquid emulsion
  146. Contact prints from LF
  147. Light Leak or Development??
  148. What type of film developer should I use?
  149. HP5+ box opened
  150. Ilford 2015 ULF/custom film order window is open
  151. What causes Pyrocat HD to Oxidize so fast?
  152. UK places to process 4x5 sheet film?
  153. Albumen vs Gelatin
  154. BLB bulbs or 1000w bulb X-ray film carbon printing question
  155. Surge marks
  156. Mysterious Disappearing Spot on Salt Prints
  157. Fuji FP? Is it a fools errand?
  158. Pyro Step Wedge
  159. Fuji HRT or Agfa G-Plus
  160. Source for spent/exposed 4x5 sheet film.
  161. Do you separate important film to develop.
  162. Lambda 131 Red Laser
  163. Sell me on Rodinal
  164. Tank Developing LF Negatives?
  165. How do they make Ilford film? Check out the FPP podcast.
  166. Help! Moersch 4812 (or equivalent?) Needed!
  167. Strange marks on 4x5 negative film
  168. I'm looking for 8x10 film Self Scan or Self process Lab or place.. in NYC
  169. Pyrocat HD Oxidization
  170. Agfa Scala 200 slide (development, in Hc110 or Rodinal) The time
  171. x ray negative examples
  172. Kodak packaging, how waterproof?
  173. Does any outlet stock 11x14 film?
  174. Has anybody else tried to duplicate Niepce's results?
  175. 35mm/120 Tri-X 400 vs 4x5 Tri-X 320?
  176. Retail Outlet for Sheet Film in Houston?
  177. Uneven development with Jobo. Help!!
  178. Mysterious halos on negatives
  179. Help with developing B&W film please
  180. Using D76R Replenisher?
  181. Dark Room Wall Paint Colour Choice
  182. Velvia 50 4x5 available through amazon
  183. Images of BAD developer needed
  184. Wet Plate Developer (How much to use)
  185. Fomapan 100 in a Mod54 development advice and sample shots?
  186. Ektascan 14X17 availability
  187. Where buy Edwal LFN in the UK?
  188. EI for HP5 4x5 sheets
  189. New55 R3 video
  190. Expired film & plates exposure, development, images Quest
  191. PMK Pyro availability in Europe
  192. Proper usage of compensating developer?
  193. Stand developing in btz tubes?
  194. New RETROPAN 320 soft
  195. Marks when Using Jobo Print Drums for B&W negatives. Possible causes and solutions.
  196. X-ray developers, fixers and film cassettes
  197. Pyrocat HD source?
  198. Exposed Efke 50 at ASA 250. How to develop?
  199. How best to dry FP-100c in the field?
  200. Fomapan 100 safelight recommendations
  201. salvaging under processed images
  202. Looking for a dip and dunk processing center in the US
  203. Rodinal with X-Ray Film - Some Problems
  204. Stand developing with Caffenol
  205. Pyrocat HD and Ektascan B/RA
  206. Atomic X Readyload film from New55
  207. Developing old Super-XX: Can I do better?
  208. How to warm Adox Variotone paper in DS14 ?
  209. Fixer / Dev test strips?
  210. stand development
  211. Caffenol developer with RC paper negatives
  212. Dust and Scratches
  213. Price of Kodak Ektar 4x5 gone up 20-30%+ ?
  214. Electron Microscope film info and 25 film developing Lucite rack
  215. Testing results for HC-110 X Rodinal
  216. Leaking jobo 3006 expert drum
  217. Pyro HD - Sheets per liter
  218. Exposing Older TX 4164 CF
  219. Developing to CI or DR
  220. Source for 8x10 X-ray film
  221. How Critical is Fixer Temperature?
  222. Restoring a photograph
  223. PC-TEA Longevity
  224. Fomapan Creative 200
  225. Ilford/Harman Direct Positive FP paper is back
  226. Empty Film Boxes
  227. Printing 8x10 negs, which lens
  228. Pyrocat HD semi stand/uneven dev
  229. Best quality lab for C-41 in Los Angeles, CA?
  230. Id11
  231. Agfa Neutol Konstant (powder) Formula
  232. Example of Semi-Stand vs Tray processed 7x17 negative
  233. Contact Printing Question: Paper & Developer
  234. Testing for film speed "focus at infinity"
  235. gold toner turning purple
  236. Bump this up! Ilford Special Film Cut ends soon!
  237. Pyrocat HD mixing and developing practices...
  238. Developing Multiple Sheets in Trays....With Consistency, Flexibility, and Control
  239. Best developer one-shot for T-grain films in Jobo processor at 75 degree
  240. I need to get rid of my silver nitrate
  241. Acros Pricing from japanexposures.com
  242. Delta 100 Condensation Issues?
  243. B&W Print Retouching
  244. Some pointers please
  245. Print big - Few questions for first trial
  246. a couple of beginner questions
  247. Interpositive advice
  248. Thomas Duplex Safelight Questions
  249. Anyone contact printing 4x5?
  250. low contrast scenes