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  1. Platinum/Paladium printing
  2. Looking for old film curves
  3. Minimum quantity of Rodinal
  4. Moersch MZB anybody?
  5. Old Chemicals
  6. Tri-x vs Tmax 400
  7. Contact printing 5x7 negatives on 5x7 paper, with white border
  8. Management for exposed film.
  9. outdated Tmax RS
  10. Kodak X-Ray film price DECREASE!
  11. exposing paper
  12. enlarged paper negatives
  13. Kodak Portra 160
  14. Formula Help, 2 part dev
  15. How to center 4x5 negative on 8x10 paper for contact prints
  16. Pyrocat HD
  17. Stand Development
  18. Gralab timers
  19. CL81 8x10 film reel
  20. Any differences between rotary-tube and semi-stand film developing
  21. General cleaning of exposed film, what chemical or machine/equip do you use?
  22. Globualls in the selenium
  23. finally caught up!
  24. Fast Fixing Time
  25. Limitations or weaknesses in 510 Pyro
  26. Wanting Vintage Look
  27. No More Sheet Film Developing at BWC in Dallas
  28. Positive processes?
  29. Any pro labs still running analog "package printers"?
  30. Sheet Film Cutting and Repackaging service
  31. Hp5 at ASA 141???
  32. 8 bit linear value conversion to Log Density? FILM
  33. Kodak ektascan eir-7
  34. Need some Pyro advice
  35. A Question about Ilford Delta 100 Developer
  36. X-ray development
  37. Which developer for 4x5 B&W sheet film
  38. Does dust stick to film?
  39. Retouching X-ray negs?
  40. Is Fujifilm FP-3000B film discontinued?
  41. Polaroid 8x10 film processor
  42. Two-Bath Pyrocat
  43. Canham TMAX 400 5X7 Order No. 2
  44. A practical test of long outdated film
  45. Printed image with white edges around it
  46. enlarging size question
  47. panorama enlargement question
  48. What are these marks on my picture?
  49. 4x5 Film dev tank
  50. SIDA film?
  51. 34 ruined negatives - the great mistery
  52. Fun with Ortho!
  53. YIKES! How to best clean dusty negatives?
  54. Adjusting development times for rotary proccessing
  55. Origins of 4x5?
  56. Do most shops clean the glass and picture when mounting them?
  57. Arista edu 400 and TXP 320 push to 800 dev in Microphen
  58. fine grain developer for foma iso 100 4x5 film
  59. cut corners on negative
  60. Tray processing vs Semi-Stand processing... an example
  61. Need recommendations for master printers to print my images
  62. FP-3000B light leak?
  63. Thermometers
  64. Darkroom Wall paint
  65. Nitric Acid Concentration in Dupont 6-T?
  66. Light leaks or damaged film?
  67. is there a way to get grain in 4x5?
  68. 120 film for 4x5 camera
  69. Holder for Fuji Quickloads
  70. sheet film for quarter plate/ 3-1/4x4-1/4 / 3x4 cameras
  71. There's no chemicals in my Fuji 3000B?!
  72. BTZS Developing Tutorial
  73. Loading film in the presence of "glow-in-the-dark" aperture scale...
  74. film highlights placement
  75. What do you do with your slide film?
  76. Simpler BTZS testing routine
  77. No lab that can handle sheet film on Maui
  78. Illford MGFB Classic,package in the box
  79. Archival Print Storage Boxes-Where to Buy
  80. Velvia 50 back?
  81. Reversal Processing?
  82. Setting up a color darkroom advice ? ( or talk me out of it :) )
  83. Home Made Instant Film
  84. CPE2+ and 2500 Series Drum
  85. film fridge died...
  86. Re-using HC-110 DilB for another shot?
  87. What goes into making an instant P/N film?
  88. Questions about Polaroid T52
  89. How to pull develop 2 stops out of C41 film
  90. processing e-6 in tetenal, No image!
  91. Sprint Systems Print Brightener
  92. New to B&W, I need to know if Ilford Delta 400 chemistry will do other Ilford films?
  93. Taking Film on an Aeroplane?
  94. Where to find Tri X 8X10?
  95. Article on Two-Bath Pyrocat
  96. Do we still need Black and White FIlm???
  97. Is Ansel Adams' The Print a good beginner's bible?
  98. pre soak
  99. Film box
  100. Printing Murals
  101. Tetenal E6 times for 270ml solution on CPE-2
  102. Contrast control with paper or film development?
  103. Old X-Ray and autoradiography film, useable?
  104. The importance of a wetting agent.
  105. Has Harmon Direct Positive Paper been discontinued?
  106. How to take my printing to the next level?
  107. What about putting fiber based B&W paper in the freezer ?
  108. print from kodalith copy negative
  109. stain on 8x10 film emulsion
  110. X-ray film availability in Europe 2014?
  111. will Fuji FP-3000b film pack work in a 405 film holder?
  112. Any experience with Fomapan 100?
  113. Formulary Fixer (concentrate) and hardener question
  114. Bergger Film
  115. Optically printing digitally-printed color negatives in the manual darkroom
  116. No big whoop to most but OMG I can't believe it to me
  117. Platinum/Palladium printing.
  118. Question: What happens if you load and shoot film with emulsion side backwards?
  119. Modern Rodinal: Adonal, Adolux, Fomadon, R09, R09 Spezial - Which are you using? Why?
  120. Ethol
  121. PMK, Blotchy Skies, and a Pyrocat Question
  122. I did cyanotypes at our local mini maker faire
  123. Determining costs of different developments
  124. Kodak F-24 Nonhardening Acid Fixer
  125. Dev time for negatives
  126. tabletop ra-4 processor questions
  127. 4x5 3 piece box for shipping??
  128. C-41 is a gas
  129. Paper on paper contact printing.
  130. Experience of 4x10 Film DIY?
  131. NASA Film Processing Mistakes
  132. Cut sheets of fresh Fujiflex in EU
  133. reciprocity failure adjustments: Bond 2003 factors good for 2007 400Tmax?
  134. Slice of Radioactive Thorium Mineral Rock as Light Source for Contact Print
  135. Motor Base Developing Question
  136. Silver nitrate contamination?
  137. Dedicated 4x10 film cutters?
  138. Jobo 3010 drum- issue with foaming developer
  139. Impossible 8x10 film
  140. Rollei RPX 25 In 5X4
  141. FYI: Ektar 100 in 8x10 available at Adorama
  142. Rapid fixer?
  143. Tmax 100 XTOL 1:1 N+1
  144. Tray Processing Film: Gloves or No Gloves?
  145. ColorTone Color Paper RA4 paper
  146. selenium toner better with age?
  147. Single Negative Test Processing
  148. A slight problem with some shots...
  149. Dry Mounting 20x24 With a Seal Jumbo 160M
  150. Correlating BTZS to roll film testing
  151. Curved 16x20 Paper
  152. Looking for example of quality between contact print vs enlargement
  153. agfapan 100 vs agfapan apx 100
  154. Reclaiming silver from fixer and hypo?
  155. Platinum Printing: Advice needed starting down this road
  156. 5x7 & 13x18cm Film Storage Sleeves
  157. My Tetenal E6 Blix (BX Part 1) looks like strong Espresso, normal?
  158. TEA Developers
  159. TXP or 320 TXP ?
  160. Tetenal E6 kit FD and BX 2 crystallized
  161. Ignore, wrong sub-forum. FP-100C Film on a Linhof Technika III?
  162. Shanghai film formats
  163. using the negtive in Fuj FP-3000i B&W istant pak fillm?
  164. Ideas as to what went wrong with this photo?
  165. digital prints in NYC
  166. Kodak / Fuji 10"x12" x-ray film dimensions?
  167. Registration "system" for multiple layer printing ?
  168. Dry mount adhesive recomendations
  169. Nightvision goggles for developing film?
  170. Kodak Litho Film
  171. Is Ifochrome alive?
  172. Zone VI Compensating Enlarging Metronome "TikTok"
  173. Sayonara Fuji Instant Color Film FP-100C45
  174. Calling all Photoshop experts
  175. Rendering quality when shooting 120 on 4x5 camera
  176. Notch code ID question....
  177. Half toning of Film Grain Mask with Digital Negative ??
  178. RA-4 Temp. Control
  179. Wet plate chemicals
  180. Stand and semi-stand development...is there a primer?
  181. Silvering and other problems galore!
  182. Lodima folders - am I missing something?
  183. Diafine Chemical Analysis at University
  184. Does developer temperature increase/decrease contrast?
  185. Chemical solvability
  186. How much film could a fixer fix? ( if a fixer could fix film...)
  187. Polaroid 8x10
  188. ImageMaker One Dry Mount Tissue?
  189. Water stains on C-41
  190. Correct safelight for Agfa HDR-C Mammography film?
  191. Over Exposure
  192. EFKE/ADOX PL100 Hardening
  193. Arista 400 not on reciprocity app
  194. Homemade Jobo 3005??
  195. Making a 4x5 print from an 8x10 negative
  196. Everyone loves a mystery
  197. Delta 100 compared to TMax 100
  198. 4x5" b&w sheet film
  199. Instant film home made?
  200. Newbie challenges with Rollei Ato 2.1
  201. Spare parts for Combi-plan developing tank
  202. Mod 54 opinions?
  203. Review of Ilford's new Fibre based papers Classic and Cool tone
  204. Favorite FP4+ developer for Jobo?
  205. Fuji Medical Dry Imaging Film DI-HL
  206. Film, Paper, Developers for reliably getting started in analog photography
  207. Traveling with sheet film?
  208. Who's interested in Portra 160 4x10?
  209. Ilford classic cooltone information for uneven development / defects
  210. Info KLB enlarger
  211. Rollei RPX 400 sheets
  212. Help with Black and white developing...
  213. Suggestions for reputable Daylight Developing 4x5 tank?
  214. Help: Printing with Graflarger on 12x16 Paper
  215. Linhof image (grain?) magnifier
  216. Post Sepia/Sulphide Toner Fixing
  217. Printing on Canvas
  218. Stand Developing tanks/technique for 4x5
  219. E6 (Color Reversal) Film Developing - 6 bath method
  220. warm tone paper developer
  221. E6 kits life expectancy
  222. Durst L184 - Making a Grey Print
  223. Plus X 1948 ISO
  224. papers for contact printing
  225. Tri-x 400 fan vs. All other options
  226. Aerographic Film?
  227. PMK Pyro and Clear negatives
  228. Unloading film from CatLabs CL81
  229. Cutting and processing 4x10 film (and other tangential observations)
  230. Diffuse RMS values between colour print and slide films
  231. Identifying a unknown film sheet...?
  232. Kodak Tri X 320 Being Made Again?
  233. I'm having a problem with PRovia 100F 8x10 film
  234. No empty film boxes for shipping exposed film - what to do?
  235. Grain in burnt in sky
  236. Best fiber papers available
  237. T-Max 100 w/T-Max RS Developer
  238. When is silver nitrate light sensitive?
  239. Glass Negatives
  240. Just a note re Acros pricing
  241. Ilford Classic & Selenium Toning
  242. Fomapan Black and White 4x5
  243. Really Expired Film
  244. Pulling long exposures with rodinal 1:100
  245. Anybody know the adhesive used in countermounting prints by Strand
  246. processing steps - Jobo Expert drum
  247. Salvaging Old Glass Plates
  248. Potassium Bromide and Vintage Printing Paper
  249. Can anyone please identify what caused this scratch on my negative?
  250. Who stocks Adox Ortho 25 in 8x10?