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  1. running a job in one direction
  2. Jobo Temperature Analysis - end container temp OK for pre-heat? And other questions!
  3. print labels
  4. Devtec TC-750 Temperature Controller
  5. Ideas as to what happened???
  6. film box - another use..
  7. Initial Impression: Ilford MGFB IV vs MGFB Classic
  8. First go at developing sheet film, spots and streaks
  9. Cannot ID this notch code
  10. metering for paper negatives
  11. stupid question: RA4 contacts
  12. Printing Pyrocat Hd negatives on VC paper
  13. Merry Christmas to me
  14. what to sub for this kodak d-76 replenisher
  15. Paper for 4x5 contact printing
  16. Best contact paper for early 1900's feel?
  17. Anyone Processing B&W 4x5 in New Orleans?
  18. Chemical question
  19. Dry Mounting 40 x 50 Prints
  20. Using a hardner for Gum Bichromate
  21. E6 and expert drums-why curled film?
  22. Drive rubber rings for motor bases?
  23. Jobo Multitank 2 & 2509 - How much liquid?
  24. How much to develop
  25. Where to get 4x5 Velvia 50?
  26. DEVELOPER without using Replenisher has any try this see PDF Chart
  27. Finally done with PMK. What next?
  28. Are Yellow & Magenta filters necessary when doing Contact Printing?
  29. Drum processing
  30. grade 4 paper vs. vc paper and Chromega head
  31. Split Grade Printing with VC Paper
  32. Stain with Pyrocat HD in higher dilutions
  33. Enlarging paper types, silver gelatin papers?
  34. Best densitometer for alt process
  35. Ilford FB Classic and FB Cooltone review
  36. Agfa X-Ray
  37. Agfa X-Ray
  38. What are these spots?
  39. Pt/Pd printing using A+B Method
  40. Yellowish-Brownish borders of my prints
  41. Pyrocat HD + Jobo CPP2 Howto? (TMX, TMY, HP5)
  42. film
  43. Mod 54
  44. Jobo repair in Australia?
  45. Clayton Odorless Fixer white precipitate?
  46. Pyrocat-HD in Glycol: with or without bisulphite and bromide ?
  47. Pushing and Pulling effect on tone curve?
  48. Acrylic film washer photos/plans?
  49. acid citric
  50. Curled transparencies
  51. A caffenol question
  52. enlarger durst laborator 1800
  53. How is this remotely possible
  54. Thornward Dry Plates
  55. Opinion needed concerning min. amount of dev. for 4 x 5 sheets
  56. Paterson orbital and temp control for colour slies
  57. D23 question
  58. Dektol mixed last week is cloudy. What's wrong? How to fix??
  59. Warmest tone paper still available?
  60. Best film for making negative enlargements
  61. LEGO Automated film processor
  62. one-shot paper developer
  63. How much does B/W film type influence a final DR silver print?
  64. Uneven Developement with Diafine - how to test properly?
  65. Photographers Formulary
  66. Enlarging Easel what is the best
  67. Does anyone know why these problems occurred?
  68. B/W Light temperature?
  69. Paper for Carbon?
  70. Darkroom in Europe
  71. how to learn about wetplate
  72. N- Development
  73. Developers dedicated to LF
  74. Pulling Tmax 400 to 100 with TMAX RS times?
  75. How much does it cost to print in platinum...and is it worth it?
  76. Removing the second emulsion from X-Ray films.
  77. Ammonium Dichromate in the UK
  78. New HC110 advice
  79. Really old film
  80. Shipping Exposed Film
  81. Darkroom Exposure Times for which Reciprocity Holds?
  82. FP4 Rotary Processing Times with Rodinal and HC-110
  83. Ilford MGIV & Se toning color shift
  84. Order of Toning
  85. Which PYRO?
  86. tacking iron adhesive residue
  87. Fomapan 100 failure, reciprocity and Xtol, minimal agitation
  88. California water shortage
  89. Wash for Film & Prints How long to use water with shortage???
  90. Roller for film developing HOW
  91. Fog on Old Tri-X Film
  92. at a crossroad
  93. Figuring out what this mystery film is
  94. Processed,safe, negative storage
  95. Man, 8x10 film is in demand!
  96. Using a Enlarger to Scane photos
  97. Best B & W film and developer for 4 x 5 newbie? Tank? Tray?
  98. HC110 + Kodak TMax 100 processing question
  99. Exactly how hard and tempermental is E-6 to process yourself?
  100. What is your printing process?
  101. Fujifilm PRO 160NS
  102. Poll: How long is your average darkroom printing session?
  103. Xrays and film
  104. Intermittent agitation?
  105. Reusing developer in the short term
  106. At last! It's only taken me four years...
  107. Contact printing with Lodima
  108. Fogging does Benzotriazole work or buy new film
  109. Self Processing E-6?
  110. HC-110 syrup turned orange
  111. Rodinal: Finally putting all the rhinos if what's "real" and what's "clone" etc
  112. MOD54 on Paterson Tank with a Uniroller bi-directional base
  113. Cold light, yellow filter question
  114. Help with D76 and Txp 320 4x5
  115. Longevity of Metol
  116. Gum Printing/ Kits tips, etc....
  117. Light flash from switched off light box, HC 110 results...
  118. Divided Pyrocat from the Formulary
  119. TXP and Tmax 400
  120. Anybody uses or used Sandy King's Pyro Uno?
  121. Hardner Formula(s) For TF-5
  122. Jobo 2850 print drum
  123. Non-setting contact glue for paper
  124. Transparent paper?
  125. expired color film question
  126. Color Photo papers.... Recomendations?
  127. Suggestions for Adox MCC 110. Exposure times and developers?
  128. This is going to be hard ...
  129. up-to-date reference on film and developing?
  130. selenum toning after prints have dried?
  131. Looking for a new Film/Dev combination. Opinions wanted.
  132. Hanging 44" prints
  133. Does anyone Scan 7x17 in Central New England?
  134. Kodak Infrared film, Agfa Portriga paper and selenium toner -- any way to replicate?
  135. Spotting problem - spotted spots changed color!
  136. Absolute Newbie requiring some very basic help with B&W development
  137. Film prices (Kodak TMY in particular)
  138. When the manufacturer has no idea ...
  139. Kodak Ektascan B/RA - where get it in EU ?
  140. e-6 in trays?
  141. HELP need it with the Arkay Dual Dri Pro Model 150
  142. Jobo edge density film problem
  143. Fomabrom Variant III, single, double, or mid weight paper???
  144. Adox CMS II and roto processing
  145. Darkroom water supply, effluent disposal and environmental control - Survey
  146. free B&W Photo paper
  147. Using bleach on B&W film to retouch
  148. Misc expired film questions - Help
  149. Water wise washing.
  150. Platinum printing question.
  151. Not sure I can call myself a Carbon Printer yet, very pleased with my first attempts.
  152. Which way do you prefer to develop your 4x5 sheet films
  153. Xtol
  154. Where to buy film and paper in Canada?
  155. First time rotary processing B/W film : Success..
  156. Extra sheets in Ilford 25 sheet boxes?
  157. Film test results
  158. Thanks to this part of the Forum, I solved my problem!!! Merci mille fois
  159. Largest print possible
  160. Finding B&W Chems at Camera Stores
  161. Is their a Keith Canham for Fuji Films?
  162. Another Arista EDU Ultra / Fomapan question
  163. RA-4 paper in B&W chemistry - how to improve contrast?
  164. Troubleshooting My Bad Processing Technique -- Scratches
  165. TMY in 5x7 ?
  166. Correct processing of tetenal e6 in Jobo CPE-2
  167. 8x10 contact print and scan
  168. T Max 400 (2) Reciprocity Correction
  169. Jobo 2502 Duo Set Reels
  170. Bergger Paper
  171. Fuji Velvia 100 in 4x5
  172. Black specks/marks in highlight areas in E-6 transparancies
  173. Contact printing 8x10 or > on Color Paper (RA-4)
  174. Density measurement of Pyrocat HD negatives?
  175. Ilford ID-11 and Fuji HRT
  176. Newibie question: Contact prints, VC paper, light source
  177. Ammonium Dichromate replacement for Carbon printing
  178. Unwanted/Expired 4x5 Colour Film Wanted
  179. First Time processing Questions:D76/TF-5
  180. cleaning pipettes
  181. Ektar 100 8x10 Discontinued?
  182. Polaroid 55 Newb needs help
  183. Help required, if ordering from B&H, would you be willing to send a jiffy to the UK?
  184. copying film
  185. Paper Negative Reversal Process (In camera positives)
  186. Yellowish base after selenium toning
  187. (Asphalt) Heliography
  188. The Mordancage process.
  189. Easier way to load the Mod54
  190. Instructions and step chart for X-Rite 361?
  191. Problem reinserting dark slide
  192. Divided developer pros and cons
  193. Started to test for film speed - honest! But I ran into problems and gave up.....
  194. Worth of 4x5 Reversal Films
  195. X-Ray Film easy to get?
  196. Film Drying
  197. Kodak Sensitized Paper
  198. NEW, New Oriental Papers?
  199. The Dye Transfer Process
  200. arista e-6 with jobo
  201. Foma 100 Help Please
  202. Help with Pyrocat MC
  203. 4x5 BTZS in daylight?
  204. Kodak Professional Endura Premier Paper
  205. Adox CHS 100 II in Pyrocat HD?
  206. Arista EDU 200/Foma 200 thoughts
  207. replacement for sponge cloth for wiping drying film
  208. DIY Film Processor for C41(Possibly E-6) under $100
  209. (Another) Expired film question. Just hear me out!
  210. Simple film dev Question
  211. Oxygen removal
  212. BTSZ WinPlotter File Repository
  213. An excellent presentation by Ilford/Harman rep Michael Bain
  214. Are Film Price Differences Worth The Money?
  215. enlarging negatives to 8x10 and larger for contact printing
  216. Underdeveloped tops
  217. BTZS testing procedure
  218. Do I have to trash this film?
  219. which type of kodak film is it??
  220. Harman Direct Positive Discontinued ... stockpiling a good idea?
  221. What a drag!
  222. Xtol - torn packaging?
  223. TMY and PMK
  224. 11x14 film
  225. Coating COLOR emulsion at home
  226. Need help with the challenge of processing large format!
  227. The World’s Largest Photo, Taken with the World’s Largest Camera
  228. Dip n' dunk 4x5
  229. Gotchas or disadvantages of higher temperature processing
  230. How do you hang your film
  231. Processing question
  232. Making the switch
  233. Thoughts on Pryro for IR film development
  234. Ilford & Kodak Chemistry - Made in Germany
  235. Current lab recommendation in Tokyo for 8x10 ?
  236. Processing Polaroid Type 55 with conventional developers?
  237. Jobo ATL-2000 vs 2200/2300
  238. Carte de visite revisited?
  239. developing long expired fotokemika sheet film
  240. Where to buy Photographers' Formulary TFX-2 in Europe????
  241. 11 x 14 Fuji 64T Transparency Film
  242. Moersch Tanol, What to do for CI .50 as Sandy King advised
  243. Albumin Printing?
  244. Rollo - Pyro info help
  245. Help with film pricing...
  246. Tintype newbie
  247. kodak e6 kit expiry?
  248. 8x10 Velvia Film Sold at $20 a Sheet
  249. Help me in my unbelief!
  250. Substituting Developer Starters?