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  1. Help with development times (Arista + HC110)
  2. Expansion and contraction capabilities of HP5 and FP4
  3. Can the bleach portion of Foma Sepia toner be used as a selective bleach?
  4. Has anybody ever converted an Xray processor to develop 4x5s or 8x10s camera film
  5. 5x7 Kodak Portra 400 group buy through Keith Canham
  6. Experience with Slavich paper?
  7. Anybody using X-ray film in the UK?
  8. Contact printing on enarging paper
  9. 11x14 doubts
  10. Jobo Expert 3010 - New user
  11. Mixing Pyrocat-HD, white precipitate ?
  12. Contrast issues with Paterson Orbital?
  13. Film Processing in Boston
  14. In search of developer
  15. A very different Contact printing frame - any explanations?
  16. Light Leak - Please Help
  17. Gone like a frieght train. Gone like yesterday. Gone like a soldier...
  18. Film, Developer Combination for Paper and Scanning B&W
  19. Introducing---Solar Dektol!
  20. FP4+ and Acros100 in Pyrocat HD - Glycol
  21. Expired Hypo Clear
  22. Ektar 100 x-ray scan exposed
  23. Arista EDU Ultra 8x10 format film...good or bad?
  24. Zone processing times for Delta 100 in DD-X with BTZS tubes?
  25. Sold out? Velvia 50 8x10?
  26. Sugimoto's "simultaneous vertical-horizontal agitator"
  27. Controlling Paper Contrast by Color Enlarger
  28. Problem with Ekfe IR820?
  29. Developing Time For Rollei 400IR in Pyrocat-HD
  30. Excuse my asking,,,,
  31. How basic can I go?
  32. Ilford ULF order 7x11 delivered today
  33. Delta 100 and Pyrocat-HD
  34. Idea: MOD54 + paterson reel + combiplan
  35. Confusion
  36. How long will Pyrocat HD last in open container?
  37. Storing film
  38. Trouble with XTOL
  39. Fomapan 100, (semi) stand development to fight reciproke failure ?
  40. Na2 method for Palladium printing
  41. Tried my First Long Exposure
  42. Who is making the Lomochrome Purple 400 film?
  43. JOBO Blues
  44. Need more contrast in my negs
  45. Has anyone used red safe light while printing with Ilford Galerie?
  46. Powder chemistry expiration dates
  47. Question about sheet film storage in freezer
  48. Tintype help
  49. Mathematical Formula For Acros B&W Film Reciprocity
  50. An odd situation here....
  51. Rodinal & Acros 100 dilution effects?
  52. Developer (newb question)
  53. EchoPro Chemicals
  54. Moersch lith omega with kodak d-9
  55. Film Pricing
  56. Expansion
  57. Fuji FP100C45 in stock 7/24/2013
  58. Q: Newest/latest Fuji film???
  59. ESECO Speedmaster model TRC60D - Manual needed
  60. HP5+ in HC-110
  61. Anyone here shooting Fuji FP-3000BW instant film?
  62. Waxing pt/pd prints
  63. Processing Tiny Sheet Film
  64. Dispensing Developer Using a hand pump
  65. Developing Verichrome Pan Film
  66. Request an Acros-like film from Ilford?
  67. Product for Removing Black Spots from White Areas
  68. Flatening old sheet film
  69. Rotating Motorbase Ilford Cibachrome A for Jobo 2500-drum/Short Testdrum?
  70. Questions on getting film developed
  71. Kodak Ektacolor RA (Part A Bleach/Fix Cloudy)
  72. Getting film out of BTZS tubes
  73. One Stop Underexposed
  74. Tray developing problem - 8x10
  75. Looking for feedback + recommendations on 8x10 film processing tanks
  76. Blotches on Palladium Print, Rives BFK - solutions?
  77. Wet Plate Collodion Question
  78. Portra 160 4x5 just doubled in price on Amazon
  79. Lab recommendations for film processing
  80. How do I decode Ilford's HP5+ batch number?
  81. ADOX Adotech CMS film Developer
  82. is this a light leak?
  83. Is this fair game?
  84. removing scotch pma from a print?
  85. old plus-x how to develop?
  86. Best B&W film for Chiaroscuro
  87. F-stop Printing & Contrast
  88. Confused about X-ray bleaching procedure
  89. Fujiroids - purple blotches?
  90. Need help with film issue (consistent scratches)
  91. Print defects, what do you consider acceptable?
  92. Selenium toner
  93. Dektal mixed with Illford multigrade paper developer
  94. Freezer diving
  95. Help determining a photographic printing process
  96. My First large format and I want to buy and load film? I need help
  97. Visible images on non-developed film left out for hours
  98. Selenium and Tellurium Toning
  99. Post Your Images 4x5 or Larger Shot with Ilford FP4+
  100. Mod54 and issues processing
  101. ND sanity check
  102. Portra 160 and 400 Reciprocity Failure
  103. Anyone Ever Use this Tank?
  104. Fuji Color Film for the 4x5
  105. Xray film + Travel
  106. Overexposed Efke in PMK - recommendations
  107. TMAX100 @ 1600 ISO with TMAX RS?
  108. "New" Gralab darkroom timer
  109. Exposed 4x5 Color Film- How long can I wait before processing?
  110. Stainless Steel developing tanks for 8X10?
  111. Buying Kodak 20x24 Portra 160 film
  112. Half Gallon Tnak Racks for Kodak 4A holders
  113. pyrocat hd uv density visualized
  114. Dry Plates (handmade) - Tips & Tricks, Experiences & Examples . . .
  115. Search for MacBeth TD-932 owner manual
  116. Problems with Photo-Flo
  117. Storing whole plate film negatives
  118. X-Ray Film and Paterson Orbital Tanks
  119. Actual metallic silver on print
  120. cutting 8x10 HR-T to 4x5
  121. Multiple sheets of film in Cibachrome or Unicolor drums
  122. Tried some old HP5+. Not a good idea. (Ya think?) Can I intensify the negs?
  123. Suggestions on 4x5 B&W film with good reciprocity characteristics
  124. Is it OK to quickly dip my 4x5 negatives into alcohol to expedite drying?
  125. Starting Out in LF
  126. Ilford DDX Delta 100
  127. starting out in Lith Printing
  128. ruined negative - please help find out why
  129. Shanghai 4x5 ISO 100 film w/ Pyrocat HD? Any dev time recommendations?
  130. 4x5 c41 home processing? Advice? Non-Jobo equipment suggestions?
  131. 4x5 Black-and-White fogging/develpment/lightleak issue
  132. E6 chems in Australia
  133. acros100, pyrocathd, 3010
  134. color film opinions/advice wanted
  135. Kallitype emulsion on film. Is it ruined?
  136. What is the best way to write a file number on my negatives?
  137. Where to develop film for 617
  138. Yearly Ilford Film Special Order
  139. Moersch SE7 BROMOIL Has anyone used it?
  140. Rookie Mistake with Safe Light
  141. Looking for developer...
  142. Options to reduce fog...
  143. Some questions regarding Xtol
  144. Do archival self-adhesive labels for backs of prints exist?
  145. 11x14 Maco 820c Aura IR film
  146. The Atlas of Analytical Signatures of Photographic Processes
  147. RED LED for safe lighing in drakroom
  148. X ray film experimentation
  149. New Tetenal Film Developer
  150. Film speed testing: Help! am doing something wrong
  151. BTZS Tubes Anyone? Anyone?
  152. Instant Film
  153. Substitute Ascorbic acid for bisulfite in Pyrocat HD
  154. 20x24 or 11x14 colour negative film needed
  155. Paper for backlit : "duratrans" or inkjet printing ?
  156. Fujimoto CP-31 Help
  157. L.A. Labs that Still Process E6 Sheet Films?
  158. A b/w development question
  159. Densitometers or scanners and film
  160. Scum on negative
  161. Light Leak Problem
  162. C-41 from CatLabs
  163. Tungsten Color Film C-41 - where can I purchase such?
  164. Can 400 iso film blow up real big, real well?
  165. Tap water temp down, finally in the lab printing.
  166. First ADOX CHS 100 II Shots+ comparison
  167. TMAX RS mix to stock amount? Simple question...
  168. Drymounting 24x30 and longer
  169. Expiration date on box?
  170. Film Negative Exhibiting A Wet Plate/Ambrotype Effect?
  171. EFKE PL 25 ort
  172. Report from Photo Expo plus NYC re film and analog photography
  173. Developing wheel for time and temperature
  174. PF Slosher Trays
  175. Removing Density from Areas of a Processed Negative
  176. Film questions
  177. Any Kienzle Enlarger users here?
  178. Fujichrome Velvia 50 sheet film
  179. 5x7 Ektar 100: Special order through Canham cameras
  180. Development of Tri-X 320 pulled to ISO 125
  181. I taught Michelle X-Ray, she taught me.
  182. need the instructions for arista e6 1 liter kit
  183. x-ray film day light exposure question
  184. Pyro 2 bath developer
  185. TF5 re-use
  186. Expired Polaroid film selling for a mint
  187. Processing Problems with Tanol
  188. Polaroid 405 film holder
  189. Fix for Overexposed/Overdeveloped film?
  190. brush-on adhesive with low tack...
  191. "Dry" X-ray film - can this be adapted to LF?
  192. Halftoning
  193. Ortho Plus unsharp masks
  194. 11x14 IR film
  195. Looks like the end is coming soon for Fp-3000b
  196. Making your own type 55...well sorta
  197. Cheapest place to buy Delta 100?
  198. Kodak Aerial Duplicating Film #2430 - Processing?
  199. Film processing issues
  200. Chemicals preparation
  201. Printing from Plates
  202. Polaroid film homemade
  203. What's Your Favorite Film For Rollo Pyro In Jobo
  204. What staining developer for Fomapan 100
  205. Special order Eastman Double-X in 4x5 sheets.
  206. Storing new and shot LF/ULF film flat or upright
  207. trying something new with cyanotypes
  208. PMT is a photomechanical transfer is still hear
  209. Film area
  210. Best Book on VC Printing
  211. Drying Fiber papper without curling
  212. Various NOS plates?
  213. General contact printing question:
  214. Enlarged negatives with Arista Ortho-Litho
  215. UV-A Blocking/Transmission Properties of Contact Print Glass
  216. New film: Film Washi
  217. Kentmere fineprint VC FB
  218. Kodak Opaque Red question
  219. Anyone wish to give away...?
  220. C41 or E6 in a JOBO CPP2 or CPP3 = Quality?
  221. I Was Bad
  222. Anybody using Fomalux currently?
  223. Antarctica & velvia 50
  224. Does emulsion side matter?
  225. making a carbon transfer print has any did this
  226. carbon transfert print - platinum palladium print
  227. Fujichrome RTPII 64T
  228. Daylight countertop film developing question -- temperature bath
  229. Using Rockland Tintypes Indoors with Strobes
  230. Very weird 8x10 Hp5 processing problem..
  231. Ortho film and continuous tone
  232. New Ilford FB Family of Papers
  233. Polaroid 665 on location
  234. Chemical mixing
  235. Mixing Selenimum Toner
  236. Can I develove film inhouse?
  237. Portraits with Impossible 8x10
  238. Sydney E-6 processing recommendations
  239. Buy TF-5 and Pyrocat HD in USA
  240. Fujichrome Provia 100F and Fuji Provia 100f
  241. Shelf Life of Fuji Crystal Archive Type II Paper
  242. Ilford Warmtone reformulated?
  243. Film Washi
  244. Negative density for Alternative printing.
  245. heluva deal on oriental paper
  246. 3063 print processing, developer amount ?
  247. Currently available VC papers?
  248. 8x10 tmy2 discount
  249. Sodium Sulfide Question
  250. Rockland Tintype Kit