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  1. Green fixer! Can I reuse it?
  2. Just bought some Xtol - any tips/advice?
  3. Fuji 5x7 Discontinuation
  4. Anyone know how to use a Premiere Fiber Print Dryer?????
  5. The Jobo CPP3 Processor is here! initial review\report
  6. What are your favorite trays or developong film?
  7. re-using LPD?
  8. Cutting 8x10 film without scratches
  9. Jobo CPE-2 for 4x5 developing
  10. jobo heater failed
  11. Questions about gum printing
  12. 8x10 at Badger Graphic
  13. Tray processing B/W - time between shuffle? Amount of sheets?
  14. Developer Dilution
  15. How to align an enlarger using a carpenter's laser level
  16. Harman direct positive with HC110?
  17. Mounting prints: to the backing board or the mat?
  18. over diluteed developer PD/PT
  19. Kodak Ektalure Paper
  20. Get direct positive paper flat?
  21. PT-80 Press
  22. Kodak TMAX RS 1:4
  23. What have i found?
  24. Preparing Palladium #3 from scratch...
  25. Cutting down 7x17 X-ray film to 5x7...
  26. For those who shoot with Delta 100...
  27. 4x5 processing method: practical?
  28. TriX 320 with HC110 Push/Pull Times?
  29. How to mix kodak hypo?
  30. Horseman 5x4 Polaroid back
  31. Efke pl 100 m
  32. print drying question?
  33. 3x4 sheet film
  34. Cutting 8-Ply Board With Logan 750 Simplex Plus?
  35. TriX 320 annihilation drama
  36. A famous quote - or somthing like that.
  37. Your favorite paper for Lith printing?
  38. B&W Processing in a Hotel Room
  39. Ilford fixer - average number of 4x5 sheets before dumping.
  40. Fuji buries 5x7
  41. Jobo Processors
  42. How to tell if your developing too long?
  43. ISO 100 B&W film preferences
  44. Cutting 11x14 film to fit 7x11 holders
  45. 6.5x9cm Film
  46. Suggestions for drying film
  47. Effects of developer dilutions
  48. drying 4x5 negs...
  49. Techniques for HP5+ in HC110?
  50. Using Uni-Color drums for processing X-ray film in HC-110
  51. Some testing results - unexpected outcomes.
  52. Release Paper: How Long Does it Last?
  53. Delta 100 Sheet Film Contact Printing Experience
  54. Ah, no better way to end a day than a good darkroom printing session.
  55. TF 3 Fixer
  56. Reverse Processing B&W 8x10 Negative to get a Positive image
  57. Anyone use Adox CMS-20?
  58. What do you do with old failed prints?
  59. Printing a negative for the first time.
  60. Ilford RC Portfolio Paper question
  61. Best Developer for 4x5 to be scanned and printed large ?
  62. Jobo Comparitor
  63. Need some assistance with 5x7 film...
  64. Canīt find large Size Photographic Paper? Any help?
  65. Shooting black and white landscapes
  66. Borax (sodium tetraborate) SUBSTITUTE for sodium metaborate?
  67. New 55
  68. strange colors in home processed C41
  69. Ethol LPD and printing landscapes
  70. HELP! Film notch question
  71. Image Problems - Dark Streak on Negatives
  72. Tri-X 4x5 sheet film
  73. Anyone in NYC want to share Kodak Flexicolor C-41 chemistry order from Unique Photo?
  74. The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated (Velvia 50)
  75. Contrasty neg on Adox
  76. what 4x5 daylight developing tank (or similar) options are available now, March 2013?
  77. Which Focal Length Enlarging Lens for 6x12 Negs?
  78. Impossible project 8x10 instant color protection film
  79. 8x10 sheet film
  80. type of gloves for dealing with chems
  81. infrared goggles
  82. Why flash your paper???
  83. diffrent fixers
  84. Just got some Adox CMS II (4 x 5 and 120)
  85. How to push up mid tones in developmental?
  86. Paper discoloration - bad paper or bad developer?
  87. Dilution check for HC-110
  88. JOBO 2523 MultiTank 2 +2509 Reel +COG +Core -- > Minus the instruction
  89. PMK... active life in an open tray?
  90. New55 film please
  91. E6 - Velvia 50 - (drying) streaks
  92. Kodak Super Pancro Press Film
  93. Sepia Toning Too Strong
  94. Washing film
  95. Kodak SO-132
  96. agfa scopix cr5b/kodak biomax mr
  97. Aerial glass plates....question
  98. HELP! Negative Defect
  99. 4 x 5 Ilford Pan F +
  100. Your film history?
  101. Beginning X-Ray film, a few questions
  102. new stores
  103. loaded film holder pops out film? newbie question
  104. Sticking 8x10's
  105. Help! What went wrong with it?
  106. 13 minute annotated video of making an RA4 print from start to finish.
  107. What's your photo paper History?
  108. color cast issue, 4X5 film C41 process.
  109. Film notch question/ID
  110. Anyone interested in an order of 5 x 7 TMax 400?
  111. Dimensions of 20x24 film and paper
  112. High contrast style?
  113. Paper for a newbie
  114. Old Dektol and D-76
  115. Jobo 2509 reel issues
  116. Rollei AGFA ATO2
  117. How Kodak made film n the 1960's
  118. 8x10 polaroid processor how much?
  119. Negative duplicating film
  120. Portra foil packs light tight?
  121. Available Paper
  122. 4x5-developping in Novatank 8x10"?
  123. Help in understanding Masking
  124. Dupont Defender films
  125. Pan X 100
  126. glass plates??
  127. Can I process Tri-x 320 4x5 like I process Tri-x 400 120 film?
  128. Fixer Color
  129. Type 55 again.
  130. Underestimated Dry-Down Effect - worked to my advantage
  131. Developer 130 temeprature
  132. Tray processing 5x4 and safelights
  133. Fusion 4000 tissue color?
  134. Efke film developing
  135. Fuji Velvia 50 4x5
  136. Is HC-110 no more?
  137. Ilford Delta 100 - exposure, latitude, filtration
  138. Why are my pictures not crisp
  139. ASA400 to ASA 800 - double development time?
  140. 5 x 8 Developing Tank?
  141. Distilled vrs. Deionized water for developer
  142. E-6 Chemistry - Bad?
  143. R3 developer suggestions?
  144. 7x17 metal edge storage
  145. frustrated exposing prints in sunlight...grrr!
  146. Varnishing/Sealing Wet Prints?
  147. Tube developing question
  148. Kallitype Printing with Fabriano Artistico paper.
  149. Cachet AB55 Substitute?
  150. Safe light
  151. Liquid Emulsion Use Question
  152. 8X10 Polaroid processing with 81-01 no loading tray design 30 seconds ago
  153. Maximum density
  154. 8x10 b/w processing - tubes, trays or?
  155. Kodak Turns Over Film Division to Its UK Pension Plan
  156. Direct UV light expose on Negative for Kallitype Printing
  157. sepia toning question
  158. Negative Defect From Washer
  159. 5x7 t max 400
  160. Any store offering WP film?
  161. polaroid 55/665 solarization
  162. Your favorite, mostly harmless, stop & fix?
  163. Rapid Fixer - - TF-4 or Ilford Rapid Fix?
  164. Fuji Velvia 50 in room temp in the holders
  165. Jobo starter processing times for FP-4
  166. Comparison of developers (D76, DD-X, Ultrafin Plus) - large/long image warning!
  167. Kodak Industrex MX125 x-ray film
  168. Info needed on Agfa graphics arts films
  169. I'm back to LF & some questions about making glass plates / DIY emulsion making?
  170. Hc-110?
  171. Special Run: Ilford Delta 100 13x18 cm
  172. Light leak, camera, or darkroom issue
  173. Arista Ortho Litho Film 2.0 .... Help
  174. Kallitype contrast control
  175. Warmtone Paper developer
  176. Determining Final Print Contrast?
  177. Experiences with Arista E-6 kit
  178. unused film storage
  179. Pyro + Hardening fixer
  180. Ilford 2013 ULF order period is open
  181. Shooting Kodak anti-Halo Ortho plates NOS LOL
  182. Rollo pyro or Pyrocat HD?
  183. Perma Wash in Powder state
  184. Rollei ATO help
  185. C41 developing / negative marks
  186. Mixing Ektar 100 & Fuji 160ns
  187. Light streaks on HP5+
  188. Camera/developement/printing log sheet.
  189. Heating Pt/Pd solution before coating
  190. Fomapan 100; reciproke failure already kicking in at "fast" speeds ?
  191. Jumping to the water of Photogravure
  192. Pt/Pd Paper experiment
  193. 8x10 Copy Camera - What The HELL did I just buy?
  194. Developing old film with HC110
  195. Life expectancy of C41 Tetenal Colourtec solution
  196. Develop 4x5 tmax with tmax developer ?
  197. E6 or C41? Choices? Choices? Choices?...
  198. 8x10 Efke
  199. How is "double coating" in pt/pd
  200. Ilford 2013 Special Order window open until end of June
  201. Ektar 100, Porta 160, Porta 400 Subject Brightness Range
  202. Film/Developer recommendations for BTZS
  203. Lauder Chemicals
  204. Pyrocat Staining Developers
  205. In 4x5 format when do you need ISO100 over Iso 400?
  206. 11x14 X - Ray film question
  207. Wd2d+
  208. Need Help / Recommendations With DIY RA-4
  209. what is the capacity of pyro cat HD
  210. UV lightning for Kallitype printing
  211. Night Vision: ATN Viper: Any use for RA4 paper?
  212. Pre soaking film in Archival Washer
  213. "Arches Platine" Pt/Pd printing!
  214. cleaning white paste from impossible PQ 8x10 film
  215. Tri X - HC110 dilution G
  216. Daylight Processing Sheet Film
  217. Contact Print Frame
  218. Brown stains on 35mm Tri-x
  219. Intermediate enlarging for Platinum-Palladium using Pyrocat
  220. Pyrocat-HD is incredible
  221. Do I do change anything using old solutions and paper
  222. Pyrocat HD some question about stand and double bath
  223. 4x5 processing - Canada
  224. Black and white Masterclass with Adrian Ensor @ Double Negative 23 June & 1 September
  225. Need help with these streaks across HP5+
  226. Loading fuji velvia 50 4x5
  227. 14 x 14 hp 5, 10 inch x 5014 ft fp4
  228. 14 x 14 hp 5, 10 inch x 5014 ft fp4
  229. Pyro and Photo Flo
  230. Fuji Xray film what do the different names mean
  231. Cyanotype and NuArc 26-1KS
  232. Yellow Toning Formula
  233. using waste film
  234. is 90 minutes a long exposure time for platinum palladium print?
  235. E-6: Orange Fixer After Processing Astia
  236. Help in choosing film.
  237. IR googles and near IR films
  238. Kodak Tech Pan 8x10
  239. Pop Quiz!
  240. Tmax 400 question
  241. c41 uneven development?
  242. Negative Fault
  243. FP4 and HP5 differences in contact printing
  244. Contact printing light source
  245. Pre-wash with JOBO? yes or no
  246. Contact printing with enlarger as light source, contrast control?
  247. Help with Windisch Developer
  248. Using Cibachrome Colour Development Drums for B&W Printing
  249. 11x14 xray film: any single sided Kodak?
  250. ulf order, 10" x 50 ft, 14" x 14"