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  1. Best Film For Scanner Comparisons... (13 replies)
  2. Seeking 20" Fujimoto or Durst 20" color processor (0 replies)
  3. film shipping (2 replies)
  4. Why Polaroid 55? (7 replies)
  5. HP5 in Pyrocat-HD (4 replies)
  6. tonal range of Ilfochrome (5 replies)
  7. Ancient Ethol LPD (4 replies)
  8. Are 35mm and LF Emulsions Created Equal... (2 replies)
  9. Poking around on Megaperls - Fuji sells half-plate ACROS! (2 replies)
  10. laminating large prints (3 replies)
  11. Agfa Sistan Update (3 replies)
  12. LF beginner needs processing advice (BTZS tubes) (12 replies)
  13. Fuji Quickload film w/Kodak Readyload Holder (8 replies)
  14. Pyrocat / HP5 reticulation problems (2 replies)
  15. Experiences with Moorman Scanstick ? (0 replies)
  16. A couple of Azo questions (4 replies)
  17. FP4+ rated @ 25 . . . reciprocity failure (9 replies)
  18. Infrared Goggles/gear for tray development (3 replies)
  19. Ferric Oxalate (4 replies)
  20. how to contact print with 8x10 camera? (10 replies)
  21. Looking for 220V enlarger timer with footswitch (1 replies)
  22. Ilford FP4+ VS. Other B/W (19 replies)
  23. Color Carbon Prints (5 replies)
  24. Anyone use 777 Panthermic film developer? (14 replies)
  25. 11x14 "actual" film size (7 replies)
  26. New IR film from Freestyle / Efke (35 replies)
  27. Ilford Ortho Plus---any experience? (7 replies)
  28. First Try, Jobo CPP-2 (4x10 & 8x10) (4 replies)
  29. Help with my PA-45 Holder (3 replies)
  30. Epson Ultrchrome question (1 replies)
  31. looking for Nikor 4x5 tank instructions (3 replies)
  32. Efke 25 problems. (23 replies)
  33. Buying Bulk Alt Process Chemistry (12 replies)
  34. Brush Marks on Large Platinum Prints (1 replies)
  35. Slavich Paper Anyone? (43 replies)
  36. Dodge and Burn Masks (5 replies)
  37. Paper developer (0 replies)
  38. Pyro negs for VC paper - densitometry (10 replies)
  39. E-6 Reversal bath recipe (0 replies)
  40. Ilford ULF Deadline Rapidly Approaching (16 replies)
  41. Film and developer for Platinum? (10 replies)
  42. Scratching Efke Negs (19 replies)
  43. Need L.A. lab that does lightjets on fuji crystal archive. (11 replies)
  44. Jobo CPP-2 Back in Production? (24 replies)
  45. "Bit" size and printing... (22 replies)
  46. Aaron Rose (0 replies)
  47. Platinum and Silver from the same neg. (12 replies)
  48. T-max100,pinkish cast, fix for 24 minutes too long? (15 replies)
  49. Can one process only part of a quickload? (5 replies)
  50. Inconsistent results with Zone tests (9 replies)
  51. ERA 8x10 PAN (13 replies)
  52. Big difference with glass neg carrier? (8 replies)
  53. Anyone know the oil used to wetscan? (9 replies)
  54. Does a Color of the light source effects printing? (9 replies)
  55. Bad lot of Fomapan 200 4x5 (8 replies)
  56. resin coated versus fibre based? (10 replies)
  57. Drum Developing (2 replies)
  58. Deep Tank 4x5 b/w processing advice please. (6 replies)
  59. More headaches..and shocks! (11 replies)
  60. Bergger = Forte ? (1 replies)
  61. Scratched negatives :( (3 replies)
  62. Combiplan tank - first attempt useless! (16 replies)
  63. PMK and BTZS (9 replies)
  64. dev. times 1:1 ---> 1:2 ---> 1:3 (5 replies)
  65. Proper care of 4x5 film after it is exposed? (6 replies)
  66. PMK and zone 8 density (5 replies)
  67. APH09 and Classic Pan 400 8x10 (0 replies)
  68. DD-X compared to XTOL? (6 replies)
  69. Rotary Processing Rodinal (26 replies)
  70. What Film With Kodak XTOL Developer? (18 replies)
  71. The End of Forte :-((( (27 replies)
  72. Help with shooting and processing old film? (13 replies)
  73. Article on conservation in the (post)modern world (4 replies)
  74. frontier proofs (8 replies)
  75. Velvia 50 (20 replies)
  76. printer in Ottawa, Canada? (7 replies)
  77. Multigrade with Beseler & Zone VI - is it right? (6 replies)
  78. Keeping up with the BIG flat stuff (1 replies)
  79. LF materials strategic reserve? (37 replies)
  80. Keeping up with the flat stuff (12 replies)
  81. Help with processing 4x5 please! (17 replies)
  82. Paper news (2 replies)
  83. Warm tone developer. (0 replies)
  84. Recommendations for DIY E-6 Processing (5 replies)
  85. Got Recommendations for Jobo Drum Cleaning? (1 replies)
  86. Has anybody used Zebra 8x10 film? (3 replies)
  87. difference between 8x10 polaroid films 803 and 804? (1 replies)
  88. B&W film recommendations in Quickloads or Readyloads (6 replies)
  89. colour head/b&w printing (13 replies)
  90. Over exposed TMAX100 (17 replies)
  91. Film Testing (5 replies)
  92. Printing Hi and lo contrast combined (1 replies)
  93. Split contrast printing (2 replies)
  94. newcomer to BTZS tubes (9 replies)
  95. film for pushing? (12 replies)
  96. Light leak? (10 replies)
  97. $10,000 Kodak ULF Film Order (31 replies)
  98. Any good C41 labs in Chicago (9 replies)
  99. Ilfochrome printing (0 replies)
  100. PMK 2nd Bath (11 replies)
  101. contrast values - colour head (5 replies)
  102. Source for Foma N111 ? (4 replies)
  103. Cost of film processing (19 replies)
  104. Tech Pan (17 replies)
  105. Era film anyone? (6 replies)
  106. 4x5, PMK problems... (22 replies)
  107. Polaroid 665 - dead or what? o_O (1 replies)
  108. Quickloads on eBay (1 replies)
  109. Why So Not--Quickloads/Readyloads (15 replies)
  110. Need advice on internegatives... (2 replies)
  111. If you had to start new... (13 replies)
  112. color paper? (13 replies)
  113. Cost of mounting and reproducing (1 replies)
  114. How to making a Positive ? (8 replies)
  115. Metering at Night time (5 replies)
  116. Okay its been a while... (2 replies)
  117. Minimum volume for Jobo 2523 (6 replies)
  118. Tray development - problems (9 replies)
  119. BTZS and View Camera Article (10 replies)
  120. Official Ilford ULF order details have been posted... (2 replies)
  121. film testing? (5 replies)
  122. Delta 100 - N+2 in ID-11 possible? (0 replies)
  123. Temporary Scarcity of Fuji Pro160S 4x5 Film (11 replies)
  124. it's alive... (3 replies)
  125. contact printing - some questions (8 replies)
  126. Help with negative problem (13 replies)
  127. Outdated Polaroid Type 52 (1 replies)
  128. Advanced monochrome printing (10 replies)
  129. PyrocatHD - how much stock for 4x5 film (4 replies)
  130. Thumbs up to AP200 as Darkroom Water Filter (0 replies)
  131. Ferric Oxalate...Ferrous Oxalate?? (12 replies)
  132. basic questions-please help (14 replies)
  133. Tri-X 320 4x5" in HC-110 Dil F? (5 replies)
  134. Film for Pyro Development for Alt Process (28 replies)
  135. Negative retouching? (23 replies)
  136. Expired BW Film (8 replies)
  137. Semi-Stand with sheet film (28 replies)
  138. Developing 4x5 with Jobo 2521 (6 replies)
  139. Color 5X7 film (9 replies)
  140. how much film in developer? (5 replies)
  141. How to lab process (5 replies)
  142. Bromide paper storage (0 replies)
  143. 120 Rollfilm woes.. (1 replies)
  144. Burning & dodging when making contact prints... (10 replies)
  145. Developing problems with JOBO 3000 drums. (8 replies)
  146. mad film price (5 replies)
  147. Best Color Slide Film for B&W Conversion (11 replies)
  148. adorama paper? (13 replies)
  149. Jobo 2521 processing ?s (8 replies)
  150. Crystals in Xtol (13 replies)
  151. Is this contact paper? (4 replies)
  152. Some observations on old Kodak 4x5 pack film (3 replies)
  153. Some observations on old Kodak 4x5 pack film (21 replies)
  154. Fuji Presto 400 4x5 (3 replies)
  155. Forte to cease production. (46 replies)
  156. Did you attend the LIQUIDATION auction Jobo USA Sept. 20, 2005? (22 replies)
  157. Kentmere Liquid Emulsion: First use report (0 replies)
  158. Pre-cut Strathmore? (17 replies)
  159. B&W Film for Studio Quartz Halogen lighting (4 replies)
  160. I Feel the Temptation of... (17 replies)
  161. Fuji New T64 Tungsten film in Quickload? (7 replies)
  162. Kodalith Succcess! (8 replies)
  163. 8x10 coating blade? (2 replies)
  164. Film testing - Plotter program help (5 replies)
  165. Identifying filmholder light leaks (4 replies)
  166. Recommendations for processing labs in the UK (3 replies)
  167. Walk-around sinks (13 replies)
  168. Just confused... (8 replies)
  169. Xerox Phaser 8550 (0 replies)
  170. FYI: Calypso Imaging Sale (9 replies)
  171. Vacuum easel / contact print process (1 replies)
  172. Pyro stain v catechol stain re: VC paper (42 replies)
  173. Dry mount vs tape (19 replies)
  174. Washing 5 x 7" and 8 x 10" sheet film (5 replies)
  175. Pyro stain v catechol stain re: VC paper (1 replies)
  176. Dry Mounting Problems (8 replies)
  177. external pump Jobo ATL 1000 (14 replies)
  178. Where to process Quickoads (10 replies)
  179. Roller Processing Equipment for 7 x 17 (5 replies)
  180. 8x20, what FB paper? (3 replies)
  181. PMK or Pyrocat HD for enlarging 4x5 negs? (74 replies)
  182. Longevity of Ektachrome (5 replies)
  183. Warm tone papers (0 replies)
  184. Brown fixer? (2 replies)
  185. First attempt with Jobo 3010 and Rollo Pyro.. now questions (4 replies)
  186. wrinkles in RC prints for the exchange! (1 replies)
  187. Strange lines on negatives with Jobo 3005 and Pyro (15 replies)
  188. Print washed properly? (2 replies)
  189. Kodelon (4 replies)
  190. UPS x-rayed my film :( (12 replies)
  191. My XTOL/TMX test (4 replies)
  192. When was Kodak TMY introduced? (27 replies)
  193. J&C Photo (59 replies)
  194. T-Max Direct Positive kit and EK powdered fixer (4 replies)
  195. BTZS Calculator updated (38 replies)
  196. Use of NPS as a long exposure film (4 replies)
  197. Zone system for scanning (3 replies)
  198. What is a Giclée print? (115 replies)
  199. Storing B&W paper (4 replies)
  200. Making Photographic Bleach (3 replies)
  201. What ISO is film speed of 18/10 DIN? (3 replies)
  202. recommended labs? (5 replies)
  203. Printing Ilfochrome prints (0 replies)
  204. On bulbs for an enlarger (3 replies)
  205. Ilford Direct2Dealer (1 replies)
  206. Readyload Packets (3 replies)
  207. How to print high resolution From Autocad? (0 replies)
  208. metrolux II timer (1 replies)
  209. All the developing and printing processes? (2 replies)
  210. Film in sealed packets (8 replies)
  211. Blue waterfall - Velvia shift? (7 replies)
  212. Does Edwal have a website? (1 replies)
  213. FP4+ in Clayton F76+ (4 replies)
  214. Agfa Paper reborn? (10 replies)
  215. pyrocat and development curves (3 replies)
  216. XTOL stock solution - glass or plastic (7 replies)
  217. Amidol and enlarging paper (0 replies)
  218. Outdated Polaroid (2 replies)
  219. xtol dev times with fp4+ (3 replies)
  220. Rollei Direct Positive LF petitio (7 replies)
  221. Any advantages to staining developers when scanning? (3 replies)
  222. Kodak Ektascan Medical Film (2 replies)
  223. ULF Negative Storage (3 replies)
  224. BW 4x5 processing. Newbie needs advice. (21 replies)
  225. Free Darkroom Aids (5 replies)
  226. Foma N111 (3 replies)
  227. Summer and winter temperatures (4 replies)
  228. FP4+ dev question (8 replies)
  229. Billboard size image/Fine Grain Developer for TMax 100 or 400 (12 replies)
  230. Chemistry question Potassium Bromide? (6 replies)
  231. Measuring Film Density (16 replies)
  232. Arista Ultra in Pyrocat HD (5 replies)
  233. Negative Problem Diagnosis. (15 replies)
  234. using spot off (0 replies)
  235. Pyrocat-HD Negatives & Alt Processes (18 replies)
  236. Source for Photography Grade Sodium Thiosuplhate (4 replies)
  237. What do you look for in a public darkroom? (13 replies)
  238. 4x5 vertical tank (11 replies)
  239. Anyone Still Printing Chromes? (40 replies)
  240. Replacement for Pinakrytol Yellow in FX-2 (11 replies)
  241. PA-KO Electro gloss photo dryer (6 replies)
  242. TMax RS mixing (1 replies)
  243. International shipping - film (10 replies)
  244. Cleaning Type 55 negs (15 replies)
  245. Let's start a petition for Pan-F in 4x5! (72 replies)
  246. Pyro permanence and UV (2 replies)
  247. B/W Processing with JOBO (3 replies)
  248. Using Development to Cover Exposure Error (4 replies)
  249. Pure Water? (30 replies)
  250. Which Pyro Dev for Enlarging 4x5 on VC Paper? (35 replies)