- Best Film For Scanner Comparisons... (13 replies)
- Seeking 20" Fujimoto or Durst 20" color processor (0 replies)
- film shipping (2 replies)
- Why Polaroid 55? (7 replies)
- HP5 in Pyrocat-HD (4 replies)
- tonal range of Ilfochrome (5 replies)
- Ancient Ethol LPD (4 replies)
- Are 35mm and LF Emulsions Created Equal... (2 replies)
- Poking around on Megaperls - Fuji sells half-plate ACROS! (2 replies)
- laminating large prints (3 replies)
- Agfa Sistan Update (3 replies)
- LF beginner needs processing advice (BTZS tubes) (12 replies)
- Fuji Quickload film w/Kodak Readyload Holder (8 replies)
- Pyrocat / HP5 reticulation problems (2 replies)
- Experiences with Moorman Scanstick ? (0 replies)
- A couple of Azo questions (4 replies)
- FP4+ rated @ 25 . . . reciprocity failure (9 replies)
- Infrared Goggles/gear for tray development (3 replies)
- Ferric Oxalate (4 replies)
- how to contact print with 8x10 camera? (10 replies)
- Looking for 220V enlarger timer with footswitch (1 replies)
- Ilford FP4+ VS. Other B/W (19 replies)
- Color Carbon Prints (5 replies)
- Anyone use 777 Panthermic film developer? (14 replies)
- 11x14 "actual" film size (7 replies)
- New IR film from Freestyle / Efke (35 replies)
- Ilford Ortho Plus---any experience? (7 replies)
- First Try, Jobo CPP-2 (4x10 & 8x10) (4 replies)
- Help with my PA-45 Holder (3 replies)
- Epson Ultrchrome question (1 replies)
- looking for Nikor 4x5 tank instructions (3 replies)
- Efke 25 problems. (23 replies)
- Buying Bulk Alt Process Chemistry (12 replies)
- Brush Marks on Large Platinum Prints (1 replies)
- Slavich Paper Anyone? (43 replies)
- Dodge and Burn Masks (5 replies)
- Paper developer (0 replies)
- Pyro negs for VC paper - densitometry (10 replies)
- E-6 Reversal bath recipe (0 replies)
- Ilford ULF Deadline Rapidly Approaching (16 replies)
- Film and developer for Platinum? (10 replies)
- Scratching Efke Negs (19 replies)
- Need L.A. lab that does lightjets on fuji crystal archive. (11 replies)
- Jobo CPP-2 Back in Production? (24 replies)
- "Bit" size and printing... (22 replies)
- Aaron Rose (0 replies)
- Platinum and Silver from the same neg. (12 replies)
- T-max100,pinkish cast, fix for 24 minutes too long? (15 replies)
- Can one process only part of a quickload? (5 replies)
- Inconsistent results with Zone tests (9 replies)
- ERA 8x10 PAN (13 replies)
- Big difference with glass neg carrier? (8 replies)
- Anyone know the oil used to wetscan? (9 replies)
- Does a Color of the light source effects printing? (9 replies)
- Bad lot of Fomapan 200 4x5 (8 replies)
- resin coated versus fibre based? (10 replies)
- Drum Developing (2 replies)
- Deep Tank 4x5 b/w processing advice please. (6 replies)
- More headaches..and shocks! (11 replies)
- Bergger = Forte ? (1 replies)
- Scratched negatives :( (3 replies)
- Combiplan tank - first attempt useless! (16 replies)
- PMK and BTZS (9 replies)
- dev. times 1:1 ---> 1:2 ---> 1:3 (5 replies)
- Proper care of 4x5 film after it is exposed? (6 replies)
- PMK and zone 8 density (5 replies)
- APH09 and Classic Pan 400 8x10 (0 replies)
- DD-X compared to XTOL? (6 replies)
- Rotary Processing Rodinal (26 replies)
- What Film With Kodak XTOL Developer? (18 replies)
- The End of Forte :-((( (27 replies)
- Help with shooting and processing old film? (13 replies)
- Article on conservation in the (post)modern world (4 replies)
- frontier proofs (8 replies)
- Velvia 50 (20 replies)
- printer in Ottawa, Canada? (7 replies)
- Multigrade with Beseler & Zone VI - is it right? (6 replies)
- Keeping up with the BIG flat stuff (1 replies)
- LF materials strategic reserve? (37 replies)
- Keeping up with the flat stuff (12 replies)
- Help with processing 4x5 please! (17 replies)
- Paper news (2 replies)
- Warm tone developer. (0 replies)
- Recommendations for DIY E-6 Processing (5 replies)
- Got Recommendations for Jobo Drum Cleaning? (1 replies)
- Has anybody used Zebra 8x10 film? (3 replies)
- difference between 8x10 polaroid films 803 and 804? (1 replies)
- B&W film recommendations in Quickloads or Readyloads (6 replies)
- colour head/b&w printing (13 replies)
- Over exposed TMAX100 (17 replies)
- Film Testing (5 replies)
- Printing Hi and lo contrast combined (1 replies)
- Split contrast printing (2 replies)
- newcomer to BTZS tubes (9 replies)
- film for pushing? (12 replies)
- Light leak? (10 replies)
- $10,000 Kodak ULF Film Order (31 replies)
- Any good C41 labs in Chicago (9 replies)
- Ilfochrome printing (0 replies)
- PMK 2nd Bath (11 replies)
- contrast values - colour head (5 replies)
- Source for Foma N111 ? (4 replies)
- Cost of film processing (19 replies)
- Tech Pan (17 replies)
- Era film anyone? (6 replies)
- 4x5, PMK problems... (22 replies)
- Polaroid 665 - dead or what? o_O (1 replies)
- Quickloads on eBay (1 replies)
- Why So Not--Quickloads/Readyloads (15 replies)
- Need advice on internegatives... (2 replies)
- If you had to start new... (13 replies)
- color paper? (13 replies)
- Cost of mounting and reproducing (1 replies)
- How to making a Positive ? (8 replies)
- Metering at Night time (5 replies)
- Okay its been a while... (2 replies)
- Minimum volume for Jobo 2523 (6 replies)
- Tray development - problems (9 replies)
- BTZS and View Camera Article (10 replies)
- Official Ilford ULF order details have been posted... (2 replies)
- film testing? (5 replies)
- Delta 100 - N+2 in ID-11 possible? (0 replies)
- Temporary Scarcity of Fuji Pro160S 4x5 Film (11 replies)
- it's alive... (3 replies)
- contact printing - some questions (8 replies)
- Help with negative problem (13 replies)
- Outdated Polaroid Type 52 (1 replies)
- Advanced monochrome printing (10 replies)
- PyrocatHD - how much stock for 4x5 film (4 replies)
- Thumbs up to AP200 as Darkroom Water Filter (0 replies)
- Ferric Oxalate...Ferrous Oxalate?? (12 replies)
- basic questions-please help (14 replies)
- Tri-X 320 4x5" in HC-110 Dil F? (5 replies)
- Film for Pyro Development for Alt Process (28 replies)
- Negative retouching? (23 replies)
- Expired BW Film (8 replies)
- Semi-Stand with sheet film (28 replies)
- Developing 4x5 with Jobo 2521 (6 replies)
- Color 5X7 film (9 replies)
- how much film in developer? (5 replies)
- How to lab process (5 replies)
- Bromide paper storage (0 replies)
- 120 Rollfilm woes.. (1 replies)
- Burning & dodging when making contact prints... (10 replies)
- Developing problems with JOBO 3000 drums. (8 replies)
- mad film price (5 replies)
- Best Color Slide Film for B&W Conversion (11 replies)
- adorama paper? (13 replies)
- Jobo 2521 processing ?s (8 replies)
- Crystals in Xtol (13 replies)
- Is this contact paper? (4 replies)
- Some observations on old Kodak 4x5 pack film (3 replies)
- Some observations on old Kodak 4x5 pack film (21 replies)
- Fuji Presto 400 4x5 (3 replies)
- Forte to cease production. (46 replies)
- Did you attend the LIQUIDATION auction Jobo USA Sept. 20, 2005? (22 replies)
- Kentmere Liquid Emulsion: First use report (0 replies)
- Pre-cut Strathmore? (17 replies)
- B&W Film for Studio Quartz Halogen lighting (4 replies)
- I Feel the Temptation of... (17 replies)
- Fuji New T64 Tungsten film in Quickload? (7 replies)
- Kodalith Succcess! (8 replies)
- 8x10 coating blade? (2 replies)
- Film testing - Plotter program help (5 replies)
- Identifying filmholder light leaks (4 replies)
- Recommendations for processing labs in the UK (3 replies)
- Walk-around sinks (13 replies)
- Just confused... (8 replies)
- Xerox Phaser 8550 (0 replies)
- FYI: Calypso Imaging Sale (9 replies)
- Vacuum easel / contact print process (1 replies)
- Pyro stain v catechol stain re: VC paper (42 replies)
- Dry mount vs tape (19 replies)
- Washing 5 x 7" and 8 x 10" sheet film (5 replies)
- Pyro stain v catechol stain re: VC paper (1 replies)
- Dry Mounting Problems (8 replies)
- external pump Jobo ATL 1000 (14 replies)
- Where to process Quickoads (10 replies)
- Roller Processing Equipment for 7 x 17 (5 replies)
- 8x20, what FB paper? (3 replies)
- PMK or Pyrocat HD for enlarging 4x5 negs? (74 replies)
- Longevity of Ektachrome (5 replies)
- Warm tone papers (0 replies)
- Brown fixer? (2 replies)
- First attempt with Jobo 3010 and Rollo Pyro.. now questions (4 replies)
- wrinkles in RC prints for the exchange! (1 replies)
- Strange lines on negatives with Jobo 3005 and Pyro (15 replies)
- Print washed properly? (2 replies)
- Kodelon (4 replies)
- UPS x-rayed my film :( (12 replies)
- My XTOL/TMX test (4 replies)
- When was Kodak TMY introduced? (27 replies)
- J&C Photo (59 replies)
- T-Max Direct Positive kit and EK powdered fixer (4 replies)
- BTZS Calculator updated (38 replies)
- Use of NPS as a long exposure film (4 replies)
- Zone system for scanning (3 replies)
- What is a Giclée print? (115 replies)
- Storing B&W paper (4 replies)
- Making Photographic Bleach (3 replies)
- What ISO is film speed of 18/10 DIN? (3 replies)
- recommended labs? (5 replies)
- Printing Ilfochrome prints (0 replies)
- On bulbs for an enlarger (3 replies)
- Ilford Direct2Dealer (1 replies)
- Readyload Packets (3 replies)
- How to print high resolution From Autocad? (0 replies)
- metrolux II timer (1 replies)
- All the developing and printing processes? (2 replies)
- Film in sealed packets (8 replies)
- Blue waterfall - Velvia shift? (7 replies)
- Does Edwal have a website? (1 replies)
- FP4+ in Clayton F76+ (4 replies)
- Agfa Paper reborn? (10 replies)
- pyrocat and development curves (3 replies)
- XTOL stock solution - glass or plastic (7 replies)
- Amidol and enlarging paper (0 replies)
- Outdated Polaroid (2 replies)
- xtol dev times with fp4+ (3 replies)
- Rollei Direct Positive LF petitio (7 replies)
- Any advantages to staining developers when scanning? (3 replies)
- Kodak Ektascan Medical Film (2 replies)
- ULF Negative Storage (3 replies)
- BW 4x5 processing. Newbie needs advice. (21 replies)
- Free Darkroom Aids (5 replies)
- Foma N111 (3 replies)
- Summer and winter temperatures (4 replies)
- FP4+ dev question (8 replies)
- Billboard size image/Fine Grain Developer for TMax 100 or 400 (12 replies)
- Chemistry question Potassium Bromide? (6 replies)
- Measuring Film Density (16 replies)
- Arista Ultra in Pyrocat HD (5 replies)
- Negative Problem Diagnosis. (15 replies)
- using spot off (0 replies)
- Pyrocat-HD Negatives & Alt Processes (18 replies)
- Source for Photography Grade Sodium Thiosuplhate (4 replies)
- What do you look for in a public darkroom? (13 replies)
- 4x5 vertical tank (11 replies)
- Anyone Still Printing Chromes? (40 replies)
- Replacement for Pinakrytol Yellow in FX-2 (11 replies)
- PA-KO Electro gloss photo dryer (6 replies)
- TMax RS mixing (1 replies)
- International shipping - film (10 replies)
- Cleaning Type 55 negs (15 replies)
- Let's start a petition for Pan-F in 4x5! (72 replies)
- Pyro permanence and UV (2 replies)
- B/W Processing with JOBO (3 replies)
- Using Development to Cover Exposure Error (4 replies)
- Pure Water? (30 replies)
- Which Pyro Dev for Enlarging 4x5 on VC Paper? (35 replies)