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  1. Switching from Jobo to MOD54 - how to adjust development times?
  2. Advice needed for printing blown highlights
  3. Fuji FP 100c45 slip broke off, help!
  4. 8x10 Contact Prints: Multigrade Warmtone RC Glossy or Pearl?
  5. So you're stuck on the side of a mountain in a cabin with no access to chemicals...
  6. Shanghai, FP4 and Arista Edu
  7. Your Darkroom Work Flow for Color Printing
  8. WTB: Nikor SS Developing Tank
  9. film developer: I was a bit lazy ...
  10. HC110 and Jobo tanks
  11. Marking negatives
  12. Paterson color paper processor info
  13. silly question about using a developing tank
  14. Step wedge film test question
  15. Newbie with a question
  16. For those that use Walmart/Fuji labs for 120/220 film processing.
  17. Would you buy this sink? Would you use it?
  18. Platinum Toner Contaminated with Gold Toner?
  19. Do You Use Clips with Jobo Print Drums?
  20. Tray or Tank for film?
  21. Check me before I drop $200 in chemicals for C-41 / E-6 processing at home...
  22. Questions Re: Contact Printing Paper
  23. How Do You Remove Tank/Drum Off Jobo Lift?
  24. How Do You Print ULF Color Prints?
  25. Test Report: Automated Reading Densitometer X-Rite 890
  26. Finally getting together some print storage!
  27. Where to buy raw chemicals - For Pyrocat HD
  28. How to remove scotch tape residue from old negatives?
  29. Deep orange cast
  30. You've got to be kidding!!!!!
  31. Alt Process Questions : Mixing Chemicals from scratch
  32. testing papers
  33. Where To Get 4x5 E-6 Developed
  34. Anyone needs 5x7 Portra 400 ?
  35. Pyrocat HD in Glycol - Which Glycol
  36. Making B&W negative from Color negative
  37. Color imaging dye stability tests are complete
  38. Anyone Knows the Fuji Date Codes for Color Paper Expiration?
  39. Can you print
  40. Straight undiluted fixer
  41. Canned gas
  42. Cleaning E-6 sheets
  43. What are you replacing Efke 25 with?
  44. Source for Quarter plate 31/4x 41/4 film in the UK?
  45. Film speed testing
  46. Zone Vi Fixer - What Is It?
  47. Kodak 8x10 TXP exp 2013
  48. Mounting tissue - what and where to buy in Europe
  49. Using film development to control contrast
  50. Anybody (in continental Europe) got 2g of silver nitrate for me?
  51. Old 8x10 ortho film
  52. D76 dilution for 5X7 in Unicolor
  53. Printing, 2012
  54. Acros 100 Pricing.
  55. Color printing
  56. Diameter of Jobo Expert 3010 drum please?
  57. Price query regarding Kodak Ektacolour / Ektachrome, expired 1974
  58. Got my filters in
  59. Does Agitation
  60. Where to buy bags of cheap marbles for chemical bottles?
  61. Another question for users of Jobo Expert drums
  62. Out of date film
  63. Kodak Spectroscopic Plates
  64. Kodak Increases Price of 8x10 Tri-X 320 Sheets by 40% Overnight!
  65. Fomapan films?
  66. What's the point of "Contact Speed" paper?
  67. New paper
  68. Efke 25 ORT - thoughts
  69. Tried my First Tray Devlopment
  70. Testing Your Darkroom's Darkness
  71. Me and my RC?
  72. Question about Chemical Shelf Life
  73. Use of Jobo Expert Drums, filling & emptying
  74. 4x5 tray developing: apparently I don't know what I'm doing...
  75. Film that was left outside
  76. How much Magenta to use when printing
  77. What is the most natural colour film ?
  78. Home-made film washer for Jobo tanks
  79. So what options are there for instant pictures, non digital in 2012?
  80. Interested in trying Pyrocat - HD or MC
  81. Tri-X 320 loss of sensitivity
  82. ebayers, please stop showing us the paper
  83. My first *successful* attempt at 4x5 developing and printing
  84. How to process 122 Roll Film?
  85. Is Velvia that hard to come by nowadays? Store selling expired film.
  86. Anyone Seen This. . .
  87. Fuji X-ray film: development and EI rating?
  88. Easiest way to trim prints mounted on gatorboard?
  89. Ansco 17
  90. Diafine: substitute Metol for Hydroquinone ?
  91. Velvia 50 4x5 Quickload question
  92. Pyrocat HD and TMY – What the heck am I doing wrong?
  93. I have to share this MOD :)
  94. Pyrocat HD: Solution B
  95. 6.5x9 film
  96. print presentation
  97. Ilford Special Order Film Window?
  98. what happened to this this film?
  99. If you close your eyes in the darkroom...
  100. Crazy film pricing on "the" auction site...
  101. How do you agitate your film in tray developing?
  102. Getting ready to try my first print in over 12 years
  103. Adventures in BTZS tubes!
  104. BTZS tubes for 8x10
  105. Full dark achieved, in my basement
  106. Macbeth TR927 UV readings
  107. Recreating Tricolor Carbon or Carbro
  108. Dodge & Burn Contact Prints?
  109. Developer times for ilford FP4 4x5 film
  110. Questions on Viewing Light & Rinse
  111. Alternative to Quickload film
  112. Flattening Fiber-Based Paper [U]Before[/U] Printing?
  113. HC-110 discoloration, is it an issue?
  114. Kentmere Kentona
  115. Resources on film production timelines
  116. Souped my first film in 12 years tonight
  117. users of this medium as per art photography: CXS Ortho Green Film by Agfa
  118. What am I suppose to do
  119. Recent good fortune...thanks craigslist!
  120. Curling 4x5 negs
  121. Oxidized Dektol Powder?
  122. TRI-X N-3 Contraction HC-110
  123. what current 4x5 color neg film for night landscapes?
  124. 8x10 film
  125. Platinum/Palladium or Pigment
  126. First print in 12 years
  127. Foggy Images
  128. Stop Bath for Pyrocat?
  129. 120 film in Jobo
  130. Porta 160 Data Sheet
  131. Paterson MOD54 5X4 film insert for Paterson tanks.
  132. My observations after using PYROCAT HD for a year
  133. Iniciation to stain developers!
  134. Diafine: Help please for uneven development
  135. Tetenal C-41 shelf life after mixing
  136. Adox CHS in zone system
  137. Anyone interested in 8 x 10 Fuji Acros???
  138. Reciprocity Law Failure
  139. Film
  140. Kodak 4155 Contrast Process Pan Film
  141. Notch code identification : help / assistance
  142. Film Sweating in Holder
  143. Paper, any good or not? Chemistry? Fujiflex Gloss CA6 & Fujichrome Gloss Type 35
  144. Tetenal E-6 : Request Analyze Failure
  145. Exact Film Dimensions
  146. Pyrocat-HD for Stand and Semi-Stand Development
  147. Where were the Pyro wars?
  148. an xray film question
  149. Capacity of Caffenol
  150. Enlarging for max black
  151. Colour Film Processing @ Home
  152. Tiny white spots on TMY in Tmax RS - any advice?
  153. what is the stabilizer in fuji hunt chemical
  154. Jobo Lift question
  155. XTOL agitation
  156. Oh Readyload, why have you deserted us?
  157. D-23 Developer Preparation
  158. does any one field process their negs
  159. Stupid question about using X-ray film
  160. 5X7 Ektachrome Expired 1979
  161. Paterson Orbital, ortho film and Rodinal exhaustion
  162. Suggestions on non-discontinued 4x5 slide film with natural tones
  163. Great printers for fine art
  164. Wanting to convey "blue" in a B&W photo???
  165. Info on enlarger
  166. Anybody interested in film processing and printing services?
  167. How many work prints for your toughest print job?
  168. Velvia exposed reversed, and other jetlagged mistakes...
  169. So freaking pissed right now
  170. New run of Lodima paper
  171. What are the benefits of Pyrocat over Rodinal or HC-110?
  172. E6 processing - only the first developer and wash need to be in darkness?! (Tetenal)
  173. Powered Metol & Sodium Sulfite Shelf Life
  174. Powered Benzotaizole - Shelf Life
  175. Ilford Print Processor - Does anyone know what this one is?
  176. To Canadians, is your film okay when you buy it mail order from the US?
  177. Any pro labs offering pyro at a competitive price for 120?
  178. D-23 Strength - Portraits
  179. Negatives printed by someone else?
  180. Stand developing in Jobo 3010
  181. New to 4x5 - Developing help?
  182. Printing makes me hungry
  183. Sabattier Effect on Film
  184. Material to block windows of portable darkroom boxes for wet plate collodion
  185. Need a new compact film developer while on the road
  186. Jobo ALT1000 external pump hassles
  187. Arista EDU Film Prices Go Up
  188. Suitability of Nikor 4x5 tank for Pyro?
  189. Color lab in NYC to recommend?
  190. Local lab in LA
  191. Sensitizing Film for Infrared Photography
  192. Great deal on E100G 8x10....NOT!
  193. Is there still demand for 25 ASA film?
  194. Ultrafine Papers
  195. Buying wephota np22 film in the US
  196. 10x12 Film in Europe ?
  197. Inspecting film?
  198. Anyone know history?
  199. Mounting kozo goyu light paper
  200. Efke IR 820 - Afterlife???
  201. D-23 - Power Residue
  202. Kodak D76 print drum developing
  203. Method and Apparatus for a long expired roll of 116 file
  204. powder or granules that absorb liquids like photo chemicals
  205. Platinum/Paladium printing papers
  206. one shot was with xray film the other shot with delta 100
  207. Sepia Toner Types and Permanence
  208. on converting an ardent fan of b/w to color: 4x5...
  209. Mixed brand dev with HC110?
  210. Those Nikor tanks (for 4x5)
  211. Newb in Sydney - doesn't know where to start
  212. Development Help: Streaks
  213. Developer Needed For Jobo 3005?
  214. Higher Density Air Bubble marks on film - Cause?
  215. Developing Tube size for my 11x14 film
  216. Removing Photoflo contamination from JOBO reels
  217. Old Paper Score
  218. Getting tired in the darkroom
  219. Any real advantage to pre-soaking HP5 to remove the anti-halation layer
  220. J and C 8x10 film
  221. Boric acid crystals
  222. Ziplocks for Holders?
  223. Polaroid 55 4x5"
  224. Gloves?
  225. Traditional, T-Grain films and whats out there?
  226. Negatives from Fuji FP-100c
  227. Pavelle 403 colour head manual needed
  228. Mixing Kodak Crocein Scarlet
  229. New Film: ADOX CHS 100 II
  230. New development technique ?
  231. Uneven Processing?
  232. matt surface problem with ilford hp5+
  233. A question concerning daylight exposure for print after stop bath.
  234. Jobo 2800 Series & Film Development
  235. Palladium Chloride group buy interest?
  236. average amount of mixed developer for 5x7 trays?
  237. 5x7 Portra 160 on sale at B&H
  238. Is Rollei CR-200 slide film aka Aviphot Chrome 200 sliide film "Yellow"
  239. What is the developer that yield the richest grey?
  240. Acros 4x5 Quickload blotches/anomaly
  241. Colormunki for testing film?
  242. Cold toning, easy ways, any ideas?
  243. HC-110 + Tr-Xi Pan 320 dilutions and times
  244. Photoflo in presoak or developer?
  245. Another Pyrocat HD question?
  246. Above the enlarger lens dust and scratches question
  247. Retouching a Pinhole
  248. D76 vs TMax RS processing
  249. processing drum question
  250. Chinese film source in US