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  1. Processing Colour, C41, Easy?
  2. Tray Processing Research
  3. Ilford XP2 in D-76?
  4. It's official! Ink jet prints equal or surpass Eastman's dye transfer prints!
  5. I'm curious, how many of you run your own darkroom for printing and enlargement?
  6. Charcoal?!
  7. Shootout...$1.50 Ink Jet Print vs $250 Eastman Kodak Dye Transfer Print
  8. Re Brush Development
  9. Platinum vs. Inkjet
  10. Ilford we love you!!
  11. Blue dye on Tmax film
  12. 4x5 Holder for Fuji FP-100c or FP-3000B?
  13. Help Identifying JOBO Tank.
  14. What to do with expired Fuji Acros
  15. A zombie box of 8x10 Fortepan 200...
  16. E6 Processing: Fuji Hunt 3bath VS Tetenal 3bath VS Fuji 6bath
  17. Using Tubes for first time
  18. Pushing with Rodinal
  19. Selective-toning negatives
  20. Foma 100 Problem: developer or ?
  21. Drying Large Negatives
  22. Progressive contamination of fixer from stop bath
  23. The Promotion of Film use....what are we missing?
  24. Damaged 4X5 B&E Nnegative
  25. Ilford's MG Art 300 Paper
  26. Developed my first sheet of E6!
  27. C-41 lab?
  28. what color film did sally mann use for her mexican landscapes?
  29. Fuji Velvia 50 and 100F 4x5 film officially discontinued?
  30. End of Velvia for LF
  31. Pulling FP4+?
  32. What Size Is Your Freezer?
  33. ROTARY DEVELOPMENT: Uneven development : Xtol 1:1 / Jobo 3010 ???
  34. can you over fix B&W film???
  35. Hot
  36. Anyone know anyone at Fujifilm?
  37. Eke 100 Help
  38. Fomapan 400 more red senstive?
  39. Tri-X 320 question?
  40. 4x5 Nikor developing tank- procedure
  41. Convex prints
  42. rotary development speed?
  43. Kodachrome 4x5
  44. Developing in tanks
  45. B&S Glycerin vs. pharmacy Glycerin
  46. LVT Saturn 1010 - how to operate
  47. Sending B&W negs to a lab?
  48. Film speed test.
  49. D-23
  50. Development with pyrocat hd in jobo cpe2
  51. Instant Fuji Film Negative cleared with bleach gel.
  52. drought?
  53. Damn stripes on my negatives
  54. Autochrome Exposed Plates , Removing its Emulsion and using the Screen
  55. Gum Bichromate in the UK
  56. How many 810's in 4 gallons of rodinal
  57. Pyrocat HD dilution?
  58. Matting and Framing standards?
  59. Quick carbon printing question re exposure
  60. odd stain on tmax 100
  61. Simple tray developing questions
  62. Which Acetone for carbon printing?
  63. Newbie question regarding colour postives
  64. Difference of x-ray v normal film
  65. B&H 120 film
  66. Help with surge lines in developing with film hangers
  67. foam brush? How to clean?
  68. Acutance: Good thing or bad?
  69. Delta 100 4x5 B&W exposure compensation for high temperatures?
  70. I plan on getting ortho litho film for experimentation. Got some questions
  71. Methods of traditionally shooting and printing (non-repro) art and design
  72. B&S Ammonium Dichromate 10% concentration
  73. Sharpness of negatives
  74. X-ray vs. photographic film. Comparison?
  75. Enlarging and darkroom printing from X-ray negatives. Tricks or tips?
  76. How to prepare final support? Carbon printing
  77. info ilford HP5+
  78. I need some old negatives developed
  79. 35mm Tmax 400 in DDX
  80. For VELVIA fans
  81. Jobo CPP-2, Expert tank and Sprint developer?
  82. Is It OK to Store Paper in Basement?
  83. Ektascan BR/A
  84. Head scratcher...how do I get rid of it?
  85. Pyrocat HD........Help?
  86. Using Impossible 8x10 Film
  87. Picture Size
  88. Kentmere paper
  89. Where to Get Decently Priced Films?
  90. No-agitation developing?
  91. Community Darkroom Project in East Nashville
  92. Printing diffusion material
  93. Where to purchase large paper to print on
  94. Scuffed negative
  95. Tetenal chemical kits now at Freestyle
  96. alternative process ON an iphone
  97. Wet plate collodion iPhone
  98. Fixing Stained Negatives
  99. What is the difference between "Stand/semi-stand" and "compensated" developing?
  100. Making a VC Cold Light Head?
  101. Help Identify Negative Marks - Condensation/Developing?
  102. Polaroid Type 55 info request
  103. Base Fog Testing
  104. developers for sheets
  105. Arista.eduUltra/Fomapan 200?
  106. pulling technique works for color negative?
  107. advantages of rotary tube processing???
  108. What would a Jobo processor do for me?
  109. Fomapan 100 quality? issue
  110. C-41 Developer Replenishment (Kodak Flexicolor)
  111. What film is this?
  112. Fomalux 111 Fiber Silver Chloride Paper - Anyone Tried It?
  113. Developing times - 8x10 vs 4x5 with R09
  114. What are the best options for Framing/Presenting Platinum/Palladium Prints?
  115. Paper for Salted Prints
  116. Using Rosco filters for Multi-grade printing??
  117. Kodak
  118. TF-3 Fixer, Sodium Sulfite or not?
  119. 7x17" film development in 12x16" trays
  120. ABC pyro and HP5+
  121. Velvia 50 discontinued?
  122. Van Dyke Brown Printing - need help with chemistry
  123. Densitometer readings on expired 8X20 film. Is it usable?
  124. If I fix for inconsistent times over the recomended time am I screwing anything up?
  125. OK to bleach-fix RA4 in a tray with lights on?
  126. C41 and RA4 chemicals and oxygen
  127. Where to find 8x10 multi-contrast filters?
  128. Now, this seriously has me beaten, suggestions as to what is happening here please?
  129. What became of Slavich paper?
  130. Arista EDU Ultra 400 defect?
  131. Single sheet development in trays
  132. Arista EDU film
  133. First image from 4x5 and also first time in the dark room
  134. Efke woes
  135. What is the difference between Type 54 and Type 55 Polaroid?
  136. One Shot Stop Bath
  137. Kodak ektar 100 vs kodak portra nc
  138. lab to develop E6
  139. Experience with CPAC Chemicals
  140. Fuji Quickload
  141. How to Ship Darkroom Liquid Chemicals?
  142. Is the zone system now redundant because of box speed and MC papers?
  143. How to Clean Darkroom Processing Equipment?
  144. Is ilford multigrade still green?
  145. Brush Development Questions
  146. Fuji is still making Quckloads?
  147. Efke PL25M for Red Rocks?
  148. Portfolio Cases
  149. Found a box of kodak Tech Pan 4415 in 4x5 - what is this stuff?
  150. Acros and HC-110
  151. Firm speed greater than box!
  152. Lot #1 of The Impossible Project’s new 8×10 instant film
  153. Can I reverse normal positive paper?
  154. B&H says Kodak XTOL has been discontinued - annyone else hear this?
  155. Omega D5500 Auto CLS Dichroic System
  156. Toning and Bergger paper vccb
  157. Latent images on color films
  158. BW-film for scanning with good separation
  159. 18x24 basket/developing frames - help needed
  160. Really red Velvia photos
  161. How Long Can I Store Portra?
  162. Next Developer To Try?
  163. Newbie with questions
  164. Macbeth TD 929 HELP!
  165. Holy SH*T!!! Seen the price of 8X10 Fuji lately?
  166. BW-65 experience?
  167. Do You Re-use Your Chemicals?
  168. Now that's what I call an alternative process the Bacteriograph
  169. Is this uneven development?
  170. One liter Flexicolor kits apparently no longer available
  171. Which developing tank for BW?
  172. Strange worms on my negatives
  173. Harman Direct Positive RC Papers, apparently discontinued
  174. Replacing enlarger lamp with LED lamp - color temperature n brightness matter?
  175. Unevenness with 4x5 in Jobo 2553
  176. The Difference Between Chemical Starter vs Replenisher?
  177. Liquid Light emulsion...Anybody ever used this?
  178. Just Bought My First Color 8x10 Film
  179. Ansel's Winter Sunrise.
  180. Different ways to selenium tone negatives
  181. Any Use of Copy Film?
  182. Microdol-X question
  183. Use dry mount process for ink-jet and c-prints???
  184. Thread: More news from photokina RE global photo chemistry
  185. Tray Development: Fix Filtering, Minimum Post-Development Processing
  186. Mixed Chemistry Expiration?
  187. Wet contact print from Digital Negative or Dry Inkjet print from scanned 5x7 Negative
  188. YACP - Yet Another Contact Print Question
  189. Silver recovery from unprocessed paper
  190. Samy's Lab backlog? Experiences?
  191. xdf file for Fp4+
  192. Loading/unloading film holders....simple questions
  193. Photoshop / Darkroom similar
  194. Diafine?
  195. Presentation of 8x10 contacts
  196. Found huge poster size color negatives
  197. Odd result: velvia slide came out as negative
  198. Fred Picker's antistatic brush
  199. Beginners guide to film types?
  200. Avoiding Streaking / Pyrocat - Semi-Stand
  201. Development by inspection and placement of lamp
  202. AGFA Aerofot pan 80 PE1
  203. Filter Settings for Saunders LPL 4550 Dichroic Head in Variable Contrast Printing
  204. Fuji Acros
  205. More questions about Beseler 45 MCRX and Dichro Color computer
  206. Kodak Publications is giving me two different times for developing T-Max 100
  207. how to make a print be negative vs. positive?
  208. Fuji Chrome 6-bath E6 kit first developer timing
  209. Film
  210. Jobo ATL-2000 "Air diffuser faulty"
  211. Developing Fuji Acros 100 4x5 in Jobo CPE2
  212. Help with Arista II ortho litho film
  213. Rodinal temperature compensation for TMax100?
  214. rel. log exposure
  215. Have a feeling I messed up this shot
  216. platinum printing and paper watermarks
  217. questions about Kodak 64T film
  218. Gum bichromate printing using xray film
  219. Kodak E-255T pub. on 4325 film
  220. Paper for Alt Process and Pt/pd printing
  221. Need Info: Gerlach's Variable Contrast RC Paper
  222. Maplethorpe/ film choice
  223. Does this sound like a light leak?
  224. Mod54
  225. White Dot Mold On Wide Angle Bellows
  226. 4x5 photo paper?
  227. Am I doing an exercise in futility?
  228. Light falloff with Cold Light head on 4x5?
  229. Why daylight doesn't harm developed wet-plates, but does harm film.
  230. What Makes Photo Papers Age or Fogged?
  231. What parts are these?
  232. Tri-X from '97. Anything to keep in mind when shooting with it?
  233. Developing 5x7 in a tank
  234. Since I can't wait
  235. How to clean spots from printed color photo?
  236. TMX or TXP negatives developed in FX-1 - post some pics
  237. Plastic trays: What adhesive for fixing cracks?
  238. Polaroid 55 problem
  239. Cotact printing 8x10 using Jobo Varioformat easel, couple of questions.
  240. Sticky residue left by Adox Adostab
  241. Ilford Warmtone Paper and selenium toning
  242. Kraft Negative Preservers
  243. Ilford is prepared to add to ULF film run
  244. How to make a BW copy negative from 4x5 Velvia transparency
  245. Canadian source for E-6 chemicals?
  246. Where Do You Buy Color Paper?
  247. TMY vs HP5
  248. Lab recs for E6 processing
  249. Cescolite Dimpled Trays
  250. Possible to Use Long Roll of Color Paper?