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  1. 11x14" color negative film, is still available ???
  2. So where's that "hand slapping the forehead" emoticon for ebay listings?
  3. Getting Platinum crystals back into solution ?
  4. Temp measurement and accuracy
  5. sending out 4x5 sheet for development, is there a minimum qty.?
  6. vignetting with 135 mm for 4x5
  7. Shelf life of Ansco 130 powder
  8. Banding on negatives
  9. C-41 Process Times
  10. Kodak Ekachrome Color Duplicating Film 6121, anyone?
  11. Xtol, CHS and a Jobo expert what could possibly go wrong
  12. Looking for alternative daylight developing methods (in very small bathroom)
  13. Where to find 4x5 transparency film mount?
  14. When to use hypoclear?
  15. TS-4 Odorless Stop Bath
  16. A Developer for the DoMac Processor
  17. emulsion side toward enlarging lens?
  18. 5x7 Film Boxes
  19. My spetic tank is angry!!!
  20. Jobo 1520 tank with xtol
  21. help shooting rollei ATO 2.1 lith film
  22. Poll: Do you use distilled water?
  23. Reciprocity failure correction for ilford fp-4 plus
  24. d76 reversal development
  25. Paul's Random questions #1
  26. Fuji Acros experiences
  27. MOD54 film processing "report"
  28. cutting film - what to use?
  29. "Taco" Processing
  30. Getting into mail order processing. I have a few questions.
  31. Question about Ilford Direct Positive Paper (4x5)
  32. Is Zonal Pro gone?
  33. Pyrocat HD mixing for the first time?
  34. travel
  35. New paper from Arista ?
  36. Color negatives from lab have worm-like marks after scanning?
  37. Winning Mural Paper - Art 300
  38. How to make the film test with BTSZ
  39. Which enlarger for color and B/W prints?
  40. Alternatives to frames for small show
  41. Jobo expert questions
  42. Suggestions for 100% cotton rag paper for alternative processes (Van Dyke, etc.)
  43. Jobo Expert?
  44. how much dust is acceptable
  45. Cleaning water damaged film
  46. C-41/E-6 8x10" in Jobo 3004
  47. I did it!
  48. In praise of Divided Pyrocat
  49. Jobo and C-41 question
  50. Contrast filter question
  51. Fujii pack film?
  52. Need info about Silver Pixel RA-4
  53. 50 sheets?
  54. new Epson V700 and black spots - not dust spots
  55. BTZS and Blue streaks, also drying issues.
  56. Agfa Portriga 3.5x3.5" Vintage
  57. um....? weirdness in this new negative
  58. HP Combi-Plan T now discontinued
  59. C-41 re-use and storage
  60. Xtol + tri-x in trays. Starting point
  61. My First Negative!
  62. WD2D+ & BTZS Tubes
  63. GAF Super Hypan
  64. getting rid of collodial silver on a gelatin base using 1 teaspoon of water
  65. Compumaster TLC 90S densitometer manual?
  66. FP4+ in Pyro PMK - Zone System Development Times
  67. fomapan v the rest of the world
  68. How many 120 rolls would you develop at once?
  69. Pollution/Pyro?
  70. 4x5 Film in San Francisco??
  71. 8x10 color choices in the USA?
  72. 9x12 Ilford film??
  73. I've been searching for year for an answer to this question.
  74. Getting White in Color neg.
  75. Pyrocat Question
  76. 5x7 Delta 100 Group Buy
  77. Questions re: Fuji Green X-ray Film "Super HR-U"
  78. using BTZS tubes without expo dev app/film testing
  79. 11x14 Color Transparency Film
  80. Polaroid 804 8x10 negatives
  81. My 1st Image from the Toyo C Monorail and some Caffenol CL fun!
  82. I have strange line's on my photos - doing something wrong in the development B&W
  83. I need a pic of your Fotar 10x10 negative carrier
  84. Type 55 neg and HC110
  85. Best material for new (large) enlarger table?
  86. Film near a microwave oven
  87. Flash Film
  88. vacuum easel design that doesn't require masks for smaller paper. How's it work?
  90. Making gold chloride solution
  91. Fuji velvia 50 handling
  92. Jobo cpp2 testing used processor question
  93. Uh, ok I know this goes against everything but . . .
  94. Kentmere VC glossy fiber special order rolls and sheets available.
  95. Favorite Rodinal dilution for fine grain...
  96. Negatives sticking together in HP Combiplan tank?
  97. Pyrocat HD in slosher
  98. Bad Color negative processing. Help? Picture attached
  99. 14x17 photographic paper??
  100. 361T densitometer readings
  101. Mixing chemicals quick & easy
  102. Spotting Ilford Warm Tone - what's available?
  103. Silver Coating
  104. light leak ?
  105. unicolor print drum use question
  106. Suggestions for processing 5x7 in c-41 at home?
  107. Multi contrast paper - contact printing?
  108. how long does a tray of dev last left out
  109. My first film processing
  110. Fujifilm prices going up August 1st!
  111. Slowing down a Simma-Roller
  112. Rodinol/rotary processing
  113. More darkroom gear
  114. Dust, hairs and lint on negatives.
  115. Sticky residue on film
  116. Processing 510 pyro Questions
  117. Processing paper in drums
  118. When do you choose to use ISO 100 B&W over 400?
  119. Did Plus-x disappear?
  120. Good Bulk film loader for sale!
  121. How long can I store RA-4 chems?
  122. Anyone still use old print dryers?
  123. Do you save all negatives?
  124. Question about TMAX film
  125. Kodak Portra 160 NC for Landscape
  126. Test strip negatives to determine ISO, is this viable?
  127. When are chemicals ready for the retirement home?
  128. Advice Needed - Developing TRI-X 4x5 film exposed long ago !
  129. Look for websites and names sell 4x5 color film?
  130. Where to purchase a cheap copy stand online?
  131. Platinum and Palladium printing/ using Dropper
  132. Best ever 4x5 negs, no physical marks, no scratches, no developing marks/stains.
  133. Photomate 300 - 1960's mini photo lab kit (childrens toy)
  134. polaroid and film questions
  135. T Max 100 8x10 Quick Order Capable
  136. Platinum Printing?
  137. HELP! Need 5x7 Color Film
  138. Developer induced posterization effect mystery
  139. Fuji E6 Chemistry NYC (Lower Manhattan)
  140. Portra VC substitute
  141. Eclipse Viewing through a Kodak #3 safelight filter?
  142. How seriously should I take expiration dates on chemicals?
  143. slosher trays for 5x7 negs
  144. Drying Expert drum
  145. Does anyone recognize this Notch Code?
  146. Ilford Delta 100 Sheet Film, Observations Please
  147. Missing Pyro Formula Ingredient
  148. Film cleaner to remove Photo-flo spots from C-41 negative?
  149. Colour enlarger to do BW
  150. Storing negatives long term
  151. Old Film Types
  152. Benzotriazole (BZT) use in defogging bromide papers
  153. Alt Process Chemicals; How long can they last?
  154. B&W Film... Spectral Sensitivity Comparison... Graphs or Charts ??
  155. If I left pryocat HD with the cap unscrewed for like a month should I throw it out
  156. extracting silver from old paper
  157. a source for(really BIG) ULF x-ray film!
  158. Drying HUGE fibre prints
  159. New55 film please
  160. Wow...I paid a lot for that Ektar film
  161. Phenidone in Alcohol?
  162. Refixing finished photos?
  163. HC-110 Development Times
  164. Pyrocat HD, how many 8x10's ?
  165. Strange Processing error - a budget version for e6?
  166. Learning processing with the aid of a densitometer
  167. Infrared Exposure Meter?
  168. Fuji Super HR-T X-Ray film (green sensitive)?
  169. Would 7 year old Kodak Elite paper be any good, it it wasn't frozen?
  170. good enlarging lens for 6X9 B&W negatives
  171. What do you think about Fomapan200
  172. density is the same development is different
  173. Agfa Record Rapid Paper Needed - Urgent
  174. Pyro question?
  175. New55 instant 8x10 film possibility
  176. Developing film in Austria
  177. Problems developing Rollei IR in 4x5...
  178. Darkroom trash control
  179. I need a book on toning prints
  180. How much developer/fixer in a Jobodrum 4531 for sheet films
  181. Messy or meticulous?
  182. development problem??
  183. I found a rentable darkroom in Atlanta
  184. Mobile Darkroom and the Issue of Washing Prints
  185. Darkroom chemical exposure and medication interactions
  186. BTZS plotter file request
  187. Jobo CPA-2 newbie questions
  188. developing 8x10 film in drum. which is the best drum on the market ??
  189. Why is it so??
  190. Ilfochrome paper question
  191. Will start wet printing soon! Need advice on papers?
  192. Etching and Spotting...UGH
  193. Storage life of exposed/undeveloped Velvia (6 years?!)
  194. Where can I get a digital negative made?
  195. Dry mounting FB prints
  196. Agfa Curix 60 Processing Machine
  197. How many holders and film do you bring when shooting away from home ?
  198. Ilford RAPID FIXER users
  199. Impossible Project Pioneer 8x10 film
  200. Processing Problems
  201. Cheapest Good B&W sheet film developing (someone to do it for me)?
  202. For BW project, shoot color or BW?
  203. Efke IR 820 in 4x5, how is the quality control these days?
  204. Fuji Velvia 4x5 - Amsterdam or European web site?
  205. Jobo 1000 Problems - Stops on Color, Works on B&W.
  206. Impossible Project announces 8x10 instant film coming summer 2012...
  207. Developing Acros to a Specific Negative Density
  208. Jobo expert drum 3010 question
  209. Maco Rollei and Genius film?
  210. 5x7/13x18 color transparency film availability?
  211. Arista and PMK
  212. Three sheets of type 55
  213. Film Packaging Question
  214. Color neg as 'universal' film for B&W as well as color?
  215. Print size?
  216. Two bath Pyrogallol developer?
  217. Help me get started with tray development! Temperature control?
  218. X-ray film in Europe ?
  219. Tray Processing Tip: Don't Mix Emulsion Up and Emulsion Down
  220. Alternative to expensive Jobo tanks on a roller base
  221. Storing 8x10 negatives
  222. Any hope my film has not been destroyed?
  223. Rollei retro in Pyrocat HD
  224. Rollei
  225. Durst Laborator 1200 calibration; Dursf vs. Beseler 4 x 5
  226. Efke IR
  227. What does old film look like?
  228. Gigapixel camera - soon! At a WalMart near you!
  229. Looking for 20 sheets of EPP 8 x 10 film
  230. Poverty contact printing?
  231. Tri-X in Canada
  232. 5x7 Color Film
  233. High contrast scenes with Tmax 100 and Tmax RS
  234. Has Ektar been discontinued?
  235. Dish washing
  236. 4x5 Efke 25 shot @ 12 Dev time?
  237. HP5 in ABC Pyro for Pt/Pl and POP
  238. Jobo 3062 film insert mystery - what was this for????
  239. Tray processing success!
  240. I did it!! :) My first home processed E6!!
  241. E6 processing labs in the UK
  242. Anyone print large using a Flatbed scanner?
  243. Pyro + Tmax
  244. Single Frame Negative Sleeves for 4x5
  245. Why Potassium Dichromate in Amazon.com cheaper then B&S?!
  246. "Master Printer" Definition?
  247. dr5 process
  248. What does the Fujichrome F suffix mean?
  249. 5x7 film processing, what to use?
  250. T-MAX RS Developer in Canada