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  1. A (limited) paper/developer comparison
  2. Paterson Developers Infos
  3. Getting started with Pyro HD, TMX and Jobo 3006
  4. How many 20x24 prints from 2 litre Ilfochore p-30 kit
  5. Has anyone used Arista .eduUltra 200 ISO
  6. 8x10 Durst as decoration
  7. Cemetery Images
  8. Printing Paper
  9. Problem Solving Advice Needed: Black spots on Efke film
  10. Fantastic Service and Quality Processing
  11. Chemical quantity in trays - 20x24 print
  12. Do I Need To Find A New Lab?
  13. Non-Pyro Developer recommendations
  14. Lemon juice stop bath?
  15. Sodium Ascorbate
  16. anyone use Kodak Green Latitude x-ray Film
  17. Film demo/testing procedure advice
  18. Modified Elwood (?) 8x10 enlarger
  19. Color shift on R4 prints
  20. IR help needed
  21. A few questions about photo store processing
  22. How do you work with transparencies in the darkroom?
  23. Toners
  24. Polaroid 55.... Found an old box
  25. Excessive fog on HP5 with Pyrocat-HD???
  26. Hair on negative
  27. Has anyone used a Lawler 570 with their Jobo ATL1000?
  28. Wet sheet films?
  29. 4x5 printing difficulties (LF noob)
  30. Multi Tone Printing Paper
  31. Mounting Cyanotypes
  32. blue streaks on 4x5 B&W negative???
  33. Ilford FP4 11X14" sheet film
  34. Future of commercial color film processing?
  35. FP4 with what developer in Jobo 3005
  36. Kodak bankruptcy soon inevitable?
  37. spot reducing negative?
  38. What is it-Dust or Scratches or Chemistry or ?
  39. Final Rinse - Ilfotol
  40. How To Clean Glass Negs?
  41. Harmon Direct Positive Paper - First Real Image
  42. Adox CHS Art film?
  43. Tri-X tested at E.I. 800; what...?
  44. Freezing Polaroid
  45. Simma Tank and rings..
  46. BTZS ExpoDev for iOS enters beta testing
  47. Printing with Jobos?
  48. Jobo 3005 + Tetenal questions
  49. JOBO CPE-2 hack
  50. Identify notch code.
  51. ColorTone RA-4 Paper
  52. Darkroom mistake ?
  53. Fading RC prints
  54. BW film for scanning
  55. Doing more with less
  56. Master printer recommendation
  57. Observations in Using Old Stuff
  58. FP4 base side anomalies and Jobo 3005
  59. perimeter fog on Azo paper
  60. Fine Art Quality Printing
  61. Kodak files for Bankruptcy Protection
  62. ULF B&W film high quality/affordable rates
  63. Need advice regarding Jobo CPP2 and C-41 developing: something's wrong..
  64. Keeping Developer Warm
  65. Make Your Own Film?!
  66. Stouffer step wedge and film speed
  67. Fuji Color Negative 4x5 Film??
  68. 14x17 Adox CHS 25
  69. Reusing Microphen in tray developing of sheet film
  70. Any Word on Kodak Price Increases?
  71. Information please? - Ilford Multigrade 500LE System
  72. fuji pro 160s?
  73. JOBO CPA-2 and Expert Drum 3005
  74. Group purchase: Kodak Plus-x 70mm x 500ft
  75. Thawing Sheet Film (again)
  76. Instant Film
  77. toning
  78. Increasing the 8x10 stash
  79. Your experience with Pyrocat-M???
  80. Rising from Kodak's Ashes
  81. 14x17 Contact Frame on eBay - Really?
  82. How much should it cost for a lab to develop a 4x5 sheet?
  83. Stain in Pyro developers
  84. Could a dental x-ray processor be used?
  85. Nu-Arc 26 1ks
  86. Dry Mount Alternative
  87. Film loaded backwards in holder
  88. Night-vision goggle recommendations?
  89. Fix buckled/concave RA4 paper without mounting?
  90. Good Film Development Timer?
  91. Storing processed Negatives - Inside or Outside the Darkroom?
  92. D-23 or D-76
  93. Ektar vs New Porta 160
  94. Ordering from Kodak?
  95. Delta 100 4X5 first time....
  96. RA-4 life span
  97. Seal 210 dry mount press. Heavy!!!!
  98. Decade old RDP II and III
  99. Semi-stand development over rotary?
  100. Films in Fridge, where to put!
  101. anthotype
  102. Hybrid Film and Digital - Your Approach?
  103. Kodak RA-4 vs Whatever they sell at Freeestyle.
  104. TMY2 8 x10
  105. Ektar info...
  106. Using Two-Part Developers
  107. Empty Film Boxes
  108. FP4+/Rodinal marks on negative
  109. Ansco Ardol?
  110. Collodio-Chloride POP
  111. Fuji Astia Quickloads
  112. Pyrocat HD with Ilford Delta100 120mm
  113. Print Washer - VS
  114. Neg vs Chrome 4x5
  115. tf4 fixer rocks like a hurricane!
  116. Conserving Color Negative and Slides
  117. WHy 5x7 and Not 5x8?
  118. Mounting Cyanotypes
  119. ExpoDev for iPhone/iPod Touch - looking for beta testers
  120. Arkay A-25 Print Dryer
  121. X-Rite 329 Densitometer
  122. Oriental Warmtone in Ansco 115
  123. replacement for Bergger VCB Style - Warm Tone paper
  124. Is this ok ?
  125. Polaroid 500 Holder
  126. Expired Polaroid care
  127. More on ExpoDev for iOS (iPhone and iPod Touch)
  128. Salt Prints
  129. color LF
  130. Tetanal E6 3-solutions system
  131. Time for Acros in pyrocat HD and Jobo
  132. Scanning negatives?
  133. How ExpoDev works with film test data for iPhones & iPod Touches
  134. HC-110 Dilutions Help
  135. Adox MCC 110 - which developer?
  136. Platinum printing (and other alternative contact printing methods)
  137. darkroom assistance...are you up to it?
  138. Ilfochrome
  139. Kodak Polymax Fine Art
  140. First shots with expired Polaroid 57
  141. Plus X Expiration
  142. drilling holes in glass
  143. Where on earth do I get 8x10 color printed?
  144. Polaroid advice
  145. What is your favorite developer for Acros sheets?
  146. New development times for Tmax 400 TMY-2?
  147. Accordion bottles
  148. Print tubes
  149. Old paper
  150. Empty 4x5 box?
  151. Obsidian Aqua, catechol staining developer
  152. Switching films...maybe
  153. Little problem, help!
  154. Zone VI compensating timer
  155. Making Large Format Negatives from Digital Images
  156. Sizing paper
  157. For people who haven't used pyro
  158. Does LF format film behave the same?
  159. For those seeking 8x10 TMY-2
  160. Possibly a stupid question on pre-soaking in Jobo.
  161. Does anyone here mount and display 4x5 contact prints?
  162. For those seeking 5x7 Portra 160...
  163. hair line in FP4
  164. Delta 100 reciprocity values
  165. Selenium toner Kodak vs. Ilford
  166. Stains in Floor
  167. Portra 4x5
  168. Pinacryptol Yellow and Pinkryptol Green - Development by Inspection
  169. Getting Dust free Negatives
  170. Portra NC in Rodinal
  171. Jobo RPMs
  172. Polywarmtone comeback
  173. Is It Possible to Purchase Film Rolls 6 ½ or 8 ½ inch Wide
  174. Polaroid T57 1972
  175. Platinum Pladium
  176. Beginners first Thread 4x5 film
  177. Expired Kodak TXP 320 4x5
  178. Development Times for Kodak Sheet Film in Small Tanks
  179. 8x10 Colour Film - Where to get (in Europe) ?
  180. Adox MCC 110 -"I've found a new baby"
  181. I have run out of drying space, now what?
  182. 8x10 enlargement problem
  183. Printing 35mm on Saunders
  184. That red vase to develop 4x5 LF sheets : ) !!! - Link please !!!
  185. "Maximum" Print Size?
  186. How ExpoDev for iOS corrects for reciprocity failure
  187. Film in checked baggage
  188. Looking for reliable labs in the NW.
  189. New 55.... just can't wait
  190. Empty film boxes needed
  191. Kodak discontinue E6 films
  192. Cibachrome Drums: What quantity chemicals?
  193. Best color neg for copying color positives?
  194. OLD film...ISO suggestion?
  195. How necessary are enlarging eazels?
  196. Developing Max pyro
  197. Capacity of Citric Acid Stop?
  198. Arista.edu Ultra 400 light line down one side.
  199. Film for masking
  200. abc plus pyro and fomapan 200 creative development time
  201. Free film developing in 510-Pyro or Obsidian Aqua
  202. DIY 5x7 Drums
  203. Velvia uneven development?
  204. Old Film Prices?
  205. HC110, what's your feelings?
  206. More Sharp Copies
  207. Slavich graded papers
  208. BTZS, Zone System, Everyone Else... Film Speed ?
  209. processing film in New Orleans
  210. Weird pattern in processed film
  211. C41 Development Issue
  212. 4x5 enlarger for bathroom darkroom
  213. BTZS + Modern Incident Meter w/ Digital Readout
  214. Mounting/Framing very large photographs: are Gursky's etc cut?
  215. ExpoDev's new Depth of Field calculator
  216. Versapan + PMK = pretty awesome!
  217. what model JOBO ccp2 is this?
  218. 400 speed for 8x10 film
  219. Going to finally shoot my Technical Pan film
  220. Kodak increasing film prices by 15%
  221. Expired color film question
  222. Smallest 4x5 daylight developing tank?
  223. BTZS ExpoDev for iOS is now available in the iTunes store
  224. When Kodak paper goes bad...
  225. Wtb 8x10 enlarger california or nevada
  226. Film development in paper developer
  227. What Is This Film??
  228. Notch code ID : If anyone recognizes this set of notches please let me know
  229. Tri-X...Dead?
  230. ZS film testing...Interesting approach (?)
  231. Considering XTOL for HP5+ & FP4+
  233. 8x10 Velvia in Europe
  234. Fiber 16X20 paper
  235. Homemade C-41 & RA-4 formula Recipies
  236. Problem with 16x20 RA-4 print
  237. Fridge or freezer
  238. FP4+... Rodinal... Jobo CPP2... 3010... times?
  239. Best B&W film/developer for scanning (that's not bad for optical prints either!)?
  240. Old enlarger lens...sticky aperture ring
  241. My Kallitype Printing Is a Freakin Disaster
  242. Question: Tray Lifespan of Rodinal
  243. C41: Bath step order
  244. I got Lines in my negs and I'm going crazy. Also negs getting loose in drums.
  245. Emulsion side up or down?
  246. Which is the better lens
  247. Super Panchro-Press type b developer
  248. LIGHTING STUDIO PHOTOGRAPH with PROVIA 100F 4X5" (Light - Exposure - Filters)
  249. This will be a first
  250. Pyrocat Tests and Some Disappointment?