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  1. Efke infrared (22 replies)
  2. poloroid 55 b/w negative (5 replies)
  3. No more HIE Kodak Now What? (7 replies)
  4. Tmax100 text in print? (6 replies)
  5. starter darkroom (12 replies)
  6. any word on 8x10 polaroid? (18 replies)
  7. 8x10 400NC (3 replies)
  8. New Tmax 400 in XTOL (9 replies)
  9. Notice of impropper film labeling @ Hunt's (7 replies)
  10. Attn. 12x20" 5x12" shooters: 12x20" Portra 160NC color film (15 replies)
  11. Drum processing 8x10 HP5? (23 replies)
  12. darkroom chemistry in UK (11 replies)
  13. stainless tanks for 8x10 (2 replies)
  14. Out-of-Date T-Max 100 (19 replies)
  15. New to LF - looking for Acros in 4x5 sheet (8 replies)
  16. Setting up a Darkroom (8 replies)
  17. popped my LF cherry... (9 replies)
  18. Do you keep 'bad' negatives? (39 replies)
  19. EXPIRED E-6AR 5 GAL 6 Boxes Buy? Worth? (2 replies)
  20. Who supports trutrak processors now? (0 replies)
  21. First Acros Develop w/ Rodinal - Shadow Grain (19 replies)
  22. Used densitometers (5 replies)
  23. Resurrection (0 replies)
  24. Nocturnal Emulsions (10 replies)
  25. Ektachrome price increase? (4 replies)
  26. Fuji Provia 100, 8x10 (3 replies)
  27. How to Meter/Expose Astia 100F?? (15 replies)
  28. film from US to UK, xray damage? (4 replies)
  29. 8x10 printing in NYC?? (6 replies)
  30. Strange Negs with Pyrocat MC (34 replies)
  31. Developing Velvia 50 (4 replies)
  32. the show MUST go on (4 replies)
  33. Delta 100 Problems (9 replies)
  34. Printing with Ilfoflex (2 replies)
  35. New to Fuji/Polaroid instant film! (4 replies)
  36. Paper negs&devloper strenght (3 replies)
  37. Polaroid type 54 ???? (4 replies)
  38. Ilfochrome materials longevity (5 replies)
  39. Aerial Film (8 replies)
  40. Stains & Slim on B&W print using Alt 2300 (7 replies)
  41. Help - which version of HC-110 do I have? (6 replies)
  42. shanghai and other cheap film ... (101 replies)
  43. Ilford ULF Order 2008 (UK) (14 replies)
  44. Can someone send a Contact and a Scan of the Contact printed? (16 replies)
  45. Kodak ULF Sheet Film Update (10 replies)
  46. Drying 4 x 5 ? (25 replies)
  47. New Tmax 400 (TMY-2) and Xtol (5 replies)
  48. Best way to research film & developer Combinations (8 replies)
  49. Actual image size on 7x11, 7x17, and other ULF negatives? (6 replies)
  50. Temperature maintenance with deep tanks (7 replies)
  51. Fujifilm (9 replies)
  52. Tips on loading 8x10 (15 replies)
  53. Karsh Prints (4 replies)
  54. 11x14 Ilford FP-4 size? (10 replies)
  55. Having some printing issues w/ 4x5 (10 replies)
  56. Sodium Chloride substitute (14 replies)
  57. Desensitizing Film? (4 replies)
  58. Which bulb? (6 replies)
  59. Okay, Question.. (1 replies)
  60. where to buy film and gear when B+H is closed? (17 replies)
  61. Polaroid holder issue? (4 replies)
  62. Readyloads Rock!!! (4 replies)
  63. Saunders 4550 w/ Kearsarge 301? (20 replies)
  64. Jobo Atl 1500 (3 replies)
  65. Help to identify this film (4 replies)
  66. So what is an ISO 9001? (25 replies)
  67. Help- nothing comes out on my film. (51 replies)
  68. Negs for Platinum (10 replies)
  69. Film Profile with Sekonic L-758DR (0 replies)
  70. Jobo & C41 Help (3 replies)
  71. Colour Neg Reciprocity times (2 replies)
  72. What other films for 545i holder (3 replies)
  73. UV bulb in enlarger? (31 replies)
  74. A krummy deal from Kodak? (36 replies)
  75. Ziatype/Enlarger? (9 replies)
  76. Jobo Processors Questions (3 replies)
  77. ERA Film in plate sizes (2 replies)
  78. Processing Tank Issues... (11 replies)
  79. Polaroid 55 (2 replies)
  80. RTP 64 processed b&w (1 replies)
  81. jobo expert without processor (16 replies)
  82. readyload problems (8 replies)
  83. Homebrew Hardening Fixer? (3 replies)
  84. Efke B & W Positive Paper (53 replies)
  85. Old color paper - still good? (14 replies)
  86. 8x10 color? what's my options? (24 replies)
  87. Arista Edu Ultra for POP? (6 replies)
  88. 8x10 Polaroid (20 replies)
  89. Paper developers (21 replies)
  90. Expired, loaded film still good? (3 replies)
  91. Jobo CPA-2 with CPE-2 lift??????? (2 replies)
  92. Bessler color printing filters (0 replies)
  93. Recommendations to buy 4x5 in UK? (6 replies)
  94. Anybody tried the new Bergger VCCB? (5 replies)
  95. Fuji Pro 160S (6 replies)
  96. X-Ray Fogging? (2 replies)
  97. Weston's Print Paper (20 replies)
  98. New T-Max 400 in 5x7? (3 replies)
  99. EI for FP4+, HP5+ and Acros in PMK (8 replies)
  100. Is there a 5x7 changing bag ? (16 replies)
  101. A direct-positive printing paper : Kraus Silber Gelatine Papier (2 replies)
  102. Reverse processing (5 replies)
  103. First time with Polaroid Type 55 (13 replies)
  104. with scanning, do we still need plus one and minus one development? (35 replies)
  105. I am asked to do an exhibition...need advice (17 replies)
  106. brush development instructions? (7 replies)
  107. Why I love Pyrochatecol (4 replies)
  108. Need advice for color negative film (9 replies)
  109. Streaking prints with a Jobo??? (5 replies)
  110. InfraRed filters? (13 replies)
  111. C-41 Lab in Kansas City area? (2 replies)
  112. Chromega Dichroic VC Filters (4 replies)
  113. paper negs (4 replies)
  114. First attempt at sepia toning (20 replies)
  115. Book on specs for films (3 replies)
  116. Help with jobo and e-6 (3 replies)
  117. Bleach & Reduce (13 replies)
  118. tank water heater for color processing (4 replies)
  119. Kudos to Fuji film (2 replies)
  120. Tank Developing (10 replies)
  121. Jobo 2551 Tank: (6 replies)
  122. help--emergengy (1 replies)
  123. Darkroom in OKC (2 replies)
  124. Arista EDU Ultra HC110: try! (25 replies)
  125. Negative storage (3 replies)
  126. jobo 3000 series drum lids (5 replies)
  127. Two bath dev in a Jobo (1 replies)
  128. filling a gap in Rosco filter VC printing w/ Aristo W45 (13 replies)
  129. New shooter has film handling issues.... (18 replies)
  130. FUJI and larger than 4x5 instant materials..a speculation. (4 replies)
  131. Soft focus effects (6 replies)
  132. Oldest Darkroom Discovered In France Update (10 replies)
  133. Combiplan and Nova film processor (4 replies)
  134. Sodium Sulfite: Where do you get it? (11 replies)
  135. Brilliant Paper (7 replies)
  136. Attitude (13 replies)
  137. rollei infrared film (2 replies)
  138. Pinholes in sheet film (16 replies)
  139. JOBO manual roller base: where to buy? (13 replies)
  140. Xtol or microdol? (7 replies)
  141. Best 4x5 film for architecture? (13 replies)
  142. Sheet film in Hong Kong (0 replies)
  143. How can I pack the films to send to lab? (2 replies)
  144. 8X10 or 10X8 (5 replies)
  145. Extended Tonal Range Development: Pyro[cat] vs Pota vs Paterson FX39 (9 replies)
  146. using fixer multiple times on 8x10, how? (5 replies)
  147. storing paper negatives (1 replies)
  148. FP4+ in Jobo 3010 drum with D76 1:1 processing time (15 replies)
  149. The straight scoop please? (5 replies)
  150. Shanghai 100 in Xtol? (10 replies)
  151. People and/or Landscape film choices for scanning? (12 replies)
  152. Efke PL100 and ID11? (3 replies)
  153. using combi tank as line processing (5 replies)
  154. What lab do you use? (3 replies)
  155. Is New Tri-X same as old Tri-X? (9 replies)
  156. Enlarged negs (19 replies)
  157. Ilford DD Chemistry/Trix pro 320 8x10 (2 replies)
  158. Open vs Closed tray (4 replies)
  159. Analog-digital workflow: which film suits best? (18 replies)
  160. daylight developing tanks (3 replies)
  161. Is Pyrocat HD exhausted? (9 replies)
  162. Why I loathe Kodak Tech Pan film...... (24 replies)
  163. What paper for 4x5 contact printing? (11 replies)
  164. Did I buy the right equipment? (5 replies)
  165. Densitometer Questions (2 replies)
  166. coffee developer (21 replies)
  167. Loading film; how dark is dark enough? (35 replies)
  168. Polaroid Type 54 issue (5 replies)
  169. shooting paper instead of film? (17 replies)
  170. Decimated sheet film makers (26 replies)
  171. BPF 200 sheet size not fitting 4X5 holders (5 replies)
  172. Diafine Failure? (3 replies)
  173. Agfa Paper ? (19 replies)
  174. Modifying the Beseler CB-7 (6 replies)
  175. Combi Plan tank - my developing times (2 replies)
  176. Time of Processing.... (0 replies)
  177. Using the HP-Combi (18 replies)
  178. At what size is the contact print a "jewel"? Or has digital scanning taken over? (27 replies)
  179. Wet Plate/Collodian (4 replies)
  180. Saunders LPL VCCE 4500 II or Devere 504 Dichro (8 replies)
  181. 8x10 Contact Prints (1 replies)
  182. Type 55 (2 replies)
  183. Photo etch resist printing? (2 replies)
  184. Printing Thin Black Keylines (8 replies)
  185. Ilford FB Warmtone, yellowish paper edges (5 replies)
  186. Whole plate cutfilm sources? ? ? (3 replies)
  187. Ilford (6 replies)
  188. Pyrocat HD Shelf Life (19 replies)
  189. Plus and Minus Development Percentages (9 replies)
  190. Jobo (1 replies)
  191. Storing Type55 (2 replies)
  192. Jobo CPE-2 Plus (9 replies)
  193. pyrocat hd and softened water (5 replies)
  194. Beginner's questions about print size (10 replies)
  195. How long do silver gelatin prints last? (35 replies)
  196. Instant Sheet Film vs. Pack Film (7 replies)
  197. Washing Fiber Paper in ATL-2500 (2 replies)
  198. scratches on my film! (6 replies)
  199. Dektol and D-72 (6 replies)
  200. Daylight processing tanks... (5 replies)
  201. Type 55 in stock at Polaroid (19 replies)
  202. My first C41 and E6 (2 replies)
  203. My first Tri X (3 replies)
  204. hangers and tanks (20 replies)
  205. Fuji Acros 100 8x10 (3 replies)
  206. Jobo expert drum max volume (15 replies)
  207. Polaroid News (7 replies)
  208. E6 Processing in downtown San Francisco (2 replies)
  209. Processing 12x20 film in 2800 Jobo Drums (2 replies)
  210. Paper Negative Fuji Crystal Archive Super C (0 replies)
  211. Ilford semi-matte (5 replies)
  212. LF tips for the field. (18 replies)
  213. XTOL developer and Water as Stop (13 replies)
  214. Managing exposed film (5 replies)
  215. Mail order film processing (9 replies)
  216. Polaroid T55 processing in traditional developers? (3 replies)
  217. "Longevity" of Exposed C-41 Film (4 replies)
  218. fuji velvia 100 red cast ??!!??? (26 replies)
  219. Old HC-110 syrup. (4 replies)
  220. Empty 5x7 film boxes (0 replies)
  221. HP Combi Plan - What Volume? (7 replies)
  222. Processing 5x12 negs in a Jobo 3005 Drum? (7 replies)
  223. Agfapan apx 100 developer (6 replies)
  224. Uneven negs with daylight tank (16 replies)
  225. FB Warmtone Paper (2 replies)
  226. I'm getting color negatives from Rodinal! (15 replies)
  227. Push 160 ISO color film?? (1 replies)
  228. Efke PL100 - high fb+f? (5 replies)
  229. Damn water spots... (7 replies)
  230. Help! My contact prints are less sharp than original film (18 replies)
  231. Yellow Stains on Oriental Warm Tone Paper (6 replies)
  232. B&W films: Bergger 200 (10 replies)
  233. Fortuitous Mistakes (1 replies)
  234. inexpensive contact printing (10 replies)
  235. Free Box of Polaroid 809 (3 replies)
  236. Fibre Warm tone papers (11 replies)
  237. B&W large format in Amsterdan (1 replies)
  238. Noob, what film for what? (33 replies)
  239. Show me your refrigerator/freezer (7 replies)
  240. Large format processing labs UK / Ireland (4 replies)
  241. The Character of Old Enlarging Lenses? (4 replies)
  242. Roller developing times, versus inversion? (4 replies)
  243. Silvergrain Clearfix Alkaline Fixer (18 replies)
  244. Using Velvia 100 in city at night - filter needed? (3 replies)
  245. oldie but goodies (3 replies)
  246. Expired Film, very expired... (24 replies)
  247. Noob; film exposed, now what? (14 replies)
  248. TMY-2 v. Tmax 100 (26 replies)
  249. Size of actual film with wood holders or even modern holders and film flatness (8 replies)
  250. Looking for Polaroid Type 55 ? (21 replies)