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  1. Spots!!!!!!!!!
  2. Jobo 3005 rotation question
  3. Dry Mounting 20x24s
  4. 5x7 Portra 160...
  5. Unmask 4x5 color negative.
  6. 4x5 100 iso film Adox or Fomapan
  7. unicolor drum
  8. Ilford Art 300
  9. B&W Film recommendation for Portraits
  10. Razor blades in film developing tray
  11. PMK Pryo... just how poisonous?
  12. Pyrocat-HD & densitometer reading??
  13. Zimmerman albumen question.
  14. Safe to use expired flim?
  15. So if I don't do a final wash of my print...
  16. FP4+ Pyrocat HD - Rotary for MGWT Paper
  17. Considering a new print/film washer
  18. Quickload still available in Japan?
  19. Vacuum easels...recommended?
  20. developing T-max 100 for kallitype
  21. Developers and times for Efke PL 25 M 4x5 sheet film in a jobo expeetrt drum
  22. Anyone want out-of date film?
  23. New to Film -- Need Help Processing a 4x5 B&W
  24. Cibachrome Tubes, I need to develop an insert for 4x5
  25. Wetplate Glass
  26. Placoid
  27. Polaroid 55 clearing ideas
  28. scratches and marks
  29. Preferred Darkroom Scales
  30. Kodak Portra 400 in Rodinal
  31. Tips for Getting Started with Wet Plates / Collodion
  32. localized test strips in contact printing
  33. Making Negatives for Kallitype with Kodak TMY-2 or Fomapan 400
  34. Washing Film and Water Consumption - A Survey
  35. C-41 at home
  36. TMAX Films, TMAX-RS, Tank Processing?
  37. Adox 25 question
  38. how to store exposed film in tropic regions
  39. Pyrocat-HD in Jobo and high acutance?
  40. First post and a question
  41. Heico Permawash in Europe
  42. 4x5 C-41 in 3010 - prewet or preheat (or both)?
  43. Jobo 3010 Expert Drum Tank
  44. Best developer for 400 TMAX
  45. Disposing of Old Chemicals
  46. Ilfosol 3
  47. Any ideas what caused this?
  48. Gum Bichromate Video
  49. Plus-X 5x7 and PMK
  50. Very old chemicals... still useable?
  51. List of Labs That Process 4x5 C-41
  52. Kodak might file Bankruptcy.
  53. little spots of less-density in negs, but not dust
  54. Non staining Pyro developers?
  55. Next Cycle for the Ilford Special Order?
  56. Fuji Acros 4x5 in HC-110
  57. Questions about Inglis Unsharp
  58. Problem with Pyrocat-MC
  59. using color film in studio?
  60. A little experiment I would like to try. (Enlarging for Cyanotypes)
  61. Wet Plate I'm Scared
  62. masking colour negs with ortho film
  63. Polymax II vs. MGIV paper speed
  64. Shooting Architecture at "Night" w/ FP-100C
  65. Is "instant" 4x5 film still available?
  66. B&S Vs PF Contact Printing Frames
  67. Potassium Oxalate, Green Crystals...
  68. What are you using to temper your chemicals (Bathroom geniuses please respond)
  69. Fuji Velvia 50
  70. Diagnose my negative?
  71. Color Correction Filters - Necessary for E6 Scanning Workflow?
  72. The Darkroom Lab- little "update"
  73. Type 55 not flat.
  74. Muddy high values with Lodima?
  75. processing problems
  76. Any Lith Printers Out There?
  77. Which film development process is best
  78. Processing Questions
  79. Where to get Archival Storage Supplies
  80. Wanted: Least stinky chemicals
  81. Arista color paper
  82. How to tell if Pyrocat-HD is good?
  83. New York City Darkroom Rental
  84. WD2D+ and Fuji Acros, Foma 100?
  85. The ICON in Los Angeles
  86. Transparency Film and Incident Metering
  87. Place to buy fixer around CT (B&H, Adorama closed)
  88. Old/expired Velvia, Portra and T-Max
  89. Uneven C-41 development
  90. More bad news on the film front.
  91. Pyrocat-hd or 510-pyro for enlargement and Contact Printing
  92. Aristo VCL 8100, Kentmere FP VC FB, low contrast problem
  93. Fomalux Contact Paper and Lodima
  94. Very Pleased With Art 300 and Adox MCC 110
  95. 8x10 Film and Transparencies in Los Angeles
  96. AgNO3 for Alternative Process
  97. Txp320
  98. Mounting Radeka Registration System
  99. BTZS, matching film development to paper ES
  100. Kodak Super RT Developer
  101. Enlarging Color 4x5 Negative with 1:1 Ratio Troubleshooting
  102. Bromocresol indicator in citric acid stop bath
  103. wet baseboard instead of an easel: what I am doing wrong?
  104. RH Analyser or RH Analyser PRO
  105. What is...
  106. Serious dust issues + watermarks and all kinds of junk
  107. Stupid Velvia 50 question - worth developing?
  108. How did you take your printing "to the next level"?
  109. Found this AGFA glass plate
  110. Durst 8x10 Enlarger
  111. BTZS Film Testing Question
  112. Are all Adox Films Disappearing or just Pan 25?
  113. Making multiple prints
  114. MultiTone Paper
  115. LF(up to 8x10) slide projector-homebrewed
  116. Expired FP4
  117. Fuji FP-100c 45 discontinued in Canada
  118. under exposed film
  119. Fuji 160s 8x10 sheet film in USA
  120. Pulling 2 stops with hp5 + pmk
  121. Adox MCC 110/Flaking Emulsion
  122. Best options for long-term storage of B&W film
  123. Mottled Emulsion on Efke PL25ORT
  124. Ilfochrome discontinued?
  125. FREE 5x7 Elwood Enlarger, Pick Up Only
  126. hardening vs non-hardening fixers (for film)
  127. Guide to Film Notches
  128. Ghost in the Machine
  129. 20x24 Film Changing Tent, is it practical?
  130. Ektar too contrasty for outdoor portraits?
  131. 3010 & C-41 4x5 - one-way rotation or bi-directional?
  132. Will a GRA-LAB 300 fog film?
  133. Speaking of fixer...
  134. Highest resolution color film, slide or negative?
  135. ProcessTiming: free Mac software to time your development processes
  136. What base color corrections do you make on your favorite color film?
  137. Polaroid Replacement ?
  138. Selenium Toning Suggestions
  139. Sepia Toner Recommendation?
  140. Fuji Acros8x10 Anywhere???
  141. Current film availability - a review
  142. PyroCat HD and TMY - my times seem off?
  143. De-bossing mat board for small prints
  144. Safelight question for Blue Sensitive Liquid Emulsions
  145. Looking for Forte paper
  146. Turning yellow with age. Help.
  147. Stripes on the negatives
  148. Pyrocat HD beginner
  149. Kodak Portra 100T & Ektachrome 64t format
  150. Any tips for cutting 8/10 LF sheets to 5/7
  151. Farmer's Reducer from existing Toning Bleach Solution - Possible?
  152. unexposed glass plates.....
  153. wowzers! 8x10 tmax costs a pretty penny!
  154. Looking for a thin ply photo paper
  155. Printing negatives on a printer?
  156. Gelatin
  157. Almost completely clear film, first time ever, WTF?
  158. Developing 8x10
  159. What focal length for enlarging 4x5?
  160. Pryocat-M and Ilford Delta Pro 100
  161. Old Azo
  162. Chemistry volume for Jobo 2551 + (2) 2509?
  163. Maximum Dodging Sequences - Darkroom Automation Application Note
  164. Doh!
  165. seperating pack film into sheets
  166. EDTA Solution Stability?
  167. Who Is the Ilford Yearly Order Person?
  168. Developer capacity?
  169. best method to process film?
  170. Rollei Ortho 25
  171. Need some expert advice on using E100g and Fuji instant FP-100c45
  172. Polaroid 8x10 question
  173. B&W positive alternatives
  174. TF-5 dissolves/removes India Ink!
  175. Print developer dilution
  176. Dry darkroom?
  177. 4x5 inch BW film in Jobo Expert Drum 3005
  178. Pmk pyro I don't understand
  179. Adox Papers
  180. Post exposure - The book
  181. Simma Tanks - How to load?
  182. Astia Quickload
  183. Sheet film processing time?
  184. Kansas City area labs
  185. Kodak E100VS - overdate tips?
  186. Close your eyes in the darkroom
  187. Advice Requested: Storing Platinum Prints
  188. 4X5 Scan
  189. Copper toner life?
  190. Large format B/W Film Processing from an 8x10 B/W negative
  191. Where can I get palladium chloride in Europe?
  192. Using Whole plate size sheet film
  193. 20x24 RA-4 ~ Need Help
  194. The danger of Ebay
  195. Old Red (HSI 4143)
  196. Odd Pyro (Stain?) Problem
  197. Mailing sheet film for processing
  198. 4X5 Development
  199. Digital negatives - what's the verdict on their use
  200. Refurbished ink ?????
  201. Image transfer
  202. Impulse Paper Purchase
  203. VLS 501 vs MG-filters for L1200
  204. Ilford positive direct paper
  205. B+W Processing Issue - Advise
  206. Cold weather neg dev
  207. Advice on 4X5 / 8X10 Film
  208. XTOL + Pre-Soak: What gives?
  209. Syndey/Aussie LF photographers? Looking for sheet film locally
  210. Problem caused by lab?
  211. Stand development in Nikor SS tank or Jobo 2509N
  212. What the f**k happened?
  213. Carbon Prints in New England ?
  214. Fuji Acros available at badgers
  215. Pyro HD in Glycol development notes
  216. Really old Azo
  217. 8x10" development with Jobo 2830
  218. Photo Techniques (Vol. 17, No. 6, Nov./Dec. 1996)
  219. More Kodak discontinuations
  220. 8x10, 4x5 QL Acros
  221. fixer residues??
  222. Unsharp masking & colour balance
  223. Edwal FG7 discontinued?
  224. easel alternatives?
  225. 5x7 in a Jobo ATL1500
  226. my new DURST laborator 138 color darkroom
  227. 320TXP and HC110B Replacement?
  228. Best B&W for contrasty images.
  229. Processed Slide sheets in ILFOSOL 3 and ...
  230. 20x24 color film
  231. XP2 4X5 why not?
  232. Where to get color Prints made? Or do scans?
  233. Rodinal with rotary processing.. add EDTA salt?
  234. Shelf life of P-30 kit opened & unopened?
  235. shelf life of Moesch easy lith?
  236. Exposing on photographic paper
  237. raindrops on film sheet holder - problems?
  238. .1 over B+F ? Do you set your speed point differently?
  239. Goodbye 8 x 10 Tri-X, Hello ?????
  240. About Dark Room Developing
  241. Ilfochrome discontinued, what do I do now?
  242. Selectol Soft (equiv) and LPD Two Bath Development vs Selectol Soft and Dektol
  243. Color Cast after Developing
  244. Newbie question.....
  245. Tetenal C-41 vs Jobo 3010 specs
  246. Ilford Ortho Plus
  247. unsharp mask settings
  248. Metone Aluminum Plates
  249. Efke Print Film (not Efke 25) for Serious Work?
  250. Illumination for (wet) print viewing?