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  1. Minus Development versus Stand Development
  2. Kodak Aerographic film type 2645
  3. Mondrian Switching to Trebla
  4. Ensmalling
  5. Scanned negative has distortion
  6. WTB A FRESH box of 10x12 or 12x20 FP4+ Film
  7. Shelf Life of Stock TF-3?
  8. clueless home developer
  9. Fuji PA-45 in Chamonix 45N-2
  10. C41/JOBO question again!
  11. What's up with Rollei Films?
  12. Unicolor base + 3005 + PMK + 4x10 negs = happiness
  13. What formula are you using for Divided D-23?
  14. Fuji instant film
  15. Tips on shooting Velvia 100F
  16. Portra 160 in Canada
  17. Small filing box for individual sleeved 4x5 negatives?
  18. Help! Processing Problems
  19. Nervous about the leap I'm taking into the colour darkroom
  20. Help me with this Paterson Orbital stripe
  21. sump pump dangers?
  22. Share your FILMDEV link...
  23. Fuji FP-100C - Not sharp
  24. Reversal processing B&W film.
  25. Edge density. Is this common problem?
  26. hp5+ pretty badly underexposed, solutions?
  27. Film Developing Temperatures for various stages
  28. Embossing Prints
  29. Need help for Fuji Velvia 50 RVP!
  30. Looking for suggestions - shooting b&w portrait for very large print
  31. Ilford N5.31 Film
  32. BOY Did I screw up
  33. 4x5 Tungsten film
  34. Selenium toner diluted in water or fixer remover?
  35. Tetenal Ultrafin Plus
  36. Mat Acetate Source
  37. Rodinal question
  38. Paterson Orbital : polypropylene sheet adapter
  39. Expired Film
  40. Paper Alternatives
  41. Liquid Light fixing
  42. Ansco 130 stock solution life expectancy
  43. Pyrocat-HD and tray development
  44. xray cassette
  45. 4x5 Ilford HP5+ and Diafine
  46. Blotches on negatives?
  47. Pyrocat Developers in Canada
  48. Rollei IR 400 film question
  49. Question About Hardener
  50. Tank Processing: How to Use Less Chemistry?
  51. Using a Stouffer 21-step wedge in enlarger printing
  52. Azo problem
  53. Stop Bath
  54. FUJI FP-110C45 questions
  55. What's the deal with this glass?
  56. All LF Colour Films compared
  57. City of Shadows crime photos? Anyone know what technique was used herethis technique
  58. Make C41 look like E6? A challenge!
  59. HC-110 single shot
  60. Clarification needed re "Odorless" Fixer vs Standard Sodium Thiosulfate Fixers
  61. Local sources for Whatman filter paper?
  62. Amidol Woes
  63. Does benzotriazole go bad?
  64. Vesta ortho film 4x5
  65. Amidol source who will ship to Australia
  66. 4x5" Film Developing in Dubai
  67. Slowing down the development process without diluting or lowering temperature?
  68. scrapped an old scanner and turned into a uv light box
  69. If the plane of focus is a half-inch at the easel...
  70. Contact print to film?
  71. Jobo choice: CPE-2 vs CPP-2 for B&W 4x5 shooter?
  72. Problems with RA4
  73. Did the lab totally screw up this film?
  74. Found a nice little fuji instant film trick
  75. Request of Exposure and Development Time for Efke 25 in HC-110 and Jobo Expert Drum?
  76. Old film developer
  77. Good book on colour process?
  78. The secret to spotting RC Prints
  79. Does powder Dektol go bad?
  80. 68 Ektachrome 64T transparency dating
  81. How bad is heat?
  82. outdated paper
  83. Velvia/Provia Soft compared to BW?
  84. Compensating for very warm solution temp in film development?
  85. Jobo 4x5 tank for CPE-2
  86. Efke 100 PL 2x3 sheet film and Zone System
  87. Infrared film in 120 format
  88. Gold Toned Vandyke
  89. Basics of 4x5 B&W development
  90. FP100B Uneven development (streak)
  91. "New Coceine" opaque masking paint substitute?
  92. Notch code I've never seen before
  93. Jobo Pump Trouble
  94. Developing Fuji Acros in Nikkor Steel Tank
  95. Lith Printers Question
  96. 4x5 negative mailing
  97. Seeking halation effects w/ sheet film in plate holders...
  98. JUST FYI: Use Signature Confirmation on shipping film to Samy's
  99. 4x5: tray or tank?
  100. 4x5 holder light leaks common?
  101. Question About Development By Inspection That I've Never Figured Out
  102. Dupont Cronex - Mutual of Omaha
  103. IR LED Output for Infrared in the Darkroom
  104. Modern Panchromatic Film and IR
  105. Hybrid or fully analog for the beginning color printmaker?
  106. Jobo Processing B&W, C-41 and Ilfochome in same gear, any issues?
  107. Problem with Nelson gold toner
  108. 5x7 green xray film
  109. Kodak TC-1 and TC-3 Tray Cleaner
  110. Polaroid 4x5 troubles w 545 holder
  111. Where to buy 4x5 film??
  112. Any Elwood 5x7 enlarger users out there?
  113. Tap water too warm for washing?
  114. Pre wet Delta 100 or not?
  115. First contrast reduction mask. How to control dust?
  116. Color Darkroom Prints in L.A, San Fran or NYC?
  117. HP Combi plan specs
  118. JOBO CPE2+ and 3000 series drums
  119. What paper with the New Cyanotype formula?
  120. Bolex
  121. Semmar Auto Dryer Type Mr-3
  122. Using photography for graphic design printing
  123. Whiney-whiney-whine!
  124. Old Graphic Design photo-printing processes
  125. Liquid emulsion works on normal paper?
  126. On Carbon Transfer Printing
  127. Best film stock for the desert???
  128. 5X7 Combi-plan film developing tank
  129. Developing problem, bad film, or something else?
  130. PVC Cement
  131. Should I/ Can I start with Fuji Quickloads?
  132. Jobo 3010 Expert Tank for sale?
  133. Unknown notch code
  134. Portra 160 edge markings
  135. E-6 Chemicals in Canada?
  136. Lodima in Multigrade - works!
  137. Uneven Development of 10 x 8
  138. What is the cause of this problem?
  139. Ektalure: a depressing (re)discovery
  140. 5X7 contact prints
  141. Availability of lith film??
  142. Efke question
  143. Removing Film from Film Holder?
  144. Efke 25 and Xtol: high accutance rotary processing using jobo 3010?
  145. Buying Bulk Film
  146. Fomapan vs. Ilford Delta
  147. Kodak Ektapan
  148. ASA/ISO in Large Format
  149. Good lab for color work
  150. Tank Development of 5X7 sheet film
  151. fuji instant holder pa-145
  152. fuji instant holder pa-145
  153. Mounting Large Inkjet Prints
  154. Pyro for thick emulsion film?
  155. Bokeh
  156. HP5 Rookie Question!
  157. ULF 16x20" B&W negative sheet film
  158. New to contact printing: need your advice on equipment, papers and technique.
  159. does anyone know what this is??
  160. FP4+ and developer
  161. I'm Baffled—Film Problem
  162. Jobo 3010 - which roller?
  163. Selenium Toning for Maximum Black
  164. Oriental silver paper?
  165. Arista photo paper
  166. Film stuck to darkslide - best solution?
  167. Fotoflo in developer?
  168. Can you help me identify this notch code?
  169. Least expensive large format camera and enlarger for home use
  170. I can't find old stock photo slides, need help
  171. Looking for inexpensive/cheap graphic arts cameras whats necessary with them
  172. Can I use a universal / SS tank for 4x5 film?
  173. Dupont Defender 16d Developer
  174. 8X10 colour film and processing availability
  175. Efke 4x5 Ir film, PyrocatHD and stain removal
  176. 8x10 instant film is coming back via Impossible.
  177. Harman Positive Paper - error, will robinson
  178. Polaroid 55 gooey negatives
  179. Mixing D-23
  180. Old 4x5 FP4+ what to expect
  181. white light spots on film
  182. Hcaelb Lasrever
  183. bleaching black and white polaroid works!!!
  184. E-6 at home
  185. Hp5+, DD-X, N-2
  186. Rodinal, FP4+, jobo, grain?
  187. Adox MCC 110 & KRST
  188. Is it me or the lab?
  189. Making larger prints?????
  190. 4x5 Ektar 100 Film, Other films, Recommended ASA??
  191. 8x10 Film
  192. Arista kits
  193. Switching to Ilford paper from Kodak; enlarging workflow
  194. Source in southeast PA for film, paper, chemistry?
  195. Question Re Mixing Chambers
  196. Is Rodinal history?
  197. help needed: Glass negatives...
  198. Darkroom supplies in Pittsburgh or Cleveland?
  199. TMX vs. TMY: Grain and What else ?
  200. Densitometer Calibration
  201. The price of paper is UP!
  202. Unusual grain pattern, like styrofoam or brains?
  203. Fuji 4x5 instant film will all be gone
  204. FP4 vs Delta 100
  205. Patterson reel problem
  206. Enlarging onto X-ray film
  207. When RA4 developer is too old...
  208. Current FB Paper of Choice...
  209. Current FB Paper of Choice...
  210. Large format printing
  211. Negative glass thickness
  212. Used tracing paper while creating contrast reduction mask
  213. Newbie question, one sheet in Jobo CPE2+?
  214. Wet plate collodion video
  215. EFKE25 + Rodinal (Dilution?) + Rotary (time?)
  216. Type 55 neg went black.
  217. Processing Lab Recommendations
  218. Rollo Pyro experience
  219. Beseler-16 Auto Print Processor
  220. Darkroom Ah Ha Moment - Keeping it cool
  221. Developing by Inspection + ATN Viper
  222. Dip and Dunk vs Tray Process Labs for B&W
  223. When do you use matt paper?
  224. 11x14 color film from Kodak: E100G and the new Portra 160
  225. Reverse development
  226. Bulk Photo Chemical Source
  227. Displaying unframed prints
  228. Ilford Delta 100 availability?
  229. Fine grained color negative film in 4x5 with large exposure latitude?
  230. Fujichrome Velvia (4x5 inch) RVP 50
  231. Ilford Annual ULF Order
  232. BTZS tubes - nice equipment
  233. Who adds Benzotriazole to developer?
  234. Cutting a 4x5 film holder slide cover for two panoramic images on one sheet of film?
  235. Kodak T Max fixer for paper ?
  236. 3 fixer test for wet plate
  237. data sheet for Delta 100
  238. 5 X 7 TMax 400 order from K. B. Canham
  239. HP5+ price increase
  240. Old Film - Tri-X and Type 52
  241. Printfile Negative Preserver problem
  242. Thiourea Toning without Sodium Hydroxide - Is it a stable workable toner??
  243. Ilford HP5+ in Fomadon LQN
  244. Ultrafine continuous tone film?
  245. X-Ray Film in NYC
  246. Exposure calculation for enlarging
  247. Developing Film in Ridged Trays
  248. LegacyPro B&W Powder Paper Developer
  249. Where to buy 120 film
  250. Do you need to use inter-negative to use slides in darkroom?