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  1. Sepia Toning Azo (1 replies)
  2. 4x5 tests extended to 8x10 - OK or not? (14 replies)
  3. Newbie..help me out (10 replies)
  4. ok 8x10 tri-x rated at 125 in xtol (2 replies)
  5. Straight Line Light Leak on Verticals (6 replies)
  6. 8x10 could be so great if............ (25 replies)
  7. Best film for long exposures? (16 replies)
  8. 13 x 18 er no it isn't (3 replies)
  9. How do i use the Jobodrum 4530? (1 replies)
  10. Specific ? Pyro (dye image) re EK's Tone Line process (1 replies)
  11. Help! Light leak? (6 replies)
  12. 4x5 contact sheet question (7 replies)
  13. what film to you shoot, and what do you like to process it in? (46 replies)
  14. film tests how to? (6 replies)
  15. Boosting it a grade or so? (10 replies)
  16. Can anyone recomend a lab for processing? (11 replies)
  17. Rod or Brush For ULF? (6 replies)
  18. Colour film in B&W developer? (3 replies)
  19. Results Shanghai 4x5 in PMK (0 replies)
  20. Blue, red, green or yellow densitometer channel? (3 replies)
  21. Jobo 3010 Processing Problem (14 replies)
  22. Dry Plate and handcoated film (6 replies)
  23. any news from polaroid film ? (19 replies)
  24. How do I dupe an 8x10 negative? (13 replies)
  25. How to clear Polaroid 55? (3 replies)
  26. 13x18 Film (8 replies)
  27. Efke IR820 and Rodinal (1 replies)
  28. Color film developing by hand. Inverting vs rotating agitation (1 replies)
  29. Thick negatives (5 replies)
  30. Fixer precipitate and Marks on Negatives (4 replies)
  31. 7 x 17 archival film sleeves (7 replies)
  32. Ilfochrome (10 replies)
  33. Rodinal 1:100, starting times? (17 replies)
  34. polariod type 55 clone (8 replies)
  35. Artcraft Chemicals....still there? (8 replies)
  36. Question Jim Galli! (9 replies)
  37. Mercuric Iodide Red (13 replies)
  38. Arista APHS Premium Halftone Supreme Ortho Litho Film (11 replies)
  39. open tray developing times (5 replies)
  40. Making non-traditional paper archival? (3 replies)
  41. Jobo CPE-2 with lift (5 replies)
  42. PMK in Aus (1 replies)
  43. Portra NC160 reciprocity? (1 replies)
  44. ID-11 and thin negs (6 replies)
  45. First drum scans (23 replies)
  46. Comparison: Adox Vario Classic vs. Oriental VC Fiber (1 replies)
  47. To reveal paper color in Jobo processor (3 replies)
  48. Fine Art Paper comparisons (19 replies)
  49. Any experience -- Shanghai 4x5 and PMK/Pyro? (2 replies)
  50. stuff you got for nothing and foolishly dumped because you didn't know the value... (10 replies)
  51. What do you do with your 5x7 negatives... (10 replies)
  52. How are you printing 20x24+? (8 replies)
  53. Is Multi-Pass Dry Mounting Oversized Prints Practical? (23 replies)
  54. Btzs Film Test Question (2 replies)
  55. Btzs tube question (14 replies)
  56. Flare in a contact print (6 replies)
  57. RRrrrred shadows (17 replies)
  58. Black and White film quality. (30 replies)
  59. Freezing Film Question.. (8 replies)
  60. adox MCC111 (3 replies)
  61. The New Tri-X and PMK (4 replies)
  62. Contact Paper Apologia / Lamentia (20 replies)
  63. 16x20 Paper (9 replies)
  64. Ordorless Fixer - Ordorless ? (73 replies)
  65. AZO and Ansco-130 (16 replies)
  66. sodium metaborate in PMK - octa or tetra? (6 replies)
  67. Whole Plate Tri-x or other film (1 replies)
  68. Film processing lab in Hudson Valley, NY??? (4 replies)
  69. Weird scratches on 8x10 film in Jobo 3005 (8 replies)
  70. Contact printing through sleeves? (12 replies)
  71. 4x5 film in 8x10 Jobo Expert tank? (1 replies)
  72. Chemistry dilution (12 replies)
  73. TMAX developing chemistry (7 replies)
  74. Dark Slide Film Workflow (7 replies)
  75. Developing time for Kodak E100G (5 replies)
  76. Argh, North Carolina pro labs (9 replies)
  77. 8x20 Neg Storage (7 replies)
  78. Can Anyone Spare A Box of Ilford 8x20? (4 replies)
  79. Time to fire up the mighty Elwood?? (10 replies)
  80. Ortho type 3 then, what now? (3 replies)
  81. Sheet Film and Airports (34 replies)
  82. B&W prints from scanned color slides? (7 replies)
  83. New TMax 400 Reciprocity (2 replies)
  84. Uneven pyro stain. (5 replies)
  85. Kodak Film (3 replies)
  86. Masking for dust and scratches (10 replies)
  87. News From Fuji Film (22 replies)
  88. E6 processing by post? (7 replies)
  89. What to do with lots of Agfa Signum II color paper? (8 replies)
  90. Ilfosol S nonstandard dilution (3 replies)
  91. whole plate film storage (4 replies)
  92. E6 Chemistry (14 replies)
  93. Uneven Skies w Pyrocat and Foma in 8x10 (16 replies)
  94. SLIMTs; possible small research project (10 replies)
  95. Developer and Stop bath (9 replies)
  96. Lab problem? (12 replies)
  97. Scanning. Best B&W film/chemistry. (11 replies)
  98. How many sheets? (2 replies)
  99. Strange Light leak Marks (10 replies)
  100. multi tasking with an overhead projector... (1 replies)
  101. Bleaching Negatives: How to? (3 replies)
  102. Viewed book on Trains by Kinsey! (8 replies)
  103. Jobo 2521 or ... (13 replies)
  104. Max Pyro by Gordon Hutchings (32 replies)
  105. Print retouching warm tone paper (6 replies)
  106. favorite paper (48 replies)
  107. HP5+ Reciprocity (26 replies)
  108. Velvia Storage (7 replies)
  109. Recommended Slide film for portraits/strobes? (4 replies)
  110. Jobo 4x5 Film Guides (1 replies)
  111. Can the Kodak Adjustable Tank do 4x5? (0 replies)
  112. Paterson Thermo tank (0 replies)
  113. Anyone ever use Whole-Plate Tri-X Film? (3 replies)
  114. 111x14 film in jobo 3063? (5 replies)
  115. Simple test for KBr? (2 replies)
  116. polaroid reciprocity failure chart (6 replies)
  117. Densitometer Deficient or Zone VIII with an exposure meter (4 replies)
  118. Amount of developer (23 replies)
  119. Simplest Processing System (19 replies)
  120. Is the Yankee tank the Antichrist? (39 replies)
  121. Plasmat as Enlarger Lens (2 replies)
  122. Platinum/Palladium Printing workshop (17 replies)
  123. alternative to TF-4 rapid archival fixer? (7 replies)
  124. 10x8 film delivered to LA hotel (18 replies)
  125. Light Leak! Improper film holder fit? (0 replies)
  126. AZO, HP5 8x10, adjusting for shadows and highlights, the next level for me, (14 replies)
  127. Palladium Chloride Mixing (23 replies)
  128. Micromega critical Focuser (1 replies)
  129. Recomended 4x5 B&W film (26 replies)
  130. First Trials with Pyrocat HD (9 replies)
  131. 4x5 B&W proccessing (7 replies)
  132. Which Drum for 8X10 in CPE-2 (6 replies)
  133. Washing in a water-scarce environment (9 replies)
  134. Getting the most out of color negative film? (5 replies)
  135. ADOX MCC 111 VC Paper (16 replies)
  136. new to LF: development, resolution (10 replies)
  137. Abroad travels.. Storing exposed film in Holders? (3 replies)
  138. Uniroller processing of 4x5 negatives (6 replies)
  139. The most useful thing I have .......... (22 replies)
  140. ULF Colour film (3 replies)
  141. Anyone use night vision goggle while cutting film? (14 replies)
  142. Very basic question on sheet film (25 replies)
  143. 1st Time Processing w/ 2551 and reels (14 replies)
  144. Where to buy cheap film online? (11 replies)
  145. new t-max400 in d76 1:1 (10 replies)
  146. Share box of Lodima UK (0 replies)
  147. Exposure for star trails, with 1/3 moon (9 replies)
  148. which 4x5 color negative for mixed light? (2 replies)
  149. Some Kodak Readyloads to be discontinued (3 replies)
  150. shooting a black car with Provia 100, how to meter? (15 replies)
  151. PyrocatHD and fomapan 100 suggestions (6 replies)
  152. Rodinal (9 replies)
  153. Photo warehouse to release "New" B&W Sheet Film! (4 replies)
  154. New Tmax in Canada (finally) :) (3 replies)
  155. Replacement Bulb for Adams Retouching Machine (10 replies)
  156. Can I have some advice? (4 replies)
  157. Paterson FX39 developer algorithm for FP4+ sheet film (deep tank) (0 replies)
  158. Contrast and Reciprocity Failure (21 replies)
  159. Loading HP Combi Tank 4x5's in film changing tent (11 replies)
  160. Processing woes with ancient FP4 (3 replies)
  161. What 4 x 5 inch film in high iso (11 replies)
  162. film processing in Savannah, Ga. (7 replies)
  163. Ambrotype look with film (1 replies)
  164. Newbie using FR daylight tank (7 replies)
  165. Sodium sulfite for Polararoid T55 (4 replies)
  166. Processing Questions (1 replies)
  167. Dark specks on film (7 replies)
  168. Printing very BIG prints (15 replies)
  169. Technical Pan Film (34 replies)
  170. One problem leads to another... (6 replies)
  171. Cobalt toner formula (10 replies)
  172. A basic question from a 5x4 newbie... (5 replies)
  173. Expired TMAX 100 or in-date HP5? (8 replies)
  174. Canadian sources for X-ray film? (2 replies)
  175. Desert hikes - color film : keeping cool (22 replies)
  176. Beseler 810 enlarger (7 replies)
  177. 4X5 TMax 400/TMax RC & Brown Stains (7 replies)
  178. Budget daylight development for 8x10 (12 replies)
  179. Kodak 4127 film question (9 replies)
  180. My first Zone System test (80 replies)
  181. Kodak Interested In My Health (11 replies)
  182. What size mat board for 14x17? (13 replies)
  183. Replacing the bulb in a Airequipt Photocrat (2 replies)
  184. Tank or tray (17 replies)
  185. Kodak releases Ektar 100 (8 replies)
  186. finding the right exposure for contact print (7 replies)
  187. Kitchen-Sink 8X10 in a tube. (9 replies)
  188. HP5 Stand PMK times (0 replies)
  189. simple developing question (13 replies)
  190. Dishwarmers (12 replies)
  191. 8x10 sheet film in Miami (11 replies)
  192. efke 25 in Pyrocatechin - dark stain (4 replies)
  193. Need a processing suggestion for South Side Chicago (4 replies)
  194. E6 chemicals, redundant? (4 replies)
  195. Fuji Pro 160S vs Pro 160C (2 replies)
  196. Agfa curix duplicating x-ray film 14x14" (5 replies)
  197. T-Max 400 and Azo and Pt (9 replies)
  198. What the... ?! (11 replies)
  199. 400 TMax (19 replies)
  200. Super XX film (30 replies)
  201. Film Test Results (22 replies)
  202. Does FUJI FP-100C45 4X5 INSTANT SHEET FILM fit in 545 holder ? (12 replies)
  203. On the Road to Darkroom Discovery (5 replies)
  204. Where can I get Tmax processed in England? (13 replies)
  205. Reciprocity question - real basic (5 replies)
  206. glossy fiber prints (13 replies)
  207. Newbie Question - Drum developing (6 replies)
  208. Loaded holders in the fridge?? (15 replies)
  209. tmax 100 and f stops (10 replies)
  210. B&W noob, looking for film/chemistry recommendation (46 replies)
  211. dust (9 replies)
  212. Help! Highlight ghosts? (1 replies)
  213. Where can I find 4X10 film sleeves? (13 replies)
  214. Bad Van Dyke? (7 replies)
  215. Pre-Exposing slide film to control contrast? (6 replies)
  216. Mixed film sizes developing capacities of chemicals (6 replies)
  217. Amidol (20 replies)
  218. C-41 Chemicals: Keep or Toss? (6 replies)
  219. Bulk Potassium Ferricyanide (3 replies)
  220. What is your favorite gear for contact printing? (24 replies)
  221. Shutter on enlarger lens? (5 replies)
  222. 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 sheet film (8 replies)
  223. Which Velvia for slot canyons in UT in Oct? (19 replies)
  224. New T-Max 400 7x17. Is it really worth $190.00 ??? (12 replies)
  225. Film/paper calibration (1 replies)
  226. Fogged Paper (9 replies)
  227. Developing time for fiber papers (10 replies)
  228. Jobo / Uniroller question (14 replies)
  229. simple question on storing film (3 replies)
  230. Any ideas what caused this fog? (5 replies)
  231. Doesn't Kodak want to sell 8x10 Tri-X anymore? (42 replies)
  232. What to use in place of Polaroid 54 (10 replies)
  233. What I learned today (10 replies)
  234. Color processing (4 replies)
  235. Film Speed and Developing Time (28 replies)
  236. Polymax fine art ?? (19 replies)
  237. Chemistry question? (6 replies)
  238. Velvia 50 and 100 Reciprocity Correction (15 replies)
  239. Newbie chooses Foma 200- which chemicals? (26 replies)
  240. Albumen Experiments (18 replies)
  241. Best "Less Expensive" Alternative to 8x10 TXP and HP5? (31 replies)
  242. Overexposed negatives when tilting lens (11 replies)
  243. Tech data on deleted Kodak Graphic Arts Film (7 replies)
  244. Print washing (12 replies)
  245. Film Development in Hong Kong (0 replies)
  246. Who uses 8x10 Efke, ANy problems still? (12 replies)
  247. Halo-chrome © (9 replies)
  248. Christopher James' Alt. Process Book (5 replies)
  249. Darkroom Flooring? Suggestions? (35 replies)
  250. TMAX 100 or 400 in Prescysol anyone? (3 replies)