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  1. Rotary Processing TriX 320 in Xtol for maximum compression of highlights and shadows?
  2. Which film is this? Does old there exist a 80's, 90's film look?
  3. Alternative To Kodak Portra 160NC?
  4. HCA and AZO/Amidol Workflow
  5. Mail order lab that offers 4x5 proofs?
  6. Dektol, Formazo, and Fog on glass
  7. Kentmere VC Select for Contact Sheets
  8. Liquid Light
  9. E-6 Film Processing Services 8x10
  10. Framing 8x10 contact prints
  11. Low ISO, How Low?
  12. Amidol will Kill You?
  13. Kodak 4111 cross processed
  14. 4x5 b&w scanning
  15. Moersch MZB vs Cachet AB 55
  16. Film
  17. 70 Year Old Film
  18. C-41 4x5 devo in N East OH??????
  19. paper recommendations?
  20. Instant B&W Fuji
  21. Problems developing 4x5 in a Jobo Expert 3006
  22. Portra 160
  23. Contact Printing - Where to Start?
  24. Color film for mixed lighting?
  25. Acros Dynamic Range
  26. Adox NP-27: Anyone use it?
  27. Film hardener compatible with rotary processing?
  28. Capa mounting material
  29. Fuji FP-100B45
  30. Fuji PA-45
  31. Unicolor roller base with a wobble?
  32. Kodak TMAX100 Overexposed
  33. Dry glass Plates?
  34. Can't Remember Name of 8x10 Enlarger
  35. Glycin and staining developers
  36. Sourcing Fuji Velvia films
  37. Polaroid 803
  38. Developing 5x7 in Tubes w/ Pyrocat-HD
  39. 20x24" prints in wallpaper trays. First attempt
  40. ERA 4x5 film development times
  41. Jobo Cup lid versus Center Column lid
  42. 8x10 hangers for paper
  43. Posting exposed film to processing labs.
  44. anyone making custom clear bags for prints?
  45. Photographer's Formulary Options
  46. F.S. Jobo Equipment for sale
  47. Beyond the Zone System 4th edition - Now Out of Print - Now on the Kindle
  48. Anybody Use a 5108 De Vere 8x10 Enlarger With the VC Head?
  49. Wet Plate Chemicals: Storage & Kids
  50. A tour of Ansel Adam's darkroom
  51. 5x7 is NOT EQUAL to 13x18 ...
  52. Is reboxing exposed film safe?
  53. DeVere 8x10 Varicontrast Head Information
  54. Pyro Developers and Dual Purpose Negs
  55. Pyro Tray Developing and Even Skies
  56. UV alternatives
  57. Difference between T-Max and RS
  58. Expired Film
  59. Kodak orthoplate PFO —Tec Info, Procession?
  60. What is a dye destruction print?
  61. Contact Printing 8x10 C-41 for Display
  62. Kodak TMAX100 - 2 Part - something went wrong
  63. 5x7 Delta 400, who wants it?
  64. Limitation of canvas prints? How many dpi? 200?
  65. Order of Operations Question
  66. Purity of sodium carbonate needed for paper developer?
  67. Is My Pyrocat HD Bad?
  68. Processing 8x10 in Jobo 2840/1500 Tanks
  69. Fuji Quick load holders and film question...
  70. Efke: love it but one major complaint...
  71. Spots on my Transparency: Film or Processing?
  72. Best Color Film for Long Exposures
  73. C-41 Labs trough Europe
  74. Washing and wetting agent advices
  75. G Clarons as Enlarging Lenses
  76. Testing EI - Neg Dev Time - Print Dev Time
  77. Tray decontamination?
  78. Uneven 8x10 Negs in Pyrocat-HD
  79. B22 Omega Head
  80. Shooting fiber matte paper?
  81. Shelf life of PMK
  82. AGFA Alliance CNP?
  83. Thorium Toner
  84. The price of 8x10 HP-5+...
  85. First negatives, some questions
  86. E6 Process 4-step vs 7-step
  87. Screwed up E6 processing or duff darkslide?
  88. Where can I get some b&w negs developed and scanned??
  89. Divided Pyrocat: Marks on negs from the inside ridges of 8x10 BTZS tubes?
  90. Way to get more brightness from D5500?
  91. I got my Jobo! Now what?
  92. Whole Plate Film dimensions?
  93. Advice re Dry Mount Sheets
  94. How to carry exposed polaroids in the fields...
  95. Ilford 2011 ULF order window is open
  96. PMK in Toronto
  97. Ilfochrome is back.....
  98. Where to get BW/color developed in the NE
  99. If you’re a tray developer, this might raise your temperature
  100. The New Freestyle Catalog arrived!
  101. how do you enlarge 6x17
  102. HP Combi plan
  103. Need advice to develop 4x5" films for ZS
  104. 4x5 FP4+ Pyrocat HD CombiPlan
  105. Alternatives to POP, and coating emulsions
  106. Printing on Duratrans
  107. Tray Processing Newbie Questions
  108. hc110 & Acros 100 sheet film
  109. PMK Development Time-Temp Curve
  110. Loading Dry PLates
  111. Agfapan 25 in 4x5
  112. Any 220 B&W film out there
  113. 4x5 Lab in RTP
  114. mounting prints
  115. Seattle Photographers' darkroom Co-op
  116. large format x-ray film
  117. As long as were talking x-ray
  118. Jobo drum info
  119. BTZS Expo/Dev Software Survey
  120. does any one use photo therm?
  121. "hobbyist" 4x5 c41 developing equipment question
  122. All of a sudden, newton rings..
  123. Opening film packets without generating lint
  124. Scrap 4x5 film
  125. Presentation Mats / Slide Mounts for 4x5 Slides?
  126. Silver Chloride Paper and Dektol?
  127. New Kodak Portra 400 4x5 availability?
  128. Film Developer Standard?
  129. Outdated Kodak HC-110 Developer?
  130. Ilford FP4+ in Diafine... any experience/advice?
  131. Fujifilm 8X10 Velvia
  132. Strange scratches all over the negative
  133. Preservation of old news negs
  134. Ctein's Post Exposure - Free PDF Download!
  135. Large Format developing methods
  136. Check out these Videos
  137. Ilford ULF Film orders in Canada
  138. Darkroom Rental in New England
  139. Light Leak or Dev Issue?
  140. Rollo Pyro
  141. what went wrong here ?
  142. lith film for enlarged negs
  143. Adox Pan 25 in 8x10 Source?
  144. Developing film in jobo 2820 test drum
  145. Seal Exibitex
  146. Ilfolith IH4 questions
  147. USM registration tool
  148. Impossible Polaroid film
  149. fixer mixing ratio question
  150. Non 4x5" 'instant film' for 4x5" camera?
  151. US processing labs
  152. Masking color negatives: where/how to begin?
  153. Adjusting Contrast for FP4 with DR5
  154. Neopan 100 Acros in Rodinal?
  155. What is Polaroid 55 worth?
  156. Potassium Oxalate in Bleach Formula
  157. Fp4 5x7
  158. C41/E6 chemicals in bulk
  159. I've been shooting ektapan in my 5X7
  160. Printing Help
  161. spotone
  162. Some help on shanghai films 100
  163. processing 2 sheets in a 6 sheet daylight tank?
  164. Partial Mixing of Tetenal/Unicolor Press Kits
  165. How Do I Unbind Easel Arm?
  166. Some good news and bad news
  167. Sodium Thiosulfate "Plain Fixer" question
  168. Fizzies!
  169. First 8x10 tray development
  170. Efke PL25 M 5x7 / 4x5 in Straight XTOL or XTOL 1:1, Dev Times?
  171. Ilford ULF and 8" Circuit Film
  172. Kodak Brown Toner Life:confused:
  173. Kodak Ektar Film ?????????????
  174. Efke film
  175. 8x10 poor man's enlargement
  176. KB Canham/Kodak No Minimum Sheet Film Orders
  177. Ordered film for the summer & x-ray question
  178. Film question for backpackers
  179. TXP320 in HC-110 - times?
  180. Polaroid 545 sheet film holder question
  181. Notch Code
  182. Washing and Drying a Harrison Tent
  183. Advise on Arranging Small Darkroom Equipments
  184. Developing Time/ISO for X-Ray Film
  185. Stonehenge Paper for Platinum print.
  186. 5X7 developing tank
  187. Unicolor print drum processing of film
  188. Need adhesive for paper to wood
  189. Processing 8x10 old negativ
  190. Fuji Pro160ns vs. Pro 160s
  191. Raw chemicals n.e. Ohio
  192. 2011 Ilford ULF Order
  193. xtol 1:3 jobo 3010 less density on edges
  194. processing 8x10 (B&W) with unicolor motor base and tube
  195. TMAX 400 in Pyrocat-MC
  196. Process lenses as enlarger lenses???
  197. iPhone/iPad/Android app for film development suggestion
  198. How Does Kodak Make Film?
  199. SO CLOSE: Help Attaching Jobo Lift to Processor
  200. Neopan Acros (ISO 100) 4x5 in Ilfosol 3?
  201. Cibachrome Tubes
  202. New Ilford Paper
  203. B&W developer for DoMac processor
  204. AZO Mounting
  205. Pyro and Amidol Videos
  206. JOBO 2850 4x5 question
  207. negative density lines
  208. Anyone use their exhausted D-23 as a Hypo Clear post fixing?
  209. Approval of Shopping List For Jobo CPA2's First Voyage
  210. I need help in printing color paper
  211. 8x10 enlarger in Montreal
  212. good ol craigslist
  213. Softening portraits
  214. Perspective control in the darkroom
  215. Where to get Ilfochrome and RA-4 Chemicals in Canada
  216. Fogged 8x10 Film
  217. Agfas AVitone
  218. Roll film with pyrocat in processor
  219. Azo
  220. diffraction limits...again
  221. Paper negatives in practice
  222. 18 x 24 cms colour neg
  223. Digital Cibachrome service proposal
  224. Foma 111, which warm tone developer ?
  225. X-Ray Film Resource Page
  226. Using The Cyan Filter to Increase Printing Time
  227. What Size Mat for 7x17
  228. Colour Balancing Advice
  229. AN & clear glass for enlarging carriers
  230. Camera lens as enlarger lens?
  231. Vertical tank for stand developing 8x10?
  232. 3S-KangRinpoche Film Changing Tent
  233. Old Formulation Film?
  234. Pyrocat HD Developing Times
  235. 5" aerial film processing
  236. Adox ISO 25
  237. How long can I postpone development?
  238. Looking for E-6 C-41 Film developing Services
  239. Need something that's about 50% of Beyond the Zone System
  240. 12X20 HP5 or FP4
  241. Question about paper negitives?
  242. Diagnosing Negative Issue
  243. Fixer Formula
  244. Question on Efke Film
  245. What's your best super-low light formula for small formats?
  246. Question Re Lodima Next Run
  247. C 41/810/JOBO tank question
  248. Grain magnifier that can inspect outer regions?
  249. New Ilford Fine Art paper arrived
  250. Foma 5x7 film available in the UK