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  1. Argyrotype Help
  2. 8x10 Adox CHS 100, Fomapan 100 and HP5Plus
  3. First attempt at developing: Can you guess what went wrong?
  4. Any POP available?
  5. TMY-2 (New Tmax 400) - Reciprocity Info
  6. pyro developer, but which?
  7. Kodak IR film shelf life?
  8. Question for Owners of the Glass Omega 4x5 Negative Carrier
  9. Making Amidol
  10. Arista Edu 400 in Pyrocat-MC
  11. what control over Ilfochrome? need advice
  12. Safelight Wavelengths
  13. Uses for Polaroid clearing bucket insert?
  14. Minimum volume stock solutions Pyrocat HD per film?
  15. TEA Substitute
  16. Kodak C41SM F1 F2
  17. B&H has 8x10 TMax 400 in stock right now
  18. Repackaging 8x10 TMY(2) 10 Sheet
  19. Kodak Discontinues E100VS in 4x5
  20. Strongest mix ratio for FA-1027 working solution
  21. printed on uv stainless steel
  22. Beautiful darkroom blacks
  23. Have a bazoodle of wet plates, now I need prints!
  24. using Hardener solution with Efke 100 film
  25. Jobo CPA-2 & C-41
  26. Has anyone tried the new Portra 400?
  27. Odd grain pattern on efke 100 film, little white dots
  28. Mod Photographic 4x5 Process Rack
  29. 510 pryo negatives for Pt/Pd printing
  30. Adjusting dev. times with rotation
  31. duplicate
  32. How To Make Very Dense Negatives
  33. First at home processing
  34. Commercial film cutting services?
  35. 9x12 12x15 18x24 versus 4x5 5x7 8x10 - for Linhofs and others
  36. The Sitter Apocalypse
  37. Negative sleeves for 9x10
  38. blue prewash from shangahi film
  39. emulsion up or emulsion down? (4x5 in trays)
  40. Using "Foreign" Parts In Jobo Unit
  41. Ilford Ortho Plus Film
  42. Finding developing time. Question please
  43. calibration: film speed, density, development for Plat/Palladium negs
  44. Paper Negative Workflows For Various Results
  45. choosing a 8x10 BW film for big digital enlargement
  46. Gretag D200 II Experience sought
  47. Jay Dusard's Farmer Reducer (Potassium Ferricyanide) Technique
  48. Hypo-Alum Sepia vs. Sepia Sulfide Toners
  49. Sepia toner in Canada?
  50. Kodak Hobby Pac C-41 Kits, DoA?
  51. Halcyon superfine grain film developer
  52. Silver Nitrate making
  53. Photofinish Darkroom Cleaner
  54. Please recommend film cutter
  55. Color rendition in Provia vs Portra 160 (VC)
  56. Tri-X Pan Professional Film development
  57. Any use for Kodachrome?
  58. I'm looking for a printing alternative.
  59. Rating Paper ISO - An Exact How To?
  60. Provia 5x7
  61. what are these jobo accessories for?
  62. Identify film by notch code
  63. Whole Plate film offering from K.B. Canham
  64. Odd film quality failure
  65. adox 25 in Rollei R09 Film Developer
  66. adox 25 in Rollei R09 Film Developer
  67. e6 chemistry in the usa .... help......
  68. Jobo 4x5 film retainers for Multitank 2
  69. How to package unprocessed negatives shipped via airmail
  70. Film Questions
  71. Changing to Different Color Chemistry
  72. The dying art of the photographic darkroom - video
  73. Oreintal Photo Papers?
  74. BTZS Question
  75. Last Minute Prep For Platinum - Kind of Strange Question
  76. How to make a shaved negative carrier for 4x5
  77. Can Anyone Confirm Removal of UV Blocker in TMAX 100
  78. Pinholes on negative?
  79. D-23, Microdol-X, D-76: Curves, Sulfite, etc.
  80. Alternatives to Potassium Bromide for developer restrainer?
  81. Have you ever tried an ammonia based developer?
  82. Solvent for Polaroid print coating material
  83. ULF Color Film Processing
  84. Film for summer
  85. Excellent Book
  86. Shooting "at" a Higher ISO
  87. HC110 - replacement
  88. Best Developer for Trix 320
  89. Colour Film Comparison
  90. Negative Archival and Numbering System
  91. What did I do wrong ?
  92. A question for the chemists
  93. How adjustments have films?
  94. any experience with Tanol Speed? rotary dev + Foma 100
  95. BW print on canvas
  96. props to my wife
  97. Processing 8*10 film in Print drum; stange streaks..
  98. Rollei 400 IR
  99. Contact printing 8X10 negs
  100. The future of Kodak film?
  101. 8x10 RVP (Fuji Velvia 50)
  102. Quick Question About Fix (Film)
  103. UV Exposure Units
  104. Dumb Film Temperature Question
  105. lodima paper - what's the deal with it
  106. Best practices on mailing 4x5 sheets
  107. Foma 8x10
  108. Simple Fixer question
  109. How light-tight is the Kodak box?
  110. Panchromatic sesitizing dyes
  111. Fujifilm Pro 160S 4x5" Professional Color Negative (Print) Film
  112. Making a contact printing mask
  113. No 400 color 4x5?
  114. Auto mechanic photography...lighting or retouching?
  115. FP-100C45 - Discontinued?
  116. Jobo 4206 formatholder
  117. My New 8x10 Sheet Film Protocol
  118. Strange Processing Marks With Kodak 160NC and VC
  119. Interpreting Ilford Paper Labels
  120. damaged photographs
  121. Fuji 4x5 Transp Film
  122. Film compatibility for Linhof Technika 4 x 5
  123. Oh where to go.
  124. What are you using to seperate negatives in the Unicolor 11x14 drum?
  125. Polaroid 4x5 Land Film Packets Black & White/Type55 P/N
  126. Paterson Orbital and Home Processing
  127. Continuous Tone Development of LITH film
  128. JOBO processing if your a student..
  129. Photo-Opaque Paint for Acetate Masks
  130. B&W film recommendations
  131. Building b&w mask for color negative film
  132. New Ilford Multigrade Art Paper.
  133. Why shoot B&W???????
  134. What is a 100% Enlargement?
  135. Cleaning Negatives
  136. Odd Stain on Print
  137. Cutting down film without a trimmer?
  138. Fuji Acros
  139. chemicals and cold temperatures
  140. Demand for E-6 processing?
  141. 4x10 processing and Jobo drums
  142. Masters of the Black Art
  143. Ilfochrome in-camera prints?
  144. Framing glass - what's a good one these days?
  145. Pyrogallol
  146. Whats the story on 4x5 Color Transparency Film?
  147. speed of plates
  148. TF-2 Alkaline Sodium Thiosulfate Fixer
  149. Permanence of early film
  150. Help with old dry plates (speed, processing)
  151. New silver gelatin paper from Ilford Photo
  152. Rodinal replacement?
  153. West Coast Imaging--can't connect?
  154. Jobo 2 Series tank diameters
  155. Film Prices
  156. Hydrocat??
  157. Kodalk 'Rocks'
  158. TriX in Ilford developer
  159. Large format Impossible (Polaroid) films in the works
  160. Films other than Kodak
  161. Alternative processes help please
  162. New E-6 services coming to Seattle – “O! the joy.”
  163. LF film selection?
  164. Old negatives—Advice please
  165. Rollei ATP
  166. What the heck????
  167. Diafine question
  168. Kodak Portra 160
  169. Sheets processing question
  170. C-41 mottling or what???????
  171. Ferri and TF4?
  172. Can't find 8x10 High Gloss Color Photography Paper why?
  173. Kodak inner 4x5 evnelope light tight ?
  174. Developing Color Print Negatives and Processing.
  175. Where to get bulk printing done?
  176. Is this uneven development?
  177. Plan for vacuum frame for contact printing
  178. Another BTZS question
  179. Fluoro darkroom safelight question
  180. Mercuric Chloride
  181. "Neofin blau"
  182. I have a bunch of Portriga Rapid: Need Suggestions
  183. Printing 20x24 B&W With a Jobo 3063 Expert Drum
  184. Confused about dilution: Adolux ATM49
  185. Help Attaching CPA2/CPP2 Lift to Jobo CPA2
  186. experimental emulsion desrtruction
  187. Potential silly question...
  188. Kodak T-Mat S/RA X-ray Film
  189. Is Pre-Soak Needed with Small tanks?
  190. 170 ml in a Jobo 2500 tank
  191. Stand Development in Rodinal
  192. Aristo D2 Cold Light - PAPER questions
  193. Can somone send me a Pyro neg?
  194. Chemistry question.
  195. uneven 8x10 negs.
  196. 14x17 B/W Panchromatic Film
  197. Best source of FP 100 or 3000 packfilm
  198. Help me identify mistakes of first processing
  199. Archive Storage of Vintage Large Photos
  200. New method for making large negatives for platinum prints
  201. Is Anyone Having Problems With Light Impressions?
  202. Darkroom ductwork/ventilation/plumbing
  203. Harman Direct Positive Paper
  204. palladium chloride
  205. Color film suggestions?
  206. Did something go wrong ?
  207. What zone for highlights do you like?
  208. Kodak Financial Woes Deepen: Film Future?
  209. liquid light
  210. 210mm Rodagon-G - optimal stop for a large mural print
  211. fp100c45 and alt-process
  212. Fomapan 400 in sheets available
  213. Developing in Jobo 2850
  214. Anyone Use Pyrocat-HD in a Paterson Orbital Processor?
  215. LPD paper developer
  216. Scratched Negs
  217. E-6 to C-41: A Transition
  218. Printing, Bleaching, and Toning Kallitypes
  219. Does Dixactol Expire?
  220. PMK Pyro and "Modern" Emulsions
  221. grade
  222. Durst Laborator 1200 on table top: height?
  223. Woodstock, ny
  224. Stop bath & fixer ever go off?
  225. Archival Sealant/ Lacquer/ Resin? Any Such Thing?
  226. Fink-Roselieve
  227. [OT?] Shipping Rodinal
  228. DIY agfa activator?
  229. HP combi plan
  230. Rollie Retro 400s Film
  231. Ilford 500H Multigrade enlarger head - instructions
  232. Masking Contact Prints
  233. Pyro for Acros
  234. Ever try??????????
  235. Interest in special order: Fuji Chrome 6 E-6 5Liter Developing kit?
  236. TMax RS developer as "one-shot"
  237. VC Printing Filtration Settings
  238. Frame size for 14x17 and 16x20 Print
  239. Paper negs - paper or film developer?
  240. T-Max rs mixing ratios – or, “what does 1:9 REALLY mean?”
  241. Washing Fiber Prints
  242. UK source for x-ray film??
  243. PMK and ABC
  244. Making Hypo.
  245. X-ray film sky question
  246. Wet plate rookie questions
  247. Best alternative process for portraits
  248. Dry mount workflow/technique
  249. Clearing Cyanotypes
  250. Ortho Black and White film- Large Sizes