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  1. Selenium Toner (KRST) Yellow Tint
  2. Contact printing
  3. Dektol Substitute
  4. is 12x20 film still available?
  5. Lodaima Developer
  6. Two bath print developing
  7. Got some neat stuff today...
  8. W665 (Windisch) developer? Your experience and advice?
  9. Fomalux Contact Printing Paper
  10. Home Depot Sells Print Trays?
  11. Platinum Printing
  12. B&W developer for rotary processing
  13. TRI-X 320 film
  14. processing fujifilm aps nexia 400 color film problem
  15. Astia discontinued?
  16. 8x10 Kodak TMax-400 going to be discontinued??
  17. Newby with many questions and a BIG camera
  18. B&W print quality: What was Karsh's darkroom and finishing technique?
  19. Lodima
  20. For those practicing WPC: safe disposal of KCN fixer
  21. BW development reference book
  22. fb+fog 35mm, 120, 4x5
  23. Moving to a rural area, how to get rid of chemicals?
  24. Pyocat-HD/-MC 2 Bath Developing...
  25. Royal Pan
  26. What is the fastest (& most economical) way of iso calibrating the film?
  27. DD-X / HP5 / FP4 Compensating
  28. What's wrong with my negatives...
  29. Minimum developing time fir shadows?
  30. Newbie needs help getting started
  31. Kodak Opal V (Opalure) B&W FB paper: Anything like it today?
  32. print texturing
  33. The "Zone Card" where to buy?
  34. Collodion chemicals
  35. Advice for exposing Ektachrome?
  36. Devloping time for HC 110 - HP5 - ISO 200 - Bessler Drum?
  37. Framing--silve gelatine vs digital papers
  38. Foma 400/Arista.edu 400
  39. X-Rite 810 Densitometer calibration using stouffer reflection/transmission
  40. Weird pucker marks on the backs of my negatives
  41. Suggestions for traveling without enough film holders
  42. Instantfilm in the fridge? (Fuji FP-100c)
  43. TriX + Rodinal
  44. Info on my Zone VI 35mm washer?
  45. Panoramic Mats
  46. Sheet film: Minimal agitation
  47. DIY slosher or Orbital tank?
  48. Retouching negatives with pencil?
  49. Tri-X 320 development times
  50. my Fuji fp-100c45 negative process
  51. Are there any 'Polaroid like' positive alternatives for 8x10 or larger?
  52. Omega D5 lens stage alignment question
  53. How fast is your expert?
  54. What is the very best RC paper, VC?
  55. Simple Paper Size Question
  56. The monthly "WTF, Fuji" thread
  57. New To PYRO
  58. 8x10 ERA developing?
  59. Jobo 3010 vs 4x5 Reels
  60. Blue /Cyan Shadows
  61. C-41 Tetenal processing
  62. Outdated Ektachrome
  63. Jobo drum and reel question..??
  64. Amidol Concentrated Suspension
  65. Getting Clean Negs
  66. Kodak Poly Toner Equivalent
  67. Smaller format development question - Jobo spool
  68. Pushing Ektar 1 or 2 stops
  69. Uneven development - Pyroact HD with JOBO 1520 & 120 film
  70. Another uneven development with Pyro HD two bath with Jobo 2850
  71. The best BW 4x5 film for night photography?
  72. Push ISO 400 film
  73. Processing Pola type 55
  74. Jobo 3010==> Which Agitator Base and Where to buy?
  75. Full Matt, suede finish B&W portrait paper
  76. ADOX CMS20 5x4 sheet film
  77. Efke 25 rollfilm and PMK
  78. Putting film back into foil pouch
  79. What mat size for 5x7 enlargements
  80. Kentmere Select VC RC paper
  81. XTOL compliants and problems?
  82. C41 4x5 Processing Issues
  83. Any Examples of Upswept vs S-curve in prints?
  84. Question about Jobo tanks
  85. The color of dry pyrocatechol
  86. Ektar 100 Long Exposure & Reciprocity Failure
  87. Unicolor drums
  88. Another Paterson Orbital uneven development question...
  89. Kodak LF Film Availability
  90. Fuji Acros 100 4x5: Retailers in Europe?
  91. 4x4 negatives
  92. Bergger Art Contact
  93. where to buy film
  94. has any one used a negative ioniser to control dust?
  95. A couple of simple Jobo E6 questions
  96. Champion Promicrol.
  97. Free Ciba processor
  98. Jobo Expert and Hand Rotation
  99. Replenishing diluted developer
  100. Film source/processing/scaning
  101. Another chemical question?
  102. Tungsten transparency film
  103. How much should a OMEGA SUPER CHROMEGA D-XL ENLARGER go for?
  104. calibrating a color head for b&w
  105. FB Paper...suggestions?
  106. 4x5 in a Paterson 3 reel tank
  107. Market price on Jobo
  108. color processing ( c41 + e6 )
  109. Jobo Expert Drums vs Hangers & Tank & Developer Recommendation
  110. Pyrocat HD & Jobo drums & inversion agitation
  111. Question about Jobo 3063
  112. PMK or ABC plus Pyro.
  113. 10x22 Film
  114. Photo Chemical / False-Positives on Drug Tests??
  115. 4x5 Storage? the best solution?
  116. Cutting down film - tips?
  117. Printing and proofing glass plates
  118. Developing Film in a Bag
  119. F stop printing time calculator
  120. Glass Plate Availability
  121. Test Major Silver Chloride Papers
  122. AB 55 Film developer
  123. Negative envelopes for wholeplate?
  124. Fuji Acros Quickloads?
  125. XTOL Replenished for TMAX 400, JOBO Rotary anybody?
  126. Fuji FB-100B45 Instant discontinued
  127. sheet film notch code ID
  128. Pyrocat
  129. Quality of Chemistry From Bostick and Sullivan
  130. Aztek Kami scan mounting fluid - online source?
  131. 8x10 400 ASA sheet film
  132. Trough Printing
  133. XTOL with FOMA 100 white specks in 1:1 ??
  134. Amidol Developing Question
  135. German Based 4x5 Developing Lab? Your recommendations?
  136. Procedure/s for establishing the correct developing time?
  137. Large Format E-6 Processing Bay Area
  138. Pyrocat HD Problem
  139. Spoting black spots!..
  140. direct camera exposure on ilfochrome
  141. Labeling Negatives
  142. Tmax Reversal gone bad
  143. Into large format start looking at pmk/pyrocaT??
  144. Xtol/Stop/TmaxFix based BW tray processing =>> moving to Jobo 3010. What do I need?
  145. Looking to set myself up to process color
  146. Concentrated Ansco 130 Stock - Shelf-life?
  147. Questions Re ATN Viper in Darkroom
  148. Effect of temperature on chemistry storage
  149. Cross Processing Polaroid 804 / 809
  150. Looking for 20x24" Crystal clear sleeve for print.
  151. Best developer for ADOX MCC
  152. Sheet film developing and contact printing--observations
  153. Film speed
  154. Efke IR820c in 5x7 - any interest?
  155. Jobo 3010 on a Cibachrome motor base? Works?
  156. Can someone give me a crash course on developers
  157. NEW Portra 400 Skin Tone Tests...
  158. Dynamic range of (new) Ektar 100
  159. Cheapest way to buy 4x5 film in EU?
  160. Ilford Delta 100 processed for N-5
  161. Processing old color film in black and white chemicals
  162. 8x10" Portra400NC /Availability in EU&US
  163. How many uses from chemicals? How to dispose of?
  164. brown stains on paper. unwashed fixer or developer?
  165. Compensating developers as a general-purpose solution for scanning?
  166. Black Crud
  167. Provia 100F 11x14 film size
  168. Fomapan 100 question
  169. Problems with Rollei ATP 1.1 120
  170. So many variables!
  171. Super XX clone?
  172. Pyro Hd
  173. Unicolor 8x10 drum spacers
  174. Fuji discontinues all 4x5 film?
  175. Accidentally exposed ADOX CHS 25 Art @400 ISO - Need help p/se
  176. developing bw 4x5 film (by a newbie)
  177. What if I don't have enough boxes to take to the lab?
  178. Color Film Processing?
  179. Kentmere Fineprint Warmtone
  180. Jobo 2500 and selfmade inside
  181. Plastic Fidelity holders /damage to film?
  182. If You are Curious about Pyro but Haven't Tried It...
  183. Processing E-6 in Brisbane, Australia. DIY or are there labs that do it?
  184. There's No ♪♪ Azo Like ♫ the Old♫♪ Azo...
  185. Store film in car trunk
  186. f/stop timer?
  187. Problems processing 4x5 film, uneven negs
  188. paterson filmsheet
  189. Fomapan 100 shoot at iso 50? Anyone?
  190. Where to buy RoloPyro in Europe?
  191. Cheapest and Best Way for Developing and Printing 8x10s
  192. 2x3 Sheet Film?
  193. The Film Apocalypse and Proper Freezing and Storage of Film
  194. Latest Table Top Processing Equipment For 4x5...............
  195. Darkroom tent, person-sized
  196. Arista EDU Ultra B&W 100 $23.99 for 50 sheets any good?
  197. Where to get slide film processed?
  198. 4x5 Polaroid?
  199. Polaroid emulsion lifts
  200. Those of You that Shoot LF Colour
  201. Divided A, B Development with A:Xtol B:Dilute Xtol?
  202. Where to buy a two bath developer in Europe? Or raw photo chemicals?
  203. NEWB Looking for 4x5 Neg Development ideas
  204. Kodachrome 25 KM, Suggestions for Processing.
  205. Changing bags and fingerprints
  206. Favorite paper and developer
  207. Help: Color developing thin/blank
  208. TMX in XTOL: my negs have a "warm tone"!
  209. Ilford Warmtone Semi-Matte FB Dry Down Experiences
  210. "Rapid Water Jet" Washer's TRUE Capacity?
  211. Ultrafine Black-and-White Films
  212. Contact Printing: Contrast Control - A Compendium
  213. Can I use the Same Jobo tank/Trays/equipment with Multiple developers?
  214. Taco Developing 8X10
  215. Kodak discontinues all but 4x5 TMAX films
  216. Question about film sizes
  217. R3 film in jobo
  218. Caponigro print quality
  219. Black glass
  220. What is the "AURA" effect with IR film?
  221. My 5x7 Provia order from Badger Graphic just invoiced through!!
  222. Pyrocat-HD toe control
  223. Old Tmax 400 TMY
  224. I take an inventory...
  225. Films For Vintage Look
  226. Printing: Test-Strips or Not?
  227. New boxes of old film...
  228. A Pragmatic Kodak Thread
  229. Gloves, gloves, stupid damn gloves!!!!
  230. How many people use aquarium pumps in their Jobo CPE-2
  231. What film is most like Tri X?
  232. price of 3005 drums: are we getting to a state of lunacy?
  233. Color film for artificial light
  234. Jobo CPE-2 or other daylight solution for 5x7"
  235. De Vere 5108 / Medium format lens ?
  236. KB Canham Comes Through - 8x10 T Max Available
  237. Chemsavers sale until December 19
  238. No MC filter vs. 00 vs. 2
  239. Taping 5x7 sheet together for processing in a JOBO 3005 drum
  240. Outdated film
  241. Ilford Delta 100 5x7 By the Box?
  242. green b/w negs
  243. Killing time during long exposures
  244. New with 5x7
  245. Condensation on film?
  246. Developing agents in the emulsion
  247. Arista EDU Ultra B&W 400
  248. Fresh film in luggage scanner
  249. Processed my first colour negatives!
  250. Better way for temp control