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  1. 4x5 equivalent in centimeters
  2. Hypo -- what does YOURS look like?
  3. FomaPan Classic 100 users (Contrast)
  4. mounting photos on PS (polystyrene)
  5. Film Processing in Montreal
  6. 10x8 & 5x7 in Jobo CPE2+
  7. cooling water bath
  8. A Metol-Sulfite Developer for Ortho Litho Film
  9. Agitation when rotary processing
  10. Quickloads in the freezer
  11. 8x10 color negative film stock
  12. 220 Film Source
  13. Film advice for a Newbie
  14. Digital printing confusion
  15. film and developer combinations
  16. Rising price of chemicals
  17. pull detail from shadows
  18. Print options for transparencies
  19. Jobo Multitank 12 Help
  20. Methods for cutting 8x10 film down to 5x7
  21. Jobo Time/Temps for FP-4, Tri-X, Delta 100?
  22. Paper Cutter?
  23. ADOX PAN 400 Coming! ?
  24. Diluting Xtol with HP5
  25. Well water for film & print
  26. TXP Mistake ?
  27. Bright white spots on prints
  28. E6 from the 1990s
  29. Lens for contact printing using enlarger
  30. Comments on the New Weston Diploma Parchment
  31. where is the cheapest /best place for 8x10 film
  32. HC-110 developing time.
  33. Too hot to process!
  34. hi and a problem
  35. State of 8x10 film production now & future
  36. The Great Yellow Father in Rochester Does Good!
  37. What do you think of the JOBO HP
  38. Need PYRO lab in Massachusets
  39. Fuji instant FP-100B45 discontinued
  40. Paper negatives - contrast control?
  41. T-Max RS Developer out of production?
  42. Kodak MXB X-ray film
  43. Jobo CPA help - how to get Expert Drum on
  44. Adolux APH 09 questions
  45. Film giveaway (with a catch)
  46. Polaroid 8x10 question
  47. Bergger BPFB-18 Continuous Tone
  48. Agfa Lith Films
  49. Printing help needed please
  50. Developer for Portraits
  51. Adox Pan 25 and D76 1:1
  52. New Oriental FB VC with Lith Dev - Anyone had Success??
  53. HABS Processing and Documentation
  54. Something wrong developing
  55. Going back to film, 1st LF camera
  56. Film guidance needed
  57. Any experiences using dry plates?
  58. Fotoman 4x10 Film Cutter - Quick Review
  59. Processing of B/W Films.
  60. Bergger film - still here where
  61. e6 8x10 processing
  62. Paper Woes? Things seem pretty good lately!
  63. Silver precipitating out of fixer
  64. Film speed test question
  65. Good & cheap 4x5" sleeves in Europe?
  66. Scanning Film Speed Test/what's your favorite film testing method?
  67. Discontinued 4x5 transparency films
  68. processing single 5x7 sheet in roll film tank?
  69. 8x10 Arista.edu ultra and tray development
  70. cutting paper negs
  71. 8x10 Color negative or Chromes?
  72. using paper negs
  73. Where does the blue go?
  74. Pyro
  75. Why Presoak?
  76. Time and Temperature Adjustments - Curious
  77. Purple T-max negative - Help!
  78. Issues with Pyrocat-MC… Any suggestions?
  79. Beginner's guide to developing 4x5" sheets
  80. Rollei/Adox Ortho 25 in high diluted developers
  81. Rollei Pan 25 as Neg and Pos at same time
  82. Lodima by enlarger?
  83. Is the Nova "Clubmate" Processor Ilfochrome Safe?
  84. Need help with Delta 100 (4x5) / PyroCat-HD dev. times
  85. Water Stop Question?
  86. Kodak publications 1940s - Film charts
  87. Is film development “exothermic” or “endothermic”?
  88. Uneven development...
  89. What white-ink pen for margin of colour proofs?
  90. increase development time with re-used developer?
  91. vaseline for negative pinholes?
  92. Fuji Acros developing problem...
  93. Your thoughts on Kodak Ektar 100 4x5?
  94. Your thoughts (and pictures) on Shanghai 5x7
  95. fomapan problems
  96. Ilford vs Kodak exposure indexes
  97. ADOX MCC 110 Now Available in 5x7 Sheets
  98. Darkroom Chem. Pot of Gold !!
  99. Developer for Alt Process Printing
  100. HP-5 vs Tri-X
  101. BW Processing: Rotary Vs. Non - The Final Showdown
  102. Apug
  103. VC Paper and Filters - Quick Question
  104. standard developer with long shelf life
  105. Where to buy film sleeves and storage
  106. What B&W neg film solarizes best?
  107. Why Dilute Selenium Toner at All?
  108. Ilford ID-11 and Microphen: recall of selected batches
  109. What is Kodak Professional Ultraline Film?
  110. Kodak E6 Chemical Cost
  111. Fujifilm Instant 4x5, Fuji Film Holder vs Polaroid 545i, and Press Cameras
  112. Wash methods for film using trays and distilled water?
  113. How light-tight are the foil film packages.
  114. Boxes and boxes of Kodak B&W chemicals...
  115. Kodak C-41 kit
  116. Scala and Pyro
  117. PMK Pyro Development
  118. Sheet film processor
  119. cyanotype with normal negatives (newb question)
  120. Darkroom equivalent to PS "overlay" blend mode?
  121. T-Max 400 in Pyro
  122. Times for Acros, TMY-2?
  123. Polaroid chemicals dry in pack film
  124. 3x4 B&w Film
  125. Really, really old exposed Plus-X..
  126. Empty 4X5 sheet film boxes
  127. Fomalux 111
  128. Ilford Website.
  129. My E6 film is very dirty!
  130. Mounting/displaying large Hahnemuhle PhotoRag 308
  131. Roll Paper and Large Prints.
  132. Just bought a Jobo CPE-2 for 4x5 C41 processing.. Help!
  133. IR Film development
  134. Film sensitivity to GraLab clock glow
  135. Free expired 4x5 film
  136. Black spots, white spots
  137. Fuji Acros in WP??? Colour?
  138. IS Fuji 8x10 Colour Neg Film Available?
  139. How did those Wet Plate togs get perfect plates compared w dirty modern stuff?
  140. DIY Changing Box (bag / tent)
  141. Alkali Question
  142. R.I.P. Kodak E6 Kits
  143. Divided D-23, D-76: Can they be made truly divided ?
  144. Thiocarbamide / Thiourea Question
  145. Jobo CPA2/CPP2 or ATL1000/1500. Can´t make up my mind.
  146. Removing fixer crud
  147. Adgitation; in general and for compensationg development in particular
  148. Best negative color film for long exposures?
  149. Arista.edu Ultra in 5x7 and 4x5, can someone remind me what it is again?
  150. Washing print without running water?
  151. PEI, Push-Pull, Exposure Confusion
  152. Efke / Adox CHS 25 11x14 Order
  153. Chemical bottle Clean Up ??
  154. 4-up film developing tricks?
  155. Help needed for Velvia 100
  156. agitation by vibration ideas and suggestions
  157. Efke/Adox 25 in PMK or Rollo Pyro
  158. Very old film
  159. Durst and MG IV??
  160. EDTA dissolve in TEA or PG?
  161. C41 developing
  162. Is is safe to import film from another country?
  163. 8x10 Film: Why Kodak so Expensive
  164. Ether in the House ... Wet Plate question
  165. C-41
  166. Tmax 100 vs Tmax 400
  167. Contact Printing Technique
  168. to concentrated rinse aid, got spots, and now?
  169. Bergger Paper Availability
  170. E6 - how much soup?
  171. Jobo 3010 Maximum Capacity?
  172. Framing 24"x60" print...
  173. Starting 4x5. Need your recommendation for BW Film and Processing.
  174. International 4x5 E6 & B&W (TMAX) Processing - Recommendations
  175. Gravity Works film washer
  176. Keeping track of negatives in the field
  177. Looking for High End mounter in Washington DC area
  178. Sistan or alternative
  179. Low optimum temperatur for Rodinal?
  180. E6 temp control for us in Europe?
  181. Agefix
  182. Brush Development—Recommended Brush Types
  183. Fogged IR820?
  184. streaks/mottling on B&W tray processed negative
  185. Wow! Just Wow!
  186. Blue Stain of X-Ray film
  187. Disposal of PMK Pyro
  188. Is Elke KB25 the same in 8x10 ?
  189. Alternate Contact Printing Lights
  190. BW Development > What time can I switch the lights on?
  191. 11x14 Efke 25 Group Purchase
  192. I'm hoping to enjoy photography again
  193. 4x5 film sheets storage
  194. Lodima Finish
  195. FP-100b45 Negative
  196. FP-100b45 Negative
  197. Anyone here develop by inspection?
  198. Efke 11x14 Group Purchase
  199. Sheet film uneven edge density
  200. Medical X-Ray Film
  201. Best way to dry after processing?
  202. Film Testing For B&W: Why and How from Very Basic to Fully Explained
  203. Comparing Chromira (etc.) and Enlarged Neg Prints
  204. Complicated burning in of skyok
  205. What is the finest grained BW 4x5 film that I can develop using standard chem?
  206. Zone VI Paper Developer Alternative
  207. What should I do will old film?
  208. Fomapan 100, Xtol Developer + Tmax fix. Your optimal processing times?
  209. which film for landscape
  210. 65mm Grandagon for color enlarging
  211. Polaroids??
  212. Which film developer????
  213. Color Prints Stuck Together?
  214. Sheet Film in Silicone Valley
  215. Bad experience with Chrome in San Diego
  216. VC & Color Head - What Filters to Start?
  217. JOBO 3010 Advice
  218. what do you use to wipe chinagraph & fingerprints off gloss prints??
  219. Anyone developing FP4+ in Rodinal?
  220. 4x5 Instant Film Negatives
  221. Jobo - What makes one?
  222. Type 55 film is immortal?!?
  223. Correcting Perspective w/ Enlarger
  224. HC110 Dilution H
  225. New Portra 400 Film
  226. Big change for Portra 400 films
  227. Enlarging from 8x10
  228. Ecktachrome exposed in 1962 undeveloped
  229. ecco 121 ? replacement
  230. Small tears in emulsion
  231. Print Viewing
  232. Berg Gold Protective Solution
  233. Grade 2 graded paper worth the extra cost?
  234. Whole plate film in Jobo 2830
  235. 4x5 Film Loading. Handling film surfaces, and loading technique? Need your expertise.
  236. contact print from a color negative
  237. T-Max 400, HP-5, Tri-X comparison?
  238. I Want Kodak 8x10 B&W Film in Larger Boxes
  239. What are the BEST binder film storage sleeves and film drying clips?
  240. Processing times
  241. Blotting paper
  242. Uneven development with tanks+hangers
  243. Fujicolor 160S 8 x 10
  244. Cross-Processing C-41 in B&W Chemistry
  245. Reasonable large prints
  246. Help Diagnose leak
  247. Pt/Pd Highlight Development
  248. Sodium carbonate relative to HCA for clearing FB paper
  249. processed film came out completely blank
  250. Jobo Autolab ATL 3 for free - what to do?