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  1. Grrr, cats! (23 replies)
  2. Lodima contact printing (27 replies)
  3. ADOX CHS 100 ART and strange markings (4 replies)
  4. Is it dry plate? (3 replies)
  5. Temp Control (12 replies)
  6. Developing tank for taco method (14 replies)
  7. Does Amidol keep in water? (13 replies)
  8. Arista C-41 chemicals anyone? (2 replies)
  9. Problem with Bienfang Release Paper (12 replies)
  10. Emulsion lift with Fuji FP100 4x5 (4 replies)
  11. u.v lighting (13 replies)
  12. Is Kentmere disappearing? (4 replies)
  13. Motor Base for Jobo 3010? (EU) (15 replies)
  14. Local Density Reduction for Color Print Spotting (2 replies)
  15. 11x14 E6 processing (0 replies)
  16. Reusing chemistry from a Jobo ATL (1 replies)
  17. Ideal Developer for Film to be Scanned (38 replies)
  18. Polaroid 8x10 revival? (2 replies)
  19. Fuji having QL Change of Heart? (0 replies)
  20. Need advise on home processing (29 replies)
  21. Fuji 4x5 Instant B&W Film (17 replies)
  22. What to do (creatively) with fogged film? (8 replies)
  23. Fuji Film... a thing of the past. (38 replies)
  24. TMX-100 developer?? (12 replies)
  25. Development time for ADOX 25 (8 replies)
  26. Metol, Sodium Sulfite, Hydroquinone, Borax (5 replies)
  27. ID11 Recipe (13 replies)
  28. Moersch Finol (and Tanol) questions (3 replies)
  29. RA4 tutorials? (15 replies)
  30. B&W bigger than 20X24 Silver Geletan? (7 replies)
  31. New web site for Pyrocat developers (16 replies)
  32. WD2D+ developer (14 replies)
  33. New Jobo, C-41 ?'s (1 replies)
  34. C-41 jobo processing (10 replies)
  35. 100 ASA Film (26 replies)
  36. RA4 developer exhausted quickly (4 replies)
  37. magenta cast with E6 (10 replies)
  38. Tmax 400 soft emulsion question (7 replies)
  39. 20x24 Polaroid - Status? (2 replies)
  40. 4x5 b&w foggy problem (3 replies)
  41. Washing 8x10 negs (19 replies)
  42. Where for E-6 Processing in the SF Bay Area? (12 replies)
  43. Drymounting 20x24 Prints on 16x20 Seal Press? (5 replies)
  44. The new Lodima paper (7 replies)
  45. Adorama paper (3 replies)
  46. Developer times for Arista Ultra 200 (0 replies)
  47. Visible image stain, low general stain film/pyro combo (7 replies)
  48. Fix hardeners - what are they? (3 replies)
  49. Impossible films 'save' Polaroid photography from extinction (16 replies)
  50. Cold light and Pyro (11 replies)
  51. Cutting down 8x10 film (0 replies)
  52. Are the instant films sharp enough? (11 replies)
  53. Super-XX in PMK suggestions (4 replies)
  54. Help on C41 processing please..! (4 replies)
  55. Delivery of Lodima Paper (2 replies)
  56. Help! On removing dust from negs before enlarging (5 replies)
  57. Dissolving Sodium Ascorbate in O-solvent (0 replies)
  58. Suggestions for 4x5 Development in an Apartment (29 replies)
  59. Help on Polaroid 8x10 (81-05 holder) (2 replies)
  60. HK MR 2000 enlarger? (19 replies)
  61. Pls Help Diagnosing Problem (3 replies)
  62. Ilfochrome Chemistry Replenishers (1 replies)
  63. Want to Learn Platinum Printing (9 replies)
  64. Paper Negs...a beginner asks (15 replies)
  65. Best Color Paper and Negative Film for Landscape (5 replies)
  66. Digital control of agitation in BTZS tubes and drums. (5 replies)
  67. Light source power and distance ... (13 replies)
  68. Marks on my negatives (15 replies)
  69. Tmy-2 (11 replies)
  70. Please help me choose my color negative paper (3 replies)
  71. polyethylene vs polyester for film sleeves? (2 replies)
  72. Lith Developer Exhaustion (4 replies)
  73. Lith Developer Exhaustion (0 replies)
  74. Blue marks on Tmy-2 (5 replies)
  75. Wallner color analyzer - manual? (1 replies)
  76. TF-4 Fixer Longevity? (16 replies)
  77. Help me identify this notch code - please (11 replies)
  78. Alt print wanted (25 replies)
  79. E6 Help (13 replies)
  80. 5x7 Color Film (4 replies)
  81. Fuji discontinuing emulsions (46 replies)
  82. Drying your 4x5"?? (11 replies)
  83. Fuji Instant film (4 replies)
  84. Unknown Agfa film (3 replies)
  85. Adox CHS versus Efke (9 replies)
  86. Cheap darkroom (4 replies)
  87. Simple(?) Carbon & Bromoil Question (0 replies)
  88. Radiation effect on exposed film (3 replies)
  89. Help me understand (9 replies)
  90. Negative stains (12 replies)
  91. BTZS software? (10 replies)
  92. Fomapan 200 (2 replies)
  93. Super-XX processing (4 replies)
  94. Acid or Caustic to Clean Plastic JOBO Equipment? (9 replies)
  95. What's the best???????????????? (19 replies)
  96. B&W films in fridge - how long? (45 replies)
  97. Vendor for Plexi Face Mounting of Inkjet? And best paper for it? (3 replies)
  98. Developing film in a Jobo (10 replies)
  99. 4x5 tube processing help (12 replies)
  100. Fuji Instant Pack Film? (2 replies)
  101. Ilford HP4: Help Evaluating two Exposures (9 replies)
  102. Film processing in a small apartment (39 replies)
  103. Any E-6 labs in San Gabriel Valley (So. Cal.)? (3 replies)
  104. how to develop old Kodak glass plates? (20 replies)
  105. contact printing (15 replies)
  106. TX-320P good candidate for Pyro-HD (9 replies)
  107. thermometer calibration? (34 replies)
  108. Zone system and colour film or color slide (17 replies)
  109. What Type of Polaroid is This? (3 replies)
  110. ATL-1000 problem (5 replies)
  111. Constant 68 Degrees...How? (18 replies)
  112. Salt Print. (18 replies)
  113. ULF Trays for 7x17 or 8x20... (3 replies)
  114. Suggestions for 8x10 Contact Print Paper? (19 replies)
  115. Your Opinion on Traditional Color Printing (31 replies)
  116. What B&W enlarging paper do you recommend? (23 replies)
  117. Number markings on sheet film (8 replies)
  118. Fuji Neopan 100 and Pyrocat HD dev times? (7 replies)
  119. Ilford HP5+ 400 Developed in Edwal FG7 (4 replies)
  120. 8x10 Enlarger Needed (5 replies)
  121. WHICH FILM instead of ADOX ? (15 replies)
  122. wood tanks for sheet film? (12 replies)
  123. Newton rings from my anti-newton glass carrier (5 replies)
  124. Focusing the Enlarger (8 replies)
  125. Duratran alternatives? (0 replies)
  126. Using 35mm in large format holder (5 replies)
  127. How long can I wait to process? (12 replies)
  128. Adox 100 or Fomapan 100 (2 replies)
  129. HC 110 new dilution (18 replies)
  130. Can Platinum prints be toned? (11 replies)
  131. Variable Contrast Light Head or VC Paper ? (12 replies)
  132. which is best????????? (15 replies)
  133. Fuji Acros Development Time? (8 replies)
  134. Cleaning vintage negatives ? (0 replies)
  135. Fujifilm's plans to change film lineup (37 replies)
  136. TXP 320asa in roll format ended (10 replies)
  137. Rookie Rotary processing question (2 replies)
  138. who here will try ektar 100 4x5? (38 replies)
  139. Question?????? (5 replies)
  140. Never Shot Kodak B&W in Large Format - Am I Missing Anything? (16 replies)
  141. Light intensity stability in Saunders VCCE enlarger? (8 replies)
  142. Tank or Trays? (12 replies)
  143. Light levels for examining prints. (2 replies)
  144. Delivery of Lodima Fine Art Paper (5 replies)
  145. Ilford 1050 Print Dryer (1 replies)
  146. Lenses for Laborator 138! (5 replies)
  147. D-76 Coverage (7 replies)
  148. GAF Superpan film? (14 replies)
  149. Foma 200 (8 replies)
  150. Using Glass Carriers (5 replies)
  151. Unexpected Development Results (8 replies)
  152. Some help with sheet film (2 replies)
  153. 8x10 Tri-X 320: Edge markings (4 replies)
  154. odd negative! agfa apx 100 in rodinal (5 replies)
  155. Substitute CD-3 for CD-4? (3 replies)
  156. Jobo 3005 and 3004 dimensions (2 replies)
  157. Acidic stop with PyroCAT-HD (11 replies)
  158. Making prints (6 replies)
  159. Slow B&W (8 replies)
  160. Wimberly WD2D+ and Jobo Rotary Processing = Heaven! (14 replies)
  161. Citrizinic Acid of Alt E6 process: Where has it all gone? (10 replies)
  162. Kodak HC-110 Film Developer Replenisher (8 replies)
  163. Efke 25 /100 in Rodinal (2 replies)
  164. lodima paper (2 replies)
  165. Alternatives to Ilfoflex (Duraflex)? (0 replies)
  166. Interesting System for Hanging Prints (6 replies)
  167. source for chemicals in Canada? (0 replies)
  168. C41, Nikor Tank (10 replies)
  169. Fuji and Kodak Discontinuing 50 sheet boxes f 4x5 (13 replies)
  170. Less-diluted chemicals for shorter processing times (0 replies)
  171. contrast of negatives (9 replies)
  172. DiXactol Pros and Cons ? (8 replies)
  173. How to test negative film developer? (6 replies)
  174. Name Some Thick Double Weight Paper (9 replies)
  175. Developing on a motorised roller base (22 replies)
  176. developng in HC 110 in 110 degree F (14 replies)
  177. Choosing an 8x10 film (11 replies)
  178. Jobo Expert 3010 (26 replies)
  179. using a step wedge (12 replies)
  180. Paper grades higher than #4 (8 replies)
  181. Efke 25 8x20 Special Order Last Call (1 replies)
  182. Fujicolor NSP 160: Datasheet (4 replies)
  183. HC110 or Pyrocat HD for FP4 (45 replies)
  184. Aluminum/Photograph/Plexiglass Sandwich (9 replies)
  185. A Lab to process ULF Film (5 replies)
  186. C41 chemistry for home processing (5 replies)
  187. V100 and E6 Chemistry (4 replies)
  188. Sources for Graded Paper (13 replies)
  189. D76 Minimal amount of developer (1 replies)
  190. availability of 8x10 Fuji film (1 replies)
  191. 11x14 Film Wanted (1 replies)
  192. Highly dilutable developers list? (2 replies)
  193. New Film to Replace Polaroid Type 55? (6 replies)
  194. Spray-on Glass (5 replies)
  195. Beseler 8x10 drum (5 replies)
  196. Mounting and Displaying Polaroid/Fuji Instant Prints (6 replies)
  197. Why so many developers? Isn't D76 enough? (37 replies)
  198. #2 Grade Paper Equivalent for Me? (6 replies)
  199. Paterson orbital -- how to use motor base. (6 replies)
  200. Jobo CPP heating element (1 replies)
  201. Autochrome Process (7 replies)
  202. highly diluted HC110 question (16 replies)
  203. availability of EFKE IR 820 aura (1 replies)
  204. Rodinal storage (8 replies)
  205. D-76 Purple??? (3 replies)
  206. How do you clean a laminated print? (2 replies)
  207. How do you clean a laminated print? (1 replies)
  208. converting ilford ICP-42 to B&W chemistry question (5 replies)
  209. Kodak VPL: Suggestions Anyone? (3 replies)
  210. Portraits with a Copy Camera and Lithographic film (9 replies)
  211. Speed Graphic Film question... (8 replies)
  212. 13 x 18 cm PROCESSING TANK? (4 replies)
  213. Efke (3 replies)
  214. Master printers (0 replies)
  215. Unicolor/Beseler Drum Questions (3 replies)
  216. FP4+ and Rodinal (2 replies)
  217. Cibachrome drums for film processing (5 replies)
  218. Beginner negative b&w suggestions? (6 replies)
  219. Personal Development Time Not Real??? (18 replies)
  220. Making positive transparencies from negatives? (13 replies)
  221. Small Paper (2 replies)
  222. PQ Universal Recipe (4 replies)
  223. Paper for contact printing (8 replies)
  224. hc110 (7 replies)
  225. Arista EDU Ultra 100iso 4x5 emulsion side (6 replies)
  226. 11x14 film boxes (0 replies)
  227. C-41, 8x10", low output: Equipment recommendations please! (14 replies)
  228. FP4 10 x 8 in Japan (3 replies)
  229. JOBO 4x5 tanks (2 replies)
  230. cheapest way to scan negatives? (22 replies)
  231. Favourite IR films... (35 replies)
  232. "Dark Box" for developing? (8 replies)
  233. E6 Processed Purple tint (5 replies)
  234. "Intereting" D-76 (5 replies)
  235. Anyone Tried Oriental VC-RII? (0 replies)
  236. How to calculate pH for film developers (4 replies)
  237. Jobo agitation and reduction in development times (10 replies)
  238. FYI: Purchasing Propylene Glycol (24 replies)
  239. Exposing BW sheet film for film/developer testing (54 replies)
  240. Dichroic Filters & VC Papers (6 replies)
  241. Paper to line an enlarger mixing box (10 replies)
  242. does a color negative have the same dynamic range as a regular b&w film negative? (12 replies)
  243. Fuji Velivia 50 film (2 replies)
  244. Contact Printing Technique (9 replies)
  245. How dark a room must a dark room be? (39 replies)
  246. Questions about "Modern Photographic Processing" by Haist (2 replies)
  247. Why the Shift to Higher Contrast Color Paper? (4 replies)
  248. using a zone chart to determine PEI (31 replies)
  249. Fortepan 200 reciprocity (6 replies)
  250. RA-4 chemicals: which Kodak product for rotary tank processors (Jobo)? (18 replies)