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Thread: My New Web Site

  1. #1
    Stefano's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006

    My New Web Site

    Dear All,

    I've just completed my new web site, so I would like to know your opinions about it.
    I'm not a web programmer, but I did it by myself, and I've done the best I could.
    I hope it enjoy yourselfs and also my pictures.

    Tuscany (Italy)
    Analog is Rock!!!! Digital is slow
    My site

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: My New Web Site

    I haven't had time to look into in detail but it looks good.
    I would get rid of the "home" and start with the gallery page so visitors can get straight to the point (alternatively, place one photo that you think best exemplifies your work on your home page, instead of the word "photo" in various languages.) All your "home" page shows is your name and menu options, which is all included in the gallery page anyway.

    I also think that visitors shouldn't have to click on a photo twice to see it full size.

    Other than that, it is a nice clean simple site, the way it is supposed to be.

  3. #3
    Stefano's Avatar
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    May 2006

    Re: My New Web Site

    Hi Cyrus,

    Thanks for your advice, on the home page, I've just thought to change the name photo in some languages, but I must do it, because a friend did it for me, not for the site but to prepare a booklet, so next changement on my home will be to put a picture.
    For the twice click, is strange because on my computer I see them only with a single click, i'll check the code.

    Analog is Rock!!!! Digital is slow
    My site

  4. #4

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    May 2006

    Re: My New Web Site

    Quote Originally Posted by Stefano View Post
    Hi Cyrus,

    For the twice click, is strange because on my computer I see them only with a single click, i'll check the code.

    No this was my error. I clicked on the photos of Close-Up and Ritratti, and had to click again to see the full photo -- now I understand that you just haven't placed more photos in those particular galleries yet.

    More text is always good for better search engine rankings. This is a problem for photography sites.

  5. #5

    Re: My New Web Site

    Quote Originally Posted by cyrus View Post
    . . . . . .
    More text is always good for better search engine rankings. This is a problem for photography sites.
    . . . or not. I have very little text, no meta tags, no description. Basically I should be invisible to search engines, which was my original intent. However, I am finding myself on the first page of many searches, going by the data provided by my hosting provider. The true nature of how search engines function is a trade secret with Google, Yahoo, et al. So to imagine having some key to unlocking how these work, is more of an educated guess than true knowledge . . . nothing wrong with that, and some guesses are more educated than others. I certainly do not know the answers, and my page rankings on various searches seems to defy logic.

    My advice is to put in what is relevant to you and your photography. I seriously doubt you will get much business nor sales just based upon someone randomly finding you on the internet. Photographers likely have a better chance of attracting attention, and getting people to look at their websites, by participating on well respected forums, such as this one, or respected professional forums, like PDN.


    Gordon Moat Photography

  6. #6

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    May 2006

    Re: My New Web Site

    Quote Originally Posted by Gordon Moat View Post
    . . . or not. I have very little text, no meta tags, no description. Basically I should be invisible to search engines, which was my original intent. However, I am finding myself on the first page of many searches, going by the data provided by my hosting provider.


    Gordon Moat Photography
    Yes it is true that we're left guessing what Google's algorithm is. Google itself specifically says that text is good. But in-coming links are also quite good! and I suspect you have a few of those.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Re: My New Web Site

    Very nice landscape pictures, Stefano.

  8. #8

    Re: My New Web Site

    Very good work, Stefano!
    I still remember the pictures from the workshop in Tuscany and there are really good.
    All the best from Berlin
    stefan d

  9. #9
    Stefano's Avatar
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    May 2006

    Re: My New Web Site

    Quote Originally Posted by stefan d View Post
    Very good work, Stefano!
    I still remember the pictures from the workshop in Tuscany and there are really good.
    All the best from Berlin
    stefan d
    HI Stefan, Nice to meet you here, I saw you site, it's very good, and I like very much yours new works, especially Beste Lage(if I remember the title).


    Very nice landscape pictures, Stefano.
    Thanks Rory_5244 I'm very happy that them enjoy yourself.



    now I understand that you just haven't placed more photos in those particular galleries yet.
    Yes Cyrus, I'haven't put lots of work in both galleries, but I'll put more earlier...


    Analog is Rock!!!! Digital is slow
    My site

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    New York

    Re: My New Web Site

    Stefano, a few suggestions...

    I don't think that the typeface(s) that you are using in the .gifs works very well on a computer screen. On my screen, at least, the letters are not crisp. The outside edges are kind of fuzzy.

    You might consider using a separate file for your style sheet rather than incorporating the css in your html file.

    I don't see why you recommend Safari or Firefox to view your site. I use Opera, Firefox and IE, and it doesn't make any difference which one I use when viewing your site. There are people out there, myself among them, who aren't very impressed when a web site owner presumes to dictate what browser one should use, especially when there is no reason for the recommendation.

    I agree with Gordon Moat that you should do what you think is right for you and your photography and not turn your brain into knots worrying about search engine optimization. That said, Google does offer a good deal of information about what its search engine looks for. Without any question, the most important factor is the popularity of your site with other sites. This is established by links on other sites to your site. These must be quality sites, not so-called link farm sites, the use of which can actually penalize you. The next most important factor is what your site says in html text. The Google search engine cannot read image files, whether .jpeg or .gif, so the images on your site are irrelevant to your ranking.

    You have designed your site in a way that places a lot of emphasis, from a search engine perspective, on your name rather than the subject matter. This is the impact of using your name as your URL and of using your name in the title of each of your web pages. This is neither right nor wrong, but rather a choice.

    I'd be very interested in knowing whether Gordon Moat says that he is not the recipient of a fair number of links from other sites, because in that case his experience does not jive with what Google says.

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