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Thread: New photos

  1. #21
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Re: New photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Jody_S View Post
    I love the poses. I also got 'stoic', even 'defiant' from the poses. I found some of the compositions a little jarring, cutting off buildings such as to not be able to identify them. I suppose I could read a metaphor into that, but I'm not sure if that was your intention.
    Thank you, Jody.
    I did more cropping on these than I have ever done before; I usually never crop.
    I agree that some of the compositions are "abrupt", but I used the crop/composition that suited the subject best.
    I'm looking forward to the days when subject and background are in perfect harmony/disharmony.

    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Goldfarb View Post
    I like the poses. It suggests that this is just the way these guys present themselves to the camera and raises a question about why that is and what it means. If that's their natural stance, or their idea of how one is supposed to stand for a photograph, and you aren't posing them in this way, then it's interesting. It would be interesting to get to know them better and photograph them in other aspects of their lives, or to interview them and add a narrative element.
    Thank you, David.
    These are shy, unpretentious people, but full of character.
    I always allow subjects to stand/sit as is their wont or inclination, and I ask them to change their pose only if it looks unnatural or forced to me.
    So they are doing what comes naturally to them, with me correcting them only when something looks amiss.
    Based on a previous critique, I am considering adding some kind of narrative.

  2. #22
    Peter De Smidt's Avatar
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    Re: New photos

    The narrative suggestion is terrific!
    “You often feel tired, not because you've done too much, but because you've done too little of what sparks a light in you.”
    ― Alexander Den Heijer, Nothing You Don't Already Know

  3. #23

    Join Date
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    Czech Republic

    Re: New photos

    Ari, nice and interesting series - for me even more so since I grew up not that far from Miskolc - on the other side of the border in Slovakia and was at one time eagerly interested in the history of jewish community of my home-town. Your's is a very powerful way to re-tell both the history and presence.
    Website of sorts, as well as flickr thing.

  4. #24
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Re: New photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter J. De Smidt View Post
    The narrative suggestion is terrific!
    I like it, too; my wife is happy to participate.
    This would be like an interactive mini museum display.
    Now I gotta figure out if Weebly can do that sort of thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by andreios View Post
    Ari, nice and interesting series - for me even more so since I grew up not that far from Miskolc - on the other side of the border in Slovakia and was at one time eagerly interested in the history of jewish community of my home-town. Your's is a very powerful way to re-tell both the history and presence.
    Thank you, Andreios.
    Are you from Kosice/Kassa?
    Did you ever find any information or start some kind of research?
    Just curious, since there is a good bond between Miskolc and Kosice; just an example, the cantor in the photos also moonlights as a Palinka seller/distributor, and is in Kassa every week or so.
    There are also many ethnic Hungarians on that side of the border.

  5. #25

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    Re: New photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Ari View Post
    Thank you, Andreios.
    Are you from Kosice/Kassa?
    Did you ever find any information or start some kind of research?
    Just curious, since there is a good bond between Miskolc and Kosice; just an example, the cantor in the photos also moonlights as a Palinka seller/distributor, and is in Kassa every week or so.
    There are also many ethnic Hungarians on that side of the border.
    I'm sorry I didn't notice your response, Ari.
    Yes, I grew up in Kosice. My kind of research was now some ten years ago, back when I was in high school. I remember that I got in touch with a member or two of Jewish community, they were very helpful, but honestly I don't remember actual information I got from them - should be able to dig them up if you were interested. Also, I have a friend who did a much more profound research on the history of local jewish community while working on his phd degree so if you wish to investigate more I might be able to get you in touch with him.
    Website of sorts, as well as flickr thing.

  6. #26

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    QLD Australia

    Re: New photos

    Hi Ari
    I really like the idea, and the photos look good. I like the contrast. Just two comments:
    - I prefer the shots where the subjects are looking at the camera, because they look more natural to me. Some of the others look a bit like the subject was looking at the camera and then was told to look away just before you took the shot; they just look a bit less natural, but that is OK if that is what you wanted to capture.
    - It is hard to see clearly on my screen, but it looks like some of the subjects have been dodged too heavily in order to increase the contrast, resulting in some haloing. This seems more apparent to me on the black and white portraits.

    An interesting series! I look forward to seeing more!


  7. #27
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Re: New photos

    Quote Originally Posted by andreios View Post
    I'm sorry I didn't notice your response, Ari.
    Yes, I grew up in Kosice. My kind of research was now some ten years ago, back when I was in high school. I remember that I got in touch with a member or two of Jewish community, they were very helpful, but honestly I don't remember actual information I got from them - should be able to dig them up if you were interested. Also, I have a friend who did a much more profound research on the history of local jewish community while working on his phd degree so if you wish to investigate more I might be able to get you in touch with him.
    Thank you, Andreios.
    I would be quite happy to get in touch with your friend as summer gets closer.
    My wife and I go back every summer to visit her friends and family, so I will get in touch with you.
    It's very much appreciated, thanks.

  8. #28
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Re: New photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Ian David View Post
    Hi Ari
    I really like the idea, and the photos look good. I like the contrast. Just two comments:
    - I prefer the shots where the subjects are looking at the camera, because they look more natural to me. Some of the others look a bit like the subject was looking at the camera and then was told to look away just before you took the shot; they just look a bit less natural, but that is OK if that is what you wanted to capture.
    - It is hard to see clearly on my screen, but it looks like some of the subjects have been dodged too heavily in order to increase the contrast, resulting in some haloing. This seems more apparent to me on the black and white portraits.

    An interesting series! I look forward to seeing more!

    Hi Ian,
    Thank you very much.
    Yes, some dodging/burning halos were inevitable, I suppose; good on you for catching them.
    I tried as best as I could, but I was making it up as I went along; I started d&b because I found the shots lacked some contrast.
    As for the poses, I always did one with the subject looking at me, and one with the subject looking away.
    In the end, I chose the photo that looked the best.
    I am sometimes more partial to subjects looking away; if they are good at posing, I feel it adds a nice, but minor, element of mystery to the portrait.

    I am working on getting some funding through my website for continuation of the project; I really hope to continue it, and do better at it the next time around.
    Thanks for the encouragement!

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