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Thread: 100 year old picture on glass negative developed in 2004!

  1. #1
    Jon Wilson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    100 year old picture on glass negative developed in 2004!

    This is not really a question, but rather an opportunity to share a wonderful find which enables us to look into the past and glory at the wonders of the old ways of photography. Being new to Large Format, I have acquired several old wooden filmholders for my 4x5 Korona and recently purchased two from an Ebay Seller located in California. I soon learned that they were glass negative holders (not the sheet holder as expected). But, when I opened one, I saw a latent picture of a group of young people at either a Church or School. I contacted my local lab, Media Specialties in Boise, ID, and they were able to actually develop the 2nd glass negative by using the one I exposed as a preliminary test for development purposes. I am not certain which chemical process was used, but I was told it took approximately 3 minutes and 15 seconds for the glass plate negative to develop. I am going to try to attach a copy of this picture.

    The local historical museum's resident expert for period clothing dates the picture as having been taken between 1898 and 1905. My research has established the picture came from an estate in Wasco, CA (Bakersfield, CA area). It is a picture of 7 young adults, probably their graduation picture in an old country school. If anyone recognizes your relative/ancestor, please let me know and I'll see about getting you a better picture. It just amazes me at the quality of the film and luck of it surviving 100 years to be developed in 2004.

    Oh, by the way, the 2nd Filmholder has a glass negative and the film sheet indicates it has not been exposed. I am looking forward to just the right opportunity to expose it. If it comes out, I will let everyone know. The lab estimates the glass negative they developed had an ASA of 1 to 10. Presumably the "unexposed" glass negative is the same. Does anyone have any thoughts, comments, or suggestions.

    I have not yet figured out how to upload the picture, sorry. I hope to do so soon. If I can't, just email me and I can send it to you as an email attachment.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    God's Country

    100 year old picture on glass negative developed in 2004!


    Too cool!

    Hopefully, you'll be able to upload it soon. Sorry I can't help there since I've not done it before either. I'm sure somebody will pipe in and give you instructions though. They're a pretty good bunch of folks in this forum.

    Life in the fast lane!

  3. #3
    Moderator Ralph Barker's Avatar
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    Rio Rancho, NM

    100 year old picture on glass negative developed in 2004!

    How cool, Jon. I was born and fetched up in Bakersfield, and my father was born in Maricopa (1917). I'm not sure where you are located, but the county museum in Bakersfield may be able to help identify the location and/or people if you can send them a print.

    To display the image here, you need to scan the negative (or a print) first, edit a version of the scan to a reasonable size, and then upload it to a server that is web accessible. Once on a server, you can post the image or the URL (universal resource locator) of the image file.

    For more detailed info on posting images, take a look at this page on my site.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    100 year old picture on glass negative developed in 2004!

    Wow!!! And I was happy to process some 15 year old Tri-X from my childhood successfully....unbelievable!!!

  5. #5
    tim atherton's Avatar
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    Jul 1998

    100 year old picture on glass negative developed in 2004!

    That's cool! Quite amazing actually.

    I once bought some old 5x7 graflex holders and they still had film in them. I was hoping they were maybe the Hindenberg or possbily Amelia Erheart - but alas they were blank.

    I also once got some Lisco 8x10 holders that were failry well used -obviously form a studio - they had stuf like "Fetish" or "Leather" and "Latex" written in red wax pencil on the darkslides - alas, they had no film in them...

    You find is neat though
    You'd be amazed how small the demand is for pictures of trees... - Fred Astaire to Audrey Hepburn blog

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    100 year old picture on glass negative developed in 2004!

    Definitely Cool!
    Wilhelm (Sarasota)

  7. #7

    100 year old picture on glass negative developed in 2004!

    Tim....I want my holders back.....

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Tonopah, Nevada, USA

    100 year old picture on glass negative developed in 2004!

    Jon was nice enough to share the picture with me earlier in an E-mail and I couldn't resist taking a couple of basic liberties with it in photoshop. Nothing a #4 paper couldn't do also. What amazes me is that Bakersfield Ca. is one of earths hot nasty places. This picture must have withstood 100 excruciatingly hot summers before finally getting souped. Something to be said for emulsions with the speed and veracity of AZO.


    1900-1920 School House Plate

  9. #9

    100 year old picture on glass negative developed in 2004!

    Thank you, Jon, for sharing this fun and incredible experience. How simply wonderful!

    Shauna Friend of a member

  10. #10
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 1997
    San Jose, CA

    100 year old picture on glass negative developed in 2004!

    Here is a rendition closer to the original scan:

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