My wife is ready to burst at any time with our first born, and I'm toying with the idea of only photographing within 100 miles or so of home for a period of one year. She is from L.A. and her family is still there, so there may be a trip to SoCal some time this year, and if that happens I'd probably visit Death Valley and the Joshua Tree. But other than that possibility, I'm thinking about only photographing within 1-2 hours of home, or maybe only in my hometown itself. I think this will be a pretty refreshing experience, particularly if I limit myself to photographing within city limits, as I've always gravitated toward landscape subject matter before.

So I was wondering what some of you might be doing within your home cities. If you had half a day to expose some film before you had to get home to change diapers, what would you spend your time on? I plan on photographing some city parks, ornate buildings, and some warehouses and factories. It would be cool to hear what others are doing in similar circumstances.