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Thread: Hello from Teton Valley Idaho

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    southeast Idaho, Teton Valley

    Hello from Teton Valley Idaho

    For work and pleasure, I have started into large-format photography. I am a long-term film user, starting with a hand-me down Voigtlander Vito II in the late 1960's, and developing and printing black and white negatives and prints and some E6 color slides soon after (my aunt had a nice darkroom, and my dad was a professional photographer - weddings and such on the side). I don't mind the slow process of film photography involved with large format. Over the last several years, I have mostly used color slide film (lots of Kodachrome until recently) so my darkroom skills are very rusty.

    My work takes me outdoors most of the summer (I am a research plant ecologist) and work-related pictures are typically for scientific purposes. Sometimes my photos are published in science journals and a calender or two. Repeat photography of old pictures, to show change over time, is one aspect of my work where large-format is advantagous, because the negative contains so much detail that is important for interpretation.

    For pleasure, my photo subjects are landscape, wildlife, and vegetation. I am an avid alpine mountaineer and backcountry skier, so many photos are in those settings, and necessarily with a 35 mm.

    I recently bought a Meridian 45B, and have and will likely use it for black & white landscape photos, concentrating on winter scenes in the mountains to begin with.

    By the way, I need an empty 4 by 5 film box so I can send some film out for processing. Does anyone have a spare box? I'll gladly pay postage etc.

    P.S. I see the acronym "PM" on these posts for communication. Is that just email or something else?

    From what I have read, there are many helpful and knowledgable folks on the LF Photgraphy forum.


    Mike Merigliano

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Elk Grove, California

    Re: Hello from Teton Valley Idaho

    Welcome, Mike. PM stands for private message. You can send one to a LF member by clicking on the name in the left hand column and selecting private message. When you receive one you will get a message and link in your regular email or you can go directly to private messages at the top of this page. If you send me a mailing address I'll be happy to send an empty film box.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Central Idaho

    Re: Hello from Teton Valley Idaho

    Idaho? Isn't that somewhere in South America where they grow corn? Just kidding. Most people don't have a clue about the topography of Idaho, maybe its good to keep it that way. Welcome from another Idahoan. After twenty-six years in Stanley, I moved to the warmer climate of Challis (6o miles downriver). But, yes I like to ski, but only do a fraction of the backcountry telemark skiing that I used to do. Its mostly flat tracking on skinny skis and hopefully my knees will hold out a little longer. Interesting profession your in! I'm not an expert, but after spending the last six months in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness I can verify something that you already know. Wolves are good for riparian areas and bad for elk!
    I can send you an empty 4x5 box, what's your address.
    Thad Gerheim
    Website: http:/

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Milford Pa.

    Re: Hello from Teton Valley Idaho

    welcome mike.

    i went to ISU for a bit....have family in IF and gooding of all places....
    My YouTube Channel has many interesting videos on Soft Focus Lenses and Wood Cameras. Check it out.

    My YouTube videos gallery

  5. #5
    scm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Salt Lake City UT

    Re: Hello from Teton Valley Idaho

    I used to spend quite a bit of time in that stretch between Victor and Tetonia. My old friend from way back owns the rental store in Driggs and, last I heard, one of my photo instructors from the University of Utah lives in Victor.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    southeast Idaho, Teton Valley

    Re: Hello from Teton Valley Idaho

    Hi scm,

    Good to hear from a former Teton Valley denizen. By the way, your friend in the rental business is doing well. Who is the photo instructor?

  7. #7
    scm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Salt Lake City UT

    Re: Hello from Teton Valley Idaho

    Quote Originally Posted by mmerig View Post
    Hi scm,

    Good to hear from a former Teton Valley denizen. By the way, your friend in the rental business is doing well. Who is the photo instructor?
    His name is Fred Wright.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Between here and there.

    Re: Hello from Teton Valley Idaho

    Welcome to LF, Mike!

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