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Thread: Kodak discontinues three colour reversal films

  1. #21

    Join Date
    May 2006
    grand rapids

    Re: Kodak discontinues three colour reversal films

    Now let's hope those of us who shoot E6 (and love it) can continue to get the chemicals to process it. I don't wanna have to cross process a chest freezer full of this stuff.

  2. #22
    Overworked and Underpaid Guy
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    Apr 2011

    Re: Kodak discontinues three colour reversal films

    I have been thinking that kodak is still not giving up on digital. It is true that sensor is a thing of the past with kodak, but they are not giving up on scanner. Personally i love e100vs as i don't belongs to those scan and post in facebook and flickr guys, i find the film having good dynamic range and color when developed well. But at the same time, it also means that standard flatbed scanner cannot really bring out how that film looks from a lightbox to the monitor screen. High end drum scan will require quite a number of post processing to allow the image to be close to what you see on the lightbox. I still feel sad the day when they stopped e100vs for sheet film till now.

    I do hope they will still look from the pov of slides lover like me who prefer to look at sheet slides from a lightbox or 135 slides from a slide projector. Those magical days with chibachrome is amazing that i feel like crying seeing people printing slides from printer using scans...

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Kodak discontinues three colour reversal films

    Nooooooo not E100G

  4. #24
    Format Omnivore Brian C. Miller's Avatar
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    Re: Kodak discontinues three colour reversal films

    Quote Originally Posted by vinny View Post
    I don't wanna have to cross process a chest freezer full of this stuff.
    What, you don't want to be a cross-processing Lomographer? (Or would that be Lomogramite?)
    According to EK, they'll still have chemicals, and it's not like there's a chemical shortage out there. But the real question is, will you have to process them yourself? Maybe so.

    Quote Originally Posted by WootSK View Post
    I do hope they will still look from the pov of slides lover like me who prefer to look at sheet slides from a lightbox or 135 slides from a slide projector. Those magical days with chibachrome is amazing that i feel like crying seeing people printing slides from printer using scans...
    Today I'm going to pick up a box or two of 8x10 after work. I'm going to use some of the sheets to make light box installations, so others can see what's gone. It's really impossible to explain what's really on a sheet of film without showing it. Heck, I've had problems showing people the concept of negative and print! ("This is a print ... and this is a print?" Only one guy got the concept of negative and print the first time around.)
    "It's the way to educate your eyes. Stare. Pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long." - Walker Evans

  5. #25

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    New River AZ

    Re: Kodak discontinues three colour reversal films

    Quote Originally Posted by Brian C. Miller View Post
    What, you don't want to be a cross-processing Lomographer? (Or would that be Lomogramite?)
    According to EK, they'll still have chemicals, and it's not like there's a chemical shortage out there. But the real question is, will you have to process them yourself? Maybe so.

    Today I'm going to pick up a box or two of 8x10 after work. I'm going to use some of the sheets to make light box installations, so others can see what's gone. It's really impossible to explain what's really on a sheet of film without showing it. Heck, I've had problems showing people the concept of negative and print! ("This is a print ... and this is a print?" Only one guy got the concept of negative and print the first time around.)

  6. #26

    Join Date
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    grand rapids

    Re: Kodak discontinues three colour reversal films

    I do process my e6 myself. No more e6 film, no demand for the chemicals. I'm not a chemist and I actually did very poorly in chemistry in high school. What worries me is a lack of demand for the chemicals once the film isn't available. Hopefully fuji stays in the game since I've probably got enough film for another 20 years.

  7. #27
    Roger Cole's Avatar
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    Re: Kodak discontinues three colour reversal films

    I'm tempted to pick up some in 35mm. In 120 and sheets I don't see much need. I'd rather stock up on discontinued but still readily available Astia than discontinued but still readily available E100G. I like E100VS slightly better than Velvia but not so much so that I want to stock up on it when Velvia is still being made, for now.

    Heck, I don't really even like shooting transparencies except for projection in 35mm anyway! But this is still making me think about stocking up. Weird days, these. I'd be more inclined to stock up if the stuff wasn't so expensive (mostly in 35mm) relative to both color neg and black and white.

  8. #28
    Drew Wiley
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    Re: Kodak discontinues three colour reversal films

    In color I'm shooting mostly negs these days, and just a little chrome if I think the image
    might be suitable for dye transfer printing (very very few shots will get to that point).
    In fact, in a few minutes I have to pick up both C-41 and E-6 8X10 at the lab. It's getting
    so difficult to get processing these days that I have to drive four blocks away. I used to
    walk just a block and a half.

  9. #29

    Join Date
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    New River AZ

    Cool Re: Kodak discontinues three colour reversal films

    You got it made. Just hit the gym for that extra 2 -1/2 block stretch. Out here in Az the lab is over the horizon almost.
    Last edited by jayabbas; 2-Mar-2012 at 17:34. Reason: add location

  10. #30
    Overworked and Underpaid Guy
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    Apr 2011

    Re: Kodak discontinues three colour reversal films

    Quote Originally Posted by vinny View Post
    Now let's hope those of us who shoot E6 (and love it) can continue to get the chemicals to process it. I don't wanna have to cross process a chest freezer full of this stuff.
    Time to clear some of the stuff from your freezer.
    If you have e100vs 4x5 or the e100vs 8x10 custom produced from kodak, can give me a pm. I will take it if price is resonable.

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