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Thread: My new DIY camera ...

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    My new DIY camera ...

    Hi folks!!

    I've just finished making my new DIY camera. I've used pieces from an old Sinar P and several opto-mechanical rails and focusing adapters to make it. The focusing knob is SOOOO SMOOTH!! It can make 1/100 mm movements. I've also used a hasselblad sliding adapter from Fotodiox with some mods in order to add an extra protection to the sensor. This has been the most difficult part, as the focusing screen has to be in the same plane as the sensor with the polaplus mod on it. The Fotodiox adapter can do horizontal shifting to make panoramics. I've also used a Fotodiox Canon adapter to make the sliding plate for the lens, to allow it to do vertical shiftings.

    If anyone is interested on doing something similar, I will be glad to share my knowledge. I spend 3 weeks thinking how to do it, but finally the result is pretty acceptable.

    Thanks a lot for all the information I gathered from different people in this forum.


  2. #2
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Ottawa, Canada

    Re: My new DIY camera ...

    That's a very cool looking camera, congratulations!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: My new DIY camera ...

    Well done work, look forward to seeing some of the the results from this setup.
    Questions and comments are always welcome

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: My new DIY camera ...

    is that for a 645 digi back?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: My new DIY camera ...

    wow thats a cool looking camera .. I'd be very interested in seeing some schematics, drawings or a part list if you're willing to share! Very nice work, look forward to seeing results as well!

  6. #6
    mortensen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Copenhagen, Denmark

    Re: My new DIY camera ...

    Looks very nice, indeed! I would also be very interested in seeing design drawings and part lists.

    congrats with the achievement!

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: My new DIY camera ...

    Hi folks!

    Thanks for the good feedback. It's nice to hear that from you ...

    This is the first photograph taken with my new system. I think I can get even more detailed images, as yesterday was a bit windy here in Madrid and I take the pictures with long exposures. They are taken with my Hasselblad H3D-39 DB, but the final image has 60 mp as I took 2 pictures and stitched them with photoshop. I have to say that no further chanches were needed to the final image created by Photoshop, and the stitching was PERFECT.

    I'm gonna try to give you a full detailed list of materials that I have used to create it.

    First of all, I take the 2 frames from my Sinar P camera. The Sinar P is an incredible camera, but it is very heavy (7 kilograms ...), so I wanted a more light camera to take while abroad. The camera that I've created weights about 3,4 kilograms ...
    I've used 1 aluminium rail (2OR02) and 2 rail carriers (2RC01) from Standa (you can check them in their web page, I've bought the 15 cm rail as I'm doing most of the time wide angle photography ... In the front standard I've also used 2 universal base plates (3UBP), which gives you the same height as the rear standard with the focusing stage. In the rear frame, I've used 1 rail carrier mentioned before, with the focusing stage (7T173), with one base plate to have the same height as the front standard. I took one standard bellows and cut it to allow me to focus to infinity with a Rodenstock 75mm grandagon withoug using a wide angle bellows, which is very difficult to use as it's so big.

    The MOST DIFFICULT part was to adapt the Fotodiox Hasselblad adapter with the Polaplus mod. This adapter also allows me to do horizontal shifting, which I use for the panorama images. I cut the Polaplus and fixed to the Fotodiox, and as the focal plane changed as I raised the DB, I needed to raise the focusing screen the same height. So I cut 2 aluminium frames (2 and 2,5 mm), and then used 0,1 and 0,05 mm sheets of brass to match the height of the DB. Now both the screen and the DB sensor are in the same focal plane. You can also use smooth grain paper to fix it ...

    For the vertical shifting of the lens on the front panel, I've also used a Fotodiox Canon adapter for 4x5 cameras. As it slides, I took the Canon ring adapter out and attached the lens. Now I'm going to do some mods on it, and I'm gonna use a Horseman 80x80 adapter to use interchangeable lensboards on it. I hope in 1 week it's going to be ready. I'm also planning to use a gear ring to raise the lens.

    Hope this will answer some of your questions.

    Best regards,


  8. #8

    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Nara, Japan

    Re: My new DIY camera ...

    Hi Ivan,

    Great job! Instead of the Horseman boards, I suggest using Linhof Technika boards. Wouldn't the cut-down bellows be difficult to use with movements? Perhaps a custom bellows might be in order. Also, look out for Sinar Handy adapter boards made for Nikon and Hasselblad lenses. Could you elaborate on the Polaplus mod?


  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Northern Virginia

    Re: My new DIY camera ...

    Can you show how the focusing works, and parts it's made from?

    It reminds me of the Sinar repro :

  10. #10

    Re: My new DIY camera ...

    Is the fotodiox adapter available as a new product.

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