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Thread: "Sky Rock" Petroglyph

  1. #1
    dperez's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Santa Ana, CA USA

    "Sky Rock" Petroglyph

    I located "Sky Rock," near Bishop, CA over the weekend and I would be willing to provide an LF Forum member with the GPS coordinates to the site. Just send me a PM.

    I recommend a 4x4 vehicle, and some good shoes. There is a little rock hopping involved. Rock climbing gear might be useful, or a lightweight aluminum ladder 6-8 feet tall might also work fine.

    Credit - Galen Rowell
    Source: The Mountain Light Gallery Page


  2. #2
    ROL's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: "Sky Rock" Petroglyph

    Galen was known for keeping secret his locations, even to those he didn't pioneer. He's keeping an even bigger one now – one that we'd all like to know the answer to, but won't likely learn until we too cannot tell anyone else. Why not just post the location for everyone?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: "Sky Rock" Petroglyph

    The park service also won't "advertise" where petroglyph sites are located, to cut down on theft/vandalism.
    Real cameras are measured in inches...
    Not pixels.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    New River AZ

    Re: "Sky Rock" Petroglyph

    Quote Originally Posted by ROL View Post
    Galen was known for keeping secret his locations, even to those he didn't pioneer. He's keeping an even bigger one now – one that we'd all like to know the answer to, but won't likely learn until we too cannot tell anyone else. Why not just post the location for everyone?
    I hope he does not post location as here in AZ many sites have been thoroughly vandalized by GPS toting pottery and artifact thieves. I commend Dperez for putting in the sweat equity in finding the site and hope he has many good neg's for his effort.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: "Sky Rock" Petroglyph

    Congats on finding the holy grail of the Eastern Sierras!
    That rock looks very large in pictures, how big is it really?
    Real cameras are measured in inches...
    Not pixels.

  6. #6 tgtaylor's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: "Sky Rock" Petroglyph

    "I recommend a 4x4 vehicle, and some good shoes. There is a little rock hopping involved. Rock climbing gear might be useful, or a lightweight aluminum ladder 6-8 feet tall might also work fine."

    Several of us found Sky Rock on a trip to the eastern Sierra a couple of years back. WHile a little rock hopping is required and good shoes always comes in handy, a 4x4 or ladder is not required. Once you know where it is at accessing it is fairly straight forward and around a 30 or less minute hike from the road below.

    If you know where it is at, please don't post the location on the internet for the obivious reasons.


  7. #7

    Join Date
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    grand rapids

    Re: "Sky Rock" Petroglyph

    A little heavy on that grad filter, don't you think?

  8. #8
    Tim Sandstrom
    Join Date
    May 2006
    San Jose, CA

    Re: "Sky Rock" Petroglyph

    I'd say don't publish it. People will be able to google the results forever...
    after visiting Petroglyph national monument and seeing all the modern
    stick figures and <boy>+<girl> graffiti, I'd fear for the site.

  9. #9
    dperez's Avatar
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    Santa Ana, CA USA

    Re: "Sky Rock" Petroglyph

    I do not want to anger people by posting the GPS coordinates for anyone to find; however, as I mentioned to a couple people already, I have no problems sharing this info with responsible people, like members of this forum--when asked.

    I am not one of those that believe in keeping such sites a secret, as these sites are for all of us to enjoy, but I am also cognizant of the fact that there are people out there that might cause damage to such sites.

    So, if you'd like the location just PM me and I'll share it with you, and I hope sometime down the road the favor may be returned.



  10. #10
    dperez's Avatar
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    Jun 2008
    Santa Ana, CA USA

    Re: "Sky Rock" Petroglyph

    It seems some thought that the image I linked to in post #1 of this thread was made by me. It is not mine, it was taken by the late Galen Rowell. I gave credit to both him and the Mountain Light Gallery site where the image is hosted. I don't want anyone to think that I am trying to take credit for a picture that I did not author.


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