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Thread: Removing moisture from between elements.

  1. #1

    Removing moisture from between elements.

    Hi, I pulled my Wollensak Velostigmat Wide Angle Ser.III 6 1/4 F 9.5 out of my bag y esterday and noticed what looks like condensation between the lens elements. I h ave removed the two lens element sets from the shutter. Are the indivual element s glued together or can they be seperated and cleaned? Right now I've got the el ement sets next to a 100w spot light trying to maybe make the moisture evaporate (hope its moisture). I haven't found any way to remove the elements from their mounts. Any ideas how to clean the lens or dry it out? Thanks

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 1998

    Removing moisture from between elements.

    The front and rear elements are both cemented doublets. What does the condensation look like? Does it look like bubbles, a fog or crystalization? I can't see how condensation could form between cemented elements...

  3. #3

    Removing moisture from between elements.

    I guess you could say it looks like bubbles. Looks like a slight haze when you hold the elements up to a light, but using a lope, it looks like a faint condensation over the inside surfaces of both element sets. Cemented? that doesn't sound good...

  4. #4
    Format Omnivore Brian C. Miller's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 1999
    Everett, WA

    Removing moisture from between elements.

    This doesn't sound good. I know that there is a place in Colorado which can recoat lenses, maybe they can re-glue lenses, too. Unfortunately, I don't remember the business name.
    "It's the way to educate your eyes. Stare. Pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long." - Walker Evans

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Removing moisture from between elements.

    Focal Point Optics, in, I think, Boulder. Also try Steve Grimes, Sorry I don't have Focal Point's URL ready to hand, but if you do a web search (also look for John Van Stelten, the owner), you'll find it.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Feb 2000

    Removing moisture from between elements.

    Beau, It's time to go shopping for a new wide angle lens. You'll find that re-cementing those separating lens elements is very expensive, providing that you are able to find somebody willing to undertake the job. Contact Steve Grimes at He will give you an honest opinion.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 1998

    Removing moisture from between elements.

    Sounds to me like those elements are just separating and you're seeing the remnants of the cement. I don't think you'll save much in getting them recemented over just buying another Velostigmat. They're inexpensive enough, and if you can find one in barrel, then even better (and cheaper) for you!

  8. #8
    Tracy Storer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Oakland CA

    Removing moisture from between elements. is the place. John Van Stelten (owner) came highly recommended by Jeff Wheeler at Quality Camera in Atlanta. I've just gotten back a lens he cleaned up and recemented for me, it looks great, testing it after the weekend. Good luck, Tracy Storer
    Tracy Storer
    Mammoth Camera Company tm

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