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Thread: Puyo lens

  1. #51

    Re: Puyo lens

    Quote Originally Posted by evgenys View Post
    I have the similar lens but my lens has the word "Trousse" instead of "Tele", made by Darlot, No.36667.
    But! The lens has the different design. The lenses are the same: plano-convex on front with the convex side towards the photographed object and the plano-concave on the back, but this lens is reversed comparing to the "Adjustable landscape lens" formula: the concave side looks not towards the film/plate, but to the plano side of the front lens.
    The all other things (like markings on the barrel) are the same as on the other Puyo lenses I saw here and in the Internet.
    I didn't use the lens yet, because I had to make flange for it, but hope to try it in the nearest future.
    Garrett and Jim, thanks for the tips how use them properly!
    Looks like mine..Ok I tried the back lens with two different position, flat side towards the front, more diffused, flat site towards the back was the way it was when I got it, like every lens it's usable but puyo himself claims in his book that it is not very's hard to know what focal and aperture you are into and it's also not a very fast lens..It has a unique style and is a curious piece of history!

  2. #52

    Re: Puyo lens

    Exemple ..notice the blue Halo around the edges..

  3. #53

    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Tonopah, Nevada, USA

    Re: Puyo lens

    Quote Originally Posted by community1313 View Post
    Looks like mine..Ok I tried the back lens with two different position, flat side towards the front, more diffused, flat site towards the back was the way it was when I got it, like every lens it's usable but puyo himself claims in his book that it is not very's hard to know what focal and aperture you are into and it's also not a very fast lens..It has a unique style and is a curious piece of history!
    Marc, are you making us some pictures??

    I never worry about aperture numbers with lenses like this. Focus, measure the aperture with a ruler, measure the length to ground glass with ruler, and divide. You'll get great results that way. Put some cheap Kodak Polycontrast paper in the holders with a #1/2 or #1 printing filter in the light path and calculate for about ASA 1.

    OOPS I spoke too soon. The color shot above is fantastic! Bravo.

  4. #54

    Re: Puyo lens

    It does shoot nice in colors!

  5. #55

    Re: Puyo lens

    Hello Jim, the aperture ring has a series of numbers, from 9 to 45, they are the size of the aperture in mm, but how can I know exactly the focal by mesuring the lengh to ground glass since it is a "teleobjectif", puyo insists the focusing distance will be actually shorter than the focal!

  6. #56

    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Tonopah, Nevada, USA

    Re: Puyo lens

    Quote Originally Posted by community1313 View Post
    Hello Jim, the aperture ring has a series of numbers, from 9 to 45, they are the size of the aperture in mm, but how can I know exactly the focal by mesuring the lengh to ground glass since it is a "teleobjectif", puyo insists the focusing distance will be actually shorter than the focal!
    Silly me. I've never had a soft focus tele so it didn't enter my empty head. Whatever you're doing seems to be working splendidly! How did you measure for the color shots?

  7. #57

    Re: Puyo lens

    LOL, I guessed it..and burned a few polaroids!
    I have to do more test when it's correctly mounted on the sinar, it needs lots of bellow, I guess it's a 16 inch focus..

  8. #58

    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Puyo lens

    Trying to resurrect this thread to see if the posters have new information, experience and images.
    Hope to add something soon as I, apparently, have complete 4 lens trousse, just with the Puyo name, on its way from Paris.

  9. #59

    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: Puyo lens

    Quote Originally Posted by Steven Tribe View Post
    Interesting images and nice to see Puyo as an artist rather than a name on a brass barrel. Portraits appear to age better than landscapes!
    I think Puyo's landscape nu 6 is totally awesome. THIS is the kind of picture that got me into LF in the first place!!

  10. #60

    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Puyo lens

    My wild purchase has now arrived and here is the first summary info:
    Appears to be a complete trousse set - without the case! So it may be useful for others - including the " make your own Puyo" group!

    Bayonet fixing for all lenses.

    There are bayonet "females" at the ends of the moveable barrel AND at the end of the extended sleeve.
    The barrel end bayonet are the same diameter, whilst the sleeve end bayonet is slightly large in diameter (pretty logical).
    2 of the lenses are clearly marked with a (factory workshop) T.

    The full engraving is:

    Trousse Anachromatique

    formule du Cnt Puyo
    Photo Amateur 21 rue Tronchet

    21 rue Tronchet still exists and is a shop in the French Lingerie chain Etam!

    There is no apparent maker stamp anywhere. Brass construction/threads are as good as they get.

    All lenses are single traditional concave/convex + glass - except one of the T lenses which is concave/plano and is -.
    Will do a quick check of focal lengths later to-day.
    The waterhouse cut out edge has an inch scale from 3.5 to 5.5" with a pointer at 4.6". This scale has at title "Sue". Abreviation for ?
    The barrel has a focussing scale from 1.5meters to infinity.

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