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Thread: Alternatives to Prontor timer

  1. #1

    Alternatives to Prontor timer

    I have been watching Eb** and noticed that the Prontor self timer models are selling for a very, very high price. Does anybody have any suggestions or know of another self timer that would attach to an LF lens that is much more reasonably priced?

    Kind Regards,

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Alternatives to Prontor timer

    The Prontor is not a "self timer". It is a long exposure timer. It sets shutter times of 2 to 32 seconds. Those are not a shutter delay time of 2 to 32 seconds.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 1997
    Baraboo, Wisconsin

    Alternatives to Prontor timer

    As Bob says, the Prontor isn't a self timer, it's just a timer for long exposures. If it's a long exposure timer you're interested in, you can just use your watch or, if you're like me and leave your watch at home when photographing in urban areas, pick up a digital metronome from a music supply store for about $15 and use it. Mine is tiny, weighs maybe a couple ounces, and I just stick it in my back pocket.

    If it's the self timer aspect that you're interested in, places like Adorama used to sell little gadgets that screw into the cable release threads and function as a self timer. AFAIK they're still made.
    Brian Ellis
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    a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

  4. #4
    Whatever David A. Goldfarb's Avatar
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    Honolulu, Hawai'i

    Alternatives to Prontor timer

    Seconding what has been said. For timing exposures two seconds and longer, set a metronome for 120 and subdivide in your head to four beats per second. You can get a cheap digital metronome that is the size of a credit card or even smaller. Musicians do this all the time and can be precise to within thousandths of a second. With sticky or one-speed shutters I sometimes use this method for exposures as short as 1/2 second.

    For self-timer, there are the screw-in devices.

  5. #5
    Ted Harris's Avatar
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    Alternatives to Prontor timer

    A bit of additonal info. Several other companies used to make long exposure timers. Kopil is the one that most readily comes to mind and they sometimes show up used in the 15-40 range as opposed to over 100 for the Prontor. IF self timers are what you are after, in addition to the ones mentioned Prontor also makes one of these. It looks almost like the long timer but has a little switch on the side and a variable delay range from ~ 5 seconds to ~ 15 seconds. No clue what they sell for used as I have never seen one other than the one that is sitting here in front of me.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 1998

    Alternatives to Prontor timer

    Believe me, James, you aren't missing a thing. As others have said the exposure starts the moment you push the release, so it isn't a self timer. And, when it finishes, the timer's release of the plunger is accompanied by a severe jolt of the unit which I couldn't stand.

    For long exposures, use a lens cap as the shutter, open the shutter with the T or B shutter setting [with locking cable release] and time with a cheap battery-powered electronic timer, e.g. Radio Shack. Save a couple of $100.

    Now, for investments, they aren't bad. Bought mine new for $25, sold for $100. Average prices lots higher now. No idea why.

  7. #7

    Alternatives to Prontor timer

    FYI, there are many vendors of self-timers (for delayed release). They are generaly very cheap as well.

  8. #8

    Alternatives to Prontor timer

    James is probably referring to a "long exposure" timer for use on a cable-release. The only other one I've ever seen is called "AutoKnips". It's a small, metal "clockwork" device (like the Prontor, but smaller and all-metal) and was made up to the 1950's, I think. I've bought a couple off *bay for around $20-$25 each. Tests using my Calument shuter tester, however, show the two I have (both AutoKnips II) to be substantially inaccurate, so I eventually bought a used Prontor. The AutoKnips are beautiful little devices and are settable from 1/2 to 10 seconds.

  9. #9

    Alternatives to Prontor timer

    Alec, are you saying that the jolt of the Prontor unit caused image degredation or is this just a personal observation that you do not like? If your images are adversely affected, why not bring it to the attention of Linhof so they can be made aware of it and remedy the situation? If that is not the case and the unit performs its task perfectly well (as mine does) what is your point in making mention of this. I am not wanting to make a big deal of this but I politely do not see what it adds to the question asked in this post - nothing more.


  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Alternatives to Prontor timer

    "bring it to the attention of Linhof"

    This is not a Linhof product. It is a Prontor Product. Prontor Werke is part of the Zeiss Group and not a division of Linhof.

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