In Nov 2001 Yaakov Asher Sinclair posted: "Using Rodinal as a compensation dev f or HP5" Here an other way for compensating dev. to compress the range to about 5 stops:

For nightlife photography I use a special developer (it`s a bit grainy - not for KB 135!). I would like to ask you: has anybodyelse experience with this kind of developer?

Here is the developer, it is a modified Kodak D 23 developer (see: Richter, P.-C .: "Das Arena-Photobuch", 1. Aufl., Wurzburg 1987; p. 264): first bath: aqua dest. 1000 g (appr. 303 K) 4-methyl-amino-phenol-sulfat 10 g sodium sulphite 150 g ad cold water up to 2000 g

second bath: aqua dest. 500 g (appr. 303 K) Tinkal (Na2B4O7*10H2O) 20 g ad cold water up to 2000 g

The develop time is between 5-7 min each bath, agitation three times each half m inute, no water bath before or between the two developer baths! My favourite combination is: Agfapan 100 6 min + 6 min. The negatives are easy t o copy, normaly no special work for shaddows and lights (like the TETENAL EMOFIN - but cheaper). Have a lot of fun!