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Thread: Critique Fest

  1. #71

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    klamath falls, oregon

    Re: Crititique Fest

    Thanks for the comments everyone - it has been a valuable learning experience. I appreciate all of you taking the time to look at my images and make suggestions.

  2. #72

    Re: Crititique Fest

    I love that last shot of yours h20man, it's my new wallpaper. I too would appreciate any help with composition, I've cropped it down a bit to get rid of excess shadow area, but if someone would like to give me some new eyes on this I would be grateful. It's my first time posting an image here.

  3. #73

    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Re: Crititique Fest

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Lee View Post
    I would like to see more fog. It would make the image more poetic, and further soften the trees in the distance.
    Thanks Ken. I too would prefer more fog. As for distant trees, there isn't much I could do about them, as I was wide open already. Probably worth some front swing? Might work, but I found I need more experience with Eidoscope, as even focusing could be tricky. Thanks again.


  4. #74

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    Nov 2004

    Re: Crititique Fest

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Lee View Post
    It's nice simetric composition. I acually quite like it.


  5. #75
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Northern Virginia

    Re: Crititique Fest

    Quote Originally Posted by robertmgray View Post
    I love that last shot of yours h20man, it's my new wallpaper. I too would appreciate any help with composition, I've cropped it down a bit to get rid of excess shadow area, but if someone would like to give me some new eyes on this I would be grateful. It's my first time posting an image here.
    I'm on a computer with no editing capability, so I'll just do it in words. I'm feeling a horizontal composition for this one, rather than the vertical. The top of the silo is offset horizontally in the picture. Thus, the expanse of black at the top distracted me a bit. The image was too big for my monitor, but when I hid the top part, I liked it better. I think I would have liked it better still with some of that blackness off to the left.

    Rick "always looking for balance, and rarely achieving it" Denney

  6. #76

    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    CA Central Coast

    Re: Crititique Fest

    h20man- Hills
    Peter did it.
    I'm always a sucker for luminous grass, and his contrast manipulation is just the thing to make your original decisions pop.

  7. #77

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Massachusetts USA

    Re: Crititique Fest

    Quote Originally Posted by robertmgray View Post
    I too would appreciate any help with composition, I've cropped it down a bit to get rid of excess shadow area, but if someone would like to give me some new eyes on this I would be grateful.
    This may strike the pre-visualization crowd as blasphemous, but it's often helpful to put our photos away - once we have made proofs - long enough to forget them entirely. Once we're no longer emotionally invested in the original, we can proceed freely.

    Here's one of many possible variations.

    One approach is to to make the viewer a little dizzy, to give the image some mystery.
    Last edited by Ken Lee; 23-Jun-2010 at 13:52.

  8. #78

    Re: Crititique Fest

    Thanks Rick, I agree, the top is rather distracting. I've clipped off some of the top and taken a little away from right as Ken had done in his version.

    Thank you Ken for the insight and edit. I took this photo about 3 or 4 months ago and I'm just now taking the time to edit it because I agree with your theory of distancing yourself from the shot. I've left the bottom portion of the photo in the composition because I like how the ladder compartment leads into the main focus of the shot, but I've take some off the top and right. Let me know what you think of the new crop.

  9. #79

    Join Date
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    Massachusetts USA

    Re: Crititique Fest

    I agree that the second version is a nice improvement. Mine may have been a little extreme. A slight spiral motion is more interesting to the eye. When the image is too symmetrical, the tunnel appears more like a disk, IE flat rather than deep. Being off-center also makes us feel that we are looking up, rather than down.

    This photo is also a fine illustration about the effects of image size and viewing distance. Even on my monitor, it's pretty large, and I see that making is smaller, spoils the sense of presence which a large print offers.

    Thanks for agreeing about "post-visualization". When we first make the picture, our head can be cluttered with a mixture of the subject, our pre-visualization, and the print itself. It's best to let the first two drop away on their own, and let the print become the new subject, as it were.

  10. #80

    Re: Crititique Fest

    Your comment about the image being off-centered is definitely what I needed to hear about this photo. I guess I never thought about it, and I definitely have a lot to learn about really observing the effects of my composition, but you're 100% right. When I set the camera up in the silo I really didn't get to compose as much as I do for landscape, I really just had to put a wide angle on it and make sure it was flat and focused, so I knew I would be doing a lot of editing to get the composition right.

    Image size definitely affects this image more so than my other photos, I think it's safe to say that I'll be skipping past the 8x10 print size when I get the scan right. The scan and editing were both done on an uncalibrated monitor too, so I hope what you guys are seeing isn't too far from my view; I will definitely be purchasing some kind of calibrator soon.

    Thanks again Ken!

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