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Thread: Critique Fest

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Morro Bay, Ca

    Re: Crititique Fest

    Jim Michael
    That's exactly what I had in mind while shooting this. I wanted to show (and highlight) the interesting part, which is the hole in the formation. But it needed some depth and context to see what it actually is in the wild. I like the highlights in the hole rendered to be the brightest part of the image as you've done. I don't think the sky confuses the brain as much like this either. Thanks for the effort.


  2. #32

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    klamath falls, oregon

    Re: Crititique Fest

    Sorry Marko,

    I was too lazy to go back and look while writing my reply. By the way, one of the images I most remember from this forum was I believe yours - some rocks along the beach in a pano ratio, maybe at Laguna Beach?

    Gregg Waterman

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Morro Bay, Ca

    Re: Crititique Fest

    If you don't mind one more post, I took the all suggestions and came up with what works best for me. Rather than crop the sky out completely, I cropped it a little, and burned it down for less distraction.
    Thanks to everyone who offered a suggestion.


  4. #34

    Join Date
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    Southern California

    Re: Crititique Fest

    Quote Originally Posted by h2oman View Post
    Sorry Marko,

    I was too lazy to go back and look while writing my reply. By the way, one of the images I most remember from this forum was I believe yours - some rocks along the beach in a pano ratio, maybe at Laguna Beach?

    Gregg Waterman
    Thanks Gregg, perhaps it was this one?

    Malibu Beach, a 4x5 crop, film scan.

  5. #35
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Re: Crititique Fest

    Peter, ultimately you are the one who saw and felt the scene in front of you. Including the sky most likely gives the image the sense of place that you experienced.

    Good job!


    PS...thanks to everyone for the comments on my version. I had been in the darkroom for about 20 or so hours straight (except for a trip out to get a burrito, and some ice to cool down my carbon transfer bath.) My thinking tends to get very loosely centered on photography in such cases. There are a lot of half hour or so periods that I have to wait for the next step in the process to begin -- so focusing on this and the APUG forum keeps me focused on photography.

    Now 24 hours later, I am at home, letting my mind wind down slowly, with a bottle of stout, a sandwich and some Neil Young. But it might take another beer and a shower before I can lay my head down. This thread has been particularly nice -- thanks Ken!

  6. #36

    Join Date
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    klamath falls, oregon

    Re: Crititique Fest

    That's the one, Marko.

    Here's the story behind my submission: I had been shooting a little in an old industrial part of town, and saw this big gear box thing that I liked. Unfortunately the most interesting and accessible side was just on the other side of a wire fence. I had met the owner on a previous shoot, and the company is a crane company. Perfect, I'll just ask them to pick it up and move it to a better location for me.

    Of course I didn't really mean that. Later I struck on the idea of a diptych, with one shot having the fence in focus, and the other the gears. I went back and got the two exposures. It was a bit tedious trying to get the crops the same, as well as the tonal processing. Once I did I wasn't thrilled with the result. I tried a high contrast version and liked it better. It doesn't probably contain enough info for the rest of you to fool with it.

    The two real questions: Does the idea behind the diptych have any merit in your opinion? Is the high contrast treatment successful in your opinion?

    Give it to me straight - I have plenty of other things to move on to if this needs to be abandoned! I just printed it on 8x10, and it looks a bit better that way than on my monitor.

  7. #37

    Join Date
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    Southern California

    Re: Crititique Fest

    Personally, I'd try to set up right next to the fence and stick the lens through the wire...

  8. #38

    Join Date
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    klamath falls, oregon

    Re: Crititique Fest

    Hopefully my post didn't kill this thread! If the image stinks just say so. Or maybe someone else will post something and we can move on...

  9. #39

    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Athens, Greece

    Re: Crititique Fest

    h2oman, I like those gears very much. Unfortunately the thing with the fence doesn't work too much for me... it just makes me miss what you could have done if you had access to the gears!

    I don't think you killed this thread, threads go up and down in activity all the time.

    For those "what could you do with my picture" posts, I think it's best if people give us some room to move and post "raw" scan data, like Ken has done. I dabbled with Ken's pictures and enjoyed it, but what other people posted was better than what I could do in the little time I had.

  10. #40

    Join Date
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    Massachusetts USA

    Re: Crititique Fest

    "Give it to me straight"

    When we first make a photo, what we see is an amalgam of the subject, the pre-visualized photo in our head, and finally, the photo itself. What others see, is merely the photograph.

    So it may be helpful to put away our recent work away until we can forget it entirely. When we come back to it, we are no longer trying to prove anything to ourselves, so we can see our photos more objectively.

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