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Thread: Stolen LF equipment. Heart broken, to say the least

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2001

    Stolen LF equipment. Heart broken, to say the least

    My wife and I were house sitting for a family member up in San Francisco this pa st weekend. Off to a great start, I photographed the Golden Gate bridge from dif ferent viewpoints, capturing some great images on 4x5 Tri-X film.

    Until I woke up.

    We got into our car this morning, which was parked on the street behind the gara ge, only to find that it had been borken into. The thief obviosly didn't know wh at to think of a collapsed Canham 4x5 camera. Strange looking, he must have thou ght. Hmmm, now this Domke black satchel would look great, though. Gitzo? What is that? He left that, too.

    I am sure he will never appreciate the differences between a 210mm Sironar-S and a Sironar-N, or my modified Pentax Zone VI spot meter. Absolutely not. And my a ssortment of filters, film holders, Leica 5X loupe and many others.

    Anyway, not to make a sob story worse, it will take me a long time to accumulate these tools again. My wife and I were planning a month-ling trip in southern Ut ah / Arizona / New Mexico in May. I just don't have the energy to feel excited a bout photographing those places in 35mm. I anticipate that I will again get thes e items again. Not for a while, though.

    I called the insurance company after filing a report with the police. All seemed to be going well, until the agent depressingly told me that they would only rei mburse me up to $250, since the crime happened at another location other than ou r home. Ba humbug.

    Thank you all for all of the wonderful information you have given me over the la st 12 months since I purchased my first LF camera. I have learned a great deal. Hopefully I can return the favors when I get back into LF again.

    Keep shooting.

    -Andy Biggs

  2. #2

    Stolen LF equipment. Heart broken, to say the least

    That is a depressing story Andy,Im sorry for you.Lesson learned:dont leave anything of value in your car in a city,anywhere! Turning your back on camera gear is asking for trouble....

  3. #3

    Stolen LF equipment. Heart broken, to say the least

    I was deeply disturbed to read your post. At the same time I am pleased that you and your wife are OK and did not have the thief break into the house. That could have been much worse. I can only hope that you hit the lottery or come into some money to get back to where you were with your equipment.

    A thief can take your physical possessions and leave you feeling terribly violated, but he cannot take your knowledge and enthuisiasm for the art.

    I believe that there is a lesson to be learned at many junctures in this think called life and your situation is no different. Verify that your insurance covers you wherever you are not just at your house and never leave your equipment in your car overnight if at all possible. Here is to a quick recovery.


  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenbank, WA

    Stolen LF equipment. Heart broken, to say the least

    Andy: I suggest you write up a description of what was lost and fax it with serial numbers to the major camera stores in San Francisco. Does this sound far fetched? Thieves often go right to the major stores since they don't really know what the stuff is and Fox photo isn't going to help them out. It is too specialized for most pawn shops. They sell it with a sob story that explains why they don't know anything about it. At least in California, the stores are supposed to run the serial numbers of what they buy used to make sure the stuff isn't stolen. In reality they usually don't do this. When I got cleaned out back in 1991, the thief went to a MAJOR LA Camera store and the stuff was traded in with a story about how it belonged to his dad blah blah blah. The numbers were not run, in violation of the law. The next good faith purchaser of my Zone VI 8X10 camera called Zone VI to try to get the warranty transferred to him, Zone VI called me since I'd told them (and had ordered a replacement), and I called the MAJOR LA Camera store. On the phone they said they'd taken in a "bunch of stuff" from this guy [gee - what might that other stuff be?], but when the cops got there to reclaim all that stuff the story was they'd only taken in the one camera. Sadly, some stores don't seem to care too much about following the law on used equipment with serial numbers, and after they buy it and are going to be the ones out of pocket when the real owner comes, they won't help you out. (I almost had mixed feelings when that MAJOR store went up in flames during the so-called King riots.) But if you get the list to them now before its money out of their pocket, you never know. Make it a one page fax which gives instant notice that it is a list of stolen property, reference the Report # with SFPD or whoever you reported it to. Describe whatever bag it may be brought in when it comes time to fence it. Also, read your own insurance policy, don't take the agent's word on it. Check your auto policy for possible coverage of items stolen from the car. I know what a rotten feeling this is (even when insured) and I'm sorry you had this experience.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenbank, WA

    Stolen LF equipment. Heart broken, to say the least

    Also, I wanted to add something for the general enlightenment of anybody else who shivers when they read what happened here: Read your homeowners' policy and see if there is a cap on certain types of losses. Many policies, for example, will have a $200 cap on stolen coinage or cash. A limit on silverware. A limit for firearms. You get the idea -- insurance companies aren't dumb and they tend to put caps in there on the stuff most likely to be stolen. They think this stuff over drinks at the Actuary Bar. Is there a cap on camera equipment? Better find out now. Second point: Do you have replacement cost coverage? It doesn't cost that much more to get it and you don't get in a big fight with the adjuster over what is the depreciated value of a 6 year old meter, a 30 year old Symmar, etc. You get the price of a new one. Don't own a house? Get a renters' policy, they are available and if you assume your landlord or his/her/it's insurer is going to take care of you, you're wrong. And, if you're a pro, don't assume that your homeowners' will cover you for equipment you use in business. I guarantee you there's an exclusion for that, you need a business policy. Anyway, I've said enough, but just reading about this made me angry about what happened a decade ago.

  6. #6

    Stolen LF equipment. Heart broken, to say the least

    Although it won't solve your problem, use the $250 from your insurance company to rent a lens for your trip. Photomark in Phoenix, AZ rents a 210mm Sironar-N for $54/week and perhaps they will cut you a better deal still for a monthly rental. You can find them at

    I also second Kevin's advice, as I once recovered a pair of expensive audio amplifiers that were stolen by contacting all of the dealers in the area and asking them to keep their eyes open.

  7. #7
    Old School Wayne
    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Stolen LF equipment. Heart broken, to say the least

    A very sad story, my sympathies go out to you. That really sucks. I've dreaded that very scenario happening to me, but formtunately it hasnt. Several years ago I asked my agent if my gear would be covered if stolen from my car, and he said it would. This means I should revisit the subject with him, and you might want to read your policy to be absolutely sure it wasnt covered, because I had no special coverage.

    But dont let the lowlife stop you from LF photography. Living well is your best revenge (other than strangling them;-). Use it as an opportunity to learn what you dont need (and where not leave it). $250 gets you either a clunky old wood field ( or maybe not so clunky, if you are lucky like I was), or a barrel lens or two. Another $100 bucks gets you a packard shutter. hey, you're almost back shooting again. Watch ebay for the homely deals that nobody else wants, and make them your interim outfit. You can be shooting again for $600-700 bucks if you really want, and $250 of that is paid for. or you can let the bastards ruin your plans. Uh-uh, dont let them do that.

  8. #8

    Stolen LF equipment. Heart broken, to say the least

    If possible, please post a detailed description, with serial numbers, of all your stolen equipment. If someone tries to sell your equipment on E-Bay, hopefully the members of this large format community will alert you.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Forest Grove, Ore.

    Stolen LF equipment. Heart broken, to say the least

    I can commiserate. It took me a long time to accumulate my equipment, and I would hate to lose it. As a result, I get paranoid everytime that I leave home with my gear, or for that matter, leave home without my gear!

    You said that you checked with your insurance. Was that with your auto insurance or your homeowners (or renter's) insurance? Just a thought.

    It's fortunate that you didn't lose everything. They were probably nervous about what they were doing and in a hurry. A lense, a light meter, and a few film holders, and you'll be in "gear" again.

  10. #10

    Stolen LF equipment. Heart broken, to say the least

    Andy, you have my sympathy, this is my worst fear too. Don't get discouraged. By the way, I have ben asking a quote to my insurance company recently. They ask 4% of the new value a year! I d eclined.


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