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Thread: Schneider 58XL vs. Rodenstock Apo Grandagon 55?

  1. #1
    Beverly Hills, California
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Beverly Hills, CA

    Schneider 58XL vs. Rodenstock Apo Grandagon 55?

    This question has not been asked in the archives, so here goes:

    I am considering getting one of these two ultra wide lenses in next few months t o augment the charming Nikkor 90 (which many times is not wide enough for the sh ot)for full 4x5 frame coverage.

    Anyone have experience of their own choosing between these two, and if so, which one did you get, the Schneider or the Rodenstock, and what was your reasoning?

    Word is, optically the Rodenstock is excellent. Any other tid-bits?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 1999

    Schneider 58XL vs. Rodenstock Apo Grandagon 55?

    Andre, As you know from a previous posting I too am looking for a wide angle, so I've been doing plenty of research!! The 55 Rodenstock seems to be VERY good, only problem I've come across is a posting where the flimsy rodenstock lens caps have rubbed on the rear element and marked the glass!! A replacement cap would solve this!! It also appears that a centre filter is essential too (extra cost). FRom all reports the 55 vs the 58XL seems to be an even match!! This narrows the choice down between both lenses to something as simple as brand loyalty!! Just some thoughts!! Regards Paul

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Schneider 58XL vs. Rodenstock Apo Grandagon 55?

    "only problem I've come across is a posting where the flimsy rodenstock lens caps have rubbed on the rear element and marked the glass!!"

    That is the only time we heard of it also and we are the distributor.

    The person who psted that comment, I believe, had purchased a used lens and this comment may have no bearing on a new one. To date no one who has bought a new lens in the past 12 years has reported this to us.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 1999

    Schneider 58XL vs. Rodenstock Apo Grandagon 55?

    Yeh, but it's still worrying all the same!! I only mentioned this "problem" as it's the only negative point I've come across for this lens!! Lighten up Bob!!

  5. #5

    Schneider 58XL vs. Rodenstock Apo Grandagon 55?

    For the record let me state that the three wonderful Rodenstock lenses (90mm f4.5 Grandagon, 135mm f5.6 Sironar-S, 210mm Sironar-S) that I bought new last year came with flimsy, thin, and inadequate lens caps stamped with the word Rodenstock on them.

    From this forum I learned of the existence of machined delrin lens caps made by S.K. Grimes, and I have now replaced all my lens caps with these very substantive improvements. These lenses deserve to be better protected and now Rodenstock's 'oversight' has been corrected.

    The issue of flimsy lens caps has surfaced before on this forum, as has the elegant solution provided by S.K. Grimes.

  6. #6

    Schneider 58XL vs. Rodenstock Apo Grandagon 55?

    For full details see:

    These are the Linhofs of lens caps.

  7. #7

    Schneider 58XL vs. Rodenstock Apo Grandagon 55?

    I don't think that Bob said anything out of line. He was only stating that in the past 12 years there was only one comnplaint, and that complaint may not have been based upon a manufacturer's supplied lens cap.

    I think that Paul needs not to be so defensive.


  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Schneider 58XL vs. Rodenstock Apo Grandagon 55?

    No Paul.

    You relax. " but it's still worrying all the same!!"

    It simply has not, is not and will not be an issue.

    If you truly want to end all worries buy a set of custom Novoflex metal caps. but you would be the first to do so.

  9. #9
    Kevin Kolosky
    Join Date
    Jun 1999

    Schneider 58XL vs. Rodenstock Apo Grandagon 55?


    There is one plain and simple answer to your question. Ask each distriutor to suggest a stocking dealer near you who has a demo lens of the type you are condisering buying. Really no different that asking for a test drive when you go to buy a new car. If they won't allow you to test the lens you are considering buying, run from that place as fast as you can. But don't rely on someone telling you something might be good when you are buying a new lens. Test the one you want to buy and make sure that if it is no good you can take it back. I am sure that the Rodenstock people and the Schneider people want to know when they have a lemon out there and I am sure they would be willing to take it back if it proves to be so. Right Bob?


  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Schneider 58XL vs. Rodenstock Apo Grandagon 55?

    All lenses supplied by us are warrantied to perform to their specifications. If not thet are reaired or replaced per warranty.

    However very few retailers will make new lenses used by renting their new stock. So the specific lens a dealer rents isn't always a new boxed unit. It is a lens in their rental stock.

    Virtually all dealers dealing in pro equipment rent so there is no problem finding one. Just there may not be one near where he lives.

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