I want to thank everyone for coming. I was a bit nervous about it, but we ended up with 10 all up which I think is a pretty good attendance. It goes to show we can put on as good a show as those Melbournians! We had a wide variety of interesting gear/different formats - I think only 2 cameras the same brand, but different models. It goes to show between ten people we all approach our photography from different points of view which gives plenty to talk about.

I'm not to sure where to from here - so suggestions are welcome. I feel we should have regular meetings, but more 'showing photos' orientated. I have this idea of having a LF gallery exhibition - all of us contributing. I think a purely film exhibition, and LF as well, is now a unique thing. An existing gallery may take us on, or do it ourselves. A friend of mine is a landscape artist, and he hires a publicist for each of his exhibitions. The publicist doesn't cost much and he gets his photo and articles in all the local newspapers. Just something to think about - craftsmen are generally not good at selling themselves.

I was really amiss. I should have got each of your email addresses and phone numbers to organise whatever in the future. I would appreciate it if each of you could send me a private Message with those details?

Thanks all for coming - Tony Lewis