This thread started approximately one week ago with a simple question. Lost in most of the replies is the simple answer. Look back, and you will see that a simple yes or no is all that was necessary.

Fortunately, many of those who took the time to read the original query, have been favorably impressed with the issue in question. And predictably, those who do not subscribe, have subscribed, or never will subscribe, have chimed in. And, as in the past, they have chosen this public forum to air their personal grievances that would be better dealt with at the source. However, I am not surprised to see the same individuals chime in every two months or so.

On a personal note, I will say that over the twenty-plus years since the inception of View Camera magazine I have been a subscriber, with a few lapses. Over the years some of the issues I have found to be mediocre, some interesting, and some outstanding. That is all I would ask of any publication. And, as to delivery, not a single issue has failed to arrive in my mailbox.

During this same twenty-year interval, I subscribed to three photography magazines that folded and left me without recourse and without a magazine. In this light, I commend the publisher of View Camera magazine for the ability to produce a good product for a niche market.