Dear contributors, I would like to know how do you go about adapting a second hand shutter to a sec ond hand lens. The question is maybe wrongly formulated because I should make cl ear what the problem (according to my doubts) is. If you have a lens with a old or damaged or untrustworthy shutter, you better change the shutter, only, there is very little chance to find the same shutter on the second hand market. If yo u are lucky enough to find a shutter which fits your lens it might originally ha ve come frome a different type of lens(e.g. focal length) therefore the aperture s indicated on the aperture scale won't match when used on a different lens. I h ave a Ektar 203mm f 7,7 mounted on a prontor shutter which is a difficult shutte r to work with in portraiture because it has no position in which it stays open for focusing. O.K. you can focus with the lens on " B" but you must admit it is just that little nuisance which you don't need while taking pictures. The same p roblem applays to other vintage lenses which you can find on the second hand mar ket. Thanks!