I have in my possession a book entitled, "The Fifth International Photographic S alon of Japan", 1931----under the auspices of the all Japan assoc. of photograph ic societies in the Asahi Shimbun--Tokyo & Osaka.

As a probably rare book, it may be of value, however, I'm more interested in its history, the going ons in Japan at that time and any other pertinent info.

The forward info in the book is interesting--apparently the salon started in 192 7--the 1931 exhibition had 4580 entries and a total 713 entries were selected fr om 39 countries-----selected items came from the Royal Photographic Society of E ngland and from the collection of Dr. N. Perscheid of Germany (?????????---any i deas who Perscheid was?). I did not recognize any names from the USA entries, ho wever, Lotte Jacobi of Germany had several entries, as did Frank Drtikol of Czec h. Perhaps with further research, I will be able to identify other photographers .

I would appreciate any suggestion re: Japanese authorities on this book/subject matter or for that matter, Dr. N. Perscheid of Germany.

Thank you for taking an interest--------Raymond